The Killing Kind (16 page)

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Authors: Bryan Smith

BOOK: The Killing Kind
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March 20

The guy seemed really nervous and she guessed she couldn’t blame him. It was a pretty weird situation. Not to mention highly illegal, as he thought he’d been approached by a very young prostitute. So he was pretty fucking gullible, too. She was way prettier and fresher-looking than the usual crack-addicted, street-trawling whore.

They were in the parking lot outside the 21 Up Adult Video store. The man clutched a brown paper bag that appeared to contain several DVDs. He was fidgeting and kept glancing at the door to the smut shop. “You’re sure you’re not with the cops?”

Julie smiled and licked her lips seductively. “No, baby. I just want to make you feel good and make a little money.”

He was staring at her breasts, which strained the fabric of the tiny halter she was wearing. “How much?”

“Fifty for a blow, hundred for a fuck.”

“I’ve got the cash, but I don’t have any rubbers on me.”

Julie almost laughed.

I’m sure you don’t, you ugly fuck.

“That’s okay, baby. I’ve got you covered.” She nodded at the BMW parked on the other side of the lot. “That’s my old man’s car over there. Get in the back with me and we’ll set this up.”

He frowned. “Your…old man?”

She smiled. “My pimp.”

The man turned partially away from her and stared at the BMW. Zeb wasn’t visible through the car’s tinted windows. Good thing, too. Dude would be spooked for sure if he got a load of the crazy homeless man. And Julie didn’t want him spooked. This guy was perfect. He was just the kind of slimy pervert the world would be better off without.

He faced her again. “I guess that’s okay. That’s a hell of a nice car. You and your…old man…must be doing well.”

She smiled and kicked at a little rock with the toe of a sneaker. She kept her hands clasped in front of her and gave her hips a little swivel, really playing up the whole Lolita thing. “You could say that. We’re picky, you know. We drive around and find people who look like they have a little class to ’em. Like you.”

The man blushed. “Oh…thanks.”

She started walking toward the BMW, glancing over her shoulder at the mark. He was staring at her ass now. “You coming?”

He hesitated just long enough to scan the parking lot again, probably still checking for cops, not quite trusting her denial. Then he took a deep breath and hurried after her. She opened the back door on the passenger side and stood aside for him to slide in. She climbed in after him and pulled the door shut. Zeb hit a button up front and the car’s locks clicked shut.

The sleazy little fuck drew in a startled breath upon seeing Zeb.

Julie laughed. “Chill, baby. I know he’s scary-looking. But a girl needs a tough guy around to survive in this business.” Julie doubted any real-life whore said things like this, but the guy was clueless and horny, so it was probably okay. She put a hand on his leg and squeezed, eliciting a shudder from him. “Yeah. Feels good, huh?”

He gulped. “Y-yeah…”

“Let’s get out of here, Zeb.”

Zeb started the BMW and began to back out of the parking space.

The guy sat up straighter. “Wait! Where are we going?”

Julie scooted closer to him and draped an arm around his shoulders. “You shush, sweetie. We have a special place we go. You didn’t really think we were gonna do business in the parking lot of a porn shop, did you?”

He clutched the brown paper bag in his lap with both hands, the paper crinkling as his fingers shook. Nervous? Shit. He was
Julie figured he’d never been intimate with a girl on any level before. It didn’t make her feel sorry for him. The sad sacks of the world only had themselves to blame for their problems. He wasn’t fat. He could clean himself up. Maybe get some cream to clear up those zits. Pathetic. The guy was maybe in his midtwenties, but he still looked like some high-school loser. No one would miss this waste of space. It made her feel a little better about what she was about to do.

Zeb pulled into traffic and began to head for the spot they’d found earlier. The town wasn’t tiny, but it wasn’t terribly big either. It was one of those countless bland, midsized communities dotting the landscape between the larger cities. It took maybe ten minutes to return to the abandoned warehouse in the town’s failing industrial area. The place was perfect. The empty lot behind the building wasn’t fenced off and there was no evidence of any kind of security presence. Zeb parked the BMW at one of the empty loading bays at the back of the building. He turned the car off and pocketed the keys.

He got out of the car and threw the door shut without a word.

