The Huntress (37 page)

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Authors: Susan Carroll

BOOK: The Huntress
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“Yes, I have, to my shame,” Lord Oxbridge said. “Jane has looked after me since we were children. She has sacrificed much for my sake, and I have heedlessly taken all that she had to give.”

“And I am sure she would willingly give her life to keep you safe.”

“No doubt she would, but that is one sacrifice too many to accept, even for a worthless wretch like me.” Lord Oxbridge squared his shoulders. “I have only one hope to save Jane and that is to claim that I was the one meeting with Father Ballard. I will admit that any attempt to deal in the dark arts was mine.”

He turned to Meg and she was surprised to see a trace of gentleness, even nobility in his lean, dissipated features. For the first time, she perceived a faint resemblance to his sister.

“I am sorry, Margaret,” he said. “But I am also going to have to take you before the queen’s council. You have to confess that you are really the Silver Rose.”

Meg’s heart thudded. She could see the justice of that, but her mouth went dry with fear at the prospect. Before she could frame any sort of reply, Sander thrust himself between her and Lord Oxbridge.

“Have you completely lost your wits?”

“No, I believe I am thinking clearly for the first time in my life.”

“Fine. Go play the hero if you’ve the stomach for it.” Sander sneered. “But I am damned if I’ll stand aside while you throw away everything I’ve worked and risked my neck for all these months. All the power and knowledge that girl represents.”

“Get out of my way, Sander.” When Sander refused, Ned gave him a violent shove. Sander staggered back, falling over a wardrobe trunk.

Struggling to regain his feet, he shouted, “You are not taking Meg anywhere.”

“I quite agree,” a silken voice hissed. The curtain behind Lord Oxbridge stirred and it was as though one of the shadows had sprung to life.

It seemed to envelop Lord Oxbridge. Meg caught the flash of a knife and then his lordship’s throat blossomed bright red. He did not even have a chance to cry out, merely looked stunned as he crashed to his knees, collapsing onto his side.

Meg blinked, unable to fathom what had just happened. It was all over so swiftly. She stared down at the crimson droplets that had spattered her sleeve, caught the sticky sweet scent. Blood.

She struggled to accept that she had just watched a man being killed. Her mother and the members of her coven had performed many acts of violence, but Meg had never borne witness to any of them. She had been haunted by them anyway, always believing she could clearly envision the horrible deeds.

But the reality of murder was so much worse than anything she could have ever imagined that her breath escaped in a ragged sob and she started to shake.

The shadowy figure assumed the solid shape of a man. Still clutching his knife, he regarded the fallen Lord Oxbridge dispassionately.

“Your pardon, monsieur,” he said. “But you should not have intruded. You have no part in this little farce and it is I who shall direct the final act.”

The man’s French accent penetrated through the haze of Meg’s shock. This had to be Gautier, the Dark Queen’s agent that Sander had warned her about. But Meg still felt too numb to move. She stared down into his lordship’s sightless eyes and trembled.

Sander was as immobilized with shock as she. By the time he was galvanized into action, it was too late. As he drew his dirk to defend himself, two other men stormed into the room. Seizing Sander, they pinned his arms behind his back.

Gautier ambled toward him and laid the edge of his bloodied knife against Sander’s throat. Meg whimpered, certain she was about to see Sander murdered as well.

Sander struggled frantically, his eyes rolled back in terror. “P-please, m’sieur.”

Gautier clucked his tongue. “You disappointed me, Monsieur Naismith. A clever player such as you. I thought you understood your part, but you have deviated from the script. I should slit your worthless throat as well, but I still may have need of you.”

Sander moaned with relief as Gautier removed the blade from his throat. The Frenchman wiped the knife clean on the front of Sander’s shirt. He sheathed it before turning to Meg with a most civil nod.

“Ah, la petite Mademoiselle la Rose. We meet at last.”

Meg could only gape up at him. Peering into his eyes, she swiftly saw all she needed to know. This man’s heart was encased in ice; the blood that ran through his veins was cold. Exactly like Maman.

If she had been afraid before, her pulse now thundered with pure terror, although she strove not to show it.

