The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (79 page)

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“Not all, no, and I’m sure some will dislike us due to the fact we are creating something of a stir amongst their ranks, simply because we are new.”

“But we both come from families that squabble and talk loudly. Rarely do we refrain from saying what we think nor are we asked to leave the room when talk of consortiums and bills being passed in parliament are discussed,” Bella added, voicing what she knew Bella was thinking. “And all these pleasantries are starting to set your teeth on edge.”
And I miss Luke.

“Yes,” Thea exhaled. “Exactly that, which is possibly not very nice of us to say after longing to be here for as long as we have. Perhaps we shall grow used to it after a few more occasions.”

They walked for awhile, admiring dresses and the sights and sounds around them.

“I think I’m different now, Thea, and perhaps you are too. I had always believed that this is where I wanted to be, and built this moment up to be such a wondrous thing. I fear the reality is not exceeding my expectations. Perhaps in a few more weeks I shall find that is true, as you say, but I have to admit it is not exactly filling me with joy. “

“Of course you know that makes us bad people,” Thea added. “As we are having what many could only dream of.”

“You’re selfish,” Bella corrected. “I’m just confused.”

“You’re confused because you already know the man you want; therefore, this is a waste of time,” Thea said dismissing the fact that she had just been labeled selfish.

She absolutely did not want to talk about Luke. Not now, here in the ballroom where he was not and could never possibly be.

“I don’t know what the future holds for Luke and I, but whatever it is, we have put it aside until this season is over.”

They stopped as their path was blocked by several guests and Thea looked at her.

“I’m sorry. It was not my intention to upset you, Bella, but surely you must speak about it—”

“No, I really don’t wish to. He wants me to do this, and I told him I wanted it, too; therefore, there is nothing further to discuss.” Thankfully, the guests moved to one side then and allowed Thea and Bella to pass. The journey back to Livvy was completed in silence.

They danced again and met new people, both ladies and gentlemen, and then
when her leg started to ache, she went to sit beside her sister, who was chatting with a friend.

“Tired, Bella?”

“I am, and my leg is a trifle sore, so I shall forgo any further dancing this evening.”

“Miss Langley, will you honor me with this dance?”

Lord Anthony appeared before her.

“I fear I must sit the next one out, Lord Anthony,” Bella said, “as my leg is paining me.”

“Then would you permit me to bring you all some refreshment?”
Bella smiled. “Thank you, I would like that.”

When he had gone, Bella sat and stretched her leg out before her.

“Is it very painful, love?”

“No.” She smiled at Livvy. “Just unused to quite so much dancing.”

“Hello, hello. Apologies for my tardiness, I simply had to finish the seam I was working on.” Hannah Wooller clapped her hands as she looked at Bella. “That dress is simply stunning, as we knew it would be, Isabella.”

She was the other partner in the boutique with Alex Hetherington and Phoebe.

“I think the sleeves could have been longer.”

Bella giggled as Hannah spun to scowl at Alex who had also joined their little gathering. It was he who had made the comment.

“Nonsense, Hetherington! They are perfect as they are.”

Alex winked at Bella as he held his hand out to Hannah. “Come, we shall debate this on the dance floor, as I hear a waltz striking up, and it is my wish to dance with the only woman who can ruin it for me.”

Hannah harrumphed, but put her hand in his just the same.

“Livvy,” Bella said watching them as her sister was. “Are they?”

“Phoebe said that it was best not to speculate when it comes to those two, my dear.”

She said nothing further, happy to sit quietly. She did not tell Livvy what Thea and she had discussed on their walk, because her sister had dreamt of the day she could take Bella into society and she would not ruin that joy for her. Perhaps like she had told Thea, over time she would learn to love these gatherings.

“Lord, Livvy, I don’t know if I can keep this up for weeks.” Thea fell into the chair to her left, after her latest dance partner had returned her to them.

“You’ll get used to it,” Livvy said, yawning.

“Would you like to go home to Henry now, Livvy?” Bella rubbed her sister’s arm. “I’m sure Will is pining for him, too, and I know my feet would be more than happy to be on the same level as my body,” she added.

“I do miss him, and even though he is likely to be asleep, I find myself longing to see him again.” Livvy accompanied these words with a soft smile that Bella knew was just for her son.

“Then we shall leave soon.”

“I’m going to soak my feet,” Thea sighed. “And if you’re interested, I’m ready to leave too.”

“I’m not and you’ll do as you’re told.” Bella accompanied these words with a smile.

“Ha, I’m too tired to find a suitable retort.”

“First we must drink the refreshments Lord Anthony is bringing us,” Bella whispered as he approached carrying several glasses. “Thank you, my lord. You are most kind.”

He stood before her, sipping his own drink. “And will you both be attending the Hampton musical tomorrow evening?”

Bella looked to Livvy who nodded.

“It seems we are, my lord.”

Bella chatted with him for the next few minutes. He was a man who liked to ride and, like her now, loved to walk, and it was the first genuine conversation she had been a part of all evening.

“I have two dogs who accompany me everywhere.”

“I have a dog. He’s all black, with eyes that melt your heart and floppy ears. He’s still young.”

“And he eats shoes and whatever else is left around the house,” Livvy added.

“His name is Edmond.”

“Seems a serious name for a pup,” Lord Anthony said.

“I call him Eddie.”

He laughed. “Ah, now that I’m sure suits him better.”

