The Hysterics (5 page)

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Authors: Kristen Hope Mazzola

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Hysterics
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That would be messy.

Whitney: Are you trying to make me jealous?

Me: Not in any way, shape, or form should you ever be jealous. Remember: we’re not together.

Whitney: Not yet

Me: Don’t you think if I wanted to the buy the cow I wouldn’t have taken the milk for free without a second thought?

Whitney: You just don’t know what you want

Me: I know I want you to leave me alone and let me go to sleep

Whitney: Fine. Night jerkface

I didn’t feel the need to answer. She’d call me back in a few days and either we would have a very similar conversation or I’d give in to my smaller head and let her come over against my better judgment.

I set my alarm for an hour earlier than usual and let myself doze off.



Chapter seven

foreign territory


What the fuck?

My heart started racing as I rolled over in a bed I did not recognize. I jogged my memory back to sitting on Dane’s couch and realized that he must have put me to bed the night before. I jumped up, straightened out my clothes, and started to tiptoe out of his bedroom door.

Right as my fingers gripped the front door’s knob, Dane’s phone started blaring a horrible nuclear alarm sound. He shot up, a coy sneer rolling across his lips while stretching.

“Trying to run out on me?”

I bit my lower lip and shrugged, knowing I had been caught, my fingers still gripping the cold metal handle. “I just didn’t want to wake you up.”

“A guy brings you home, makes you tea, watches a god awful movie just because you like it, and then sleeps on an bumpy couch just so you wouldn’t be uncomfortable waking up next to him even, though it would be completely innocent, and you try to leave without even saying goodbye? Ugh! Rude!” He dramatically rolled his eyes at me, shoving up from the couch. “At least have breakfast with me.”

“I have to go into the office.”

“Don’t worry. It’s six in the freaking morning, I think I will have plenty of time to make you pancakes, take you back to your place to change, and have your butt behind your desk before Payton has his morning coffee.”

I rubbed my hand over my shoulder, staring at my feet. “What are you doing?”

His brow creased as he started to walk into the kitchen. “Being a nice friend. Is that a bad thing?”

I followed him into the kitchen, taking a moment to watch his muscular back flex as he walked shirtless, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. Even Dane’s back was sexy, with perfect definition and a tattoo of two fireflies on his shoulder with the word ‘remember’ inked under them.

“I guess I just never had a guy want to be a
friend in the way you’re trying. Maybe you are Romeo.”

The corners of his lips perked upward and small lines formed at the corners of Dane’s gorgeous gray eyes while stirring pancake batter and folding in blueberries and banana slices. I grabbed the coffee from the open pantry and started to fiddle with his coffeemaker until it hummed to life.

“Why don’t you leave this work to me and you hop in the shower?”

“Do I stink?” I playfully shoved him with my elbow as I pulled open a cupboard, hoping to find mugs.

He laughed. “Yes. Like cow piss.” His words dripped with sarcasm as he gently shoved me toward his bedroom door. “Come on. I’m really trying this nice guy shit, for crying out loud. My gym shorts and tees are in the bottom drawer of my dresser. You can borrow some so you don’t have to put your dirty clothes back on.”


Once the steam was billowing from the top of the shower, I slipped in and let my skin turn pink from the scalding water. The burn felt good, reminding me that I was still alive, that somehow, deep down, I was still me. Everything was all so confusing, so intimidating, that I felt like I actually was dead in a way and had come back to life somehow. I hated lying, especially to someone who was being so damn nice to me.

I scrubbed off the loathsome feelings and the scarred exterior, deciding that I was Fallon Dunbar no matter what. I just had to go by Fae to protect who I really was and wanted to be. A few minutes later I slowly turned the handles in the shower until the water stopped, grabbed the towel off the rack, and dried off.

There was no way I could come clean to Dane, but maybe I could be more
Fingers crossed.

His room was simple. Dark wooden furniture, a deep, red quilted blanket on his bed, soft, gray sheets that matched his smoky eyes, and a few black and white pictures of mountains and lakes—very masculine, very chic. I slipped into the first pair of shorts and shirt I found in his drawer then stared into the mirror hanging over his dresser.

Deep breaths.

Keep calm.

Try to let him in a little.

Sitting at the table, sipping on coffee, eating delicious pancakes with Dane—it felt far too natural. We chatted about nonsense at work and how good of a guitar player Maverick was. I found myself holding my breath a lot when I felt like a question about my freak episode from the night before was going to jump out at me, but Dane left it alone, never even mentioning it.

My eyes started to travel around his apartment, taking in more of it than I had the night before. There was an acoustic guitar hanging on the wall above a simple drum set, but what really caught my eye was the massive bookcase that took up most of the far wall of his living room.

“You’ve got some book collection over there.” I gawked at its splendor.

“Yeah. I really love to read. I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, but don’t tell anyone! I’d lose my cool rock star edge if that was leaked.”

I made my way over to the shelves and started to run my fingers over countless books, from poetry and classics like
Romeo and Juliet
The Old Man and the Sea,
to books I was shocked he had on his shelf.

              I spotted one of my all-time favorites and smiled when I saw two of them all the way up on the top corner. “A double problem, I take it?”

              Dane walked up behind me, smiling as he quoted, “The best things in life aren't easy. They are tough, they are painful, and they are raw.’”

And then I finished, “That makes the arrival at the final destination that much sweeter.’”

Dane blushed a little. “I told you I was a hopeless romantic.”

“Maybe a pitiful one,” I teased, playfully rolling my eyes at him as I nudged him with my elbow. “I cannot believe that a hardcore rock drummer has
Loving Mr. Daniels
on his shelf.”

“In my defense, it was my sister’s favorite book. She made me read it.”

I looked closer that the broken, worn out spine. “Yeah, maybe the first time. Did she twist your arm to reread it?”

