The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 (59 page)

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Authors: William D. Latoria

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction

BOOK: The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1
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“Over night, we could have the king’s grateful ear and imagine what heights the guild will rise to! Who knows, Tartum, one day perhaps I’ll place you on the throne as the king of Saroth with Elizabeth as your queen. Instead of pilfering Saroth from the shadows, we will rule it in the light! What better heist is there than that?!” with her speech finished, she folded her hands into her lap and looked at him. He knew she was waiting for his reply, but he wanted a moment to digest everything first.

So this was the big mission they had planned. This was what everyone had hinted about since he was recruited. To infiltrate a powerful caster’s home and find evidence of his evil ways, so that they could plant one of their own in his vacancy and slowly take over the kingdom. Tartum had to admit, it was as elegant as it was genius. He also liked the possibility that he might be put on the throne of the city one day if King Darrak were to come to any ill fortune. A wicked grin spread across his face.

“Ok, Sasha, your plan seems to be a good one. When will the guild be ready to act on it?” he asked. His anger was replaced by greed; the bishop was a powerful caster, Tartum couldn’t wait to get a look at what spells and magical items he had in his private chambers. The thought of all those wonderful treasures made his mouth water.

Sasha laughed a long and sincere laugh, the bimbo Sasha was coming back, and for a moment, Tartum almost missed the dangerous one. “Oh, Cutie! I really, really like you!” she said. There was no lie in her increasingly bubbly voice. “We won’t act on the plan for quite some time yet. We need more recruits, we need to get you much more seasoned, and we need to better solidify our place in the city. Cutie, we still have a long way to go before any of us will be able to come out of the shadows!”

Tartum mulled this over. It made sense, as much as he wanted to get into the bishop’s stuff he knew if he had to face someone as powerful as that, he might not survive long enough to loot through his stuff. However, Sasha’s plan gave him a goal and a new reason to redouble his efforts to increase his magical prowess. Elizabeth’s voice took him out of his plotting.

“Sasha, this is all well and good, but it’s not why were here. We have spent the day seeing the sights of the city zoo and spending far to much money in the merchant’s district. We came here because my Sweetheart passed his overexam, and we wanted a good place where fun, music, food, and drink would be plentiful, as well as good company. I hope we weren’t wrong in our assumption.” Elizabeth said. She finished saying that last part with a playful look on her face and a quick wink towards Tartum.

Sasha caught all of this, and Tartum was amazed how quickly she went from full dangerous Sasha to full bimbo Sasha. It had Tartum doubting that he was talking to the same woman a moment ago.

! I almost forgot! I’m sorry, sorry, sorry! Yes! Let me clear out the second floor. Nothing but businessmen and their mistresses in there anyway. They can play somewhere else tonight! I will show you all such an incredible time you’ll never want to leave.
! I love parites! Party, party, party
!!!!” Sasha squealed like an excited little girl and dashed out of the room.

“Give me thirty minutes and then come down to your celebration bash, cutie pie!” she called from the stairwell.

Tartum burst into laughter, “Gods, Elizabeth! That’s one of your oldest friends!?!” he asked.

Elizabeth shot him an amused glance. “Yes, she’s my oldest friend. She’s one quarter elvish you know. That’s why her eyes are so big and her face is so narrow. She’s very proud of her elvish heritage though, so don’t make fun of it! She doesn’t like it! Her mother was half elvish and her father...well, her father was a full blooded human rapist. After Sasha was born, her mother couldn’t bare to raise her and left her with my parents. We grew up together, almost like sisters. We even ran away together when we were sixteen and joined the thieves guild together a few years later. She’s alot to handle...and maybe a little crazy, but she’s my best friend, and I love her.” There was a wistful look in her eyes as she explained their relationship. Elizabeth looked at Tartum as she finished and frowned.

“But if she doesn’t stop flirting with you, I’m gonna yank her hair out! You’re mine, Sweetheart, and don’t let her forget it!” She said feigning anger. Tartum held up his hands and laughed.

