The Laughing Gorilla (51 page)

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Authors: Robert Graysmith

Tags: #Social Science, #Criminology, #Fiction, #General

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Gordon, Harry.
See also
Gorilla Man
Gorilla Man.
See also
Bay Hotel autopsy murder; Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors); Hotel Irwin autopsy murder
alcohol impact on
appearance of
arrest of
autopsies, attraction to
Clara Newman (victim)
criminal record of
fear of
Florence W. Johnston (victim)
“gamekeeper’s thumb”
hands of
Harry Gordon as
head injuries of
hospitalization of
James Ferral (father)
jewelry sold by
knuckle-walking by
landladies and
laugh of
Lillian Fabian (aunt)
Lydia (wife)
Mary Theresa Martin (wife)
migraines of
motive of
nails of
pattern of
razors and
religious mania of
remorse not felt by
sailor as suspect
sexual appetite and perversion of
strength of
traveling serial killer (first)
uncontrollable impulses of
Wilhelm Johnston as
Gorilla Men.
See also
Fell, Slipton; Hughes, Jessie Scott Johnson “Josie” (murder); Kingsbury Run Butcher; Malcolm, Wesley (murder)
Europe and
plague of
“Gorilla Murderer, the”
See also
Gorilla Man
actors portraying in movies
intelligence of
silverback gorillas
wild vs. captive
Gorman, Joe
Gottiand Roland
Gowan, Lola (victim)
graft investigation (SFPD)
Graham, Robert
Grant, Virginia (victim)
Gray, Wilton A.
Great Ferry Loop
Guidera, Matthew
Guinta, Joseph
Gurtler, Harry
Hade, Harry
hair analysis
Hale, Willie
Hall, Frances
Hall, George
Hallinan, Vincent
Hammett, Dashiell
hands of Gorilla Man
handwriting analyses
Hang and Rattle
Hansen, Ed
Hanson, Paul (victim)
Harcout, Harry
Hardy, David
Hardy, Oliver
Harper, Hugh D.
Harpin, Germania (victim)
Harris. L.
Harris, Jerry
“Harry” sailor suspect
Hotel Irwin autopsy murder
Kingsbury Run Butcher
Hart, Alex
Hart, Brooke
Hassing, Oliver “Dutchman of Richmond Station”
Hawkins, Teresa
Head, A. H.
Healy, Will
Hearst, William
Heaton, Wilma
Hemmer, Winifred “Boots” (Dorothy Farnum, Dorothy Farmen, Dorothy Wanworthy)
Hickman, William Edward
Higgins, Mark
Hill, Katherine
Hinson, Sydney
Hitler, Adolph
Hobart, Walter
Hoertkorn, Emma
Hoertkorn, Harold
Hoertkorn, Thomas
Hogan, James
Holland, Rush L.
Holmes (Justice)
Holmes, Jack
Holohan, James
homicide, crime of
Honore, Emmet
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar “Speed”
hot dogs
Hotel Irwin autopsy murder
Bay Hotel autopsy murder similarities
Francis LaTulipe and
friend of Irene
handwriting analyses
“Harry” sailor suspect
“Mr. & Mrs. J. Wilkins”
Mrs. Robert E. McCarthy (Irene Chandler) (victim)
press coverage of
razor used in
Houdini, Harry
Housman, Nathan S.
Huffart, Mrs. Flint
Hughes, Jessie Scott Johnson “Josie” (murder).
See also
Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors); Egan, Frank J. (public defender)
anniversary of murder
cause of death
chloroform used in murder
fears of
foreknowledge of murder
Francis LaTulipe and
Frank Egan and
hit-and-run accident
locked windows of Josie’s home
murder of
protection ordered by Charles Dullea
tire marks evidence
touring car (Phaeton Lincoln)
walking alone at night
Hughes, Ramon Lee
“Human Gorilla” (David D’Ascanio)
human vs. animal blood
Hunter (Captain)
Hurley, Jay
Huse, Charles
Husted, Harry
hyoid bone and strangulation
intelligence of gorillas
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA)
“in the business” vs. “on the force”
investigation, process of
invisible clues
“Irish demotion”
Irwin, Robert.
See also
Gorilla Man
Ivey, Gomez
Jack, Lile T. (Judge)
Jacks, Mrs. Albert E.
Jack the Ripper
Jekyll and Hyde cop (Hassing)
Jeppesen, Louise
Johnson, Big “the Scandinavian”
Johnson, George Q.
Johnson, Hiram W.
Johnson, Jack
Johnson, John “Andy”
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Johnston, Florence W. (victim) .
See also
Gorilla Man
Johnston, Wilhelm.
See also
Gorilla Man
Jones. E.
Jordan, Lois
journalism in San Francisco
Joyce, Tom
Kahn, Max
Keaton, Buster
Keeler, Leonarde
Keenan, Alexander
Keith, Bette
Kelleher, Bart
Kelly, Mary
Keneally, Percy
Kenny, Gerald
Kent, Janet
Kerr, George “Red”
Keyes, Asa
kidnapping of Frank Egan
Killarney, Manitoba
Kincaid, Helen
King, Ella
King Kong
Kingsbury Run Butcher
