The Hunt (Mike Greystone, Book 1) (26 page)

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Authors: Michael Sigurdsson

BOOK: The Hunt (Mike Greystone, Book 1)
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8.15am the next
day. My phone was ringing furiously. Well, ringing as usual, but it sounded furious at such an early hour on my day off.

I picked up the phone and looked at the screen. It was Nora Lewis, my computer geek. Work. The holiday was over.

"Nora, have mercy, I’ve got a day off, and it's 8.15am. Whatever it is, couldn’t it wait a few days?"

"Mike, I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't serious. This is really serious."

"Okay, what's the problem?"

There was a brief pause at the other end of the line. Finally Nora said:

"Morgenthal is not dead. He's alive."








A Mike Greystone Book #2


In the last few weeks, Mike Greystone has had a busy time chasing a mass killer responsible for a school shooting. The chase was long and exhausting. The perpetrator wasn’t an easy catch, his mad mind allowing him to elude justice for some time.

Mike Greystone definitely deserved to have a few days off. As a result, he was staying in London. Not a first choice to spend one’s holidays, with its crowded streets, taxi drivers totally inconsiderate of pedestrians, and expensive hotels, but he was actually mixing business with pleasure, so he didn’t mind. He had some ventures in the UK, which, albeit well looked after by a local manager, occasionally required the attention of the owner. So Mike travelled to the UK to check on his businesses.

In addition, he had some unfinished business contracted by the Research & Execution agency, the clandestine US government joint venture of the major national security agencies. The leads were very thin on the ground, but the sources reported the target had fled the US and escaped to London. Mike Greystone had little hope of finding the target easily or soon, as the target was in defense mode, recovering from previous setbacks, gathering strength and regrouping. And London was a big city, so the chances of finding the guy were slim, if not non-existent.

Enjoying the leisurely pace of his business-vacation, Mike Greystone was having a steak in a nice steakhouse in Covent Garden in central London. Suddenly a man hurried into the restaurant, stopped in front of the neighboring table, pulled out a gun and aimed at the two occupants of that table.

Whether he wanted it or not, Mike Greystone became part of the action.

About this book




A Mike Greystone Book #1


It was a completely normal day, like any other day. Parents were dropping their kids off at school and chatting with the parents of other children in the parking lot. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, it was as if all hell had broken loose. Terrified people were running all over the place. There was thick black smoke hovering over the school building, St. Brigid School, which was located in the affluent suburbs of Pittsburgh. Children and parents were cowering for shelter in the school parking lot. The rhythmic sound of an automatic gun could be heard. Rounds of ammunition were punching into the bodywork of the cars in the car park, smashing windscreens, lacerating passengers, children, and adults alike. Those in the cars were actually better off than those outside, who had no protection whatsoever. Mayhem.

Mike Greystone, a freelance private investigator, was contracted by the Research & Execution agency, a clandestine joint venture of the major national security agencies, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI and the HS, to capture the killer, dead or alive. Mike Greystone didn’t mind the description ‘investigator,’ but he sometimes called himself a ‘fixer’. He was fixing other people’s problems, which could include private investigations in some shape or form, but was not limited to PI work. His customer base was not large, but included a broad variety clients, the most prominent being the Research & Execution agency, but also private clients who could afford his services. And these were not cheap.

Mike Greystone and his team of operatives and computer geeks undertook the task of tracking down the St. Brigid School shooter. The trail was still warm, but the mad perpetrator was not an easy prey. In fact, he was very dangerous. In fact, he was clever and sophisticated. The predator was not the only hunter. The prey had teeth and claws. The prey was fighting back.

About the author


Michael Sigurdsson is the author of the Mike Greystone series. Mike Greystone runs a private investigation company. He is in fact more than a PI, he is a fixer. He fixes problems for whoever is willing to pay for his services, from wealthy private clients, through corporate entities, to clandestine government agencies.


Michael Sigurdsson lives in Dublin, Ireland. He has a wife and a three-year-old son. His passion for writing co-exists with his love for family life.


If you would like to find out more about Michael Sigurdsson and his books, please visit his website. Welcome to the club. The fun begins here:

About the

Mike Greystone



Mike Greystone is a private investigator. He actually calls himself a fixer. He solves problems for whoever is willing to pay his fees. His clients include clandestine government agencies, the mob, wealthy individuals, or corporations. He’s not picky, as long as the assignment is fun and the client pays.

Mike Greystone had a stint with the CIA in Europe, where he was born. His father, a former senior officer in the American Army stationed in Germany and married there, died in mysterious circumstances, along with his wife, Mike’s mother. As a young boy, he was sent to a boarding school in the UK by his abusive uncle, who took over the management of the large estate left by Mike’s parents in Germany. This left a long-lasting impact.

Trying to find a permanent place for himself, and a purpose for his earthly endeavors, Mike started contracting for Research & Execution, a secret US government agency, which was a clandestine joint venture of the major national security agencies. The business thrived, and he has expanded his operations, creating an efficiently-run team of operatives, computer geeks, and support staff. And he’s been having a lot of fun along the way.

Mike Greystone is not vindictive, but has a good memory. And he doesn’t like loose ends. And he is persistent when trying to achieve his goals, or when trying to tie up loose ends. You don’t want to mess with him, especially if you’re a loose end in a riddle he’s trying to solve.

This is an action-packed, fun-filled series that will put a smile on your face and make you laugh out loud when you need it most. Don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself! And if you loved it, I’d love to hear from you – e-mail me using the contact details on my website. I respond to every e-mail from my readers.

The Mike Greystone Series


1. The Hunt

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2. The Doctor

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3. The Exchange (Novella)

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4. The New Mike Greystone Novel (coming soon)

Coming soon

Personal Message from

Michael Sigurdsson


Writing books is my passion. I love writing books. I love hearing from my readers even more. If you liked this book, do get in touch. If you liked any of my other books, do get in touch too. Send me a short e-mail. I pride myself in always responding to my readers personally. That way I can thank you for reading my books. And if you’re fan for life, I’d love to hear about that too!


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If you enjoyed this book or any of my other books, I’d love to hear from you. Visit my website and my blog.
Send me a note using this link.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental.


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First published in 2014

Copyright © 2014 Michael Sigurdsson



The moral rights of Michael Sigurdsson to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted.


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Version: 2014.11.30


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Copyright © iStock photo #24171541


ISBN (eBook):  9781631020438

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