The Journey's End (2 page)

Read The Journey's End Online

Authors: Kelly Lucille

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Journey's End
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None of them made any move towards her, the ones in black just
stood there expressionless, not meeting her eyes as they waited, but for what
she didn't know.  A disturbance outside had her looking towards the door.  She
was almost positive she heard a heli-shuttle, but that would be ridiculous.  These
people lived in stone huts and used swords for goodness sakes.

She cleared her throat to ask again about her friend again
when the door to the stairs bust open and Lara herself bolted out. 

Crying, her dress ripped at the neckline, her big brown doe
eyes were panicked.  The man following her, nursing a bloody cut on his head,
had to be the reason.  She ran into the guard in burgundy, choking back a sob
and wrenching out of his arms.  She turned, looking wildly around, while the
bleeder cursed and bellowed for his soldier to hold her.

"Lara, here!"  Nori shouted, springing up to stand
on the bar so she could maneuver and be seen.

"Nori!"  There was relief and tears in the word. 

The soldier got a hold of Lara while she was distracted, but
a small silver throwing dagger hit him in the shoulder and he let go with a roar. 
He was lucky she hadn’t gone for the killing blow her blood was screaming for. 

She felt her nails prickling in preparation to extend and
knew her eyes would no longer be green, but an inhuman iridescent lavender. 
She steadied her breathing, searching for her calm center, even as she palmed
another throwing dart and waited.  When Lara hit the bar with a thunk, Nori
reached down and pulled her up one handed as if she weighed nothing and made
sure she was protected at her back.

"Are you alright, Lara?"  she asked in a growl,
her eyes never leaving the bleeding warrior, who was shouting at everyone to
“get the wenches”.

"He tried to…he wanted…"  She tried to make a
sentence, but it seemed beyond her.

"He tried, but did he?"

"No.  I did what you taught me. I…I found a

"Good girl."  She put her hand back to inch Lara
farther down the bar.  "Now I want you to do something else."  Her
voice was confident and carried no farther than the two of them.  Meanwhile,
the bar was emptying of its patrons in record time.  "When I distract them,
I want you to head for the horses out front.  You set all but two loose, you

"But you…"

"Lara, say you understand.  We both know I can take
care of myself, but I need you to do this for me."


"Good girl.  If anyone besides me comes out, I want you
to head for the dividing bridge.  Do you remember where it is?"

"Yes, but this is all my fault.  I should have listened
to you."

Nori’s voice was ironic.  "In that we will agree, so
listen to me now and do exactly as I say, okay?"


"Good.  Remember, wait until I have them all

"I will."

Confident that she would actually do what she was told for
once, Nori turned her attention to the men.  The one with the head wound was in
charge, dressed in the same burgundy and gold livery as the matching soldier,
he had the added ornamentation that usually denoted someone important.  And
this one had a great deal of frou-frou on his sleeves and chest.  That many
medals were probably all for show.  Either he was coming from some kind of
official ceremony or he was just really vain.  She doubted he could fight in
all that weight. 

He was older than the others, barrel chested with muscle
turning slowly to fat.  With a sprinkle of grey at his temple, he might have
once been a handsome man, but for the malice and ennui stamped across his
face.  She had seen that look before, on men used to getting everything they
wanted and never being satisfied with anything they got. 

The younger soldier pulled the throwing dagger from his
shoulder and dropped it with a snarl at his feet.

“Not a problem.  I have plenty,” Nori said, unfazed by the
glittering hate in the eyes he tracked her with.  

“You’ll pay for that, bitch,” he spat back. 

“More likely you’ll eat the next one.”  Nora’s smile was
cold, her voice going gruff and her eyesight sharpening with the change.  “But
come dance anyway, we’ll see who pays what.”

Though the men in black watched, they made no move to

"You there," the old one with the head wound
shouted to the warrior in black.  "I demand you take these women into
custody.  That one," he said, pointing to Lara, "struck me and the
other attacked my nephew."

Before the warrior could answer, another man in black came
through the double doors, this one tall with authority.  He had a scar along
one side of his face and a neat goatee along his hard jaw. 

He took in the sight of the two striking women at the bar,
one crying and bruised, but still beautiful despite that.  The other, small
boned and deceptively fragile, braced for battle.  He raised a brow at the
women and was tempted to laugh when the shorter one shrugged as if saying ‘what’s
a girl to do.’ 

