The Lioness (13 page)

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Authors: Mary Moriarty

BOOK: The Lioness
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Chapter 17

Rose sat across from Andrew Smith and tried to focus.
She was so tired and was sure it showed. “What are you saying, Mr. Smith?”

“Please, call me Andrew.”

Rose leaned in closer and whispered, “You are trying
to tell me they want me out in a week’s time or sooner. If I don’t, what

Andrew felt uncomfortable, looking down at the napkin
he was twisting. “They will force you.”

Rose felt herself snap to attention. “That’s a damn
threat. I will not be intimidated by the US government. I will go into hiding.
I can, you know. They won’t find me. I can very well do that. I will also be making
calls and this will be in the papers as soon as the week’s up, if I don’t have
Ty back. They will not get away with this.”

Andrew felt sick, felt his head getting tight. Here
was a woman who was desperate to get the man back that she loved, and she
wasn’t afraid. He glanced over at her two bodyguards. One of them stood up. The
man spoke in Arabic.

Noori  bent down towards Rose. “Is everything okay,
Rose?” he asked her in a hushed Arabic.

Rose spoke in rapid fire Arabic back, knowing this Mr.
Smith wouldn’t follow. Noori looked at her and frowned at Andrew.

Andrew knew this wasn’t going well. Sweat was starting
to run down his back, despite the air conditioning in the restaurant. “Let me
make this clear, I came here to warn you, Miss O’Malley. I don’t agree with
their plan but I thought it would be fair to let you know. Something is of
importance and the US government thinks it’s, well let’s just say it’s wiser
for all parties concerned if you leave.”

“Well, of all the balls. That takes the cake. So what
of Ty? Let him rot and die? I don’t think so. You can let them know that you
talked with me, but I know you won’t let them know we had this talk. But tell
them I have made contacts with certain rulers and they are going to work on
this. I am going to the TV station this morning to have a news conference, to
let the captors know I want to talk. I want to know their demands. I will not,
and I repeat, will not leave Iraq till I have Ty, plain and simple.”

Andrew took a sip of his water and wiped his forehead.
“You know, Miss O’Malley, I have the utmost respect for you. You really spoke
to me yesterday and you are right in what you are doing. I know I wouldn’t be as
brave as you, but who knows what I would do if pushed to the extreme like you
have been. I will see what I can do to buy you time and will let you know. I
will let you know in time so if you need to, go into hiding.”

Rose took a deep breath. She was taking out everything
on this man. “I’m sorry for the way I reacted, you didn’t deserve it. I
apologize.”  She looked up at Noori, who was standing, and told him something
in Arabic.

He looked back down at Andrew, making him feel very
small. Bowing to Rose, he left.

Rose sat back and looked over at Andrew Smith. “He is
very protective. He almost got killed because of me once in a market in
Afghanistan. He will take care of me if I have to go into hiding. I can tell
you this. America will not be happy if this leaks. My father’s connections,
friends in some circles, will raise hell with it, to say the least.” She leaned
in closer. “I appreciate you putting yourself on the line though, and I will
make sure your name doesn’t come up.”

She sat back and saw a gentleman come in. He looked to
be an American and really out of place. “I think we have company, so I will
leave you… Don’t be surprised at what I do.” She gave him a look that she knew
would help him, at least a little bit. She pushed her chair back.  In a loud
voice that she knew would reach the new gentleman, “What do you take me for? Go
get your company elsewhere.” With that she slapped his face. It was loud and
brought everyone to attention.

 She saw Noori look at that moment and saw his smile.

Andrew didn’t know what to expect but a slap on the
face wasn’t it. “Jesus. I didn’t mean. Damn!” He stood up, his chair falling
over. Turning, he saw the man who Rose was talking about making his way towards
his table.

“We need to talk, Mr. Smith.”

Andrew tried to act like he didn’t have a clue but he
knew he wasn’t too good at it. “I don’t seem to know your name.”

“Names aren’t important. You made a mistake in warning
her. This situation is delicate. She’s going to ignite the whole region with
the crew she and her father are grouping together.”

Andrew was trying to think quickly. He had to get in
touch with her. Let her know. He saw Rose talk with her friend and then another
two men joined them. One headed to the men’s room. “Listen, let me take a leak,
then we can leave and go back to my office.”

“Okay, hurry though. There is no way to get out of here,
so don’t try. We will go back to the Embassy and we’ll have a talk.”

Andrew felt desperate to get some kind of message to
Rose. “Yes, yes, I’ll be right back. I think this has been one big mistake that
we will clear up.” He pushed past the nameless man and headed into the
bathroom. Seeing one stall occupied he called out in his halting Arabic. “Are
you Rose’s friend?”

“Yes,” came the reply.

Tell her she must be careful, they are suspicious of
our conversation.”

The voice slid a card out from the stall. It had the
name of a shop and a number. Harmless enough looking. “Call this number or
leave a message if you have to. It will get it to her.”

