The Heart of Texas (17 page)

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Authors: R. J. Scott

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Heart of Texas
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Chapter 34

Riley found Jack leaning against Solo's stall, lost in thought, the sorrel mare nudging at his arm. It had been nearly six weeks since the fire, and Solo had settled into being a momma with an ease that had Jack beaming with pride. Her bay-colored foal, named Solo-Alexandra, was a beautiful breath of fresh air. Her innate curiosity with life could tempt Riley to stand and watch for hours if he had the time. Instead, Jack was working him hard on the ranch, deciding that now, in this limbo time of decisions on Riley's side, he could fulfill the whole twenty-four days on the ranch clause of the contract.

So here he was, and Riley had aches in muscles he'd never known he possessed before. Of course it didn't help that their sex life was verging on the insanely physical. With neither man able to get enough of the other, they often collapsed into each other's arms, sleeping the few hours left until dawn, unable to even move.

They had fallen into a routine. Jack always offered himself just at the point that Riley was incapable of saying anything, let alone no, and the strength and power he used to get them both off was intoxicating. In his head, there was nothing better than Jack lying beneath him, begging for more, demanding harder, faster.

Last night it had been different. Something indefinable had switched itself on in Riley, the need for
right now
being replaced with the need for forever, and it scared the ever-living shit out of him. He didn't even question how he'd gone from the poster boy for Het-city to craving a man as he craved Jack. It wasn't even just physical; he admired Jack's mind, his determination, his love for his family, his seemingly never ending need to sacrifice his own happiness for others. It shocked Riley to see the depths of passion his husband had inside him, and the erotic dreams he was having about him didn't help.

Riley wanted to be held down the same way he could hold Jack down. He wanted to know what it felt like to have Jack inside
. The need was becoming the only thing he could think about. Jack was strong and muscled through manual labor. He was rough and ever so slightly dangerous, as demonstrated in the bar brawl, and it sent shivers down Riley's spine to imagine submitting to Jack. Allowing Jack to take
, push
over the edge, fuck
into next week… Jack hadn't broached the subject. They had gotten close, but the latent alpha in Riley inevitably took control, and Jack was more than happy it seemed to let him take the lead, despite topping from the bottom with his counter pushes and his demands.

Riley had researched a bit, if you call Wikipedia and various random porn sites research. The dynamics of a gay relationship were as fraught with potholes and problems as any other kind of relationship. Thing is, in all the many one night stands Riley had enjoyed, it was always him calling the shots. They'd wanted that, these simpering girls that killed his time. He sighed. How did he go about telling his husband what he wanted? How did he get Jack so worked up that he didn't question what Riley wanted?

He stood for a moment, simply watching his husband. His jeans were worn and white in places, his boots scuffed, his denim jacket loose over a Black Sabbath T-shirt, and his thoughts clearly a million miles away. Jack was beautiful, rugged, slim-hipped, broad-shouldered, relaxed and strong; a study in cowboy if there was such a thing, and Riley shifted to relax some of the instant pressure in his jeans.

"Hey, husband," he said softly, making Jack jump and turn to face him, the sapphire in his blue eyes so clear in the early morning light, a smile lit across his face. Riley crossed to pull him into a close one-handed hug, aware he was still damp from his shower, shaking his wet hair in Jack's face playfully. Jack grimaced and punched him on the arm. "Careful, you'll spill the coffee," Riley teased, offering Jack one of the mugs he had his fingers threaded through. Jack fell on it as if it was from the gods, inhaling the bitter smell and sighing.

"Did I ever tell you I loved you?" Jack said as he sipped at the hot brew, wrinkling his nose at how dark it was compared to what he would make himself. Riley winced. They had this conversation every morning on the merits or not of black coffee. Jack drank his with milk, and Riley had his black, but with so much sugar Jack swore he could stand a spoon in it.

"Too dark, yeah?" Riley smirked.

"People have been shot for less," Jack growled low.

Riley leaned in for a good morning kiss, one of many they'd already exchanged and would carry on exchanging throughout the day. They couldn't get enough of touching, kissing, hugging, or just talking, holding hands, exploring limits for public displays of affection. Jack only ever said the love word as a joke or during sex. He never said it with meaning. Or at least not the meaning Riley was starting to want, but then Riley hadn't said it at all yet so he couldn't exactly talk. Something was missing. He knew everything had started so damn badly, with the worst plan in history, with Jack being blackmailed into marriage, but it was good now. Wasn't it? They had slipped into a routine that was hot, passionate, new, and Riley felt loved, felt needed. It was just… Would Jack ever really trust him, could he ever
love him?

