The Guest (3 page)

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Authors: Kelsie Belle

BOOK: The Guest
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Chapter Three


“So what do you think?” Julie asked, glancing at Cole furtively. They’d
completed the tour of the average sized office building space in about
forty-five minutes, and in that time he hadn’t really said much. Apart from the
occasional question and a comment here and there, she’d been the one doing most
of the talking. But she hadn’t missed the way his gaze had been all over each
room or how he’d stopped to analyze some of the fixtures. His questions were
also quite probing, so she knew he was paying very close attention to what she
was saying.

“Well I have to agree this is a prime location for the type of business
you’re looking to start up. Accessible to customers while eliminating the
possibility of excessive competition and equipped with all the necessary infrastructure.”

“Exactly and that will make it quite easy to market.”

“My main concern, though, is the cost of rent. I’m not sure that amount
is a feasible overhead cost at the beginning of a business venture.”

Julie shot him a contemplative look. “You think we should start

“I do. In my opinion this place would be ideal, but not until a few
months, maybe a year, after you’ve started and have begun to make a name for

“While I do see your point, I don’t think Jared is worried about having
to start slow. You see, he already has a good customer base from Technisoft
that he’s pretty sure will follow him if he branches out.”

“Hmm, I see. Well in that case I don’t think there’s any other problem

“Great! So that settles it. First thing on Monday he can close the deal
on the lease.”

Cole’s lips curled in a warm smile that teetered somewhere between
amused and fascinated. Julie’s cheeks flush hotly. “Yes he can move full speed
ahead with that. Then I guess it will be on to furniture and equipment shopping
after which a few workers may need to be hired.”

“That’s pretty much the plan,” she said with a nod, despising how
breathy her voice sounded. She was a married woman for God’s sake, she had no
right to be responding to this man’s nearness this way.

“Good.” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his designer jeans,
rocking back on his heels as he studied her face. “So is that all you had
planned for us this afternoon?”

“Um, yes, I think that’s about it.”

He withdrew one hand and glanced at the expensive looking time piece
that adorned it. “Okay. Well it’s just after midday and I’m famished. How about
we go find someplace to have us some lunch?”

Julie tried her best not to think too much into that statement—it
wasn’t as if the guy was asking her out on a date or anything like that. “Ah,
yes, that’s probably a good idea. I’m a little hungry myself.”

“Alright then, let’s get out of here.”

He indicated for her to precede him from the room and they quickly made
their way back to the exit and his waiting rental car. She reached for the door
handle to let herself in, but before she could do so, Cole reached around her
and did it for her. This didn’t really come as a surprise to her, though. The
man had been a total gentleman since he picked her up almost two hours ago.
What surprised her was how her pulse quickened and her temperature rose just a
fraction when his hand brushed over hers. Needing to put some distance between
them, she all but scampered into the car so he could shut the door behind her.

“Okay, where to?” he asked when he had slid behind the wheel.

“Depends. What are you in the mood for?”

“Food.” He shot her a cheeky grin which only served to turn her insides
to mush. Dammit, this was bad, this was very bad.

She tried for a friendly smile in return, praying her tension wasn’t
reflected in it. “Well there’s this little restaurant about ten minutes from
here where Jared and I always enjoy eating. Turn left when you get on the next
road and I’ll point you in the right direction as we go along.”

“Alright.” He started the engine and they were off.

Ten minutes later they followed a lanky waiter who led them to a cozy
booth at the back of the restaurant. He pulled Julie’s chair out, then handed
them their menus before leaving to fetch their drink orders.

“Is the food anywhere near as good as Jared’s cooking?” Cole asked,
glancing up at her over the menu.

She laughed, shaking her head as she closed her menu, having already
made her choice. “They can swing a close second, I guess. But then again I’m
partial so I don’t think my vote counts.”

Cole snickered. “Yeah I think we might both be disqualified on that
account. The ribs any good?”

“Oh yeah, go for it. They do a mean bourbon sauce with it, too. You’ll
definitely love it.”

