The Hungering Flame (8 page)

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Authors: Andrew Hunter

BOOK: The Hungering Flame
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Garrett said.

I’d send Reigha with you too,

she said,

but she still doesn’t like boys.

Garrett laughed.

Marla tucked the last of the folded clothes into Garrett’s pack and cinched it closed. She sat back with her hands on her knees. She wore the same gray coveralls she wore when working in the pet shop back in Wythr. She met Garrett’s gaze and then looked away with a shy smile.


Garrett said.


I... thank you,

Garrett said. He paused before speaking again,

We wouldn’t have made it this far without you... I don’t want to leave you here. I don’t want to leave you... ever.

Marla’s eyes lifted.


I mean... I don’t know,

Garrett shook his head,

I don’t know what I’m saying.

She reached out and took his hand. His heart ached that he could not feel her touch through the dead white skin on the backs of his hands.

I’m glad you lost your gloves,

she said,

I like it better when you aren’t trying to hide from me.

He smiled, silently cursing his cowardice for wearing the hood.
The scars on his hands were one thing.
He was not quite ready to give up the hood.

He closed both of his hands around hers and gently squeezed.

I wish things had been... normal,

he said.

Marla laughed.

There’s nothing normal about either one of us, Garrett!

I mean, I wish things could have been... easier

Then it wouldn’t mean as much,

she said.

Yeah, I guess you’re right,

he said,

If I had to go through all this... even the really bad stuff... it was worth it to meet you.

Marla’s eyes tightened, and she suddenly looked as though she might cry. She leaned forward and hugged him tightly.

Be careful!’ she said, her voice breaking.

Garrett closed his eyes and held her, giving his warmth to her.

You too.


Garrett found Prince Cabre, Warren, and a small group of ghouls near the entrance of the temple. The prince tended to his horse. A Chadiri saddle straddled Inglefras’s broad back, cinched around his middle with at least two different leather straps. The prince himself wore a Chadiri longsword on his hip and a green Templar’s tabard, turned
inside out
to conceal the sigil of Mauravant on its breast.

Warren stood beside Hauskr, turning his shoulder to the big wolf who was trying to sniff at the bundle in the ghoul’s arms. Warren’s father was busily stuffing travel tarts into the bag.

No runnin’ around in the broad daylight, boy!

Warren’s father said,

The dragon’ll snatch you up like a dimwitted mouse.

Hi, Mr. Bargas,

Garrett said as he got within speaking distance.

The patchy haired ghoul grinned as he turned to face Garrett. A ragged, half-healed wound ran across his face from ear to jaw, his left eye swollen shut.

Evening, boy!

Bargas answered.

Are you all right?

Garrett asked.

Hmn? Oh this?

he said, lifting a dirty claw to his face,

Just a scratch. The redjack that did it got away... short an arm. I reckon I’ll catch up with the rest of ‘im eventually

sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you

Garrett said.

Never you mind. Ghouls keep odd hours, boy,

said. He
glanced at Warren and frowned,

I can’t say I’m happy you two came out lookin’ for us, but I’m glad you made it.

The sibling ghouls Diggs and Scupp slowly circled the prince’s horse, fascinated. Inglefras snorted, tossing his head to keep his eyes on the two carrion eaters. Cabre smiled nervously and patted Inglefras’s neck soothingly.

I didn’ know they got that big!

Scupp, the sister of the pair, said

Do they come any bigger?

Diggs asked.

Ah... not really,

Cabre answered.

Inglefras nickered, shying back from Scupp’s paw as the ghoul reached out to touch his flank.

Perhaps you’d better not touch him right now,

Cabre said,

He’s not accustomed to... strangers.


Scupp sighed.

You two get yer tools and get ready to head out,

Bargas said,

We got some more sappin’ to do.

Scupp a
nd Diggs jumped to attention.

Bye Warren!

they said, and then loped away toward the center of the dome.

You’re doing what?

Warren asked.


Bargas said,

We’re diggin’ out underneath the roads that the redjacks bring their wagons on. Then somethin’ heavy comes across, an’ BAM! Down they go.

