The Heavenly Host (Demons of Astlan Book 2) (79 page)

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Randolf, Gandros, Tureledor and Davron all moved closer to the hole to observe. Jehenna could see into the hole from her current position. A third fiery rock followed. Randolf drew his breath, realizing that the fiery rocks were meteors. Alexandros was actually pulling celestial bodies out of deep space and smashing them into Exador!

“I think this was worth the wait!”
Randolf told Jehenna over the communication link.

Exador and the meteors struck the ground in the Abyss, producing a very large mushroom cloud, into which a fourth and then a fifth meteor crashed. A sixth, very large one followed, and then they heard Jehenna scream into the air and over their link, “Stop the showers, the wards are coming up now!”

Randolf looked up to see Alexandros staring upward, working hard to redirect the course of the next few meteors off to a more harmless location. Suddenly the light level in the foyer changed dramatically as the portal closed when the wards kicked in. At the same time, the sky above the open roof once more turned the familiar red of the demon wards.

Randolf crossed his fingers that all the meteors had been redirected; it was not clear if Alexandros would be able to control them through the magic-blocking wards. Before he could finish crossing his fingers, the wind in the room shifted direction. Suddenly the air, smoke and ash in the room were streaming upwards at a very high velocity.

“The wards were my clue to exit!”
Crispin shouted in his head.
“Based on last time, I should be back in half a day or so!”

Within seconds, the air was completely still, the ash and soot slowly sinking to the ground. The upwards rush of air had snuffed out the flames in the upper foyer. Alexandros Mien landed in the middle of the foyer and looked around at the mess. Gandros had finally managed to bring the collapsing upper walls to a gentle rest as a huge pile of rubble.

“First the demon escape, now this. I think they are going to cancel our building insurance,” Alexandros Mien said drily.






















Chapter 109

DOF +9

After Last Time Note, A bit before Next: Local Time Known

Calyph Ser Sayat Tel Bastios unlocked the wards using his signature code and entered the shielded space of the Calyphadrome. He was the first to arrive. The space was soothing and quite relaxing; being shielded, it was cut off from the cacophony of Djinnistan. Only here and at his home space was there mental peace these days.

How he had envied the Grand Calyphos when he had been a scattered youth. He had foolishly believed that the Grand Calyphos were above the daily rituals, tasks and servitude of the lesser djinn. A common misconception of those not in power about those in power. Yet no matter how many tutors would try to explain to the young that power was but a burden, best shared, a grave responsibility that made one the servant, not the master, the students never believed.

They dreamed and dreamed, and for only a poor few—those who worked and strove relentlessly for centuries to perfect their studies and rise to the height of their profession—only those poor few realized, too late, that their tutors had been correct. Power was a burden, a responsibility that somehow, in a weightless world, weighed heavily upon the spirit of those who held it.

The room flashed with the signatory colors of Calyph Her Tanaya Tel Barthos, quickly followed by the colors of Calyph Te Narthos al Biyam. As the two calyphs entered the chamber, Ser Sayat flashed them pleasant, warm colors of greeting, which they generously returned.

We are awaiting Calyph Le Senara al Vistra and Calyph Cryan Ser Viat Tel Malthos?
” Her Tanaya expressed to Ser Sayat.

Ser Sayat flashed a scent of amused agreement. It was no surprise that the other two were late, albeit for very different reasons.

“It shall be amusing to receive Le Senara’s explanatory dialogue this time
,” Te Narthos expressed to them.

Hir explanatory dialogues are always a source of great amusement!
” Ser Sayat agreed.

Le Senara was a djinn of the greatest wit. Hir delays were always due to poor time management and organizational skills, yet the witty diatribe of reasons were always fascinating and engaging.

The space flashed with the signatory colors of Calyph Cryan Ser Viat Tel Malthos, who quickly expressed colors and scents of embarrassed apologies. Ser Sayat had to wonder which of hir partners had delayed hir.

Her Tanaya flashed Cryan Ser Viat a scent and color of amused approval, which only served to make Cryan Ser Viat flash more signs of embarrassment. Ser Sayat laughed internally—to be young! Cryan Ser Viat was the youngest of the Grand Calyphos at only 302 multiversal standard years.

The four of them waited quietly for a few more moments before the area flashed with the colors of Le Senara entering, flustered and disheveled as usual. The awaiting members all flashed greetings of amused warmth to Le Senara.

My apologies, profuse, profuse apologies…”
Le Senara expressed.

