The Hysterics (20 page)

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Authors: Kristen Hope Mazzola

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Hysterics
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Special Thanks

To Michae
: I know that I’ve said it a thousand times, but thank you for showing me that soulmates do exist, that they aren’t mythical creatures and thank you for being mine. I love you.

To Dayn
: Holy crap! This has been one hell of a wild ride. Thanks for not giving up on these characters and me! Without your support, unwavering friendship, and your honesty, even if it was brutal at times, this book would never have been finished. I really could not have written this, or any book, without you by my side!

To Brittainy C. Cherry, author of
Loving Mr. Daniels
: You are the best book bestie a girl could ever have! I cannot count how many times you have talked to me off the ledge. Thank you for not letting me give up! I really owe you for that!

To Brittany Jo James, author of
The Rebels
: You are complete and total sunshine – that is really the only way I can describe how beautiful and sweet you are! I love our chats and how positive you always are. Never stop believing in your abilities, and please never let me stop believing in mine.

To my da
: Thanks for being the first rock star I ever loved and for teaching me to always follow my dreams, no matter how big or small they are. You will always be my number one fan and I will always be yours. By the way, you’re the most talented drummer I have ever seen, so thanks for helping spark the inspiration for this book, The Hysterics would have never been written if it wasn’t for you.

To Diese
: (Yes, I have my dog in here) Thanks for grunting, barking, growling, shoving, and stressing me out from under my desk. I really needed those breaks from time to time. For anyone that has, had or knows a bull terrier, I’m sure you understand this one.

To my amazing editor, C Mari
: Girl, you freaking rock and I am so thankful to work with someone as talented and good-hearted as you are. You are so positive and respectful, and I really value you as my colleague and thank you for helping my writing skills improve.

To Christine and Lea from
The Hype PR
: Holy hell, I do not know what I would do without either of you! Thank you for having my back and believing in me!

To Every Member on my Street Tea
: You all are freaking amazing and I don’t know what I would do without your support! Thank you for believing in me!

Lastly, thank you from the bottom of my heart to the entire book world. To every member from authors, bloggers, readers, editors, cover models and designers and everyone else in between, we have built up an amazing community of support and passion for the written world, one that I am so honored to be a part of.

Note From the Author

Thank you for buying my novel. In doing so, you have helped fulfill a very important goal of mine.  From every purchase of any of my books, I donate to the Marcie Mazzola Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to "help better the lives of abused and at-risk children; and to build community awareness regarding the needs of children."

The Marcie Mazzola Foundation was established in 2003 by my family. On July 6, 2002, Marcie died tragically in an automobile accident. Although she was only 21 at the time of her death, Marcie had experienced many things and touched many lives. She was a beautiful young woman whose inner beauty surpassed even her physical beauty because of her compassionate nature and treatment of others.

At the time of her death, Marcie was involved in a civil lawsuit against a school bus driver who had sexually abused her when she was 11 years old. Prior to her death, it had been expected that the case would be won, but since Marcie could no longer testify
it was going to be next to impossible to win. Marcie’s attorney met with her family to determine if the suit should be continued. He advised the family that Marcie had confided in him her intention to donate her entire award to help sexually and physically abused children if she won the case. Once this was known, the family had no doubt that the suit had to continue.

The attorney’s strong commitment to Marcie prompted him to proceed with the case, and against all odds, it was won. Marcie’s estate was awarded a monetary settlement. With her attorney’s guidance and continued support
the family established a foundation as a tribute to Marcie’s life
which would
continue her legacy to help children.


To learn more about The Marcie Mazzola Foundation, please visit:


Marcie Mazzola Foundation
158 Burr Road, Commack, NY 11725
phone: 631-858-1855   •   fax: 631-462-8544
[email protected]

The Author

Hi! I am just an average twenty-something following my dreams. I have a full time "day job" and by night I am an author.  I guess you could say that writing is like my super power (I always wanted one of those). I am a lover of wine, sushi, football and the ocean; that is when I am not wrapped up in the literary world. 

Please feel free to contact me to chat about my writing, books you think I'd like or just to shoot the, well you know.


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Email: [email protected]



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