"General Renik, those women," he said, pointing
again at Nori and Lara, who was looking about as dangerous as a watering pot,
"attacked me and my nephew.  I demand you arrest them and remand them to
my custody."  Lara snuffled harder and placed her hand on Nori’s shoulder,
hiding her face against her back.

"Lieutenant Stark?"  The voice boomed out, and the
men came to even stiffer attention.  "Is this the lady you sent word

"Yes sir, General.  His Lordships did not want to hear
me when I recited the law in regards to women, sir.  With the rank that he
holds, I thought it best to call you."

"Thank you Lieutenant.  You are to be commended for
your good thinking."

The noble man blustered, searching for the words to show his
outrage, but the General ignored him, moving instead to the bar and presenting
a hand and a kind look to Lara.  Lara looked at him, then at the nobleman
turning three shades of red.  Nori patted the hand still clutching her

"It's all right," she said.  Looking down into the
General’s eyes.  "He won't harm you.  You go on, and if you can, do what I
told you."  His brow went up again.  He helped Lara down and passed her
into the custody of the young Lieutenant, who draped his cape about her
shoulders to hide her torn dress and pulled her out of the pub. 

Lara was looking back over her shoulder at Nori, so she
smiled and nodded, all the while aware that he had not presented a hand to help
her down.  Lara was safe, she was not so sure about herself. 

The General left her a moment, motioning with his hand the
removal of the farmer on the floor.  Two of the guards carried him out and then
he turned back to her, watching the noble man and his nephew, his eyes cold as
stone and his hands on the hilt of his sword.  The room was cleared except for
the soldiers, the noble bastard and Nori on the bar.


What are we waiting for? 
Nori wondered, just as the door opened again.

Another man in black entered
the room, his stride angry and purposeful.  He was the tallest among them.  His
black cape and tunic lined with a gold griffin the only difference; that and
the authority he wore around himself like a shroud.  He towered over the
hardened soldiers.  It seemed impossible looking at him that he was hewn from
the same muscle and bone as the rest.  The only thing that looked soft on him
was his mink brown hair.

  His eyes went to the noblemen
who had become noticeably quiet, then without further warning, his head turned
and his eyes slammed into hers making her take an audible breath. 

He had grey eyes, like a
velvet fog.  Power surged and jumped, barely suppressed, in the hidden

Lightening in a bottle, s
thought.  Just his eyes were enough to bring her beast blood surging through
her veins.  Whether it was some form of psychic ability or just immense will,
he exuded menace.  Nori had a hard time taking a breath as his eyes moved down
her body.   

He unnerved her, jingled her
nerves and caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end.  His eyes
moved back to hers and she saw a strange satisfaction, and...desire.  All of
which had her hackles rising and her beast struggling to come out.  Her eyes
flashed lavender once again as she gritted her teeth and fought to calm
instincts bred to fight.

"King Menelaus, your
men are without discipline,"  the man blustered, but it was clear to Nori
that he was doing his best to bluff himself out of the situation he was in.
"As your future father-in-law, I demand respect from your

When the king turned his eyes reluctantly from her and
focused completely on his Lordship, all the color drained from his pasty face
and his mouth shut with an audible snap.

"Lord Kirny, your daughter is awaiting your attention." 
The voice was smooth and mellow, a deep baritone that reeked of scorn and
heat.  It made Nori want to bite him.  No man should have a voice like that.   

"It seems," his highness continued, “that she lost
her last challenge, along with a few in her party."  The king looked at
Nori again, his eyes holding a secret mirth.  And Nori remembered the blond on
the road. 

Well, damn it
.  Could she not catch a break?  This
was really not good, and from the look on the king’s face, he knew she was the
one responsible.

"But highness, surely that doesn't mean that you're
going to stop the wedding?  The law states you must have a bride."

His highness did not seem to like the reminder.  His eyes
flashed to the noble man, his voice a deadly whisper that seemed to reach
across the room and take Lord Kirny by the throat.

