The Knight Behind the Pillar (6 page)

Read The Knight Behind the Pillar Online

Authors: John Pateman-Gee

Tags: #Historical, #Adventure, #Action

BOOK: The Knight Behind the Pillar
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“Do you know this man, Merlin?” I whispered to Arthur seeing that it was very clear Ector did, but Arthur shook his head to dismiss me quickly with his hand as I was an unwanted distraction.  Arthur’s focus now was on his father and his stare was unbreakable. 

Ector was on the move now.  He walked around the backs of chairs and headed towards Merlin with intent.  The older man appeared unconcerned, prepared perhaps for this verbal attack for some time and I wondered if there was going to be a physical fight as well! 

Ector made it around the end of the table.  “And not just me, oh no.” He declared, “These good lords, kings whoever they are, you’ve played them as well!  So old man there needs to be answers now, right now.  Explain to them just what you have done!  Explain to me, to me, why it was my home, why my family, why you decided to use us rather than any of these good people.  Why my dear, dear late wife!”  Ector continued spitting the words out that came from built up exasperation and anger rather than thought.  Rather than a smooth address they all knocked into each other in a rush and I could see where Arthur got it from. 

I also noted the painful memory of the thought of his wife in Ector’s tone and it was sketched very slightly across his face when said.  On reaching Merlin he came to a sudden halt and Ector’s round face flush with lines of fury that creased his forehead deeply had to look up to the taller man.

Merlin continued to stand still and calm as they faced each other.  “Very…..”

“And,” Ector cut in loudly not quite finished with Merlin yet.  He went on to add with a precisely clear voice that required everyone to listen to every word, “And explain to me, sir…”

“Ector.” Merlin snapped in realisation of what was to come and gave a warning, his voice in an extremely low tone I could have mistaken for almost a growl.

“….who is my son?” Ector finished uninterrupted. 

Merlin looked as if he had tried and failed to stop something by closing his eyes briefly and biting his bottom lip in thought.  A wave of muttering and confusion crossed over the room, I could pick up words of “what” and “did he just say son” from the other nobles and knights. 

              Arthur just continued to stare on, he was motionless.  I could do nothing but look back and watch as well. 

              Only King Alain was brave enough or perhaps just felt it was his right to step forward.  He sought quiet from others with the waving of his hands as he intervened.  “What did you just say Ector I am unclear as regard to your meaning?” He asked. 

Ector ignored him and instead sought to prompt Merlin for answers by glaring at him.  The man with answers stood unmoved looking at the floor. 

“Well sir, speak,” Demanded Ector when no immediate response was forthcoming, “You have a lot you got to say, please enlighten us and get on with it.”

Merlin gave a nod in acceptance finally and then fully lifted his head.  It seemed he had been waiting for this day; he had the grave expression that knew it would come to this.  However, first he glanced towards our pillars for the slightest of moments.  We had no chance to avoid his passing glance, I pulled back for a moment behind the pillar in a delayed reaction, but noticed Arthur did not move a muscle.  No one else was looking our way, Merlin was the focus now.

The old man then directed himself to Alain and the others behind Ector.  “Over fifteen years ago I passed to Ector and his wife a baby boy.  And that was Arthur.” Merlin calmly addressed the room. 

“What!” Exclaimed Arthur from my side. 

It would have been loud enough for the room to hear if it wasn’t for Ector also booming at the same time.  “And you lied to us.” He accused yelling fiercely and pointing.

Ector’s stance toward Merlin was purposefully intimidating and he obstructed Merlin’s path, but Merlin seemed undaunted and continued to avoid eye contact.  There was an indescribable stillness in the air; even the dust floating and flickering in the light from above had seemingly stopped moving.  

I would have watched further to standoff between the men, only my attention had change priorities and drifted instead to Arthur.  As close as he was, he was now out of my reach having now stepped forward to the side of the pillar.  The room had made no reaction to Arthur’s outburst, it was not as loud as I first thought and I was relieved.  All of the noble’s senses were trained on the central figures and the importance of what was being told.  Except having stepped forward it was only a matter of time before Arthur would be noticed and my apprehension of being discovered tensed every muscle to a point that even to breath felt like I needed to concentrate.  I contemplated leaving, but there was no hope of me leaving the room now without being seen, everyone was looking towards Merlin and Ector, and beyond them while it was a little to one side was the open view of the doorway.  Besides I did not feel it was right to abandon Arthur and felt required to stay. 

When Ector had asked who his son was, Arthur had no reaction to that question and this indicated to me that he too only thought the question was about him being a king.  Although Arthur not reacting earlier might have been due to total disbelief.   Now Merlin had definitely confirmed Arthur was not Ector’s son, not his own blood, if he was king or not was not as important right now.

Alain words floated across my thoughts. “Ector please, at least give this man a chance to say something useful.” He asked with authority and a touch of mid impatience as he finally stepped in to redirect Ector’s anger bubbling over. 

              A pause of unforgiving silence occurred, suspense to the point you would start to shout get on with it had you been anywhere else. 

Merlin finally continued slowly, perhaps he was aware of each word’s importance and the grip of the audience he held.  “I told him, Ector here that is, that the boy was of a noble family who had been lost and he needed a new home.  A lie, some might think so.  He was of course of noble birth and as I see it he was lost and he needed a good supportive home.  For good reason I said nothing in respect that he was the son of the king, the high king, or that he might one day be king.”