As he stalked toward her, Meg found her voice at last. “You stay away from me. If you harm me, my papa will come and—”

“I trust your papa will come. Shall we dispatch a note inviting him and request that he also bring the
Book of Shadows
? Don’t trouble denying you have it. I overheard your conversation with these two gentlemen.”

“Even if I do have the book, my papa knows nothing of it. He—he wouldn’t know where I have it hidden.”

“Then I suggest we tell him or—” Gautier’s teeth flashed in a feral smile. “Do you know what I do to witches, child?”

“B-burn them?” Meg faltered.

“That requires entirely too much effort, gathering wood, hauling it, building a fire. There is a much simpler way.”

Gautier snapped his fingers and one of his men fetched him a length of stout rope. Meg stared at it in horror. But still she could not seem to move, even when Gautier fitted the end of the noose about her neck.

Chapter Twenty-One

. T
hours since she had been carried back to the Angel were a blur, a nightmare from which there was no waking. Her head throbbed from the blow she had taken, a thick linen bandage wrapped round her brow, protecting the place where Master Turner had stitched up the gash in her temple.

Each step that she took jarred all the way through to her skull. Only a supreme effort of will kept her on her feet. Her stomach roiled but perhaps that was due as much to the emotions that had consumed her ever since Meg’s abduction—fear, despair, and self-blame.

She kept rehearsing the event over and over in her mind, berating herself, trying to think what she might have done differently. If only she had not been so distracted helping Jem or if she had obliged Meg to remain in the kitchen. If only she had sent Naismith on his way or if she had been more wary or a little quicker.

If only…if only. All such thoughts did was make her head ache worse. Cat did her best to cease the futile exercise.

Her head reeled as she reached the top of the stairs. Gripping the railing, she paused a moment until the house stopped spinning and she was able to gather her strength. In the hall below, the entire household waited, their faces anxious and distressed. Both Maude and the kitchen boy were in tears, old Agatha’s eyes red-rimmed.

They all stared up at Cat with such desperate hope, it astonished her. It was as though somehow they expected she would be able to set everything right. When in the blazes had she begun to inspire such confidence in these people, even the crotchety Mistress Butterydoor? It weighed heavily upon Cat, for she felt it was a confidence she little deserved.

Stumbling away from the steps, she approached the door to Meg’s bedchamber where Martin had shut himself away, forbidding anyone to come near him. Ever since his return from the Tower, he had seemed distraught to the verge of madness and Cat had been terrified of what he might do.

Rescuing Meg would require a cool and collected head. Martin could be impulsive and reckless even at the best of times.

But as Cat peered into the chamber, she found Martin on the edge of the bed, the ransom note he had received clutched in his hand. Shoulders slumped, he looked completely drained of the brash manner with which he usually took on the world.

His gaze roved bleakly about the room scattered with Meg’s books, her writing desk, her lute, the wardrobe overflowing with all of her costly gowns. Cat could only imagine how it all must mock him, the trappings of the safe refuge he believed he had created for his daughter. It taunted Cat as well.

“Martin?” Cat stole into the chamber and closed the door.

At the sound of her voice, Martin roused himself to scowl up at her. “Cat, what are you doing up here? Go back down to my bed.”

“I am fine.” Her assertion was belied as she swayed on her feet. Martin leapt up to brace her.

“Fine? Damn it, woman, you are ready to keel over. You will be of no use to Meg if you fall and crack your head open again.”

“I was already of no use to Meg.” Cat thrust his hands away, and then eased down onto the edge of the bed.

Something gentled in the harsh lines of Martin’s face. He stroked his knuckles alongside her cheek.

“You did all that you could, my valiant Cat. Fighting those villains alone. You were not the one who failed Meg. I did. You tried to warn me there might be something amiss with Alexander Naismith. I didn’t listen.”

“All the more reason I should have been vigilant when I knew that varlet was about the house.”

“No, I am the one who should have been here instead of rushing off to Lady Danvers’s aid. Little good that I did there. Little damned good that I am to anyone—”

“Peace, Martin.” Cat stayed him, squeezing his hand. “We’ll have time enough for sorting out blame when we have Meg home safe. We can take turns kicking each other in the arse then. Agatha told me you received a ransom note?”

“Yes, one of those cowards tied it to a rock and chucked it through the window.” Martin handed Cat the crumpled note.