“Great, that settles it.” He closed the menu and put it away, settling
back into his chair just as the waiter returned with their drinks. When the
young man had taken their orders and departed once more, Cole struck up the
conversation again. “So you’re a school teacher, huh? Do you enjoy what you

Julie’s face lit up upon hearing the mention of one of her favorite
topics. “I sure do. While it does have its drawbacks I believe the benefits far
outweigh them.”

“And what are the benefits for you?”

“Interacting with the kids, guiding them toward finding their own way
to knowledge and watching them change as they do so. I find it quite
fascinating and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.”

“That’s good. It’s important that you feel fulfilled by what you do
each day.”

“And do you? Feel fulfilled by what you do each day, that is?”

He sighed, his brows knitting in a speculative look. “I used to, but
that hasn’t been the case for a while now.”

“Why’s that?” she asked, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the side
of the table.

“I don’t know. It just seems like a game to me now, kinda like I’m
going in circles somehow. There’s no challenge in it.”

“Ah, I see. I can imagine a man like you would enjoy a challenge.”

One thick, dark brow lifted as his smoky grey eyes stared back at her
quizzically. “A man like me, huh? Tell me, what kind of man do you think me to

Julie shifted self-consciously in her seat. “Um, well … you strike me
as a very focused, driven man. The kind of man who doesn’t see the need to ask
permission. He sees what he wants and goes after it. He’s used to things being
his for the taking and when they’re not, he’ll find a way to have them anyway.”

His lips curled in a slow and utterly seductive smile. “How very
perceptive of you, although that’s not entirely true.”

“Really? Which part isn’t correct?”

Reaching across the table suddenly, he took hold of her left hand. She
jumped with surprise and made to pull her hand away. But before she could do
so, he began using his thumb to toy with the golden band that adorned her ring
finger. “I know my boundaries, Julie, and I never overstep them. I understand
when something I want isn’t something I can or
go after.”

Her cheeks flamed as the possible meaning behind his words penetrated
her befuddled brain. Was he suggesting that she might be one of the things he
wanted but couldn’t go after? Sweet Jesus, this was becoming more and more of a
pickle than she’d imagined.
Gently, she
pulled her hand out of his, offering a sheepish smile as she rested it on her
lap. “That’s good. That’s one way to save yourself from getting into
embarrassing situations.”

His chest rumbled with a soft chuckle, and it was such a sexy sound
that the hairs at her nape stood on end in response. “Yes, I believe it is.”

Julie was relieved when moments later the waiter arrived with their
food and after that the conversation was far less intense. They chatted about
the town of Barker Wood and she told him about her family and how she and Jared
met. He told her a little more about himself and his life in New York. By the
end of the meal she felt relaxed again and the brief moment of discomfort was
all but forgotten.

“Would you like anything else?” Cole asked, when she pushed her dessert
plate aside.

“Oh no, I’m stuffed!” she said with a little laugh. “Plus I have to at
to preserve the figure, you

Cole smiled as he beckoned for the waiter to bring the check. “I’m sure
that’s not a problem though, your figure is perfect.”

“Thank you,” Julie said, blushing a little now that she realized she’d
actually sounded as if she’d been fishing for a compliment. She remained silent
for the rest of the time while he took care of the check then rose and pulled out
her chair for her. When they were at the door, he pulled it open to let her
through, but a pair of chattering women, dressed to the nines, walked in before
she could do so. They stopped short when they noticed her and Cole.

“Julie, honey! How are you dear?” Felicia Middleton said, reaching out
to give her a brief hug. Julie returned the embrace stiffly. Felecia was an old
family friend, but had never been one of her favorite persons. She and her best
friend, Caroline Hathaway, were some of the town’s most furious gossips. They
were friendly enough, but their innate maliciousness was never lost on Julie.

“I’m well, Felicia, it’s good to see you. Hello Caroline.”

“Hi there Julie, long time no see,” the other woman replied, giving her
a tight smile.