Julie grinned. “It’s just you and me now, baby. You ready to have fun?”

She heard the paper bag crinkle again. A glance at his lap
showed that his hands were shaking harder than ever. She smiled and touched the bag. “Can I see your goodies?”

“Um…I don’t…”

She kissed his cheek. “It’s okay, honey. You don’t have to be embarrassed about anything. I want to see.”

Julie took the bag from him and pulled the DVDs out of it. There were four of them. The one on top featured a picture of a very young girl kneeling between the legs of another very young girl, who was sitting on the edge of a bed, with one leg dangling toward the floor and the other splayed along the edge of the mattress. The girl on the bed was squeezing her breasts and staring at the camera. The name of the DVD was
Teen Sluts 4: Lesbian Fantasies.
The rest of the discs were in the same vein. She sorted through them and made fake noises of arousal.

“Oh, wow. I wish we could watch these. I love shit like this. Makes me hot.”

He was staring at her breasts again and wasn’t shaking quite so much now. The edge had come off his nervousness as she’d sorted through the discs. She glanced at his crotch and saw how swollen it was. The physical intimacy was a big part of it. He probably knew it’d be a long time before he ever got this close to a girl as hot as she was again.

She set the discs aside and touched his leg again. “You ready?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

Lips puckering, he leaned toward her, but she placed a hand flat against his chest and pushed him back. “Kissing is fifty extra bucks.”

“I’ve got a hundred eighty in my wallet.” He was breathing faster, the intensity of his desire overwhelming any other impulses. “You can have it all. Just let me kiss you a little before we…you know…”

She giggled. “Fuck?”

He gulped. “Yeah.”

“Okay. We’ll make out some. Just promise you won’t tell Zeb. He doesn’t like it when I cut customers a deal.”

“I won’t tell. I promise.”

“Cool. Take your cock out while I get something from the front.”

She disengaged herself from him and leaned forward, angling her lean body through the gap between the seats, positioning her ass so that it was pointing right at his face. With any luck at all he’d be distracted by its round lushness long enough to get this done. The big hunting knife was in the passenger seat. The fingers of her right hand curled around its heavy handle.

Something touched her ass. The mark’s hand. The greasy little fucker was copping an unauthorized feel. Yet another mark against him in the grim reaper’s ledger of doom, she figured.

She smiled and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Little impatient, are we?”

He squeezed her ass cheek. “Yeah. What are you doing up there?”

“You needed a rubber, remember?”

He nodded. “Oh, yeah. Right. I forgot. Hurry. Please.”

“Okay, baby. Here I come.”

She waited one beat longer.

This is it,
she thought.
No going back from here.

What surprised her most in that moment was her total lack of hesitation.
I want this. Holy shit, I really do.

Keeping her back to him, she began to slither back into the rear of the car. She heard him groan in anticipation. Then she snarled and whipped around, jabbing the big blade at his throat. Instinct made him flinch to the side, his quick reaction time surprising her. But he wasn’t quite fast enough. The serrated edge of the blade cut through his T-shirt and glanced off his collarbone, etching a deep, bloody groove in his flesh. He screamed and scooted away from her as she
reared the knife back for another strike. He held his hands up and the blade jabbed into a palm, triggering another gusher of blood as it cut through muscle and hit bone. She yanked the blade out and pulled it back again. Blood leaped from the wound and struck her face. She felt some of it enter her mouth and realized she was grinning. It made her giggle, knowing how crazy she must look to him right now. He was pissing his pants, the little baby. He cried out and turned away from her, grasping for the door handle. His bloody hand curled around it and yanked, but the door stayed shut. Zeb had enabled the childproof locks on the back doors.

“You’re trapped, motherfucker.”

He looked at her and put his back against the door. “Why are you doing this?”

“Why not?”

She plunged the knife into his thigh, aiming for where she thought the femoral artery would be. He screamed and kicked out at her with his uninjured leg. The counterattack caught her off guard. His booted foot hit her stomach and drove her backward. She hit the door behind her and cried out. She stared at the man, panic blooming inside her. She didn’t have the knife anymore. It was still buried in his thigh. He reached for it in the same instant she propelled herself away from the door in a screaming leap. She was faster. She drove the blade deeper into his leg, giving it a savage sideways twist. He screamed and bucked against the door on his side. Julie yanked the knife out of his leg and stuck it in his throat.