Pressing one hand to her brow, Cat squinted at the parchment. Despite the pain splitting her head, it took little effort to read it. The note was written in French, glaring its message in bold, flowing script.

Greetings, Monsieur le Loup,

Your enchanting young daughter graces me with her presence. Have no fear. The child is safe with me and will remain so as long as you oblige me in a certain matter. Please be so kind as to bring me the
Book of Shadows.

Your daughter informs me that you might be astonished to learn you have it in your possession. I fear Megaera has been rather a naughty girl. She instructs you to look for the grimoire behind the unicorn.

I am willing to take this dangerous book off your hands in exchange for your daughter’s life. I will meet with you at your theater at midnight. Come not a stroke later or I regret that your child will meet with a most unhappy accident.

Your obedient servant,

For a threatening note, it was couched in the most courteous of tones, after Gautier’s silken fashion. Cat could well imagine how the captain must have smirked while he wrote it.

“Gautier. The bastard.” She crushed the note in her fist.

“So this was written by the same man who attacked you on the street?” Martin asked.

“Yes, Captain Ambroise Gautier. He works for the Dark Queen.”

“And how did Sander become enmeshed with him?”

“I have no idea. Perhaps I can induce the boy to tell me before I throttle him,” Cat replied. “But the important thing right now is to recover Meg.”

“And how are we to do that? This Gautier demands the impossible. The
Book of Shadows.
What the devil is it going to take to convince these fools that we don’t have that accursed book?” Martin paced, flinging up his hands in frustration and anger. “If I did, I vow I’d hand it over to the devil himself, just to buy Meg and me some peace.”

Cat hesitated before venturing, “Meg says the book is to be found behind the unicorn.”

“Gautier likely has her so frightened she would say anything. If that villain has hurt so much as one hair of my babe’s head, I’ll cut off his bollocks and feed them to him.”

“And I will help you roast them. But for now, you had better check behind the tapestry. I—I have always suspected Meg has a hiding place somewhere.”

“So what if she does? For some girlish trinkets perhaps. But my daughter does not have that cursed book of black magic. If she had ever stumbled across it, she would have told me and we would have gotten rid of it. Meg wouldn’t want to keep the damn thing any more than I would.”

Martin’s denial was so fierce, it held an edge of desperation. Cat’s heart ached for him, knowing what a blow he was about to receive, wishing she could spare him.

“Go look, Martin,” she said quietly.

He stared at her so hard, she could not meet his eyes. Striding over to the tapestry, he wrenched it aside, exposing the plain boards of the wall.

“There is nothing here—,” he began, only to check himself. Snatching up one of the candles, he examined the wainscoting.

As he pried away a loose board, Cat heard his breath hitch. How sharply did she regret that she had never prepared him for this moment, never said a word about Meg’s continued fascination with the ancient knowledge. Cat knew Martin would not have wanted to hear it, but she should have forced him to listen. Anything would have been better than him discovering the truth this way.

He reached into the opening behind the board and drew forth a small canvas sack. He upended it, dumping the contents beside Cat. All of Meg’s secrets spilled across the bed, her spyglass, a scrying ball, packets of dried herbs she used in brewing her potions. The final thing to emerge was a carefully wrapped object. Martin stripped away the linen to expose the witch blade.

He touched the hilt, his voice rife with disbelief. “No. I—I got rid of this infernal thing. I threw it into the pond.”

“Not deep enough. Meg fetched it later. She used to carry the weapon with her everywhere. Not filled with poison,” Cat added hastily. “Only a sleeping draught. She used it on me that first day when you and I dueled at the theater. That was what felled me. Not the blow from Agatha’s cane, but Meg’s potion. She only stopped carrying the weapon after—”

“After what?” Martin snapped.

“I—I threatened to tell you that she had it,” Cat replied in a low voice. “But I don’t think that was what stopped her. I think it was because after I came with all my vows to protect her, to—to protect both of you, Meg felt safe. She felt like she no longer needed the weapon.”

Cat winked back fierce tears. “I wish I had never interfered. I wish Meg had her witch blade with her right now.”

“For the love of God, Cat. She’s only a child.”

“No, she’s a daughter of the earth and an astonishing one at that. She—”

Cat only stopped when she realized the way Martin was looking at her, his eyes glinting with hurt, accusation, and betrayal. And no doubt she deserved it. But this time she forced herself to meet his gaze.

