The Hustle (Irreparable #4) (16 page)

BOOK: The Hustle (Irreparable #4)
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“You’re welcome. I will do anything to make you happy.”

I swallow, looking directly into his deep brown eyes. “Good, because I want to ask something of you.”

His expression doesn’t change, except maybe his eyes narrow slightly as he leans forward in the chair. “You can ask me anything.”

“I’m with you now because I truly want to be,” I say, squeezing his hands. “Nothing else at play, and I’m willing to stay and be with you, as you want.” My gaze falls as my courage wavers.

“I feel the same.”

“I heard you on the phone. I know what you’re planning for . . .”


“No, please, just hear what I have to say. I want to be with you, but Mr. Hunter was good to me and Javier. I’ll stay with you, but promise me you won’t ruin his career or hurt him.”

My skin screams as his palm connects with my cheek. “How dare you betray me. You’re my wife and the mother of my child and if you loved me you would not concern yourself with his welfare.”

I wish I’d never married him in Mazatlán. At the time, I fully bought into the fairytale he created, and I wanted to believe I was more to him than property.

While I know what I have coming will be worse than the slap, I have to say it. “I can’t bear something awful happening to him because of me. I’ll only stay with you if you promise to leave him alone.”

The last thing I hear before the room goes black is, “You’ll stay with me because I said you will.”



uadalupe holds an icepack to my eye as my father paces the room. “You should not have challenged him. I warned you that underneath all the nice exterior, he’s still an animal.”

I frown, staring at my father; a once powerful man who’s now as helpless as I am. “Papa, stop, please.”

“I’m going to kill him!”

“And the cartel will kill you. What then? What will happen to Guadalupe and the kids?”

“There has to be a way to get rid of him. I just don’t know who to trust.”

“It’s okay, Papa.”

There’s a tap at the door. Marco enters and makes his way to me. “Mr. Montez sent me up to check on you.” He stands close and I feel him slide the phone into my pocket. He whispers. “Do whatever you need to. I’ll help you.” Then he stands and says, “He wanted to see if you’ve recovered from your fall. He asked if you’re ready to join him?”

“Tell him I’m feeling better and I can’t wait to join him.”

I politely ask my parents to give me a moment alone and they leave with Marco. A small smile touches my lips as I glance at the camera in the bedroom on my way into the bathroom. This time, the lock on the door is secure, and I run the water in the shower to drown out the sound of the text I send Tug.

Once I’m finished typing, I bring the phone close to my chest as though if I squeeze hard enough, I will somehow feel him.

ver the last few weeks, the feelings I keep denying for Peyton have grown more intense. I like her and I want her to play a significant role in my life. I want her to officially be my girlfriend. The woman saved me and did so by simply believing in me. She’s not a doormat, or willing to put up with an ounce of my shit. Peyton knows the type of man I am behind the walls I put up, and yet, this glorious angel still cares, still wants to be here. I’ve been honest and she’s still eager to take a chance.

I’m in awe of her. Of each time her contagious laugh forces me to smile, of each time my bullshit is challenged with a harsh look. She’s unexpected and brilliant and although she scares me, I’m all in with Peyton.

My conflict resides in knowing that my relationship with Eduardo is coming to an end. His money has been routed without a single detail missed. A thick paper trail has formed and the theft all leads back to Eduardo. I’ve succeeded in hustling the ultimate hustler and Eduardo will never see it coming. Thanks to my hacker friend, Riley, not one dime of Eduardo’s money was ever wired to me. Instead Eduardo stole and invested a large sum from the Guerra cartel, a fact I will soon be alerting Mr. Guerra to.

If not for Maria and Javier, I would have done so already, but I need an opportunity to warn them first. I owe them that much.

Robert Dellisen admitted to his crimes. The police found Peyton’s belongings in his house, and with the break-in at her place, he didn’t stand a chance of winning a jury trial. His confession was merely a means to reduce his sentence, but I’m grateful she’s free from him. He’ll be bound to an ankle monitor and attending classes for the next year. With the addition of the restraining order the judge granted, I feel confident Peyton is safe.

