The Guardians (Book 2) (49 page)

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Authors: Dan O'Sullivan

BOOK: The Guardians (Book 2)
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‘You don’t know who my father was, do you Penn?’

‘How would I know that? I know your mother was from Nyinaku. That’s all I know. I have no idea who your father was.’

‘Let me give you a clue. The Empress is my sister- well, half-sister I guess you’d say.’

Penn gave a low incredulous whistle. ‘Does she know?’

‘Of course not, stupid. Do you think Alem was going to admit to having produced me?’

‘But with Alem dead...’

‘That’s right. With Alem dead, no-one would ever believe who I am.’

‘That still doesn’t explain why you want to kill Cahndrech. Is this about power?’

‘Not power. This is what my people do best. This is about pure, sweet, unadulterated revenge.’

‘But if you kill her, what do you gain? No-one will know who you are, so it makes little difference.’

‘I don’t need a reason. I don’t need to gain anything. I just need to know that Alem has paid for his ignorance.’

‘Alem is dead.’

‘And so will be Cahndrech, when I’m done. Alem’s line will be broken. He would never acknowledge my mother, and for that I will avenge her.’ He hesitated, and for a split second he seemed unsure of himself. ‘They say my people cannot betray their own siblings...I guess we’re about to test that theory. And speaking of betraying siblings, I thought you were going to give that pouch of Ollneda to Luhxdal?’

Penn flushed deep red. ‘I guess I forgot.’

Marlea looked at him speculatively. ‘You forgot.
Hmm. Not a problem. I’ll see he gets it,’ he said, scooping up the pouch and stalking from the room.

Penn didn’t move. He wondered why he’d been unable to actually pass his brother the pouch of Ollneda. After several minutes, he left the silahfohr.

Guli stayed where he was for a full ten minutes after the two left. He considered in great depth what he had heard and eventually he came to the only safe conclusion. He’d done everything he’d been paid to do, to date, other than murdering the child, and for that he would make arrangements. He would arrange for people to watch the child’s home, and for others to find him if he attempted to leave the city. He was confident the task would be completed. It was time for him to disappear.

Chapter 2



‘The Empress of Tatharlia sends her greetings. She wishes you to know that she is not unaware of your current...difficulties,’ the Captain of the ship stated. He stared around in astonishment at the activity within the city of Castle. Little remained standing of the original city other than the castle itself, the curtain walls and the city walls, and a few stone houses, as most of the city had been destroyed when it was overcome by a massive ocean wave. In an ironic twist of fate, the citizens of Castle had evacuated the city and were sailing away to take refuge in the Dwellings, the city of the Daoine Maithe, when the wave struck, and the only people destroyed by the wave were the strange creatures called Nailmarni, who had attacked and occupied the city only hours before the wave destroyed them. Kelian’s parents, King Dannicus and Queen Aithne had been killed by the Nailmarni in their attack, but Prince Kelian had made it safely to the Dwellings where the soldiers of Castle along with the Daoine Maithe had finally faced and defeated the Nailmarni. Newly crowned King, Kelian returned his city of Castle to rebuild, being concerned that any Nailmarni who remained in Alkira might not be the only people who had the potential to take advantage of their weakness. Many of the citizens of Castle were now being housed within the castle and the few remaining buildings such as the castle warehouses, as the work of cleaning away the rubble and rebuilding the city continued. Kelian had chosen the higher ground to the south of the city as the safest place for housing, and he ordered that no-one was to build in places where the wave had destroyed homes. Houses were springing up on the southern hills, roads were being made and a new wall was being constructed around the city. Kelian knew it would be a long time before the wall was complete, and he made sure the citizens were reminded that the safety of the castle was theirs to claim, should the need arise even after the walls were
complete. The docks, which had been smashed apart in the massive wave, had been partially reconstructed, but as yet only one single, long jetty stretched into the harbor. Food had been an ongoing matter of concern for Kelian. The first thing he had done when he returned to Castle was to appoint certain people to oversee their food supplies. The ships brought some food from the Dwellings, but Kelian knew it wouldn’t last long enough to see them through until trading could resume between his country of Alkira in the east and neighboring countries of Sagria and Tatharlia to the west. Relations between the east and west had at times been more than a little shaky, but there had been peace for several years and trading had increased dramatically. There had been no trading since the Nailmarni first surrounded Castle, but now a massive Tatharlian ship waited patiently in the harbor and Kelian wondered why they had come in such a large vessel, if not to trade. He watched the vessel hopefully, wondering if it carried food. He had nothing useful to trade, but he would willingly dive deeply into the royal coffers, if it made the difficult task of feeding his people a little easier.