“You’re the only woman for me, babe. The last thing I want to do is cheat on you with some quarter elf!” he began, a mischevious grin coming across his face as he continued; “Now...if you want to share her with me one night...” he never got to finish his joke as Elizabeth flung herself at him, and they both went sprawling on the floor. Tartum was laughing very hard, Elizabeth was not.

“I dont share...” she growled.

Tartum laughed very hard at his joke and her reaction to it. He held onto both of her wrists and kept her on top of him as she struggled to get her hands free so she could beat him. Finally, after a few stinging bites Tartum got control of himself enough to speak. “I was just kidding, babe! Calm yourself! I love you! You’re the only one for me, and you know it! Stop biting me!” he laughed, as he reassured her. He noticed Elizabeth had stopped struggling; instead she was looking up at him was a serious look on her face.

“You said you loved me.” Was all she said.

Tartum smiled down at her. “Yea, I guess I did.” Reaching down, he pulled her face towards him and kissed her passionately. With a girly sigh of contentment, she kissed him back, and they lay there together, embraced, for a long time. They were broken from their moment when someone kicked them and Buddy began to growl. Looking up to identify his assailant, he saw Sasha backing away from Buddy.

“You two stop that now! There’s plenty of time to do that after the party; and call off Buddy! I think he’s going to kill me!” Sasha said with her arms out as Buddy advanced on her.

Tartum and Elizabeth laughed as they got up. Calling Buddy away from Sasha they headed towards the stairs. Sasha walked over to where Vaund had fallen asleep and awoke him with a kiss on the cheek. “Come on little cutie! Let’s go have us a
!” She sqeaked. Tartum saw Vaund look around and upon seeing Sasha and realizing she had kissed him again, he jumped up with a huge grin in his face and allowed her to escort him to the second floor.

Tartum whispered to Elizabeth, “Think we can get Sasha to sleep with Vaund?” he asked.

Elizabeth smiled and whispered back, “Not a chance in hells, he’d never survive it, and Savall would kill me if we lost the guild healer.”


The party that Sasha put together was nothing short of spectacular. The room on the second floor was twice the size of the third floor but with long benches across the walls with tables full of food and drink the likes of which Tartum had never seen. There were meats that had been combined with cheeses in a way that made it almost impossible to stop eating. They melted in his mouth and left him feeling satisfied yet craving more. Some of them were spicy and some were sweet; some were both and those were the ones he sought out most often.

If he had liked the meat and cheese combinations Sasha had served them, it was the desserts that he fell in love with. Mountains of cakes and pastries were served and each was a masterpiece of flavor in its own right; however, it was the final dessert that Tartum found the most amazing. It was brought out in a large bowl that had tendrils of mist floating all around it. There were large balls of a frozen substance Elizabeth told him was called iced cream. It was incredible! The first taste he had sent shockwaves of pleasure through his mind. It was cold and solid at first and them began to melt into a delicious, sweet delight that he couldn’t get enough of. Elizabeth literally had to pull him away from the bowl on numerous occasions lest he eat it all and leave none for anyone else.

After the meal was cleared away, drinks were brought out as they took turns sitting around the table and telling their stories. Vaund told Sasha about the numerous times he had used his magic to save Tartum’s life. They all shared a hearty laugh when Vaund recounted how Tartum had screamed for him when Jeth had buried his dagger hilt deep in his thigh. Tartum had tried to defend his actions, but all he succeeded in doing was furthering everyone’s laughter. Giving up, Tartum did the only thing he could do and joined them in their laughter at his expense.

