The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (78 page)

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He had fought enough people himself to know this man would be an ox to fell. Luke had battled many foes at Will’s side, some big, others mean, and they had learned to fight dirty to come out on top. He had little doubt that those skills would be frowned upon in here.

“Alex, Ben.” As expected, Oliver Dillinger had a deep rumbling voice that sounded like approaching thunder.

“Ace, like you to meet a friend of ours, Luke Fletcher. Luke, meet Oliver Dillinger.” Luke and Dillinger eyed each other as Ben introduced them.

“Mr. Fletcher, I’ve heard of you.”

“Mr. Dillinger.” Luke accepted the handshake. “I can’t imagine in what capacity.”

“Do you box?” the man then said, nodding towards the ring behind him.


“Not in a ring, at least,” Alex added. “I’ve heard the stories about you from Finn,” he added when Luke raised an eyebrow. “How you all fought your way out of a few situations in India.”

“Care to try?”

“As I have no wish to wear my nose under my ear, Mr. Dillinger, I will have to refuse your kind offer,” Luke drawled.

Alex hooted with laughter, and the giant before him smiled. The gesture made him suddenly appear human and less like a statue of a Roman god.

“With Ben,” he clarified. “He’ll be nice to you as you’re friends.”

And like the rest of the day had been, before he knew what was happening, he was stripped to the waist and in the ring. Of course, if he hadn’t been curious he would never have allowed them to get him in here. Luke had been his own man for many years, even though he served another.

Ben circled him a bit, taunting him, but Luke had been taunted by Will, who could annoy a saint into retaliation, so he simply smiled and landed a blow to Ben’s chin that pushed him back a few steps.

Hoots came from Alex, and Luke heard the rumble of Dillinger, but he focused on Ben, who was suddenly no longer laughing but deadly serious.

They battled, each trading blows in, until finally the fight was called to a halt. Luke winced as he stepped through the ropes. His ribs hurt, as did his jaw.

“It’ll be you that I’ll send Finn after, if my eye is black for our appointment this afternoon, Ben.” Luke said accepting the cloth Alex handed him and wiped the sweat from his body. The exercise felt good. All the pent-up feelings that Bella produced in him had needed an outlet, and Ben had been it.

“That’s right. Finn said you’d found out that the man doing his accounting was swindling him.” Ben wiped his body as he spoke. Luke was pleased to note a bruise forming on his chin; at least he was not the only one who would bear a few marks tomorrow.

“According to our brother, no one is Luke’s equal with numbers, and he can find any discrepancies, do tallies and mathematic computations without a drop of sweat beading his brow,” Alex said.

Luke felt Dillinger’s eyes on him again as he began to pull on the rest of his clothes.

“I would be grateful for your advice if that is indeed the case, Mr. Fletcher.”

“Are you being swindled then, Mr. Dillinger?”

“Yes, Mr. Fletcher, I believe I am, and I’d be willing to pay you for your expertise.”

Luke thought about that as he shrugged into his jacket. Turning to face the giant, he came to a decision. “How about I assist you and you find me a house here in London?”

Oliver Dillinger stuck out one large hand. “Deal.”


Bella didn’t want Luke to be the one to drive her and Thea to the ball, yet could do nothing to stop him as she had heard Will saying that Moses was ill and, at such short notice, there was no other. She was nervous and tense and hadn’t wanted to add to those feelings by seeing him also this evening. But here she was, after being primped and pampered, and dressed in the most beautiful gown she had ever owned, walking towards the carriage, where he stood, awaiting them.

“Good evening.” He smiled at them all, but his eyes found and caught hers.

“Thank you for stepping in like this, Luke. We could have hired someone, but Will said you insisted.”

“I enjoy driving, Livvy. You have nothing to thank me for.”

“I did not see you today, Luke.” Will took his wife’s hand and helped her into the carriage after they had greeted him.

“I had business to attend to, Will. Did you need me for anything in particular?”

“Nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.”

Luke helped Thea into the carriage next and then turned to hold out his hand towards Bella, and she could do nothing but place her gloved fingers into it. They closed briefly, trapping hers inside.

“I hope your evening is everything you wish it to be, Bella.”

“Thank you. I hope so, too.”
But I wish you were coming with me. With you around, I always feel stronger.

“I don’t remember ever feeling this nervous,” she said once she was settled inside and the carriage began its journey

“It is no different for me, Thea.” Bella pressed a hand to her stomach, where the churning was making her feel ill.

“Big breaths, little sisters,” Will said. “The men of society are about to be thrown back on their heels by your arrival and I would ask only one thing of you.”

“What?” Bella and Thea asked at once.

“Make sure you do not fall for one of those young idiots with inflated egos and little intelligence, I beg of you.”

They managed a nervous giggle.

“I believe my sister found the last one.”

“Bella Langley, you little witch. Are you saying I have a huge ego?” Will’s eyes twinkled as he teased them. Bella knew he was intent on making them relax, but she feared his efforts were not working.

“No, silly,” Thea said. “She meant you had no intelligence.”

Will growled at his sister which made her laugh again.

When the carriage stopped, she and Thea shared a nervous glance.

“At least Livvy is here with us,” Bella said.

“And I am here, too,” Will added.

“And you,” Bella whispered, looking around her as Luke helped her down from the carriage, moving to one side to let the rest of the family follow.

“I shall be here when you are ready to leave.” Luke had moved to her side, his fingers slipping inside the front seam of her evening cloak to touch the bare skin of her arm. The contact made her shiver as she looked up at him.

