Bush, George W., 315
butterflies, 133, 166
Bygren, Lars Olov, 277–80
Byström, Joakim, 99
cadmium, 271
Café Trussardi, 82
California, 77, 117, 132
Callahan, Gerald N., 263
“Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in Non-Human Animals, The,” 216
camels, 140
in war, 144, 145–46
Canada, 40, 43, 88, 124, 132, 266
Canada geese, 13, 135, 153, 194
Canadian rose, 39
Canadian War Museum, 82
cancer, 271, 316
cane beetles, 139
cane toads, 139
canning, 318
canola rapeseed, 153
Cape Town, South Africa, 78
carbon blade legs, 13
Carbon Capture Storage, 54
carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide levels, 34, 53
and acidification of oceans, 66
kelp’s ingestion of, 64
methods for pulling from air, 54
recent rise in, 36
Swedish lowering of, 99
urban gardens and, 74, 80
Carpenter, Rollo, 227
carpets, 87
cars, 87, 171, 191
cartilage, 244, 251
Case, Amber, 262
cats, 140, 146, 298
parasites of, 296–97
cattle, 194–95
Center for Nano Science and Technology, 183
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 298
Central Park, 78
Central Station, 96, 101
cerebral palsy, 253
Cerf, Vent, 202–4
Chamonix, France, 314
chatbots, 226–31
cheetahs, 132
chemputer, 237
Cher Ami (pigeon), 144–45
cherry tomatoes, 90
Chicago, Ill., 77, 78, 117
Chicago Botanic Gardens, 82
chicken coops, 88
childhood mortality, 13
Chile, 46, 99, 175
chimeras, 251, 262, 264–68
chimpanzees, 148, 216
China, 46, 88, 102, 124, 235
solar power in, 107
urban population of, 72
Chincoteague, 137–38
chipmunks, 126
chives, 90
chlorophyll, 53
chloroplasts, 291
Church, George, 151–52
cicadas, 41, 173–75
cilantro, 90
cingulate, 178
cities, 11, 13, 71–72
enviromental impact of, 72–73
growth of, 18–19, 72
limited species in, 113–14
nature vs., 112–17
population of, 72
as seen from space, 16–17, 18, 19
sky parks in, 77–78
City Hall, Chicago, 83
city parks, 83
clams, 57
Clarke, Ann, 157–67
Clarke, Bryan, 156–67
Cleverbot, 227–28
cliff swallows, 115–16
close work, 192
Clostridium difficile
, 301–2
clouds, 12
coal, 21, 106
Coan, James, 178
cocaine, 298
cochlear implants, 253
cockatoos, 202
cod, 59–60
Cold War, 146
Collins, Francis, 289
colon disease, 302
Colorado, 40
compassion, 176
computers, 13, 87, 175, 187, 194, 197, 203, 211, 220, 222, 224, 226, 230, 256, 261, 270
condors, 132
consciousness, 200, 216, 217, 219, 228–29
cooking, 190
Copenhagen, 78
copper, 21
coral bells, 80–81
cordite, 153
corn, 71, 153
corncrakes, 133, 137
Cornell University, 209–25
corpus callosum, 177
cosmos, 125
cottontails, 129
cougars, 117
Council House 2 building, 94
courtly love, 190
cows, 71
coyotes, 117, 118
crabs, 138
“cradle to cradle,” 87
cranes, 124
Creative Machines Lab, 218, 223–24
creativity, 196
Crick, Francis, 274
crickets, 173–74
Cronin, Lee, 237
crops, 71
Crutzen, Paul, 9, 313
cucumbers, 89
cuneiform, 235
Curitiba, Brazil, 107
cyborg anthropology, 262
cyborg dragonflies, 146–47
cyborgs, 146–47, 251, 260, 262–63
daffodils, 125
Dakar, Senegal, 314
dandelions, 132
Dantuluri, Phani, 261
dark energy, 172
dark matter, 172
Darwin, Charles, 156, 268, 276
Dayak people, 107
day lilies, 125
deception, 219
Decker Yeadon, 92
deer, 133
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 146–47, 209, 225, 236, 256, 258–59
dengue fever, 302
Denmark, 101
depression, 196
Desertec, 106
diabetes, 301
diamondbacks, 118–19