He guessed he had a kind of love from Jack. It amazed Riley how Jack made him feel so different, almost special. He couldn't get his head around just how much Jack appeared to want him, how Jack found him sexy, praised him, and told him so often how much he wanted him.

"I'll be ten minutes," Jack offered quickly, handing back the mug and crossing to Alexandra. The poor thing seemed to be struggling with feeding this morning, and Jack had mentioned he was mildly worried that maybe Solo-Cal wasn't up to nursing her baby. Riley nodded, seeing the worry in Jack's eyes again, and a similar worry skittered down his own spine. He adored Alex and her horsey ways, something he would never have expected. In his world, horses were for amusement, for recreation.

He let his mind wander as he stared out at the Texas morning, and thought back to two nights ago when Steve and Beth sat at the table with Anna and Donna talking weddings. They planned a simple wedding at the D, in the new barn being constructed on the site of the old burned horse stables. They had a list of people to invite, a local band to do music, Jack and Josh as joint fathers of the bride, and Eden and Anna as bridesmaids. It sounded perfect, and Riley lost himself in images of his best friend in a tux tying himself to the beautiful Beth for the rest of his life, or hers.

The bridesmaids and Beth were discussing flowers.

"Can I talk to you?" Steve had asked him. Standing from the table, Steve walked to the door.

Riley snapped out of his thoughts as he realized Steve was talking to him. He grabbed two beers and followed Steve out to the porch, the night dark around them, and the haze of the Dallas lights on the horizon. Behind them the canopy of stars appeared low to the ground as the land dipped in the distance. Riley, at ease and relaxed, felt peace settle around him like an old blanket.

"Wassup?" Riley was prepared for anything now. They had done the whole "you are a shitty friend thing" whereby Riley admitted he'd been one and Steve had agreed. He wondered what Steve was going to add now.

"I have this favor to ask." Steve seemed nervous. The only other time he'd seemed this nervous was when he'd originally approached Riley for the money for Beth. That had been way back before the whole arranged marriage thing. "I want you to be my best man." Riley blinked. He hadn't expected that in any way, shape or form.

"Yes," he said quickly, his answer instant. "Jeez, I would be honored." He didn't know what else to say, blown away that Steve had asked him after what he'd done. He really couldn't ask for a more forgiving friend. Steve smiled, pulled him into a back-slapping hug then stepping away, still with the nervous looks.

"There's just one thing, Riley," he said, a hint of hesitation in his voice. "I'm being totally honest with Beth, about my past, things that I've done, people I've been with. I don't want any secrets." Riley thought of his secret-driven marriage and inwardly thought Steve was definitely making the right decision. "That starts with telling her about the money you gave me for her medicine, for the visits to the specialist when she became pregnant."

Riley paled. Jack wasn't even aware of the details of all that. Shit, promising money for Beth had been the one thing that had gotten Jack to agree to the whole arranged marriage idea— the promise that Riley would provide for all of Beth's care, putting money in trust for her.

"Shit, Steve," was all Riley could form in the way of a response, leaning back on the railing, the beer loose in his hand.

"I'm telling her tonight when everyone has gone. She
about Jack and you, worries about your marriage, about you. Despite the whole fire-rescue-hero thing, I know there's something there, a hesitation in her whenever your name is mentioned. I want her to know what kind of man you really are. That you're not just some playboy Dallas prince with money to burn, but a genuine person who can be trusted." Steve looked so earnest, and Riley wanted to say it was okay, but all he could think of, albeit selfishly, was facing Jack over this. Steve squeezed his shoulder. "It will be fine, and Jack will think you even more of a hero for helping out his sister."

Chapter 35

Riley hadn't really believed that, not even as he stood toe-to-toe with Jack in the bedroom, his husband's temper so close to the surface that Riley could almost touch it.

"So," Jack said, icy calm, his arms folded across his chest, "the one thing that made me decide to do this, the money for Beth, you had already gone and done, and you lied to me."

"Yes." Riley offered nothing in defense, his voice dejected, and his heart twisting at whatever was going to happen next.

