The Intruder (33 page)

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Authors: Greg Krehbiel

BOOK: The Intruder
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"I need another drink," the man said, and walked to the bar. Jeremy winked at Hanna, and they stood together in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"Look," Hanna said, "we're pulling into the dock."

"The party's supposed to go all night," Jeremy said, looking around. Several other people had joined Duncan and Peter on the dance floor. "And it doesn't show any signs of slowing down. But I was wondering if you'd be willing to go ashore with me. I feel like having a chocolate malt."

Hanna smiled. "Should I invite MacKenzie?" she asked.

Jeremy looked over in MacKenzie's direction. Dr.
had joined the throng of computer experts and was quizzing MacKenzie about something. MacKenzie, red-faced and laughing, nearly spilled her drink on Dr.
's dress.

"I think she's doing okay," Jeremy said.

"Well, I really ought to tell her we're leaving," Hanna persisted, and turned away to send MacKenzie a message. Jeremy watched MacKenzie as she straightened up a touch, and then looked toward Hanna. She raised her glass in a toast and winked at Jeremy.

"She says she's having a blast, and we should go enjoy ourselves."

They walked arm in arm down the gang plank onto the concrete quay. A row of hovercars were at their disposal, and they picked the closest one. They climbed in and told the hovercar to take its time getting to the Chocolate Bar.





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About the Author


Greg Krehbiel is a happily married father of five wonderful children. He's had a distinguished career in professional publishing, including lengthy gigs in editorial, product development, IT and tech development, marketing, and audio and web conferencing. He has a degree in Geology and studied theology as preparation for ministry -- then thought better of it. He's a
home brewer
(beer, wine and mead), an occasional jogger, an avid writer, and enjoys camping and fishing.


Author's Note


This book was originally written back in the early 1990s. I tried to get it published by a traditional publishing house, but it was a frustrating process and I let it drop. I had other things to do, like raise a family. These days it's trivially easy to publish a book, so I've been going through my old files to see if any of it's still worth a read. In going through
The Intruder
I was surprised how little I had to update to make it relevant in 2012. But the essence of a book shouldn't be the technology, but the story, and this story still resonates.


About Crowhill Publishing


"Krehbiel" is a German name that roughly translates to English as "Crow Hill." Crowhill Publishing is the imprint for all of Greg Krehbiel's books. Find out more at

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