Lord Anthony soon took his leave when Bella had told him of their intended departure.

“Then I shall bid you farewell, fair ladies, safe in the knowledge that we shall meet again tomorrow.”

“I don’t like him.” Thea narrowed her eyes as she followed his back.

“Thea!” How can you say such a thing when he was so polite,” Bella protested.

“His eyes are too close together, and his hand was too…too grabby.”

“Grabby is not a word,” Bella said, taking Livvy’s hand as they both rose.

“Time to leave, darling?” Will appeared as if by magic, and Bella was fairly certain that whatever he had been doing, he had made sure to have them in his sights while he did it.

“It should be a word,” Livvy said, ignoring him, although Bella noted she leaned into him as he placed an arm around her waist. “There are many men who are far too grabby, in my opinion.”

“Present company excluded,” Will said, leading them from the room. “And I shall break the fingers of anyone grabby in future.” They made their way through the other guests until they reached the entranceway. Luke materialized before them, a carefully blank expression on his handsome features. His servant's look, Bella realized. The look that offered no opinion, good or bad.

“Good evening. Your carriage is this way.”

“He does stuffy with panache, wouldn’t you say Livvy?” Will said as they followed Luke’s tall straight form. “Pompous, actually. I miss him driving us about just to see him like this.”

Bella watched Luke slow his step as he looked around him, then ram his elbow into Will’s side which made the wind wheeze from his body. He then strode out in front once more.

“You deserved that,” said his heartless wife, “for teasing him. Well done, Luke.”

“Thank you, Olivia.”

They arrived at the carriage and Will opened the door.

“In you get, you heartless woman.” Will glared at Luke, who smiled back. Thea got in next.

“Was it everything you thought it would be?” Luke spoke from behind her so she had to turn to look at him.

“Yes and no.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“I think not,” Bella said before climbing in and letting Luke close the door behind her. She wasn’t really sure herself how she felt about the evening, so until she was, she would not be talking to him about it.

“I danced with Lord Anthony tonight, Will, and he asked me to go driving in the park with him,” Bella said. “What do you know of him?

“I don’t know a lot about him,” Will said, nestling Livvy into his side. “He was the distant cousin to the late Viscount Anthony, and came into his title as he was basically the last male heir standing. He really only stepped into society a year ago. Of course I was not impressed with the way he spoke to Luke when he called upon us at Twoaks, but am willing to give him another chance…but only one.”

“Yes, I too was not happy then, but he does seem nice despite what Thea believes,” Bella said, thinking of the smiling Lord Anthony.

“He’s too grabby,” Thea said again.

“So you said, but as he was never anything put polite to me, I shall have to wait to form an opinion of him until we are better acquainted. Perhaps we can be friends.”

“Well, when he turns out to be a reptile of dubious morals, then don’t say you weren’t warned.” Thea yawned loudly.

“Do reptiles have morals?” Bella looked around the carriage.

“None I know do,” Will added.

The conversation leapt from one foolish conversation to another, as they were all weary and, as such, prone to laughing far too easily over the silliest things. Thankfully, after they had dropped Thea off, it was only a further ten minutes until they reached Will and Livvy’s townhouse.

Luke was once again there to help her from the carriage and she murmured goodnight and then made her way inside.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your first night out, Bella.”

“It was perfect. Thank you, Will.” She kissed his and her sister's cheeks and then made her way through the quiet house to her room. She found Eddie curled up on her bed. Sally was still awake and helped her wash and change and then she slipped on her robe and sat in the chair by her desk. She should be tired, but strangely, now she was prepared for bed, she was not.

“You retire now, Sally. I shall just sit here for awhile.”

“Good night, then.”

She stared at the fire glowing in the grate and then rose to her feet.
Pulling on her slippers, she went out and along the hall. She would see who was awake, if anyone, and get them to make her some tea. She knew how, but really didn’t want to disturb cook, who slept not far from the kitchens.

The light under Will’s office door made her open it, and she found Luke seated behind the desk. He’d shed his jacket and had a glass of amber liquid in one hand. He looked at home there, as if this was his office, not Will’s.

“Why are you not in bed?” He lowered the glass to the desk and rose to his feet, always the gentleman.

“I was not tired, and thought to see if anyone was about to make me some tea.”

“I can make you some tea.”

Luke had seen Bella’s hair loose plenty of times, but tonight he wanted to touch it, run his fingers through it while he kissed her. She wore a thin robe and night dress and the body beneath wore no under garments. There were only two layers between the evening air and her body. A body he ached for.

“I can make my own tea, Luke. I just had no wish to disturb cook to do it.”

“But whoever made you your tea at this hour would disturb her anyway, so what difference does it make who does it?”

She hadn’t moved, still standing just inside the doorway looking at him as they had this ridiculous conversation.

He’d thought about her tonight, while she danced and talked with those like her. Thought about the men who would lust after her as he did, about the men who would want to marry her as he did. The thoughts had driven him slowly mad.

“It doesn’t matter, you’re right. Therefore, I shall make it.”

“No, you wait here and I shall do it.”

He reached the door and took her hand, bringing her further into the room so he could leave.

“No, you were here, alone, enjoying the solitude and I intruded. My tea can wait until morning.”

Shutting the door slowly, he turned to face her.

“I’ve had quite enough of this discussion about tea.”

“H-have you?” She swallowed as he closed the small gap between them, but never retreated.

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