“Stay safe, Isabella.”

“I will, Luke, and thank you.”

He stroked her arm from just beneath the short cap of her sleeve, to where her gloves began, and then he released her and climbed back up onto the driver’s seat.

Will urged her forwards then, and after he exchanged a few words to Luke, they were entering the house. Removing their outer clothing, they then greeted the hosts and entered the ballroom. It was very grand, as she’d known it would be. The chandeliers glittered as did the guest who mingled and talked beneath. The noise was loud and the combination of smells an assault on her senses.

“This is it, Bella. What we have talked about for so long.”

“I know, Thea,” she whispered back. “But I fear my knees are knocking so hard I will fall face first, and be known as that debutante who created a scene on her first evening.”

“Oh, you could never outdo poor Miss Founders,” Livvy said. “Last year, at the season’s first major event, she tripped on her hem and then fell face first, sliding along the carpet and leaving a horrible mark on her check. But the worst of it was that she collected a waiter with a tray of glasses. There was a terrible crash, and then glasses and champagne were flying everywhere.”

“No!” Thea looked wide eyed at Livvy.

“Poor woman,” Livvy added. “Eventually, she attended another function, but not until the humiliation had subsided.”

Bella shuddered; she could not bear that to happen to her. For so long, she had tried to hide herself away so no one would feel pity for her, and now here she was, in front of society and all its prying eyes. To draw attention to herself now would, she was sure, dispel all her new-found confidence.

“You look beautiful, darling. Try and relax.”

Bella nodded at these whispered words from Livvy and tried to breathe easily. She was dressed in one of Phoebe’s creations from Madame Alexander’s. It was pale rose satin, with a darker overskirt. She wore cream slippers and gloves and her hair was piled high with rose satin ribbons.

“Now that is a fabulous dress you are wearing, Miss Langley. I simply must know who made it for you?”

Bella smiled as Alexander Hetherington moved to her side, his voice carrying as he questioned her, elegant as always in a severe black tailored jacket and scarlet waistcoat. He looked handsome and dapper.

“We only frequent Madame Alexander’s Boutique, Mr. Hetherington.”

Bella rolled her eyes as Livvy and Alex launched into a loud discussion about the boutique.

“Oh, my,” Bella said softly, making sure no one but Livvy and Alex heard. “Is that a rent in my seam? Perhaps the workmanship is—”

“You are a heartless young lady, Miss Langley,” Alex said, interrupting her.

Phoebe, her friend Hannah Wooller and Alexander Hetherington were the owners of Madame Alexander’s. Of course none of society knew this, as it would be quite the scandal were it ever to get out.

“It’s beautiful, as you very well know, Alex,” Bella said, holding the skirts of her dress for him to see.

“It certainly is, Bella, and may I say the color is quite something on you. And now I want to be your first partner, if your brother will allow it?”

“Thank you, Alex. I would be grateful. As you can imagine, it is quite a task being responsible for these two hoydens.”

Thea rolled her eyes as Bella took Alex’s arm and let him lead her onto the dance floor. She watched Benjamin Hetherington then ask for Thea’s hand and soon they were both about to take their first dance steps into society.

Bella hoped she remembered the steps as Alex placed her in the line forming. She pushed aside the wish that another was holding her for her first dance, and tried to enjoy herself.

“You will do fine, Bella. For any woman who has overcome what you have, this will be simple.”

Grateful for Alex’s words, she nodded. The music started, and thankfully she remembered the steps. She was soon enjoying the dance, and Alex’s company.

“To your right is Major Weller. Try to avoid him if you can, man’s an old windbag, and if he starts on his fighting days I’m afraid you are in for an hour of long and detailed exploits.”

Bella had a quick look at the man who was steering his partner around the floor. He seemed harmless enough, but she would remember his name just the same.

Alex pointed out a few of the guests during the dance and then Bella and Thea were taken back to Livvy.

After that, she was asked to dance by Lord Sheldon, and then another and another until she could not remember the names. Lord Anthony she remembered as the visitor who came the day Livvy went into labor.

“Miss Langley, please allow me to say how beautiful you look this evening.”

“Thank you, my lord”

“And how are your dear sister and nephew?”

She found herself beginning to like him as he asked about her family. Perhaps she had misjudged him when first they had met. Then, she’d felt he was rude to Luke , but he didn’t seem an unpleasant man; in fact, the more Bella thought about that incident, the more she realized it was brought about by the fact that not many people would choose to sit and take tea with their staff. Had Lord Anthony understood the relationship they had with Luke, he would surely not have spoken as he had.

“I hope you will allow me to take you driving one day, Miss Langley.”

He had a nice smile, Bella thought. Did she want to go driving with him? She’d known this kind of invitation would arise, after all. What harm would there be in accepting?

“Thank you, my lord. I shall give your invitation some thought.”

He seemed happy with her answer and as he returned her to Thea’s side, he said he would like to dance with her again soon.

“Are you enjoying it, Thea?”

They were finally alone for the first time all evening, and that was only due to Thea taking her arm the minute she’d returned from yet another dance, telling her they were going for a walk.

“I think so, but in truth I find it all a trifle false.”

“How so?” Bella’s cheeks were beginning to hurt from all the smiling she had done.

“Well, everyone is being so polite to us, don’t you think? I mean, even the women, and to be honest, we have not been introduced to a great many, but even they are nice…insipidly so.”

“Surely not all?” Bella caught the eye of the man she had danced with and struggled to remember his title.

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