“Indeed,” Julie said, tongue-in-cheek.

“And what have we here?” Felicia said, craning her neck past Julie to
examine Cole behind her. “Who
fine specimen of manhood?”

“Yes Julie, aren’t you going to introduce us to your
?” Caroline added, batting her
eyelashes so hard Julie was surprised they didn’t fall off.

Cole stepped forward, extending his arm and offering them one of his
heart rate destabilizing smiles. “Good afternoon, ladies. Cole Richardson, at
your service,” he said politely, taking each woman’s hand and giving it a brief
shake before pulling back again.

“Felicia Middleton,” the woman said, her smile becoming a hundred
percent brighter. “And this is Caroline Hathaway. It’s a pleasure to make your
acquaintance, Mr. Richardson.”

“Cole, please, and the pleasure is certainly all mine.”

“So what brings you to Barker Wood, Cole?” Caroline said, her own smile
outshining her friend’s by about fifty volts as she looked for Cole to Julie
and back again. “I’m pretty sure you’re not from around here. Would be pretty
hard to forget a man like you.”

Julie almost groaned out loud. It was clear what conclusion the gossip loving
woman had already come to. She rushed to clear up the misconception. “Cole is
actually my husband’s—”

“Business associate,” Cole finished for her. “I’m here for the weekend to
take care of some business related matters. Julie here was just showing me
around in Jared’s absence.”

“I see,” both women murmured, and the looks on their faces told Julie
they’d filed the information away for future reference. Damn bitches, always
looking for ammunition to ruin other people’s lives.

“Yes, well we should be going Cole,” Julie said quickly. She’d had
enough of the irritating small talk, as well as Felicia and Caroline’s
insidious presence.

“Yes, of course,” Cole agreed, nodding politely. “Ladies, do enjoy the
rest of your day.”

“Why, thank you! Take care now,” Felicia said.

“Yes, Goodbye!” Caroline called out as Julie waved them off and pushed
through the door. She couldn’t get out of the building fast enough and Cole was
right behind her.

“Charming young ladies, huh?” he said. His voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Oh, they’re downright delightful,” Julie deadpanned. “Ready and
waiting to throw my reputation to the wolves.” They both chuckled and shook
their heads as they climbed into Cole’s rental.

Half an hour later, he dropped her off at the house and returned to his
hotel. He and Jared had plans to paint the town red later on as a guys’ night
out, so he wanted to get some rest. It was already after two, but Jared was
still not home. She had some time to work on lesson plans in peace and solitude—which
would be all well and good, if she could just quiet the meddling voices in her
head that kept bickering at her. She couldn’t stop thinking about Cole and the
silly way her body had responded to him all day.

Dammit, she needed to get herself under control. If Cole was going to
be Jared’s business partner then they would certainly be seeing a whole lot of
each other and her reaction to him could throw a monkey wrench into that set up
if Jared was to ever find out.


The small sports bar was abuzz with activity although it was not overly
crowded. Patrons sat around the bar counter or in booths animatedly watching
broadcasts of different sporting events on several flat screens around the
room. Cole followed Jared to a booth in the far corner of the room and took a
seat across from him so they both had a view of the soccer match being played
on the screen closest to them. A bubbly waitress stopped by and they ordered
two beers before turning their attention to the game.

“Whoa! Nice move!” Jared shouted as a player made an almost impossible
tackle to steal the ball from his opponent.

“Yeah, that guy is probably the best player in the league right now.”

“Definitely. His team is the major contender this season.”

“I’m not surprised. I haven’t had time to follow the games lately, but the
guys back home have been saying this is the team to watch.”

“Yeah, if I was a gambling man, I’d put a few dollars on ‘em for sure.”

Cole lifted his glass in
agreement with Jared’s words, but a sudden eruption of loud cheering distracted
him. Both men turned their attentions back to the screen and were soon cheering
along with the rest of the patrons as the same team scored their second goal.

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