 "Do not presume to tell me the laws of my own Provence." 
He looked back over to Nori, who was still standing on the bar, waiting for the
attack she was sure was coming.  "And no, I am not stopping the

He walked closer to her, offering his black gloved hand to
help her down.  She eyed him warily, instinct warning her to stay out of his
reach, but prudence dictated the fastest way out of the bar was to go with him
out the front door.  He didn't seem upset that she had knocked his future queen
flat. On the contrary, he seemed pleased,  but she did not want to touch him.
From the smug look on his face, he knew she was afraid of him on some level, so
she raised her chin, placing her hand in his warm leather covered one.  His
hand closed, enveloping hers.  She felt claimed, which was ridiculous under the
circumstance; all he had done was take her hand. 

She stepped down from the bar with a quick, graceful jump,
trying to disengage herself as soon as she hit floor.  But he held on. Taking
her hand, he placed it on his arm as if he were escorting a lady about town,
his hand over hers to keep her in place. She felt very small and feminine next
to him.  She took a breath and regretted it as soon as his scent reached her,
he smelled wild and dangerous and her animal clamored inside her, as if
scenting a threat...or a mate. 

Nori did her best to ignore him on her way to the doors. 
With each step, she damned the animal nature of her kind that made the most
deadly and powerful predators the ones that called to her most primitive
responses.  She had to get out of this cursed place before she lost everything
she had gained in her years among the Heti.  At this rate, how long would it be
before she snapped and everybody found out what she was?

"Your highness, about the woman..."  The man was
either really brave or really stupid to keep pushing.  King Menelaus stopped,
and Nori could feel the muscle in his arms lock and his hand on hers tighten in
response.  He flashed a look of such warning at Lord Kirny. The man sputtered, 
"the other woman, the one who attacked me.  I would discipline her
myself."  King Menelaus relaxed slightly under her hand, Nori didn't want
to think about why.

He looked at his general, who had been silent until now.

"The girl did not wish for the Lord’s company.  His
lordship was warned of the law as pertaining to women and he chose to believe
the law did not apply to him.  The girl was taken into custody."

"Was she harmed?" 

"No, highness.  I believe she struck his lordship and
escaped to this one."  He indicated Nori.

Those cold eyes turned. This time they seemed to warm as
they caressed her face.  Nori looked away, hoping he couldn’t feel the beat of
her heart speeding up under his glove. 

He squeezed her hand. 
Damn it. 
He knew exactly the
affect he had on her.

“She was able to hold off the others until I arrived.”

"Then we will not charge his lordship with rape.  You
are free to go, Lord Kirny. Your daughter awaits only you to begin the journey
home."  He dismissed the floundering man with a look.

"But the wedding?.."

King Menelaus exhaled like he was teaching a recalcitrant
child and was fast losing his patience.  He had Nori out the door before his
last words computed in her head,  "Is none of your concern.  The law is
clear. Your daughter was beaten, the king does not marry the loser."

"Sir, a word,"  the general said, and the king
released Nori reluctantly to follow him a short distance for a private talk. 
She moved to where Lara was waiting by the horses, but felt the heat of his
gaze on her back the entire distance. 

"Are you all right?"  Lara turned and threw
herself into Nori’s arms.

"I want to go home," she said, the stress of the
day catching up to her.  Nori patted her back and gave her as much comfort as
she could.  She felt King Menelaus before she heard him.  She stiffened. Her
arms still around Lara, she pushed her back and turned around, catching his
scent.  Too close.  She arched her neck in an effort to meet him eye to eye. 
He inhaled deeply and from the way his eyes lit, it seemed he liked her scent
just as much as she liked his.

Nori cleared her throat.  "Thank you for your
assistance.  I would like to formally request safe passage back to the bridge
for myself and my friend."

"What is your name?"  he asked.  When Lord Kirny
was escorted out of the common room, the commotion had most of the men turning
in that direction.  Neither the king nor Nori looked away from each other.

“Safe passage?”  Nori asked bluntly.

"You have not answered my question."

"And you won’t answer mine until I answer yours? Is
that it?"

"That would be an accurate interpretation, yes."  He
studied her, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.  "I will take you back to
the bridge if you promise to answer all my questions en route."

Nori narrowed her eyes, but there was really only one
answer.  "Very well."

"You swear to answer all my questions on the way?"

Anything to get off this cursed planet. But all she said out
loud was "yes."

He did not escort them to the horses.  Instead, they
followed him around a building to a clearing where a shuttle waited.

She looked up at him, he was enjoying her surprise

"You have tech here?"

"A shuttle, yes."  He smiled, pushing back a piece
of hair that had fallen into her eyes.  She stepped back out of reach and he
smiled, motioning her ahead.

