The Hustle (Irreparable #4) (18 page)

BOOK: The Hustle (Irreparable #4)
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land in Monterey at nine and drive to the barn. As I pull over to the side of the rural road, one of the heavy doors slides open and Marco waves me to drive inside next to a black sedan I assume he arrived in. I don’t see Maria and hesitate to pull in, thinking I’ve been played. As I hit the brakes, she steps out of the back seat of the car, sending me a gorgeous and welcoming smile.

Marco closes the barn door behind me. I get out of the car and into the waiting arms of a woman I never thought I’d hold again. She smells like jasmine and powder, and she feels soft and heavenly, like she’s mine and I never want to let her go. I’d make a home in this barn if it meant never being separated from her again.

“I’m going to wait outside,” Marco interrupts my moment. “You have one hour, Maria.”

As Marco leaves, I release her. “Wait. An hour? I thought you said he was gone for days.”

“He is, but I can’t be gone long. He keeps tabs on me and his other men are loyal. They’ll be looking for me soon.”

“An hour isn’t much time.”

“No, it’s not,” she says, pressing her warm lips against my mouth. “But it’s something. I want to spend every second of our time in your arms.”

My mouth opens and the touch of her tongue against mine causes me to feel dizzy. I grip the back of her head tightly as I kiss her with uncontainable passion. I can’t kiss her hard enough or long enough to make up for every minute Eduardo stole from us. I can’t make love to her like I want to, but I can promise her I love her and that we’ll be together soon.

Her being with me now takes away every moment of pain I felt when I lost her. I forget who I was while we were apart. I’ll never have to experience living without her again. She’s mine, and soon, we’ll return to the life we had before.

The hour fades away too quickly and Marco opens the barn door. “We have to go,” he orders, entering the barn.

I cling to her not wanting to let go. She pulls back and I look her in the eyes. “Remember what I told you. The moment I text you, get Javier and get out of the house.”

She nods. “I know. I wish you’d tell me what you’re planning.”

“I can’t tell you everything, but Eduardo invested a large sum of cash with me so he could take you and Javier away. As soon as I decide the best way to alert the cartels about what he’s done, he’ll have to answer, but you need to be gone before that happens.”

She studies me for a moment and I feel her worry. “I will, but why not just call one of the other cartel leaders and tell them? Then we don’t have to wait. I don’t have to go back there. We can be together. ”

“That would be suspicious. They’d know I was involved. It has to be a coincidence.”

A tear falls before she lowers her head to my chest and hugs me. “I hate leaving you.”

“I hate letting you.” I hold her close, professing my love.

She lifts her head and I wipe a tear from her cheek. “I’m afraid to go back. He repulses me. I don’t want him to touch me ever again.” The thought of his hands and lips on her prickles my skin. I have to work quickly to get her away from him for good. “Let’s just go. We can runaway. Let’s get Javier and leave.”

As much as I want to, I have to think about my family. “I would love to run away with you, but he would only find us, or hurt those we love. This is the only way, but I promise it will be over very soon.”

She nods, squeezing me tight around the waist.

I dread letting her leave. It feels like good-bye. As she settles into the back seat of the car, and Marco closes the door, I consider taking her away, running to a place where no one will ever find us. But I can’t sacrifice my family. Eduardo would use them to draw us out.

I place my hand on the window, smiling at her. She frowns as she puts her hand over mine on the glass and mouths that she loves me.

“When you’re ready, text me,” Marco says. “There are a lot of innocent people in that house. I’ll need time to get them out.”

“I love you, too,” I tell Maria and then turn my head to Marco.

My only concern has been Maria and Javier, but Marco’s right. When all hell rains down on Montez, no one in his path will survive.

“Of course,” I answer him.

“Sunday would be best,” he suggests. “There are only a few guards and servants at the mansion as Eduardo gives most the staff Sunday off for church and family.”

“How noble of the scumbag,” I spit with anger.

“I want him dead as much as you do.”

“Why?” I ask, feeling his reasons are more than loyalty to Torrente.

“Something he did caused me to lose someone I love. She died and I want him to suffer for that.”

My lips press flat as I watch him get into the car. Eduardo’s evil hand has touched so many people. If I ever felt a shred of regret for what he has coming, it’s gone. No one will mourn him.