Warren looked disappointed.

Well, save some of ‘em for me,

he said.

Warren’s father chuckled.

Don’t worry, son, they never stop comin’.

Thank you for loaning us your boy, Bargas,

Cenick called out as he appro
ached in the company of Max
and Marla with the dire wolf Ghausse following close behind her.

I’m just sorry you couldn’t find a dirtier job for him!

Bargas laughed.

Cenick grinned, but
beside him looked every inch a vengeful ghost.
wore his black armor sans the helm. His grim expression and dark shadows beneath his eyes gave him a haunted look. He said nothing, hanging back a few steps as Cenick and Marla greeted their friends, his eyes on the prince.

Garrett smiled at Marla, and they shared a brief hug.

I made this for you,

she said. She handed him his essence flask. A dim green glow shone through the glass gauge on its side, showing it nearly two thirds full.

It’s the best I could manage.

Thank you!

Garrett said, then looked at Cenick,

Don’t you need it?

Cenick shook his head.

The gift is yours Garrett. Accept it graciously,

he said,

And, in any case, we’re keeping Marla. I expect she’s going to be very busy keeping us in business.

Prince Cabre stepped forward to address the newcomers.

My lady, gentlemen,

he said, bowing slightly,

I thank you again for your timely and much-needed assistance. I regret that all I have to offer is my truest gratitude, but I hope that a day may come when I may repay you in kind.

He met
’s cold stare.

And you may, perhaps, find me worthy of your friendship.

Cenick returned the prince’s bow, and Marla crossed her hands over her chest, inclining her head.

The prince flashed a tight smile and turned to mount Inglefras. He nodded at Cenick, his hand on a pouch at his belt, one large enough to hold a Neshite dagger.

Thank you again,

he said.

Cenick nodded.

Be careful on the road, and be wary of clear skies.

Warren and Garrett mounted Hauskr and Ghausse, shifting their gear to balance it across the wolves’ backs.

Bargas shook his head,

You’re bigger now than when I left you,

he said.

Warren grinned.

It’s just the wolf, makes me look bigger.


Bargas said,

You’ve grown, boy... Your ma would be proud.

Warren nodded, his grin gone a bit wobbly.

Marla stepped up beside Garrett and straightened his pack, patting it into place on Ghausse’s back. She smiled at Garrett.

We’ll be back soon,

Garrett said.

I know,

she said,

just... take care, all right?

Yeah, you too.

She stepped away, and Ghausse shook himself. Garrett knew the wolf well enough by now to hold on tight and ride it out. The wolves padded restlessly back and forth, anxious to be on their way.

They waved their final goodbyes and the three riders headed for the tunnel. Garrett paused, hanging back, as Max Zara gestured to him and strode quickly to catch up to him.


Max said, moving close, and waiting until the prince had ridden away,

I need to speak with you.


Garrett said.

’s eyes followed the prince as he rode out through the tunnel.

I know that the boy seems earnest in his desire to help us.

I think he really wants to,

Garrett said.

I know.

said, giving Garrett a hard look,

I know that he believes he can change the world. Such are the delusions of a prince. He hasn’t yet learned what it means to be an Astorran knight. He hasn’t learned the iron code of his father’s law. He cannot give what is not his to give, and you and I mean nothing to the crown of Astorra. We never will.

But, what if...

Garrett, beware!

hissed, then his expression softened,

Just be very careful around that boy. He’s going to have to become a man very soon, and I don’t want you to get hurt when his youthful dreams come crashing down around him.

Garrett nodded.

Max turned then at the sound of Serepheni’s voice.

Max, what’s going on?

she asked. The priestess walked toward them, weaving her way between stacks of gear. She wore a loose tunic of green silk over her leggings and boots, her red hair tied back and her injured arm still wrapped in a bandage.

Just seeing Garrett off, dear,

Max said.

So soon?

she said,

Are you going back to the city? I was hoping to send a scroll with you. It might help smooth things over with the church.

No, I...

Garrett began, but
cut him off.

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