dianthus, 125
Dietikon, Switzerland, 82
digoxin, 302
dinosaurs, 31, 154
Djairam, Dhiradj, 104, 105
DNA, 160, 263, 274–75, 278–79, 281, 282, 287
of extinct species, 151–52, 153–54, 160–63, 166–67
dodos, 163
dog roses, 132
dogs, 140, 144, 145–46, 147, 148, 149
dolphins, 147, 202, 204, 216
domestic animals, 11, 71, 140
Dominoni, Davide, 114
dopamine, 298
Dourada, Fazenda, 123
droughts, 41, 46
Duckworth, Tammy, 259, 260
dung beetles, 164
Dust Bowl, 41
Dutch Hunger Winter, 283
ears, 245–46
as seen from air, 20–21
as seen from space, 16–18, 19, 305
Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering
(Hamilton), 314
Eastgate Centre, 92, 93–94
echolocation, 147
École Polytechnique de Montréal, 181
eczema, 301
Edison, Thomas, 191, 306
Edmonton Airport, 83
education, 286
Edwards, Andres, 88
Eggerthella lenta
, 302
Eggleson, Kathleen, 183–84
eggs, 160–61, 279
Eisenberger, Naomi, 177
electricity, 76, 78, 91, 97, 99, 100–103, 104, 184–87, 191, 213
electronic campfires, 193
elements, 34–35
elephants, 202, 217
underpass for, 124
in war, 144, 145–46
Ellis, Erle, 126
Eloxochitl, 112
emotions, 214, 222–23
empathy, 190, 219, 228
Energy Department, U.S., 64
England, 132
English ivy, 132
EnsnAired, 98
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., 86–87
epigenetics, 279–86
Estonia, 77
eucalyptus, 132
Eureqa machine, 219–20, 221
European badgers, 124
Eve (robot), 221
Everglades, 129, 130, 133, 315
evolution, 208, 211, 219, 224, 251, 276–77, 279
microbes’ effects on, 292–93
extinction, 12
of birds, 139
of Miami blue butterfly, 131
orangutans and, 27–28
, 156–59
of plants, 315
and resurrection of species, 151–52, 153–54, 161–63, 208
of trilobites, 29, 30
extinctions, great, 60, 154, 305
eyeglasses, 171
factories, 71
false indigoes, 125
famine, 276, 277, 285, 286
Fantastic Voyage
, 181
farming fish, 60
Faroe Islands, 78
farsightedness, 192
fecal transplants, 302
Ferrer, Miguel, 136
ferrets, 132
fertilizers, 36, 64
fiber optics, 97
field mice, 134
fighting, 190
finches, 156
Finger Lakes, 31, 131
fire ants, 132
fireflies, 181
fishermen, 56–60
fleecy electricity, 35
Flegr, Jaroslav, 297
floods, 41
Florida, 117, 131
Florida rosy wolfsnail, 157
flounder, 65
food, 7
, 235
Forbidden City, 235
Ford Motor Company, 87–88
forests, 54
fossil fuels, 10, 34, 51, 307
fossils, 9, 29–30, 31, 32, 33–34, 35, 36, 43, 57
Fountainhead, The
(Rand), 59
foxes, 129, 133, 134
foxgloves, 125
France, 72, 124, 296, 298
(Shelley), 212–13
Franklin, Rosalind, 274
Fraser, Bill, 135
frogs, 80, 125, 131, 132
Frozen Ark, 155, 160, 163–64
frozen food, 317
fruit flies, 293–95
fungi, 289-90, 300
G8 Summit, 315
Gabriel, Peter, 201–3
Galileo Galilei, 220
Galveston, Tex., 50
Gambia, 131
gardening, hydroponic, 83
gardens, 38–39
urban, 74
vertical, 79–85
Gardens by the Bay, 78
gas, 106
Gaudi, Antoni, 236
geckos, 180
genetic mutations, 277
Genghis Khan, 272–73, 274
geoengineering, 53–54
geographic change, 11
Geological Society of London, 9
Geological Survey, U.S., 299
geothermal warmth, 95
Germany, 72, 78, 83, 101, 124, 132, 298
solar panels in, 106–7
Gershenfeld, Neil, 202–3
gestures, 26–27
giraffes, 276
global consciousness, 18
global warming, 11, 38–42, 154, 307–8
agriculture and, 56
in Bangladesh, 51–53
and development of seas, 64–65
evidence of, 108
extreme weather and, 36–43, 314
fishermen and, 56–57