Andrew turned on the water and washed his hands and
then splashed his face with water. Grabbing a paper towel, he said his thanks
and left. As he came out he saw what looked like an Iraqi talking to Mr. No
name. He stepped back into the shadows and watched. The conversation wasn’t
going this man’s way. Then he saw him being muscled out of the restaurant. He
felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t turn back.

“Things happen quickly here. She has more time, as do
you. He will be safe till we have what we want.” Then the man left. Andrew
stood there and couldn’t believe what just happened, what he just saw. It was
just like a spy novel or movie.  He was going to need this vacation.

Chapter 18

Rose sat in front of the camera, still unnerved with
what had just happened at the restaurant and what Noori and Daoud told her. She
never would have taken Daoud for being so bold. She wanted to laugh, but
adjusted her head covering instead. She was getting ready to make a statement
and then wait.

“Rose are you ready?”

Rose looked at her loyal friend. “Yes, Noori, as ready
as I will ever be.”


Ty sat with his hands in his lap. He was in the very
next room from Rose at the TV station. They had a TV in front of him so he
could see the broadcast. After she got off and had left he would be ushered in,
with his captor, face covered, holding a gun. He had seen these so many times,
never thinking it would be him.

Then he saw her. She looked straight into the camera. She
spoke in clear Arabic, not making a mistake. She was making it clear she was
here to work with his captors, to get this resolved. Then it showed the
president of Afghanistan and then the King of Jordan pledging help to resolve
this and act as third parties for the negotiations, whatever they may be.

That part of the broadcast ended and he knew it was
his turn. He wanted to get it over with. He was getting up and heard Rose. She
was talking to Noori.

“Wait until they leave.” his captor said.


Ty sat with his head bowed. He knew it would come to
this eventually. Except for the time he was taken and saw his driver, Noori’s
cousin, killed he hadn’t seen a gun. He hadn’t really been mistreated. He only
saw who he knew as Abdul, never the older one until now. He was the one that
worried Ty. Now though, Abdul had a mask on and a scarf around his neck and was
holding an AK47. He knew it was for show but it still unnerved him to have a
gun around him and knew it would be pointed at him during the broadcast.

“Okay, you there….” Ty looked up to look into the face
of what looked like a university student. “Sit straight, look like you are
well. You are to make sure you don’t try to send any messages because we will
kill you and then we will kidnap your girlfriend. Do you understand?”

Ty was mad. He had dealt with Abdul, they had already
gone over this. This fresh faced militant was new to him but he didn’t scare

“Listen, I have already talked with Abdul and we have
everything settled. I also said no harm was to come to Rose….”

“Dead men can’t help their loved ones,” the young man
said harshly.

Ty got up and at the same moment Abdul came in and
someone else. From his build he guessed it to be his older brother, both with
masks on, both holding guns.

“They spoke in Arabic, the older taking the lead. The
younger was trying to take some control, but Ty knew he was a subordinate and
wasn’t happy about it.

Abdul came up. “What happened?”

Ty looked into the eyes that couldn’t be hidden behind
the mask. “He threatened Rose.”

Abdul knew family was strong. They had to be but his
nephew wanted to be in charge and was like a powder keg ready to go off. His
brother Omar had to deal with it later, but he was going to deal out a little
right now. Turning, he caught him just as he was walking past. He let the back
of his hand make contact. He heard the breath go out of his nephew and heard
the exclamation from his brother.

“What are you doing? This man is our hostage, not a

Abdul knew his brother wouldn’t see it now, maybe
never, but his son wanted his father’s spot. “You better deal with the problem
soon or the whelp will have your position, he wants it so badly. Then, cocking
his head towards Ty, he continued; “He may not be our friend, but he is what we
need and I made a promise. This young one needs to shut up or I will shut him
up, family or no family.”


Guns on each side of his head, he had the paper in his
hand but he didn’t need it. He knew the whole paper by heart, inside and out.

“I am Ty Madison, American journalist with the New
York Times. I was taken by a group that calls themselves The Liberation Front for
Iraq. I am being treated well. My captors ask only a few things. If these
demands are met I will be set free. If not I will remain in captivity until
they get what they want.”

Ty took a breath and wiped his forehead. Sweat dripped
down and hit the paper. His hands shook. He felt the gun barrel point harder
into his temple. He looked up again and saw the younger one sneer. He sat up

“My captors ask for more involvement by the Sunnis in
the new government. They want it not so one sided. They want these men released
immediately.” He listed off the ten men. “They would like to have talks with
the foreign fighters that are coming in from other countries. The freedom of
Iraq is the responsibility of its own people, not other countries. Gradual
troop pull-out of the US troops. Leave advisors to train our army.

“We ask our brothers to stop the senseless killing
with suicide bombs. We are free of tyranny. Now let us get back on our feet and
be part of the world. I Ask that you take these demands seriously. The safety
of my loved one is in jeopardy. My life is on the line.”

