Bayou Moon

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Authors: Ilona Andrews

BOOK: Bayou Moon
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Table of Contents
“A fascinating world combined with pulse-pounding action and white-hot romance makes
On the Edge
a winner!”
—Jeaniene Frost,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Eternal Kiss of Darkness
“[An] engaging urban fantasy series opener . . . Andrews has created a complex plot and convincing characters that will keep the pages turning.”

Publishers Weekly
“A great, fun romance, an offbeat mix of old-fashioned rural magics, contemporary life (complete with Wal-Mart and comic book shops), and magic sword-wielding warriors.”

“The character development is flawless, the plot inventive, and the pace defies readers to put the book down . . . This one is a winner and shows there is still plenty of room for surprises in a genre riddled with tired replays.”

Monsters and Critics
“A wildly entertaining world.”

Darque Reviews
“Andrews’s crisp dialogue and layered characterization make the gut-wrenching action of this first-person thrill ride all the more intense . . . mesmerizing.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)
“Andrews blends action-packed fantasy with myth and legend, keeping readers enthralled.
Magic Strikes
introduces fascinating characters, provides a plethora of paranormal skirmishes, and teases fans with romantic chemistry.”

Darque Reviews
“Ilona Andrews’s best novel to date, cranking up the action, danger, and magic . . . Gritty sword-clashing action and flawless characterizations will bewitch fans old and new alike.”

Sacramento Book Review
“Doses of humor serve to lighten the suspense and taut action of this vividly drawn, kick-butt series.”

Monsters and Critics
“An engrossing, superbly written urban fantasy series.”

Lurv a la Mode
“Write faster . . . I absolutely love the relationship between Curran and Kate—I laugh out loud [at] the witty sarcasm and one-liners, and the sexual tension building between the couples drives me to my knees knowing I’ll have to wait for another book.”

“Kate is often vulnerable and has a great sense of humor about all the strange and dangerous things in this new world.”

Romance Reviews Today
“Fans of Carrie Vaughn and Patricia Briggs will appreciate this fast-paced, action-packed urban fantasy full of magic, vampires, werebeasties, and things that go bump in the night.”

Monsters and Critics
“With all her problems, secrets, and prowess both martial and magical, Kate is a great kick-ass heroine, a tough girl with a heart, and her adventures . . . are definitely worth checking out.”

Magic Burns
] hooked me completely. With a fascinating, compelling plot, a witty, intelligent heroine, a demonic villain, and clever, wry humor throughout, this story has it all.”

Fresh Fiction
“A new take on the urban fantasy genre, the world Kate inhabits is a blend of gritty magic and dangerous mystery.”

The Parkersburg Sentinel
“The sexual tension Kate emits has me gritting my teeth.”

“If you enjoy Laurell K. Hamilton’s early Anita Blake or the works of Patricia Briggs and Kim Harrison, you need to add Ilona Andrews to your reading list.”

“Treat yourself to a splendid new urban fantasy . . . I am looking forward to the next book in the series or anything else Ilona Andrews writes.”
—Patricia Briggs, #1
New York Times
bestselling author of
Silver Borne
“Andrews shows a great deal of promise. Readers fond of Laurell K. Hamilton and Patricia Briggs may find her work a new source of reading pleasure.”

“Andrews’s edgy series stands apart from similar fantasies . . . owing to its complex world-building and skilled characterizations.”

Library Journal
“An intriguing world.”

“Fans of urban fantasy will delight in Ilona Andrews’s alternate-universe Atlanta.”

Fresh Fiction
“The strong story line coupled with a complex alternative history . . . will have readers hoping for more.”

Monsters and Critics

Magic Bites
is an enchanting paranormal whodunit that takes the supernatural into new, natural directions.”

The Best Reviews
“A unique world laced with a thick plot full of strife, betrayal, and mystery.”

Romance Junkies
“The plot moves along at a pleasant clip, and the world-building is interesting and well done.”

Romantic Times
Ace Books by Ilona Andrews
The Kate Daniels Novels
The Edge Novels
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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the authors
Ace mass-market edition / October 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Andrew Gordon and Ilona Gordon.
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