gardens affected by, 38–39
habitats rearranged by, 133–40
human rights and, 48
glowworms, 144
glucocorticoids, 283
golden eagles, 132
Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program, 123
golden toads, 162
Golding, William, 162
Google, 192, 210
Google Glass, 260–61
gophers, 115
gorgonian, 38
grains, 71
Grand Canyon, 126
granite, 58–59
GraphExeter, 184–85, 317
grasshoppers, 173–74
Grassy Key, 131
great apes, 202
great auks, 151
Great Depression, 108
Greece, 124
Green Apple concept car, 103
Green Belt Corridor, 124
greenhouses, 90
Greenland, 42
green mussels, 131
Green over Grey, 83
growing season, 42
Guam, 139, 157
Guam rail, 139
Guatemala, 88
Gulag Archipelago
(Solzhenitsyn), 218
Gurdon, John, 150, 160
Gut Erlasee Solar Park, 106–7
Guthrie, Barton, 261
habitat loss, 154
Haiyan, Typhoon, 46
Hamilton, Clive, 314
Hansen, James, 314
Hansmeyer, Michael, 236
Harvard University, 235
Hastings, Battle of, 190
heart, 150, 239, 248, 249, 250–51, 281
heat, 41
heaters, 87
heat recycling, 95–108
Helm, Barbara, 114
Henri, Pascal, 84
herbs, 89
Hernandez, Isaias, 264–65
herons, 193–94
plants, 80–81
High Line, 77
Hitler, Adolf, 273
hockey, 40
Holocene, 9
Homer, 262
Honda, 236
Hong Sun Hye, 102
horse chestnut trees, 153
Horse Island, 58
horses, 137–38, 140, 145–46
hostas, 125
Hudson River, 54–55
hulls, 91
human genome, 13
Human Genome Project, 270, 274, 282, 285, 289, 300
Human Microbiome Project, 289
human rights, global warming and, 48
as eusocial, 288
geographic expansion of, 10
geography changed by, 11
history of, 71
orangutan genes shared by, 3
population growth of, 10
technological changes to bodies of, 13
tools used by, 7, 9
humans, environmental effects of:
climate change,
global warming
and possibility of nuclear winter, 8–9
hummingbirds, 126
hunter-gatherers, 71
Huntington’s disease, 271
Hurricane Irene, 57
Hurricane Katrina, 46
hurricanes, 31, 41, 43, 55
Hurricane Sandy,
Sandy, Hurricane
hybrid cars, 100
Hyde Park, 142
hydroelectronic power, 100, 107
hydroponic gardening, 83, 89, 90
Icarus, 224
icebergs, 195–96, 197
Iceland, 77
ice packs, 41–42
iCub, 218–19
iGlasses, 261
igloos, 86
iguanas, 131
Ike Dike, 50
(Homer), 262
India, 88, 107, 132, 175
Indian mongoose, 132
Indonesia, 132, 313
induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS), 150–51, 160–63
industrial farming, 60
Industrial Revolution, 34, 106, 185–86, 232, 235, 267
Inheritors, The
(Golding), 162
insects, 166
insulin pumps, 253
intelligence of plants, 205–7
International Union for Conservation of Nature, 313
Internet, 199–200, 235
Inuit, 86
invasive species, 132, 154
Iran, 147
Iraq War, 258
Ireland, 132
Irene, Hurricane, 57
irises, 125
iron fertilization, 53
Island of Dr. Moreau, The
(Wells), 267–68
Israel, 76
Istanbul, Turkey, 78
Italy, 88, 107
Ithaa Restaurant, 76
Ivanpah, 106
Ivins, Molly, 206
Jaguar Corridor, 123
Jamaica Bay, 119
Jamaican fruit bats, 131
Japan, 88
industrial tourism in, 23
Japan beetles, 295
Japanese honeysuckle, 132
Jarrell, Randall, 45
jellyfish, 65, 181
Jernhusen, 96–97, 98
Jerusalem, 77
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 220
Jim River, Alaska, 40
Johansson, Klas, 96–97
Johns Hopkins University, 244
Jordan, Terry, 31–32
Jungle Waterfalls, 83
Kahn, Peter H., 196
Kalmar, Sweden, 99–100
kangaroo, 296
Kanzi (bonobo), 202
Katrina, Hurricane, 46