All eyes were on Merlin except two pairs.  One set stared intensively on whom he thought was his father until now, an endless stare of disbelief, a moment of confusion and loss.  The other pair watched the first’s as I watched someone’s life falling apart before me and the true horror this day revealed for him. 

“He was Uther’s son!” Leodegrance exclaimed in the background.  With almost inappropriate light hearted amusement he continued, “Well I never, that is something, my, my, wonderful.”

Leodegrance’s voice was a minor distraction to my thoughts and had no influence on Merlin or Ector who I noted in glancing quickly just stood there doing nothing.  To say something, any word at all seemed to be at this precise time to be almost offensive.  Talking was an attempt to dilute the most momentous revelation I had ever heard.  I could not imagine anything more shocking to any single person, but also it was not just about a single person.  This moment concerned the world, a change to the course of history! 

Not that this would matter to Arthur right now or did it?  I got the immediate impression that he was close to his family from just talking in the kitchens, but in truth I had known him for a just an hour or so before his world was now destroyed in a just a few words. 

Leodegrance’s jovial outburst had sadly sanctioned a chorus of amazement to follow and voices of disbelief and questions sounded and echoed around the chamber.  Ector still stood there, unchanged, except now gently nodding.  Alain had stood back deep in thought with his hands together to his lips as if planning again. 

I was drawn to watch Ector more and I frowned.  His face was not one of disbelief or surprise.  Instead it was the face of acceptance, no I was wrong, it was defeat as anger lifted from his face and he almost appeared to relax.  Did he already know the legitimacy of Arthurs claim to the throne!  But how?  This was my single clearest thought that was fighting against the astonishment of the news that had just transpired.   

Arthur however finally cracked. “No!” he shouted suddenly.

His yell released me from my shocked state and with instinct I went to reach for him once more to pull him back, but it was too late. 

“Art…” I gasped before sense prevailed and stifled my voice.

He had now stepped further forward into the centre and this time everyone saw him, “No this isn’t true,” He bellowed, “It can’t be, none of it, I can’t be, I’m not a king!”

Ector was caught off guard and spun round to face Arthur standing there.  Everyone else was immobilised in surprise and were hushed at once.  I dropped back in panic behind the pillar.

“Arthur I….” Ector stammered to a halt.

“I’m your son!” Arthur declared defiantly against the truth. 

I could see Arthur again as I dared to peek out.  Presented on the other’s faces was the obviously belief they thought he was not Ector’s son now. 

“Arthur it’s….”

“What!”  Arthur interrupted again refusing the chance to hear words he did not want to listen to.  “Tell me it’s not true, I’m not a king, father please it’s not true” Arthur pleaded. 

The shock of seeing Arthur just standing had stunned him, but Ector started to nod his head.  “You are King.  Arthur, it’s true.” Ector admitted, his head hung, crest fallen.

And Arthur was made still by the truth that won at last.  “And I am not your son?” He stated bluntly staring blindly with eyes glazing over towards Ector. 

Ector shock his head, “But that doesn’t mean……” he began looking up, but stopped himself. 

Arthur had already turned away from him.  A chair in the way fell victim to his rage and was hurled aside as he marched away and then he just ran out without stopping.  No one attempted to stop him, who would stop a king!  Instead I saw Merlin, who appeared expected of the outcome, slowly walked around to Ector’s side. 

I turned around and rested my back against the pillar.  Deserted, I hadn’t got a clue what to do now! 

A minute passed with me mainly praying I could remain hidden before I heard Merlin speak.  “This is not new news to you Ector?” He asked.  His voice was softer as he prompted the shattered man to explain.  

“The first sword tournament, remember that?  It became the so called grand tournament; a moment ago we were discussing it.” Answered Ector, sounding almost normal now, perhaps as the worst he feared was out in the open and the burden gone.  He certainly sounded like he had nothing left, no anger, no nervousness or pain, nothing.  “At that tournament you set the sword in the rocks, a challenge to anyone and I was there on that first day.  But unlike many others I remembered what you said clearly.  It was not whomever draws the sword shall be king or something like that.  No.  You said who draws this sword shall be heir to the throne of Britain.  That word you used, it was slightly off, yet meaningful.  Heir, you said clearly and the word kept with me.  And it returned to me the moment Arthur held your dammed sword and I knew then what you had done when you gave me my son years before presenting the challenge.” 

I risked looking out from the pillar once again to see Leodegrance step forward.  “If this is all true, then we truly have the heir of Pendragon’s estate after all this time.” Added Leodegrance, attempting to lighten the air with something positive, the whiskers of moustache twitched up and down enthusiastically as he spoke.  “This will only support our claim that we at last have the true king of Britain.  It will remove doubt of those with doubts and may even change the minds of others against us.”

“Providing he is the heir, say you Merlin.” The questioning and doubtful voice of the Archbishop sounded from aside with an air of sweetness hiding the intended bitterness. 

“Dubric,” Merlin growled, clearly showing distaste of the Archbishop.  “You have my word and that is enough.”

Beside Dubric, an excited Morvid now stood.  He could hardly contain himself as he added, “What's more, a moment ago just pulling the sword out was enough for us to consider crowning him in the next few days let alone being heir as well.” He stated almost innocently, perhaps unaware it would be a comment that would annoy Dubric.

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