"How much, Riley?" Riley frowned at the question, and shrugged. "How much?" Jack repeated dangerously.

"Four hundred," Riley finally answered miserably.

"I'll pay you back," Jack said. "From the sale of Alex, I will pay you back the entire four hundred thousand dollars plus interest." There was determination in his voice and a hard light in his eyes, his face taut with tension.

"No, it was part of the contract anyway," Riley said quickly. There was no way Jack was paying it back. Jack took a step closer, so close that Riley could smell the horses and the sun-kissed sweaty skin that was so much a part of his husband. He flinched as Jack raised a hand, frowned as Jack gently touched his face, moving fingers to his hair and pressing his hands into the short hair that he said he loved.

"See, that is the problem, that contract. I pay you back, and then the contract is wiped. It's not like you’ve given any of the other money over yet, and I don't intend to take it."

"Jack, I—"

"No, Riley, if we want this to last the year then you
to let me do it my way from the start."

And that single sentence —"If we want this to last the year"— was where he knew he'd fallen in love with his cowboy rancher, inextricably, totally, forever in love, wanting it way past the year he had intended.

And standing here now, watching Jack deal with Solo and Alex, seeing the gentle touches he used on the beautiful new life, Riley knew what he wanted.

He wanted Jack to take control, if only once, or maybe taking it in turns, whatever. He wasn't at all sure of all the terminology, and he wanted to tell Jack that he loved him.

Jack was happy Alex was nursing okay, moving back to stand next to Riley and stealing some of his coffee, grimacing at the amount of sugar.

"Thought we could start on the barn today if you're up for it," he suggested, locking the gate and leaving momma and baby in peace.

"Yeah," Riley agreed, swiping the worn Stetson from the hook, his Stetson, the one Jack had loaned him. Feeling very much the cowboy in jeans, T-shirt and black denim button-down, he followed Jack to the site of the new barn. Josh had been over the day before, and between him and Jack, most of the debris had been cleared away before Riley had returned from a meeting with Eden and Jim and his mom. Today they were moving frames, starting to construct the barn from the ground up, and the heat was warm on their backs.

They soon stripped off their outer shirts, Riley standing under the blazing sun, sweat sliding off his skin, soaking his white T-shirt, and collecting at the base of his neck. He stretched, reaching his hands to the sky, his skin hot and his mouth dry. He turned to Jack to call a water break, wiping the sweat from his eyes with his discarded shirt, and stopped as he realized Jack was staring.

"Water," Jack said calmly, turning on his heel and moving swiftly to the horse barn, grabbing the bottle and tipping it over his head before swallowing mouthfuls of the cool liquid. Riley followed, reaching for the container. He began pouring water over his head, allowing it to soak into his hair, then pushed the thick mess of hair back off his face, gulping down the water that felt so damn good. He never saw Jack move, only felt himself being manhandled back inside the barn, far into the shade where no one could see. Riley tripped and stumbled even as Jack tried to steady him, until he found himself flat against wood, his hands scrabbling for purchase.

Jack didn't stop. Pulling Riley's head down for kisses, he inserted his body between Riley's thighs, forcing Riley to widen his legs. Bringing him down to his level, Jack forced his head back by his wet hair so he could kiss-bite his way down the sweat and water on Riley's skin. Riley was incoherent, his hands still flailing, his dick iron in his jeans before he could think, or not think, as the case may be.

Jack moved his mouth up to Riley's ear. "Do you have any idea how fucking hot you look in this?" Jack pulled at the white T-shirt, pulling it up to Riley's neck, his clever fingers ghosting over hot skin, pausing to twist at sensitive nipples, chasing the touch with his lips and tongue and teeth. Riley whimpered, finally able to catch hold of the beam above his head, gripping tight as Jack explored his body with groans and touches and desperate need and want. Jack stepped back, his eyes taking in every inch of Riley standing, legs spread, hands gripping the beam, his head thrown back, wanting. He almost whined as Jack had stood away from him, for only seconds, but it was too much.


"Don't move. Okay. Don't move." And with that Jack ran from the barn.

