The Labyrinth of Destiny (46 page)

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Authors: Callie Kanno

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Labyrinth of Destiny
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Matshi (
a group of former Shimat who left the order when Basha and Cha-sak took over.
They are led by Kendan, and strive to become peacekeepers rather than

Me’da (
a retired L’avan Protector General, serving as one of L’iam’s military

Me’shan (
a member of the L’avan race. Adesina’s father and governor of Yavar. He was
captured by Adesina when she was a teenager, and turned over to the Shimat.
When Adesina discovered the truth of the Shimat, she led a rescue mission to
retrieve Me’shan. He is husband to E’rian, and also father to E’nes.

M’os (
): the sixth son of L’avan, and one of
the founders of the race.

Na’cum (
): the ninth son of L’avan, and one
of the founders of the race.

Nordin (
a former citizen of the High City, among those who escaped to Emerald Harbor.
He is husband to Deasa.

Northern Tribes:
nomadic groups of people, generally ostracized from society. They are treated
with distrust and contempt by others, and therefore usually keep to themselves.

Ojuri (
one of the Northern Tribes, led by Hestia.

O’nan (
): the third son of L’avan, and one of
the founders of the race.

Per (
a former Shimat instructor, and Adesina’s former Shar. He fled with Signe from
Cha-sak’s influence and then followed Kendan as a member of the Matshi.

Petre (
a race of Immortals that look like a slightly humanoid pile of rocks.

Pevothem (
the homeland of the L’avan people.

Plague Years,
the: the decade following the Great Wars, where pestilence greatly reduced the
world population. It is said that the plagues were born of magic, because
magic-users were the first to be affected.

special L’avan warriors who have received elite training. Many of them serve
the royal family.

Qetza (
a race of Immortals in the form of enormous serpents with feathered wings.

Quinlan (
a former citizen of the High City, and a blacksmith by trade. He is among the
refugees that escaped to Emerald Harbor.

Rajan (
former leader of the Rashad race, and mentor to Ravi.

Rashad (
a race of enormous felines with great intelligence. They serve as companions
and guardians to the L’avan people. Their ancestors were the guardians to the

Rasim (
the last king of Sehar, murdered by the Shimat.

Ravi (
a member of the Rashad race, and personal guardian to Adesina. He and Adesina
were Joined by magic, which enables them to share thoughts and emotions, as
well as physical traits such as strength. He is son to Riordan and Rabia,
brother to Ruvim and Rissa, and betrothed to Remah.

Riel (
the Rashad companion to Sitara.

Rina (
a former citizen of the High City and friend to Adesina. She escaped with a
group of refugees that eventually sought protection with the L’avan. She is
wife to Degan, and mother to Cavell, Ardley, and Faryl (named for her adopted
aunt, the apothecary).

Ri’sel (
a member of the L’avan race. Brother to Me’shan and uncle to Adesina. His
L’avan gifts include telekinesis and extreme focus.

Rissa (
a member of the Rashad race, and younger sister to Ravi.

Ruon (
leader of the Laithur, and counterpart to Sitara as Adesina’s companion.

Satosh (
a crewmember of the merchant ship
, and an amateur historian. He
is also the adoptive father of Suvi.

Savir an Kavi nan Darshan ol Henka (
sah-VEER ahn KAH-vee
nahn dar-SHAHN ol HEN-kah
): a Desert Dweller whose life is saved by Adesina
and her companions, and he joins the fight against Cha-sak. His name means
Savir, son of Kavi, of the Darshan family group, of the Henka tribe. His animal
guardian is a hawk.

Sehar (
also known as The Fallen Kingdom of Sehar, it is Adesina’s homeland. The
kingdom was created shortly after the Great Wars, and the monarchy rules for
many generations. Then, about seventy years before this story takes place, the
royal family was killed and the government collapsed (hence, its name of the
Fallen Kingdom). It now has no organized government other than what can be found
in isolated cities or villages. The natives are called Seharans.

