The Internet of Us (28 page)

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Authors: Michael P. Lynch

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Forms (Platonic), 126

foundationalism, Cartesian, 126–29, 131

Fox News, 43


of reason, 148

threat of, 4, 41–63

Freebase, 151

freedom of choice, autonomy of decision vs., 102

French Revolution, 58

Freud, Sigmund, 184

Fricker, Miranda, 146–48, 201

Galileo, 34, 68

Galton, Francis, 120

games, gaming, 20, 191

gatekeeping, 128, 134, 146

gender, 162

in marriage, 53–54, 72

in problem solving, 137

Georgetown University, 77–78

Gilbert, Margaret, 117–19, 200

Glass, Ira, 78

Glaucon, 54

Glauconian reasoning, 54–55, 56–58

global economy, 139, 142, 152

global warming, 56, 100, 124, 144, 185, 198

Goldberg, Sandy, 115

Goldman, Alvin, 194

Google, 5, 23, 30, 113, 128, 130, 135, 163, 174, 182, 203

business model of, 9

data collection and tracking by, 90, 155–56, 158, 161

as hypothetical “guy,” 24

monopolization by, 145–46

propaganda disseminated on, 66

in reinforcement of one's own beliefs, 56

Google Complete, 155

Google Flu Trends, 158, 183

Google Glass, 149, 186

Google-knowing, xvi, 21–40,

defined, 23

limitations of, 174, 180

reliance on, 6–7, 23, 25–26, 30–31, 36, 113, 116, 153, 163, 179–80

Google Maps, 116

Google Street View, 23

Gordon, Lewis, 148

gorilla suit experiment, 30


autonomy limited by, 109

closed politics of, 144–45

data mining and analysis used by, 9, 90–91, 93, 104, 107

online manipulation used by, 81

purpose of, 38

transparency of, 137–38

Greece, classical philosophy of, 13, 47, 166–67, 171–72

Grimm, Stephen, 164

, 81

Gulf of Mexico, oil spill in, 118

H1N1 flu outbreak, tracking of, 158

Haidt, Jonathan, 51–54, 56, 57, 60, 196–97

Halpern, Sue, 106

Harvard Law Review
, 89

Hazlett, Allan, 49

HBO GO, 145

Heidegger, Martin, 177

Hemingway, Mark, 46

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), 61

Hippocrates, 13

hive-mind, 4, 136

HM (patient), 168–69

Hobbes, Thomas, 38, 109

holiness, logical debate over, 166–67

homosexuality, changing attitudes toward, 53–54

Houla massacre, 83

Howe, Jeff, 136

Huffington Post
, 43

human dignity:

autonomy and, 58, 59–60

information technology as threat to, 187

interconnectedness and, 184–88

privacy and, 101–9

human rights, 54, 60

digital equality as, 142–48

protection of, 145

Hume, David, 48

hyperconnectivity, 184–88


digital reshaping of, 73–74

manufactured online, 80–81

“scrubbing” of, 74

illegal searches, 93

illusion, distinguishing truth from, 67–74

incidental data collection, 95–96, 99

inclusivity, 135–37

income inequality, 142

inference, 29, 60, 172


accuracy and reliability of, 14, 27–30, 39–40, 44–45

collected pools of, 95–100, 107–9

distribution vs. creation of, 24

immediate, unlimited access to, 3–4, 23, 30, 42, 56, 113–16, 135–36, 141, 149, 153, 180

as interconnective, 184–88

vs. knowledge, 14

sorting and filtering of, 12, 26–29, 44–45, 127–28

information age, 111

information analysis, techniques of, 8–9

information cascades, 36, 66, 121

defined, 32

information coordination problem, 38–39, 56

information “glut,” 9–10, 44

information privacy, 94–100

and autonomy, 102–7

information sharing, coordination in, 4–5

information technology:

costs of, 145

data trail in, 9

democratization through, 133–38, 148

devices and platforms of, xvii–xviii, 3, 7–8, 10, 41–43, 69, 70, 77–78, 90–91, 106–7, 144, 148–49, 156, 180, 185–87