And what amazing thing so distracted you this time?”
Te Narthos inquired politely.

Something truly amazing! Unprecedented even. Well, not unprecedented, as it used to be routine, but has not been for centuries upon centuries!”
Le Senara gushed emotionally.

Ser Sayat was interested; this was a very different response than Le Senara’s normal witty explanation. Ser Sayat and Her Tanaya flashed for Le Senara to continue; the rest flashed agreement.

One of my students, Xavios De Mien Tel Tarthos”
—the others flashed acknowledgement of the student; they knew hir —“
was working on baseline para-elemental measurements and detected malleable levels of para-elements in the Abyss!”

The other calyphs flashed shock and surprise, as well as a request for confirmation from Le Senara. Le Senara flashed acknowledgement of their surprise. “
Naturally, I rechecked the measurements myself. They were correct!

This ignited extensive flashing and expressions of shocked bewilderment between the calyphs, disbelief even. It was safe to say the other calyphs all had appreciably similar reactions and quickly reached a consensus of emotion.

“Were the malleables scattered in any pattern? Were there sufficient coagulations—you did say malleable? That should imply coagulation of para-elements, yes?”
Cryan Ser Viat asked impatiently.

Indeed, they were where we last saw them in the Abyss: Mount Doom! It appears to have awakened and is once again is producing malleables!”
Le Senara gushed hir thoughts and emotions.

Could this be more than simply coincident with the balling we viewed from Crispin in service to Randolf of Turelane?”
Te Narthos pondered.

The others flashed their thoughts and emotions for a few moments before Ser Sayat summarized what they were feeling. “
It would seem extremely improbable that two such monumental and, may I express, epic, events should occur in what must be considered a simultaneous period on the timescale of the multiverse.”

So it would appear this demon that stole the false god’s mana used that mana to awaken the volcano?”
Te Narthos stated.

That is likely, but we need to investigate to be sure,”
Her Tanaya expressed.

“I think, and would like to believe, that we all agree? That re-establishing relations with Mount Doom, and thus the Abyss, is critical to our long-term goals?”
Te Narthos expressed. The others all rapidly flashed agreement and emotional support for the suggestion.

“Then we must begin coagulation of a new golem at Mount Doom so that we may make contact with the new master.”
Again, the others flashed agreement with Te Narthos’s suggestion.

“Le Senara?”
Ser Sayat inquired of the other calyph. “
Since you are most familiar with the situation, might you take it upon yourself, at our request, to begin forming the golem?”
The other three calyphs flashed unanimity.

Le Senara flashed colors and scents of appreciation at Ser Sayat and the rest.
“I would be so honored, and give thanks to the Grand Calyphos for such an opportunity!”

“Next, we must consider who our ambassador should be,”
Cryan Ser Viat expressed.

“Ahh, Cryan Ser Viat!”
Her Tanaya cautioned the youngest member quickly.
“At Mount Doom we are most likely dealing with D’Orcs, which are, at heart, orcs. We must never mention such terms as ambassador, diplomat or similar titles or job functions.”

flashed Ser Sayat.
“Such words can get our—agent—evicted, or worse, dissipated.”
All five expressed horror and dismay at the thought of dissipation.

“My apologies. I now recall this.”
Hir contrition shone and smelled quite brightly within the space, causing Her Tanaya to express regret at expressing such a rapid and shrill reaction. She had not meant to shame Cryan Ser Viat; hir only concern had been the proposed mission and ensuring they were all careful.

Cryan Ser Viat expressed colors, scent and soft audibility to acknowledge and thank hir for hir concern.

“Trying to resolve my memory, I believe the term ‘military adjutant’ might serve?”
Ser Sayat proposed.

Te Narthos expressed agreement with a hint of hesitation.
“We should verify this, but I believe that’s correct. How long until you have a golem ready?”
Te Narthos directed this at Le Senara.

Assuming it is undisturbed—base levels are still thin—between five and six Abyssal periods,”
Le Senara replied.

“Then it would be best for you to get started while we deliberate on a list of candidates. When we have a list, we shall join you to select one,”
Ser Sayat expressed.

Le Senara and the others flashed agreement.


DOF +9

Late Fourth Period 16-06-440

“I don’t like the way that—creature—back there, is looking at me,” Vaselle whispered nervously to Damien as they walked down the corridor towards the main dining hall. “I think it’s trying to decide when to eat me.” He quickly glanced back to the rear of the party, where Tal Gor and Schwarzenfürze were bringing up the rear.