Serraf (
magical creatures that look like beautiful women. They are the Watchers of the
gateways between worlds, and the Rashad are their guardians and companions.
They are immortal, and they can use all of the magical gifts of the L’avan
instead of just one or two.

Shar Children:
students who are raised from infancy in the Shimat fortress.

Sharifal (
the title of the leader of the Shimat order.

Shi (
a student training to become a member of the Shimat order.

Shimat (
a secret organization of warriors and spies, whose goal is to gain power and
influence. They are trained extensively from childhood in a wide variety of
topics, and then are sent out on missions when they have completed their

Shimat demons: a
group of shadow demons, from which the organization derived its name.

Signe (
Sharifal of the Shimat order, and the woman who primarily raised Adesina from
infancy to when she began her training. She also raised Kendan as her nephew.

Sitara (
the leader of the Serraf during the Great Wars, and Adesina’s guide through the
realm beyond the Threshold. She becomes Adesina’s teacher as Adesina strives to
master her new abilities as a Serraf.

Solaran (
a race of magical creatures similar to dragons.

So’phus (
): the fifth son of L’avan, and one
of the founders of the race.

Ston (
the former leader of the Entrance Council in the High City. He became leader of
the group of refugees that fled to the north and eventually sought protection
with the L’avan.

Suvi (
a teenage girl who lives and works aboard the merchant ship
her adoptive father, Satosh.

Syss (
the leader of the Qetza.

Tanar (
one of Sehar’s few cities, located the farthest south of all of them.

Than’os (
a L’avan Protector, and one of Adesina’s first students. He joined Adesina on
her journey to rescue L’iam, where he lost an arm. His L’avan gifts include the
manipulation of objects/elements and hyper-awareness of the world around him.

Thieves’ Forest,
the: an ancient forest that acts as one of the barriers between Pevothem and
the rest of Sehar. It was formerly favored by thieves and other miscreants due to
its isolation from other civilization, but it was abandoned when the spirits of
Immortals took up residence there.

Threshold Child,
the: a figure in a prophecy told to the L’avan by the founder of the race. The
Threshold Child is said to be the one who will lead the L’avan to their great
purpose. Adesina is believed to be this person.

gateways between the various realms, such as the human realm and the realm of

Toraun (
the leader of the Council, and the leader of the Aurym race.

Torith (
the horse that L’iam gave to Adesina as a gift after her first visit to Yavar.

Umarina (
the daughter of the governor of Charan.

Vattir (
a magical race of creatures, distinguished by their stubby bodies and bat-like

Velia (
a member of the Shimat organization. She takes over for Breyen after he
abandons his post.

Vyala (
a word that means “light of the soul,” it is the manifestation of life force.
In layman terms it is called magic, but it is a connection and control of the
life force of the earth and all creatures therein. Only certain creatures are
able to control their
, among them are the L’avan (through their
Serraf ancestors) and the Rashad.

Vyuhava (
a special kind of Dream that precedes a life-altering decision. The Dream
usually contains information relevant to the choice that will be made.

Wadell (
former governor of the High City who dies shortly after the refugees fled to
the north.

Wakichonze (
the Lord Governor of Charan.

Wraith: an evil
spirit that feeds on fear.

Wren’na (
a member of the L’avan race. Wife to E’nes, and mother to En’ver, R’egina, and
Med’gar. Her L’avan gifts include healing and hyper-awareness of the world
around her.

Yavar (
the capital city of Pevothem.

Zadok (
the former blacksmith at the Shimat fortress. He fled with Signe and later
became a member of the Matshi.

Za’far (
the second son of L’avan, and one of the founders of the race.

Zamual (
a male member of the Hite clan of scholars from the city of Tanar.

Zephyr: the
merchant ship that conveyed Adesina and her companions from Sehar to Zonne
during their search for L’iam.

Z’eki (
a retired L’avan Protector General, serving as one of L’iam’s military

Zonne (
the continent southeast of Sehar, primarily composed of deserts.

Zulimar (
captain of the
, a merchant ship.


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