He glanced over at the books, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ok, you caught me.”

A locked stare that would have normally made me utterly uncomfortable pulled me in closer to Dane. I took a few seconds to study his features: the diamond tattoo just under his left eye, the gauges in his ears from years of body modification, the way that ink swirled out from the top of his shirt collar. Then I looked into his eyes. They were smoky, deep, and edgy with an unfamiliar softness to them that was lined with brokenness.

That’s when I noticed a few picture frames on the shelf next to me. Maverick’s huge smile was the first thing that caught my eye. He was standing by a frozen lake next to Dane, who was holding a little girl in his arms. The next picture took me aback: the silhouette of a young woman who looked to be very pregnant.

After putting two and two together, I couldn’t help but blurt out, “Do you have a kid?”

Dane sighed as he looked at the pictures with me for a second, taking the one of the woman into a shaking hand. “No,” he finally whispered. The pain in his face clouded the room while he gripped the dark frame. “This was my sister. She died before the baby was born.” A tear rolled down his face.

I put my hand on his shoulder but words did not form. I wanted to know who the young girl in his arms in the other picture was. I wanted to ask about his sister, to know her name, but nothing came out.

He shrugged, putting the picture back in its spot before clearing his throat. “I guess we better get you back to your apartment to get ready for work.”

I looked over to the clock on the shelf next to me and gasped. “Crap! It’s already eight-thirty! Payton is going to kill me!”


I grabbed Fallon’s hand and pulled her out my front door in a hurry, only slowing down to snatch up her purse and clothes from the day before. I hated thinking about Leilani and how beautiful my nephew would have been. I hated the guilt that wrapped my heart. I hated the detestation I felt for my mother. But there was a time and place for all of my feelings, and right then, I escaped in the moment with Fallon, which was liberating and soothing to my boiling emotions.

We jogged down the three flights of stairs to the parking level of my building. I knew I should have been focusing on getting her to work on time, but all I could think about was how much I wanted to know her, how badly I wanted to make her late to work so we could talk about books over coffee in my bed.

What the hell? When did I start to like getting to know girls?

Even though at heart I wanted to be a romantic and find that cliché one special someone, my hard exterior and the walls I had built up over the years made me revert to a more typical male reaction toward women. I generally didn’t care about them at all. Most of the women I knew or had tried to get to know me and the rest of The Hysterics didn’t help my perception anyway. They were sluts, groupies, or whatever whorish word defined the women who just wanted to lick a little bit of fame from the tip of a rock star’s dick. In my opinion, sluts get treated like sluts. If they wanted to be treated with respect, they should have a little self-respect first.

“This one.” I nodded toward my car while digging the keys out of my pocket.

I opened Fallon’s door and then ran over to my side. As I slid into the seat, I took in how appealing she looked in the passenger seat of my car, wearing my basketball shorts and Blackhawks shirt. Her hands ran over the leather of the seat as I let the engine rumble to life and backed out of the parking spot.

“What kind of car is this?” her sweet, soft voice cooed next to me.

A smile spread wide as I thought about my prized possession. “This is The Judge.” My voice was smooth and silky, the same way my completely restored, matte black Pontiac Judge with candy apple red leather interior made me feel. She was gorgeous and I loved her.

I glanced over right as Fallon rolled her eyes.

“All right.” She chuckled a little.

“What?” I grazed my fingers over her soft wrist, right where fresh skin met with ink, in between shifting as we came to a stoplight.

“I never understood boys and their cars, the allure of it all. They’re nice. Your car is gorgeous. But the way you talk about ‘The Judge’, it’s like you just had the best sex of your life; I don’t get it.”

I kept stealing glances at each of her curves, the ink that decorated her pale skin, the bright pink of her lips, the softness of her eyes as they turned down at the corners.

“So, where do you live exactly? I know it’s close to work, but that’s all I got to work with here.”

“Oh shit!” she exclaimed while we crossed over Jefferson Avenue. “You just passed my building, actually!”

I did some fast maneuvering and slid The Judge smoothly into a spot right in front of her building. “I’ll wait here and drive you into work.” I smiled as she started to get out of the car.

“Dane, you don’t—”

I held my hand out to cut her off. “See you in a second. Go change. I’m not taking no for answer.”


From the time Dane and I stepped into the office until just after lunch, I barely noticed time passing. I was a whirlwind of productivity until all of a sudden a sinking feeling hit the bottom of my stomach like a Mack truck. It took an hour and twenty minutes, two sessions of praying to the porcelain gods, and half a bottle of Tums to get me feeling halfway normal.

              On my way back to my desk, I saw Payton as he rounded the corner. “Fae, I was just looking for you.” My face must have matched my light green top because when he looked up from his pile of papers, he leaned in closer and whispered, “Are you feeling all right?”

              I fixed my glasses that had been sliding down my nose, then took the papers out of his hand, knowing that he needed me to edit them. “Just a little queasy from the Thai I had for lunch. I’ll have these back to you soon.” Right then another wave came and there was no saving myself. I ducked and lunged for the nearest trash can and wanted to die right on the spot.

You just fucking blew chunks in front of the entire office and your boss. Way to go!

              Payton picked the papers up from the floor next to my knees and patted my back. “Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? It’s Friday. Think of it as a little break, you’ve been working yourself into a frenzy.”

              I clutched my turning stomach, begging for this to be the last of the episodes. “Thanks.”

              He handed me a box of tissues from off of the closest desk and I wanted to die again—it was Dane’s desk. He mouthed “Are you ok?” over to me and I faked a smile as I nodded while clambering to my feet. Every eye in the office was on me, everyone peeking up over their cubical partitions to see their new boss hurl into a white plastic trash can like a shitfaced groupie backstage at an Aerosmith concert.

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