“Was that all that was tucked away in her hiding place?”

“Isn’t this enough?” Martin demanded. But he returned to the loose board. Bracing himself as though he was about to thrust his hand into a nest of vipers, once more he groped inside.

He drew out a small worn book no larger than the size of the bible. He simply stared at it for a moment like a man who has received the final blow.

Cat’s heartbeat quickened as Martin strode back to her. She flinched as he hurled the book in her lap.

“Is that it? The
Book of Shadows

“I—I believe so.” Cat had never set eyes on the book herself, although years ago she had joined the Lady of Faire Isle in a desperate search for the dangerous text. The book certainly matched the description she had been given, ancient, bound in worn black leather, no title emblazoned on the cover.

It was so harmless looking, but as Cat stroked her fingertips down the spine, she shuddered, able to sense the book’s dark power. When she opened it, the pages were brittle with age, the parchment covered with strange symbols that whispered of ancient knowledge long lost to the world, secrets that had better remained so.

“Is that the
Book of Shadows
?” Martin demanded again. “Can you read it?”

“Only a little. The book is written in a language dating back to the earliest days of the daughters of the earth and it is encrypted as well. Only a few wise women could translate this, Ariane and the Dark Queen perhaps.”

“And my daughter,” Martin added flatly.

“Yes, most certainly Meg. As I told you, she is very gifted.”

“But you didn’t see fit to tell me about much else. You knew she had that damned book. All this time, you

“No, I only suspected that she might. As for the rest, Meg told me in confidence. I could hardly win the girl’s trust if I betrayed her secrets. Even to you.”

“Her trust? What about mine? You knew how I felt about her meddling with this damnable magic, these infernal instruments. Do you know what Cassandra did with this blasted witch blade, the hideous death she inflicted upon innocent people?”

“Meg only used it for protection.”

“Maybe what my daughter most needed protection from was you.”

“What do you mean by that?” Cat cried.

“That no matter what agreement we made between us, you hoped to carry Meg off to Faire Isle, to draw her back into your world of witchery and magic. That is why you allowed her to keep these things.” Martin gestured furiously to the objects strewn across the counterpane.

Cat flushed and retorted, “I admit that I felt Meg’s talents would be wasted in this snug English life you had planned for her. There is a difference between good magic and bad. Meg needs to learn the difference and you are far too blind to teach her.”

“I have been blind about a lot of things. But at least now I have the means to ransom my daughter.” Martin wrenched the book from Cat’s grasp.

Cat regarded him in dismay. “You can’t think of surrendering that dangerous book to Gautier.”

“I don’t give a damn about the book or what becomes of it. All I want is my daughter back.”

“That is all that I want too, and that book is the only leverage we have. If you think that by handing that book over to Gautier, he will politely return Meg to you, then you know nothing of the man or the woman he serves. We have to use our heads, think—”

“There is no
involved here, Mistress O’Hanlon. Meg is my daughter and I will be the only one to protect her, just as I always should have done.”

“It is my province as well. If you think I intend to remain tamely here while—”

“That is exactly what you will do.”

As Cat struggled to rise, Martin thrust her back down. “You are in no condition to go anywhere.” He added in clipped tones. “Even if you were, neither I nor my daughter has any further need of your services.”

As Martin stormed out the door, Cat tried to go after him, but her head reeled again. She sagged back down on the bed, cursing both Martin and her own weakness.

Angry and hurt, Martin was about to do exactly what she had feared, rush headlong into disaster, and Cat was powerless to stop him. Even if she went after him, he’d never listen to a word she had to say. He no longer trusted her. He likely never would again, Cat thought bleakly.

She buried her face in her hands, weighted down with a sense of failure and despair.

“Mistress Cat! Mistress Cat!”

The urgency in Agatha Butterydoor’s voice forced Cat to look up. The old woman rushed panting into the room, wringing her hands in her apron.

“Oh, Mistress Cat. I believe the master has finally been driven out of his wits with grief. He is charging off all alone to fight those varlets who took Mistress Meg.”

“I know,” Cat said dully.

“Then why are you just sitting there? Why are you not going with him to save our precious girl?”

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