* * * *

Only minutes later, Jack came back in, predatory, slow, pulling his T-shirt over his head and standing in front of Riley. Seeing Riley there, like he was tied in place, every muscle pushed to the limit was too tempting, and he had to touch. Caressing, slipping hands over damp skin, he found a small tear at the neck of the T-shirt and ripped it in two to reveal Riley’s, his husband's, broad chest. He settled his lips just above his lover's left nipple and bit hard, causing Riley to yelp in pain, but his lover still didn't move. Jack's hands closed around the button fly on Riley's jeans, pulling at them until he could push an eager hand in to close round Riley's weeping, needy dick. With the other hand, he went into his pocket, pulling out the lube and holding it out for Riley, imagining his husband splitting him apart in the dark of the barn.

"Jack, no." Riley shook his head, stubbornly holding on to the beams. Jack was puzzled. Had he misread this? He thought that Riley wanted to make love in the barn. "I wanna know… I want you in me," Riley rasped, his voice gruff, his breathing harsh.

Jack didn't need to be asked again, didn't question his husband's words. He pushed denim down over sharp hips, following the material, passing kisses close to Riley's dick, biting into his thigh, licking the marks he had left. He helped Riley toe off boots and lose his jeans altogether until his husband stood gloriously naked in front of him.

"Turn 'round," Jack ordered. "Hold the beams, spread your legs." His voice was so broken, yet he felt so determined as Riley twisted to face away from him, Jack again using his denim-clad legs to get Riley to spread his. "Beautiful," he breathed, his fingers in damp blond hair, pushing Riley to reveal his neck, kissing and sucking marks he knew would still be there tomorrow. He worshipped skin, whispered demands, until Riley was writhing under his hands, making his own demands.

"Please. Make me feel."

Coating his hand with slick, Jack began to open Riley, torn between being careful and taking his time, and just fucking pushing his whole hand in. Jack kept up a litany of words, "So good— I'm sorry— so fucking hot— I'm sorry— I love you", hearing Riley alternately moan in discomfort and then nearly whine with
. One-handed, he pulled at his own jeans until he had his dick in his hands and had slicked himself up. He pinched the base of his cock as he almost lost it over his husband's tight muscled ass, at just the erotic images in his head. After lining himself up, the first push was tentative until he slipped past the tight ring of muscle. He heard Riley gasp and felt him stiffen, knowing it was hurting him. He made to pull back, but couldn't as Riley pushed against him. Jack was moving in a small way, and then it was too much; he was lost, pulling his lover farther away from the wall, reaching around with slippery fingers to start a counter rhythm as he bottomed out inside Riley and began to thrust.

He angled to find the sweet spot, tried so hard, only knowing when he found it by the exhaled gasp and whimper of his name in Riley's throat. The rhythm he set was punishing, biting down on Riley's corded neck as orgasm started to build to the explosion point. Under him, Riley was cursing up a storm, demanding harder, wanting more, and Jack twisted his fingers around his lover's dick. He was upping the movement until Riley went rigid under him, and the feeling of heat and wetness on his hand was enough to have him coming hard into his husband. Riley's dark heat was gripping his dick as he pumped into him, only stopping when Riley all but collapsed against the wall. Jack followed him, caging him with his arms to prevent himself from landing on top of him. They stood in the intimate embrace until Jack pulled himself free, and Riley turned in the cage, his pupils blown, his face flushed.

"Jesus," he said simply.

"Jack," Jack replied, smirking.


"We did." Jack leaned in to capture Riley's lips in a hard kiss, his body still vibrating with the aftereffects of orgasm. Every single point of his body was alive with Riley. He wanted to say the words, wanted to tell this gorgeous man, his husband, that he loved him. He wasn't sure if Riley was ready to hear that, but not wanting to push, he kept quiet. What would Riley say if he knew that, in his head, Jack saw them growing old together, being together for as long as they could. It was going to be torture, giving Riley up at the end of the contract year; he couldn't even begin to think about it.

Riley pulled back, resting his forehead on Jack's and curling his hands around his neck. "I love you," he said quietly, so quietly Jack wasn't entirely sure he'd heard right.

Please say it again if that is what you said

"I love you, Jack Campbell-Hayes. I'm sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable but I needed you to know how I felt and—"

"I love you," Jack interrupted, his head spinning with the implications of what they'd just admitted to each other.

Suddenly the year ahead of them became two years, ten years, twenty, life. So suddenly, despite the chaos outside their small world, everything seemed right. Everything seemed perfect.

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