dismembered bodies
Edward Andrassy (victim)
end of murders
Florence Sawdey Polillo (victim)
Francis Edward Sweeney (suspect)
Francis LaTulipe and
Frank Dolezal (suspect)
“Harry” sailor suspect
Jackass Hill
knife used in murders
motive of
photo reconnaissance flights
press coverage
quilt (homemade) found
Rose Wallace (victim)
sites of murders
surgical skill of killer
warnings by Gorilla Man
Kip, Harold
Kipp, Lorraine
Knight, Flo
Knight, Robert (Albert Tinnin)
knives as weapons
Kostura, Peter
labor riots
lacerations vs. incisions
LaDue, John
“Lady of the Lake”, 177
Lally, Burt
Lambert, Marion
landladies and Gorilla Man
Lang, Ervin (victim)
Larsen, Benjamin
Lashley, A. A.
latent prints
LaTulipe, Francis (Inspector)
appearance of
Bay Hotel autopsy murder case
blood, human vs. animal
Charles Dullea and
Clara Newman case
fingerprint analyses
Gorilla Man and
hair analysis
handwriting analyses
Hotel Irwin autopsy murder case
incisions vs. lacerations
Josie Hughes’s case
Kingsbury Run Butcher case
lab equipment
lacerations vs. incisions
latent prints
lust murder
mug shots
pattern of sadistic torture
Rosetta Baker case
sexual gratification from murder
“tattooing” of uniform
tire marks analysis
Whitechapel (London) comparison with Embarcadero
White Mask Gang case
Laughing Gorilla.
See also
Gorilla Man
“Laughing Killer of the Woodside Glens”, viii, 122, 241.
See also
Fell, Slipton
“Laughing Murderer, The”
See also
Fell, Slipton
laugh of
Gorilla Man
Slipton Fell
Layne, Arthur
Leavenworth Penitentiary
Leavitt, Ray
Leavy, Harold
Leidy, Rod
Leland, Sherman
Leland, T.B.W.
Lemon, Al
Lemon, Anna Eve
Lemon, Fred
Lennon, Milton
Leonard, Barbara
Leonard, Joseph
Leter, Earl
Lewis, John
Lillis, George
Little, Mrs. G. E.
Lomasney, Ed
Lombardi, George
Long, Michael T.
Longan, Eddie
Louw, Rena and Warren
Lowe, Edmund
Lowell, Robert
Ludolph, Henry “Dutch”
lust murder
Luz, Mary
Lynch, Charles
Lyons, G. V.
Lyons, Lawrence J. “Pat”
“Mad Dancer”
Madden, James F.
Mailliard, Ward
Majestic Bottling Plant
Malcolm, Wesley (murder).
See also
Dullea, Charles W. (Captain of Police Inspectors)
anniversary of murder
appearance of
blood of
Dodge used in Pier 26 robbery
Francis LaTulipe and
friend of Dullea and Quinn
funeral of
murder of
Peter M. Farrington, Jr. “Whispering Gunman”
robbery, Pier
widow of
woman involved in robbery (Pier 26)
Malloy, Jim
Maloney, Lawrence
Maloney, Thomas
Malvese, Luigi
Manual of Safes
Manual of Toxicology
Marcus, Carl
Mardueno, Mary
Marsh, Arthur
Martin, Edward (Kenneth Meyers “Tiny”)
Martin, Eleanor
Martin, Florence.
Polillo, Florence Sawdey (victim)
Martin, Mary Theresa
Matheson, Duncan
Matowitz, George J.
May, Minnie (victim)
May, Orley
Mayeda, Frank
McAuliffe, Edward
McCann, Will
McCarthy, Eddie
McCarthy, Jim
McCarthy, John
McCarthy, Michael
McCarthy, Mrs. Robert E. (Irene Chandler) .
See also
Hotel Irwin autopsy murder
McCarty, Ignatious
McConnell, Frank
McConnell, Mary (victim)
McConologue, William V.
McCoy, Kid “Killer”
McCoy, Olla (victim)
McDonald, Bernard
McDonald, James
McDonnell, Martin
McDonough, Tom and Pete
McFarlane, Pineapples
McGee, Peter
McGinn, Allan
McGovern, Walter
McGovern, William
McGrath, James
McIlveen, T. J.
McInerney, Tom
McIntyre, Peter
McKeever, George
McKenna, John T.
McKenzie, Edwin
McMahon, John
McMahon, William
McNamara, Joseph L.
McShack, James
McWilliams, Mary
Mengler, August
Merylo, Peter
Meyers, Blanche (victim)
Meyers, Kenneth “Tiny” (Edward Martin)
“Meyers, Mr. & Mrs.” .
also Bay Hotel autopsy murder
Mignola, Joe
Miles, James
Miller, Thomas
Mino, Alec
Mister Dynamite
Mitchell, Michael
mobs, safe
Mokris, John
Monks, Florence (victim)
Montgomery, Florence
Montgomery, Genevieve “Jean” (Genevieve Clucky) murder
Montgomery, John
Moody, A. M.
Mooney, Tom
Moore, Vivian
Moresco, Tony
Morgan, Les
Morgan, Ralph Jerome “Tiny”
See also
Fell, Slipton
morgues, fascination about
motiveless sequential murders .
See also
Gorilla Man
Bay Hotel autopsy murder
Charles Dullea’s interest in
Gorilla Man
Kingsbury Run Butcher
Slipton Fell
motorcycle units (Flying Squad)
movies, actors portraying gorillas in
Mudd, Bill
Mull, Grover murder and homicide
“Murders in the Rue Morgue, The” (Poe)
Murphy (Sheriff)
Murphy, A. M.

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