The last couple of days, I’ve come to believe Peyton and I have a real future. The time has come to let go of my past and to no longer allow it to control me. Peyton’s a fresh start, one I didn’t see coming, but needed desperately.

Peyton comes into the living room. I expect she wants me to come to bed. It’s late and I’ve been working on my laptop at the kitchen island. The worried look on her face concerns me as she approaches, holding my cell phone out to me in her outstretched hand.

“What is it?”

Without an answer, she places the cell phone in my hand and bends my fingers over it. I can barely hold onto it as I read a text I never expected.

M: My dear Tug. I’m sorry it took so long to reach out to you, but he watches me. I have to warn you. Eduardo plans to ruin your career and then he wants to see you dead. Please be careful. I’m sorry I left, but it was to protect you and your family. Know that I love you more than anything.

Peyton in my side-vision blurs away. A wave of emotion ripples through me as I stare at the screen, a mixture of anger and regret, happiness and confusion. As the words on the screen settle, I fear who’s actually on the other end of the phone. Eduardo could be testing me and I respond appropriately.

T: My business with Mr. Montez is none of your concern. Don’t contact me again.

I glance up at a sad Peyton, but before I speak, my phone vibrates with another text.

M: You don’t believe it’s me, Ryan?

I smile, remembering how I told Maria my name was Ryan when we first met and then continue reading.

M: We once had a cereal fight in your kitchen. You proposed to me on the beach. Our first time was in the shower. Please, it’s me. You have to believe me.

She could have told those things to Eduardo. I think of a question that she’d have to answer quickly.

T: What was the first thing you ever said to me? You have seconds to respond.

She does.

M: I asked if smelling cigars helped you decide which one to buy.

I need one more to be certain. As I try to think of something another text comes in.

M: Come on. You thought I was a barista or worked fast food. You asked to feel my kitty. It’s me.

T: Maria.

M: Yes. Please, whatever you’re planning, don’t go through with it.

T: I have to, but I don’t want you to worry.

M: Eduardo was in the lobby at your place the night I left you. He threatened to kill you and my father if I didn’t leave you and go with him.

T: I’m going to get you and Javier out of there. We’re going to be a family again.

I answered immediately and without a second thought of the woman, who moments ago, I was all in with. The angel standing beside me radiates concern. She knew this day would come, and I would be forced to make a choice. Sadly, she also knew it wouldn’t be her.

M: I want that but I’m scared. My time is up. I have to go, but I’ll text again soon. I love you.

Maria loves me. And just like that, those three words alter the future I had been looking forward to with Peyton. I can’t even look up because I know she is going to hate me. I have to go with what’s in my heart.

T: I love you, too. I never stopped loving you.

I type the words and as I set the phone down, Peyton comes into focus immediately, not providing me a single moment to sort my thoughts. She brought the phone to me, knowing there was a chance it would mean losing me. And now she waits to see if that’s what’s going to happen. Regrettably, I think it is, but I’m confused.

“Thank you for bringing the phone to me.” She stares at me silently, waiting for me to elaborate on what the texts mean for our future. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Neither do I.” I catch her covering her mouth with her hand as she strolls away from me.

The door to the bedroom closes and I slam my hand onto the countertop. I love Maria beyond reason, but there’s a part of me already falling in love with Peyton. Maria’s love pulls just a little bit stronger and I hate myself for spending all this time with Peyton. It was wrong when I have unresolved feelings for Maria.

y cheeks hurt from smiling, but my joy diminishes as I focus on the reality of my situation. Tug believes he’ll win, but I’ve seen Eduardo come back from the dead on more than one occasion. He’s a weasel with the ability to maneuver any situation. Eduardo plays the game more ruthlessly that Tug.

I find Marco and carefully slide the phone into his pocket before I take Javier up to bed. My mind races with worried thoughts as I lay my head on the pillow.

There has to be a way to protect Tug

I’d give my life to protect him.

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