I decide to stay in Monterrey until this thing with Eduardo is over. I need to be close to Maria and Javier so that I can take them home.

arco takes the back road over the hills into the mansion at my request. The drive is longer and I want all the time I can to reflect on my time with Tug. I touch my swollen lips, relishing in the scent of him radiating from my blouse. My eyes close as I remember his taste and his touch. When the car gains speed, I open my eyes and tap on the window.

“What is it?” I ask Marco.

“Mr. Montez is on his way home.”

My body tenses immediately. “He has two more days.”

“He returned early and is on his way home from the airport.”

“Are you sure?”

“I have a friend at the airport. I’m sure. We have to get you to the house.”

“What if he’s already there or arrives at the same time? Stop here. I’ll run to the stables. When you see him, tell him I went for a ride.”

Marco reluctantly stops the car and I get out without another word. My legs burn as I sprint across the rocky terrain, but I keep running until I reach the stables. I quickly change into my riding clothes and boots and then hide my other clothing behind a tall stack of hay.

My saddle feels heavier than usual as I carry it to Shadow’s stable. I drop it on the floor upside down. The water in the trough freezes my hands as I scoop handfuls on the backside of the saddle, knowing Eduardo will check for sweat. Then, I toss it over Shadow’s back and pat his black mane before combing my hands down his neck to warm them.

The stable door creaks as it opens and I hear footsteps crunching into the straw on the floor. I reach up, slowly sliding the saddle toward me as though I’ve just returned from a ride.

“Ah, there you are,” Eduardo says, smiling as he approaches me. “You’re out of breath.”

I squeeze my eyes shut on a silent prayer as the saddle falls from my horse. Eduardo takes it from my hands. “Yes, I rode him a little hard today,” I offer as an excuse.

Eduardo drops the saddle at our feet and runs his hand up and down the animal’s snout. “Seems Shadow’s in much better shape than you, my dear.”

“Stronger heart, I guess,” I say, feeling fear strangling me.

Eduardo’s eyes stay on me as he leans down on one knee and feels the underside of the saddle. I swallow the relief that wants to burst out of me as Eduardo smiles and says, “I guess we’ll need to work out more to make your heart stronger.”

“I missed you,” I say with admiration in my voice. “I’m thrilled you’re home early.”

He takes my hand, guiding me back toward the house. “It seems the business I was called away on didn’t require as much time as I thought.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes. Fine,” he answers. “I didn’t see Javier when I got home. Where is he?”

I inhale slowly through my nose. My heart races as I contrive a quick lie. “My parents were going into town for lunch. He wanted to go with Leti and Alex. I thought it would be okay since Manuel was with them.”

He stops walking. I can’t read his expression, which terrifies me.

“It’s okay this time, but in the future I would like you to call and discuss it with me first.”

We have no future.

“Of course.” I smile.

Soon, I will never have to answer to him again for anything.

spend the afternoon in my hotel room at my laptop. Everything is in place to take Eduardo down. All that’s left to do is wait until Sunday.

My phone rings and when I see the name on the screen, I’m afraid to answer. I send the call to voicemail, knowing I can’t bear to hear her voice. Up until yesterday, I’d held onto a little piece of Peyton. Until I saw Maria, I wasn’t sure I could let Peyton go. I kept a place in my heart for her as a backup in case I was wrong about Maria. I’m a piece of shit. Peyton always deserved better than me.

When I held Maria in my arms, any feelings I had for Peyton were overwhelmed by my love for Maria. I’ll always hate myself for being with Peyton, for leading her to believe the risk we took was more than me trying to heal my broken heart. A heart that knows I’m a liar. The feelings I have for her are real, only concealed by my love for another. What I feel for Peyton is love, because if it weren’t, I’d never have the strength to set her free.

The phone rings again and while I don’t want to answer it, I need to stress the finality of our relationship. I answer with a stab of pain through my heart.

“It’s me, Peyton.” I remain quiet, afraid if I speak I’ll have to admit I’m in love with two women, but I only want to love one of them. “Did you find her?”


Her faint sniffles filter through the line. “And were you right? Does she want you back?”


The line quiets as I consider hanging up. My confirmation is permanent enough, but I hang on, knowing I owe her a firm good-bye. “I’m sorry, Peyton.”

“No. I’m happy for you. I know this is what you wanted. You were always honest about your feelings for her. We took a risk, remember?”

I sigh, my head pounding. “I really do care about you.”

“Okay,” she says quietly before the line goes dead.

She’s not okay this time, but I believe she will be. She’ll take another risk and find someone worthy of her love. Someone who can give themself to her entirely. A man who deserves her.

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