Antefalken’s head quickly ducked between the two wizards. “I am not sure if Schwarzenfürze wanted to eat you before, but now that you’ve called her a ‘creature’ and an ‘it,’ I am pretty sure it’s just a matter of time before she does.” The bard grinned at Vaselle.

“She can hear me? She can understand me?” Vaselle asked.

“Wargs are well known for their superb senses. Given that a D’Warg is a super-powered warg, I am sure she can hear you.” Antefalken shrugged. “As far as understanding you, wargs can’t speak particularly well or at all, but they certainly understand orcish and often several other languages, including human ones.”

Vaselle gulped as Antefalken continued. “And given that she’s a very old D’Warg that’s been in the Abyss for a long time—I have no doubt she understands universal and so understands what we are saying.”

“Should I apologize?” Vaselle asked, concerned.

Antefalken shrugged. “It might help. But I would do it from a distance.”

Vaselle looked at him, eyes wide. “So I would have a chance to run away if she comes for me?”

Antefalken laughed. “Not at all. To give her some sport! Wargs, and thus surely D’Wargs, like to play with their dinners first. There is no way you could escape her! According to Vespa, Schwarzenfürze is the oldest and meanest D’Warg in the Abyss. Which would mean in the entire multiverse. She once took on two greater demons at once and slew them permanently! That’s why she looks rather beat up.”

“I’m doomed,” Vaselle wailed quietly.

“Well, I suppose I could try and put a good word in with Tal Gor for you; maybe he can convince her not to eat you?” Antefalken said.

“Anything, please?” Vaselle begged.

Damien was giving Antefalken a dirty look. Antefalken gave the councilor a wink that Vaselle could not see.

They came into a large kitchen, where a number of D’Orcs were busy preparing extremely large portions of meats, carving and trimming them for roasting. A few other D’Orcs were preparing bundles of wood to go into the ovens.

“This is one of three kitchens where we are slow roasting meat for dinner tomorrow night. We plan to slow roast everything to a nice rare, or medium rare. The wood is to add flavor. Naturally, being in the Abyss, we don’t need wood for fire!” Vespa told them.

“We have three other kitchens preparing meat, two preparing bread, and another one preparing vegetables,” Vespa said.

“Don’t forget Tizzy’s kitchen!” Fer-Rog spoke up; he and Rupert were with the group as well. Rupert had been really happy to see Damien again.

“Tizzy?” Damien asked, puzzled. “What is he doing in a kitchen?”

“Baking cookies!” Rupert said.

“That will be nice for dessert!” Vaselle beamed, feeling a little better being in a large room where there were lots of people to see if Schwarzenfürze tried to eat him.

“I would probably advise going easy on the cookies,” Antefalken said.

“Are they rich?” Vaselle asked.

“Not exactly, but having smelled his pipe, I am betting he is using a special form of butter,” the bard said.

“An extra-sweet and rich form, I bet!” Vaselle rubbed his hands together.

“Yeah, something like that,” Antefalken nodded.

Vaselle let out a loud yelp as he felt something wet rubbing against his arm.

Vaselle, Antefalken and Damien looked over to see Schwarzenfürze pull her tongue back into her mouth from licking Vaselle’s hand and arm. The D’Warg looked at Vaselle and then opened her mouth wide and ran her tongue almost lovingly over her lips and teeth before snapping them shut. She gave the wizard a creepy look , then turned and walked away.

Antefalken looked at Damien. “See? You doubted me?”

Tal Gor smiled. “See! Schwarzenfürze is not as unsocial as everyone thinks!”

Ragala-nargoloth chuckled, as did Beya Fei Geist. Farsooth GoreTusk just grinned at the D’Warg’s game. The orcs were all very familiar with wargs’ sense of humor, and a D’Warg’s was no different.


Rupert pulled at his collar as he stood on the platform behind his father. He had gotten out of the habit of wearing any clothes here in the Abyss; in fact, had never worn clothes in his true form. So it felt really strange. He was wearing a sleeveless gold embroidered black tunic that was open at the back, except at the collar, and then a button below his wings. He then had similar knee-length black pants on.

He, along with Zelda, Fer-Rog, the commanders and most senior D’Orcs, were all on the platform for the initial ceremony. There was a D’Orc orchestra, or a D’Orchestra, he guessed. Okay, it was like twelve D’Orcs, but that was more musicians than he had ever seen in one place before.

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