A jugular bull’s-eye.

She pulled the blade out, releasing the biggest geyser of gore yet. She felt its warmth splash her chest and laughed. She leaned over him, got close as she could to his face, and taunted him in a singsong voice. “You’re gonna die-eye, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

He was still breathing, but his eyes were starting to glaze over.

Zeb opened the front driver-side door and leaned in to check out the carnage.

Julie beamed at him. “So what do you think? Did I do good? Did I pass Lulu’s fucking test?”

Zeb smiled. “You did good.”

“Yay. You know what?”


“I want to do it again. Tonight.”

Zeb just stared at her.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know. I’m a mess. I’m covered in fucking blood. But I’m not gonna be picky this time. We don’t have to do it the same way. Let’s just grab somebody. Anybody. A woman, if you want. I don’t give a shit. Let’s just do it. Okay?”

“You need to calm down.”


!” Julie took a deep breath and summoned a smile. “I want to kill somebody. Please?”

Zeb looked wary, but he nodded. “Okay.”

He disengaged the childproof locks, pulled the body out of the car, and dragged it over to a Dumpster. Julie climbed up front and settled herself in the shotgun seat in time to watch Zeb heft the body and drop it in the container. Christ, but he was a strong bastard. He came back to the car, fired up the engine, and began to drive away from the warehouse.

Julie started laughing, was unable to stop for more than a minute.

Zeb glanced at her, frowning. “What?”

Her smile was playful. “Oh, nothing. Well…I was just thinking…wouldn’t it be a kick if I turned out to be even more fucked-up than you?”

She laughed some more.

Zeb stayed glumly silent and stared at the road ahead.


Diary of a Mixed-up Girl blog entry, dated March 14

Stayed up way late thinking about it again. That thing I’d like to do. What it would be like. I think it would be sort of like turning out the lights when you leave a room, except you could never turn them back on again. Unless you had super God-like powers or something. But there is no God and no magic. So…yeah. It’s so trippy to think about. When someone decides to do this thing, that’s real power.

I don’t know if I’ll ever have the guts to do it. I’d sure like to, though. I know I don’t want the life my parents want for me. They want me to go to college, but I think what they hope happens in the end is I marry some upwardly mobile dude and raise a pack of brats in the suburbs. If it was good enough for Mommy dearest, then it’s good enough for me, right?

They’ve got some disappointment coming their way, I can tell you that. MORE disappointment, I mean. LOL. Ha.

They think all my “troubles” are part of a normal rebellion phase.

They have no idea. NONE.

I hope to truly horrify them someday. To SHATTER them.

And I will. I promise.

I saw this squirrel in the road today. It’d been hit by a car or something, but it was still barely alive. The sound its skull made when I crushed it was awesome.


lord_ruthven: Wtf? Awesome? Bullshit. I bet you were bawling your eyes out (if it even happened).

Mixedupgirl: No bullshit. I have pictures. I just mailed one to you.

lord_ruthven: I just saw it. I don’t know what to say. You’re one sick bitch.

Mixedupgirl: LOL. Yeah.

lord_ruthven: You make me so sad sometimes.

Mixedupgirl: Get over it. I’ll probably never fuck you again.


March 24

Sean Hewitt picked up the heavy duffel bag and set it on the edge of the bed. He glanced out the big window above the bed and saw a maze of beach houses and narrow roads with sandy shoulders. The room he and Annalisa had taken overlooked the driveway and swimming pool out front. It would have been nice to have a room with a view of the beach and the ocean, but he wasn’t about to complain. It’d been damn generous of Chuck’s dad to foot the bill for everybody. The main thing was just being here. There had been some unpleasant delays. That whole weird thing with Chuck and whatever had happened to him. The even weirder tension between Zoe and her supposed best friend, Emily. But they were here now, with nearly a full week of sun and fun ahead of them.

He unzipped the bag and began to sort through its contents in search of the new swim trunks he’d purchased for the trip. Everyone else was down at the beach already and he was anxious to join them.

“There you are.”

Sean turned around. “Uh…hi.”