disquieting questions about, 6

in education, 148–54

experience vs., 173–74

hypothetical loss of, 5

paradox of, 6, 12, 179

pool of data in, 95–100

surveillance and, 89–109

typified and dephysicalized objects in, 69

unequal distribution of, 144–45

see also
Internet of Things

information theory, 12


defined, 10

feedback loop of social constructs in, 72–73

network of, 180

pollution of, 148

vastness of, 128

InnoCentive, 136–37, 141

institutions, cooperative, 60–61

intellectual labor, 139–40

International Telecommunications Union, 135


author's experiment in circumventing, 21–24, 25, 35

in challenges to reasonableness, 41–63

changes wrought by, xv–xviii, 6–7, 10–11, 23, 180, 184–88

as a construction, 69

cost and profit debate over, 145

as epistemic resource, 143–45

expectations of, 80–83

as force for cohesion and democracy, 55–63

freedom both limited and enhanced by, 92–93

international rates of access to, 135, 144–45

monopolization and hegemony in, 145–46

as network, 111–13

“third wave” of, 7

see also
World Wide Web;
specific applications

Internet of Everything, 184

Internet of Things:

blurring of online and offline in, 71

defined, 7–8

integration of, 10

shared economy in, 140–41

threat from, 107, 153, 184–88

Internet of Us, digital form of life as, 10, 39, 73, 83–86, 106, 179–88

interracial marriage, 54

interrogation techniques, 105

In the Plex
(Levy), 5–6

Intrade, 122–23, 136

intuition, 15, 51–53

iPhone, production of, 77–78, 80, 139, 144

IQ, 52

Iraq, 83

Iraq War, 137

ISIS, 128

isolation, polarization and, 42–43

I think, I exist
, 127

James, William, 11

Jefferson, Thomas, 143

Jeppesen, Lars Bo, 137

joint commitments, defined, 117–18

journalism, truth and, 84

judgment, 51–55, 57

collective vs. individual, 117, 120–25

justice, 54

“just so” stories, 27–28

Kahneman, Daniel, 29, 51

Kant, Immanuel, 34, 58–60, 62, 85

Kitcher, Philip, 182

knowing-which, as term, 171


in big data revolution, 87–190

changing structure of, 125–32

common, 117–19

defined and explained, xvii, 12–17

democratization of, 133–38

digital knowledge; Google-knowing

distribution of, 134–35, 138, 141

diverse forms of, 130

economy of, 138–45

hyperconnectivity of, 184–88

individual vs. aggregate, 120–24

information vs., 14

Internet revolution in, xv–xviii

minimal definition of, 14–15

as networked, 111–32

new aspects in old problems of, 1–86, 90

personal observation in, 33–35

political economy of, 133–54

as power, 9, 98–99, 133, 185–86

practical vs. theoretical, 169, 172

procedural, 167–74

recording and storage of, 127–28

reliability of sources of, 14, 27–31, 39–40, 44–45, 114–16

as a resource, 38–39

shared cognitive process in attainment of, 114–25

three forms of, 15–17

three simple points about, 14–17

truth and, 19, 126

understanding vs. other forms of, 6, 16–17, 90, 154, 155–73, 181

value and importance of, 12–13

knowledge-based education, 61

Kodak camera, 89

Koran, 48, 61

Kornblith, Hilary, 194

Krakauer, John, 169

Kuhn, Thomas, 159–60

Lakhani, Karim, 137

Larissa, Greece, 13, 15, 182

Leonhardt, David, 122–23

Levy, Steven, 5–6

liberals, 43

libraries, 22, 134, 153–54

of Alexandria, 8

digital form of life compared to, xvi, 17, 20, 44–45, 56, 63, 128

as epistemic resource, 145

Google treated as, 24

“Library of Babel” (Borges), 17

“Lies, Damned Lies, and ‘Fact-Checking': The Liberal Media's Latest Attempt to Control the Discourse” (Hemingway), 46