Nori helped Lara in and took the seat beside her.  The king
sat across from them, signaling the general, who had taken a seat with the
pilot.  He reached beside Nori for the shuttle door and pushed it shut, ending
up very close to her as she was on the side where it closed.  Their eyes
connected briefly, before the king smiled, relaxing back in his seat as they
lifted off.

"Your name?"

"Nori.  This is Lara."

"What brings you to my Provence, Nori?"  The way
he said her name should be outlawed, Nori thought.  His voice in the small
confines of the shuttle, even smoother and more disturbing, as was his scent,
which she tried really hard not to breathe in, but it was next to impossible in
the small space.

"She didn't want to come," Lara said, looking sad
and guilty.  His penetrating eyes shifted to Lara and Nori breathed in relief. His
unrelenting stare was daunting, to say the least.  "She came to protect

"You are her security?"  he asked, his eyes
finding her again.  But it was Lara who answered.

"No, my sister."  He lifted a brow at that ,
clearly studying the differences in color and height between them.  Lara seemed
to understand because she kept talking, saving Nori from having to.

"My adopted sister."

"Adopted?"  But Nori was too busy looking out the
window to answer.

"That's the bridge.  Where will you land?"

He exhaled loudly, as if bothered by her abrupt non-answer.

"I won't."

Nori looked at him warily.  "Excuse me?"

"The bridge is closed for the day.  It is against the
law to attempt to cross when it’s closed."  He smiled as if what he was
saying was of no consequence.  “I’m afraid the Wosite are very stringent about
their laws.”

Nori swallowed.  "Then we will be most grateful if you
would drop us off at the border town. We can stay the night and cross in the

"It would be better to come with me tonight," he
said persuasively.  His voice dropped, went fluid and Nori knew it was some
kind of weapon, because suddenly it seemed like a good idea and Lara was

"No," Nori said, emphatically aware of the silly
expression on Lara’s face and her own strange desire to stay with him. 
"Please drop us off here."

He lost his smile, but his eyes heated with a satisfied
gleam.  She had passed some kind of test and had no idea what the prize was. 
They were circling over the water, the churning of the surf strong below them. 
Nori had enough of whatever game he was playing.

"What do you want from us?"  she asked, her voice
giving away the growl of her animal so close to the surface.  The king began to
say something, then at the lavender glow that came into her eyes, he dropped
his smile and took her chin in his hands.

He seemed to study her as she tried and failed to wretch her
face out of his grasp.  Then, he seemed to settle some question in his head,
because he was suddenly looming over her, his hand still firm around her chin
as he braced himself with one arm against her chair back.

"You,” he said.  “I'm going to keep you,"  his
voice and touch saying more than the words ever could.  Nori felt the animal
too near the surface and shut her eyes so he wouldn't see.  Taking that for
surrender, he released her and sat back in his seat.  "General, take us
home."  The shuttle began its final turn.

"Do you think it's that easy?"  she asked and he
stilled, his eyes going to her face.  The eyes that opened were the liquid
lavender eyes of a Shakein cat, "I will not be chained.  Not ever
again."  Her voice seemed to come from somewhere deep inside.  He was
unprepared when she yanked open the flight door, bundled Lara into her arms and
took a header out of the shuttle.  He was cursing even as he reached to stop
her, left holding only a cape. One of his officers had wrapped around the other
one.  He was yelling to his general to head down, even as he watched them hit.

Nori took the brunt of the fall as she twisted sideways in
midair and pulled a screaming Lara into the protection of her body.  They hit
with a stinging splash.  She ignored the freezing temperatures of the water,
swimming for the bridge with fast strokes, dragging a gasping and choking Lara
behind her.  They made it to the bridge on the tech side and very quickly the
automated guards were picking up the castaways and clapping them in irons. 
Nori did not put up a fight, instead looked to the sky.

The king was unmistakable in the shuttle as it hovered just
beyond the invisible line separating one Provence from the other.  She looked
at him through her curtain of soggy hair, minutely satisfied that he’d lost
that infuriating smirk.  She refused to look away as she was dragged to the
building.  The last thing she saw before being hauled away was the shuttle
doors closing with a snap, like angry teeth chomping down.  He was furious, and
the only thing between them was a thin invisible line, even if that seemed to
be enough for now.  She seriously wanted off this rock.

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