Next up was Elizabeth who told them about how she and Sasha had run away from home because Sasha had fallen in love with a local man that their parents believed to be a bad influence. Tartum’s jaw hit the floor when he heard the man was Rashlarr. Sasha took up the story then and recounted how they had met at a fair and how they had fallen madly in love with each other. She told about how they discovered and explored their magical abilities together and how through those endeavors, they were discovered by the head caster of the thieves guild. Sasha seemed to grow sad as she told the rest of the tale. She told them of how after Rashlarr spent a few days in the Null Box compared to her hours. Elizabeth explained that as runaways they had eaten rat on plenty occasions, and so the prospect of eating one to regain her connection with magic caused her no hesitation. Rashlarr had begun to resent Sasha for not getting him out of the Null Box sooner, and a rift formed between them. When Sasha’s ability with magic began to outshine his own, they had a huge fight and ceased speaking. Months passed, and they passed their overexams; due to Sasha’s magical ability and natural talents as a woman, she quickly rose amongst the ranks and eventually was stationed in the Pidgeon’s Hand to begin her part of the take over. When asked if she had spoken with Rashlarr since she had been stationed here, she sadly shook her head, and told them she heard he was very powerful now but much different than the man she had been in love with. He didn’t contact her, and she didn’t try to contact him. She said it was for the best, but Tartum didn’t think she believed that.

After Elizabeth’s tale, Tartum recanted his story of how he grew up. He told them of his first meeting with Isidor and how he had immediately noticed his ability for magic when he accidentally helped summon a giant lizard. He told of how he had learned magic, his melee skill with the staff, and about his father. He told them about Hilary but left out the part about how his misspoken spell had caused the brothel to be destroyed and her to be ripped apart. Instead he told them they broke up and left Zerous for Saroth to further his training. He told how Isidor abandoned him shortly after arriving and how Rashlarr had found him in the alley with Buddy. His story was shorter than the others, but it invoked much more laughter from the group. Even Buddy looked up from the platter of roast duck he had been working on most of the night to bark his support when he heard his name mentioned.

Finally, it was Sasha’s turn next and at this point they were all very drunk. She told of how she and Elizabeth had used their girlish charms to cheat men out of their hard earned coin and poorly earned pride. She finished her story about how they had escaped from the men that caught Elizabeth stealing. Apparently, Elizabeth had pulled her shirt up and exposed herself to the men, causing them just enough pause for Sasha to escape and Elizabeth to follow. They took shelter in one of the local inns and when the men tracked them down and claimed they were thieves, it was Sasha that exposed herself and claimed that with looks like theirs, they didn’t need to be thieves. The men were summarily thrown out of the inn, violently, and the girls had spent the night in the company of much friendlier men. When Tartum shot Elizabeth a jealous look, she smiled at him and whispered that she never claimed to be a virgin before they met. Tartum laughed hard at his jealousy, he reminded himself he hadn’t been a virgin either when they met.

With their stories told and their bellies full of food, drink, and dessert, the night finally took its toll and they retired to rooms Sasha had prepared for them earlier in the day. Elizabeth rewarded him one more time that night before they fell asleep, and Tartum noticed Sasha had sent some female company into Vaunds room as they retired. It was a great night, and Tartum looked forward to many more like it. As he fell asleep, his dreams were filled with him looting through the Bishop’s magical cache and finding powerful items that he used to rule the world.


The next morning, they said their goodbyes and headed back to the compound. On their way, Elizabeth pointed out the large bruise on Vaund’s neck and when they made mention of it Vaund turned four shades of red. He pulled his hood up over his head and refused to speak about it and walked with them in silence the rest of the way. Elizabeth and Tartum had a good laugh at his discomfort but teased him about it no more. Tartum found that he was proud of his young friend and didn’t want to discourage him from going back to see his lady friend.

When they got back to the wall in the alley Elizabeth gave Tartum a quick lesson in how to tell if there was anyone around. It involved listening for movement and feeling for someone’s eyes on you. After a few minutes, he got the hang of it, and Elizabeth nodded her approval. Taking out his dragon pendant she had given him the day before, he showed her he remembered the three, four, five count, and they walked back inside the guild. Tartum saw how proud of him she was and couldn’t resist.

“Steel trap, babe.” he said, as he tapped himself on the head.

Elizabeth grinned at him and gave him a playful shove. “You’ll need it, Sweetheart!”

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