Emily Sinclair stood just inside the door to the room. She was wearing black pumps and a tiny white bikini. She looked sensational. The white fabric against her already pale flesh created an interesting effect. From a distance she would
look naked. Hell, this close it almost looked that way. Her red lips curved into a smile beneath the dark sunglasses covering her eyes.

“Hey, Sean. I’m glad you’re here.”

He cleared his throat. “Uh…yeah. I thought you were down at the beach.”

She was still smiling. “I was. But remembered something I needed to do.”


Her smile gave way to a pensive look. “Yeah. I sort of need help with something in my room. Do you mind? It’ll just take a minute.”

Before he could answer, she turned and strutted out of the room, giving her hips an exaggerated sway. Sean stared after her. That ass was really something. He frowned. He wanted to get down to the beach with Annalisa. Oh, well. Whatever Emily needed help with couldn’t possibly be that complicated or time-consuming. He’d just go help her out, then come back and change.

Emily was already waiting for him in her room. She stood near the foot of the king-size bed that dominated the room and waited for him to come inside. He hesitated a moment. Something was a little off here. He shook his head. That was silly. What could possibly be wrong? He smiled and came into the room.

Emily licked her lips. “Care to guess what I need help with, Sean?”

She hooked her thumbs inside the bottom piece of her bikini and wriggled her hips as she slid the tiny piece of fabric down over her thighs. Sean’s mouth went dry as he got a look at her neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. It looked like a porn star’s snatch. Barely any hair at all, really. She sat on the edge of the bed and kicked the bikini bottom across the room. She braced her hands on the mattress and arched her back a little to emphasize the swell of her breasts.

His dumbstruck expression made her giggle. “I was getting all horny down at the beach. I can’t help it. Sunshine and sand gets me all worked up. I was hoping you could go down on me for a few minutes. You know, just to take the edge off. What do you say, Sean? Can you help a girl out?”

He coughed. “Um…isn’t this a job for Joe?”

“Joe could do it, sure.” She smiled. “But you’re cuter.”

Sean watched in disbelief as she spread her legs and started fingering herself. What was wrong with this girl? “Look…you’re hot and all, like seriously fucking hot, but I’ve got a girlfriend. And, shit…I love her. I’m sorry, I just…I can’t do this. And what the hell is your problem? Isn’t Annalisa your friend? This is some fucked-up shit. Do me a favor and stay away from me, okay?”

He turned away from her and started toward the door. Emily came off the bed with a snarl, grabbed him by a shoulder and spun him around. His feet tangled and he started to stagger backward. Emily slammed the heel of a hand against his chest and he stumbled backward into the wall.

“Jesus, Emily. What the fuck?”

Her hands curled into fists at her sides. He saw the muscles in her shoulders and arms tense. She looked ready to tear him apart. “Don’t you fucking dare tell anyone about this.”

He laughed—a nervous laugh. “Okay.”

“I mean it.”

Sean stared at her in silence for a few tense moments, and his own anger began to build. “You know what, Emily? I think I
tell Annalisa about this. She should know what kind of—”

“You won’t say a word.”

“I will. And you can’t stop me.”

Emily smiled again, but now there was something almost ugly in the expression. “Oh, but I can. Does Annalisa know about Melinda?”

Sean’s heart almost stopped at the mention of the name. “Um…what?”

Emily’s laughter was almost as ugly as that smug smile. “You heard me. Talked to the girl a couple weeks ago. She told me some very interesting things. Including a thing or two about you. Things you wouldn’t want your
to know.”

Sean’s eyes filled with tears.

He watched her strut back to the bed. She sat on its edge and spread her legs again, beckoned him with a bent forefinger. He pushed away from the wall and started toward her.

Then stopped.



He shrugged. “No. Seriously. Fuck this. Tell Annalisa about Melinda. I’ll deal with it one way or another. I made a mistake. I’ve felt like shit about it ever since. It won’t be happening again. And I sure as hell won’t be pushed around by you.”

He left the room without another word, pulling the door shut behind him. Something thumped against the door. She’d probably thrown one of her shoes. That sound and her accompanying cry of frustration were very gratifying things to hear.

Sean went back to his room and changed.

Then he went down to the beach and found comfort in the arms of his true love.

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