Chapter 19

Fatima went to Abdul’s office. She hadn’t gone in
there in a very long time. She needed batteries and knew he kept them in there.
No one would know… he had so many. She would be in and out of there before he
was back. She went in, opened the drawer. Grabbing the batteries and closing
the drawer, she was about to leave when she heard a noise in the storage room.
Another room that she hadn’t been in for a long time.

“What could that noise be?” She walked up to the door
and grabbing the door knob, she gave the door a shove because it always stuck.
She thought she was seeing things but after her eyes adjusted to the gloom she
knew she wasn’t daydreaming. She was looking into the eyes of her new friend
Rose’s boyfriend, who had been kidnapped. Hand flying to her mouth, she felt
the blood drain from her brain.

Ty was as shocked as the woman who stood in front of
him. He knew she couldn’t think, let alone speak. “It’s okay. You are Abdul’s

Fatima sank to her knees. “How long have you been
here? Did they bring you here right away?”

Ty sat up. “No, they moved me around for a couple of
days…I think. Then they brought me here, just before Rose arrived in the
country. You’ve seen her, how is she?”

Fatima couldn’t believe it. If her brothers knew she
knew that they had the hostage, well…. She buried her face in her hands. Her
dear husband never would have done this. This made her brothers like the rest.

Looking up, she saw how he hoped to hear something,
anything about Rose. “She is fine, but tired. She, she. Did you hum or sing
last night?”

Ty couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, I couldn’t help it. That
was how I would relax her. I would sing or hum while she fell asleep. When she
was hurt and when she was so sick I would hold her and sing.”

“You know she loves you so much. She went to the TV
station today.”

“I know. I was there too. We did a spot after.”

Fatima knew now why Abdul had acted so strangely this
morning. He had been so short and snapped. He was never like that, well except
for the day they took Ty. Now she knew, now she understood. He had said it was the
stress of making ends meet but it was his secret life. She got up quickly.
“They, my brothers, can’t know I have been here, that I know. I will come,
bring you extra food. We will talk, but please don’t let them know I have been
here.” She glanced over her shoulder. She heard the front door. “I must go….”

She closed the door and ran out of the office. She put
the batteries back and ran out through the courtyard door. So that’s how her brother
kept things so secret. She heard Abdul call for her. She tried to catch her
breath. Grabbing wash off the line that he had set up for her, she yelled back.
“Out here.”

Abdul met his sister as she was coming in with
clothes. She bumped into him and scurried past. “Sorry Abdul, I am busy, must
go to the market, I forgot something.”

“I will bring you, you shouldn’t go without me.”

“NO! I mean no Abdul it’s okay, I won’t be long. I
have to do some sewing and I need a certain color of thread, and I want some
beads and buttons. I would rather go myself to relax. I have supper cooking. We
will have a nice meal, just you and me.” She gave him a look from above the
laundry she had piled up in front of her face. Now she knew why more of the
food was missing. He was feeding Ty. At least she knew he was eating well.

er brother was more sensitive than Omar. If only she were
a man, what she would do to her brothers, especially Omar. She was older but
since he was just a year younger and he was a man, he treated her as such.
Abdul always treated her well. Omar was just indifferent. He wasn’t mean. He
must have been the one to plan this. Abdul would never do this on his own.

“Omar may come over.”

“Without Layla and the children? He never brings them
anymore.” She knew why, though.

“He’s been busy, the children have been sick.”

Fatima knew her younger sister-in-law was overwhelmed
with all the little ones, Omar’s second wife. He kept her pregnant. His first
wife had been her best friend. She had died giving birth to Hamid. Omar had
waited a while and then married a cousin of his first wife.

“Well if he is coming over here, I will go see his
wife and the children. See if I can help.”


Abdul thought how Fatima always seemed to know,
without knowing. She would leave and go see their sister-in-law and he and Omar
could talk without her being here.

“I will bring you and pick you up.”

Fatima put the wash down. “Maybe Hamid can bring me

Abdul thought of this morning, “I don’t think he will
be home. He hasn’t been very happy lately. Omar says he doesn’t stay at home
much. I will pick you up.”

“Okay, that is settled. I will go to the market now,”
Fatima said quickly.

Fatima needed to get out, she had to get air, even if
it was clogged with dirt. She felt like she was in a very bad dream. She
wouldn’t be able to look Rose in the eyes now that she knew. No, she would have
to. She couldn’t let anyone know she knew. She would live the lie, just like
her brothers. She would do her part, though, and it wasn’t going to hurt them
to know she was helping but in her own way. She would make Ty as comfortable as
possible without her brother’s knowledge. There was time in the day when no one
was here but her.

She had to leave, she had to think. This was too much.


Rose had a little down time and was back in her room.
She had a ton of messages and had email to do. Nothing mattered though as she
watched the TV. There sat Ty. He must have been at the station either just
before her or after. God to be so close yet so far.

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