Lifespan of a Fact, The
(D'Agata), 79

literacy, 35, 134

literal artifacts:

defined, 69

social artifacts and, 71, 72

lobectomy, 168

Locke, John, 33–36, 39, 60, 67–70, 85, 127, 143

“Locke's command,” 33–34

London Underground, mapping of, 112–13

machines, control by, 116

“mainstream” media, 32

censorship of, 66

majority rule, 120


data mining and, 97, 104–6

of expectations, 80–82

persuasion and, 55, 57–58, 81–83, 86

manuals, 22

manufacturing, 138–39

maps, 21–22

marine chronometer, 137


bots in, 82

Glauconian, 58

targeted, 9, 90, 91, 105


changing attitudes toward, 53–54

civil vs. religious, 58–59

as social construct, 72

martial arts, 170

mass, as primary quality, 68

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 150–53

mathematics, in data analysis, 160, 161

Matrix, The
, 18–19, 75

Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor, 8, 158–59

measles vaccine, 7, 124

Mechanical Turk, 136, 141

media, 134

diversity in, 42

opinion affected by, 53

sensationalist, 77


accessing of, 114, 115

in educational models, 152

loss of, 168–69

superceded by information technology, xv–xvi, 3, 4, 6, 94, 149

trust in, 28, 33

Meno, 13

merchandising, online vs. brick and mortar, 70

Mercier, Hugo, 54

metrics, 112

Milner, Brenda, 168–69

mirror drawing experiment, 169

misinformation, 6–7, 31–32

in support of moral truth, 78–80, 82

mob mentality, 32–33

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), 150–53

moral dumbfounding, 52

morality, moral values, xvii, 6, 44, 53–54, 195

“Moses Illusion,” 29–30

motor acuity, mastery of, 170–71, 173

motor skills, 167–74

Murray, Charles J., 147

music, as dephysicalized object, 69–70

Nagel, Thomas, 84

naming, identification by, 94

narrative license, truth and falsehood in, 78–79

National Endowment for the Humanities, 61

National Science Foundation, 61

, 158, 161

Netflix, 69, 145

Net neutrality, defined, 145

netography, 112–13

of knowledge, 125–32

networked age, 111

networks, 111–32

collective knowledge of, 116–25, 180

knowledge reshaped and altered by, 125–32, 133, 140

in problem solving, 136

use of term, 111–12

neural system, 26

neural transplants, 3, 5

Neurath, Otto, 128–29

neuromedia, 3–5, 12, 17–19, 113–14, 132, 149, 168, 180–82, 184

limitations of, 174

as threat to education, 153–54

Newton, Isaac, 175

New Yorker
, 26

New York Times
, 122, 174

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 111

Nobel laureates, 149

noble lie, 83, 86

nonfiction, 79–80

NPR, 78, 80


alleged privacy abuses by, 98–100, 138

data mining by, 9, 91, 95–96, 108, 167

proposed limitations on, 109

Ntrepid, 81

nuclear weapons technology, xvii

nullius in verba
(take nobody's word for it), 34

Obama, Barack, 7, 100

administration, 109

objectivity, objective truth, 45, 74

as anchor for belief, 131

in constructed world, 83–86

as foundation for knowledge, 127

observation, 49, 60

affected by expectations, 159–60

behavior affected by, 91, 97

“oceanic feeling,” 184

“offlife,” 70

OkCupid, 157

“onlife,” 70

online identity creation, 73–74

online ranking, 119–21, 136

open access research sharing sites, 135–36

open society:

closed politics vs., 144–45

values of, 41–43, 62

open source software, 135

Operation Earnest Voice, 81

Operation Ivy, ix


knowledge vs., 13, 14, 126

in online ranking, 119–20

persuasion and, 50–51

truth as constructed by, 85–86

optical illusions, 67

Oracle of Delphi, 16–17, 171

Outcome-Based Education (OBE), 61–62

ownership, changing concept of, 73

ox, experiment on weight of, 120

Oxford, 168

Page, Larry, 5–6

Panopticon, 91,
, 97


acuity of, 173

distinguishing truth in, 67–74

expectations and, 159–60

misleading, 29–30, 67

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