The Human Age (42 page)

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Authors: Diane Ackerman

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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Page numbers beginning with 313 refer to notes.

Absolicon, 99

acetylation, 281

acidification, 65, 66, 154

Adam (robot), 221

Adams, Ansel, 25

Adams, Lytle S. “Doc,” 145

adaptive radiation, 29

addiction, 176

additive manufacturing,
3D printing

Adélie penguins, 134–35

Aesop, 115

Afghanistan War, 258

African bees, 132

agriculture, 10, 11, 34, 71

big, 154

global warming and, 56

local, 88

as seen from air, 21

urban, 90

see also

Alaska, 47–48, 132

algae, 10, 53, 61

(film), 228

allergies, 301

alligators, 117, 134, 164

alliums, 125

Alps, 132

ALS, 285

alumroots, 80–81

Alzheimer’s, 271, 295

Amazon, 210

Amenhotep II, 257

amino acids, 179–80

Anatomage, 197

animals, in war, 141–48

Antarctic, 22

ice cores in, 9

Antarctica, 237

anteaters, 132

Anthropocene, 9

beginning of, 32–33

antibiotics, 300, 301

ants, 273

Apollo 17
, 17–18

Appalachian Trail, 123–24

Apple, 210

Apps for Apes, 5–6, 28, 204

aquatic plants, 79

Arabian oryx, 132

archaea, 300

Archimedes, 220

architecture, 91–94

Archives of General Psychiatry
, 300–1

Argentina, 72, 123, 132

Argus butterfly, 136

Arizona, 77

Arlanda, 99

Armstrong, Neil, 306

Army Corps of Engineers, 48

aromas, 294

artificial intelligence (AI), 210

artificial life (AL), 210

artificial limbs, 253

aseptic meningitis, 130

Ashton, Kevin, 230

Asia, 192

Assateague, 137–38

assembly line, 235

Assisted Human Reproduction Act, 266

asthma, 301

Atelier DNA, 103

Athaeneum Hotel, 84

Atlantic City, N.J., 46–47

atom bomb tests, 34

attention disorders, 196

Audi, 236

Audubon Society, 137

Australia, 43, 46, 77, 164–65, 175, 298–99

Australian Outback, 54

Austria, 124

autism, 176, 285, 302

autobiographical memory, 217

azacitidine, 285

Aztecs, 112

babies, 259

Backhouse, David, 144

bacteria, 181–83, 187, 289, 291, 300

Bacteroides fragilis
, 302

baiji dolphins, 162

Ballard, J. G., 231

bamboo, 132

Bangladesh, 51–53, 271

basil, 89, 90

Bat Bomb Project, 145

bats, 115

Bavaria, Germany, 107

Baylis, Françoise, 266

beans, 190

beavers, 135

bee balm, 125

beebots, 181

bees, 147, 166

beetles, 164, 180–81

Bell Museum of Natural History, 115

beluga whales, 135, 144

Benenson, Peter, 98

Benyus, Janine, 92

Berridge, Matt, 5–7, 25–28, 202

Bespoke Innovations, 236–37

Bhutan, 72

big agriculture, 154

Big Sur, 115

biofuels, 64

bioluminescent foliage, 83

biomimicry, 91–92

bionic fingers, 13

bionic suits, 13

bioprinting, 238, 245–46

bipolar disorder, 285

birds, 216

extinction of, 139

bird’s-foot trefoil, 166

black bears, 126

“Black Marble” photograph, 17

Blade Runner
(film), 228, 253

Blanc, Patrick, 79–82, 84–85, 207

bleeding hearts, 125

Blizzard Nemo, 58

bloomers, 191

blue-jay feathers, 91

“Blue Marble” photograph, 17–18, 305

bobcats, 129

Boeing, 236

Bonassar, Lawrence, 243–52, 253

bonobos, 201–3

books, 171

Borges, Jorge Luis, 236

Borneo, 107, 132, 313

Boulogne, France, 83

Boulter, Nicky, 298–99

Bracken Cave, 145

brain, 150, 281

rewiring of, 191

scans of, 176–78

Bramel, Paula, 155

Brand, Stewart, 150

Branson, Richard, 54

Brazil, 46, 88, 123

breast milk, 301

breeding, 149–50

Breezy Point, N.Y., 45

Brittany, France, 62–63

Bronen, Robin, 48

Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, 45

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 82

Brown, Charles, 115–16

brown bears, 132

brown tree snake, 139

Budi (orangutan), 4–7, 25–26, 27, 28, 44, 122–23, 202, 269

iPad of, 4–7, 25–26, 27, 28, 71

building, heating of, 96–98

buildings, 90–94

bullfrogs, 132

burdock, 132

Burtynsky, Edward, 23–25

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