‘The Empress wishes to strengthen the current peace between Tatharlia and Alkira,’ the Captain continued, ‘and she extends an invitation for King Kelian and Queen Elena to visit Tatharlia.’

Kelian’s eyes opened even wider as he considered Captain Mercah’s words, and he hesitated, not knowing how he should answer the Captain. He glanced sideways at Administrator Tappy who was staring at the huge ship shrewdly. He caught Kelian’s glance and without missing a beat, he replied, ‘His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen are most pleased to accept the Empress’ invitation.’

‘Wonderful!’ Captain Mercah exclaimed, seeming relieved. ‘The Empress will be delighted.’ He took a small colorful polished stone from his pocket and held it out. The sun struck the stone and Kelian could see blue, green, pink and yellow in its depths. ‘The Empress sends this stone as a token of friendship.’ He dropped the stone into Kelian’s hand and the King smiled.

‘Please convey to the Empress our greetings and thank her for her invitation. Please inform her that we will indeed visit as soon as...’ Kelian’s voice trailed away as he thought of how much work remained.

‘As soon as the King’s ship is made ready,’ Tappy finished firmly, looking meaningfully at Kelian.

‘Wonderful!’ said the Captain once again. ‘Now, may I instruct my crew to unload the Empress’ gift?’

Kelian echoed, looking at the Captain of the ship in surprise.

‘Yes. A gift,’ Captain Mercah repeated firmly. ‘The Empress expected you might have need of some supplies since the unjustified attacks on your cities. My ship is filled with food and many useful items.’

‘Please inform her of my appreciation,’ said Kelian sincerely.

‘Majesty, I wonder if I can ask for a special favor,’ Mercah eyed Kelian worriedly.

‘Ask,’ ordered Kelian.

‘There is a woman aboard my boat, a Tatharlian woman with her two children. She has done nothing wrong, but her husband fears for her safety. He asked me to take her and her children from the city. I will swear upon my own life they are not spies and will do you no harm. Would you be willing to keep her here in safety?’

Kelian opened his hand and studied the beautiful stone once again. ‘I will ensure the lady and her children are kept safe. You have my word.’

‘Thank you!’ Mercah sounded like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. ‘This is a beautiful place,’ he said as he gazed towards the hills south of Castle. ‘Or it was. I mean no disrespect Majesty, in view of the tragedy which has befallen your city. But I can see how good this land is, and I know our visit must seem...may I speak to you alone at your convenience, Majesty?’

‘Of course,’ said Kelian. ‘I have matters to which I must urgently attend. I will return to the docks at midday.’

Kelian waited until they passed through the city gates and before speaking to Administrator Tappy who was eyeing the King nervously as they walked. Once they were far enough from the docks to be unheard by the Tatharlians, Kelian stopped and turned to his Administrator. ‘You’d better have a good reason,’ he stated crossly, ignoring the amused faces of his guards.

‘I’m sorry Majesty, but I can explain,’ said Tappy, looking quite distressed.

‘I’m supposed to have met Marnol and some of the others in the conference room over an hour ago, so you can give me your explanation once we get there.’

‘Yes Majesty,’ said Tappy, and his face turned red with embarrassment as several of the King’s guards deliberately turned away to hide their amusement. King’s Marshall Danil frowned at them sternly.

Kelian stopped walking and placed his hand on Tappy’s shoulder. ‘I’m sorry Administrator. Just so you know
, I trust your judgment implicitly. If you say I need to go to Tatharlia to visit the Empress, then I know it is imperative I go. I just can’t pretend I have any idea why, and it’s such a damned inconvenient time! But I know you will have sound reason for replying to Captain Mercah as you did. My mother and father always said you were an exceptional Administrator, and had more knowledge of how best to run Alkira than all the nobles put together, and from what I’ve seen I think that was an understatement. I truly don’t know what I’d do without you, Tappy.’

Tappy smiled at Kelian. ‘Thank you, Majesty. It is crucial you go. The-’

‘I can wait until we reach the conference room Administrator,’ Kelian cut in. They remained silent until they reached the castle.

Kelian entered the conference room and instructed those gathered to be seated. He was pleased to see Princesses Lerise and Jade had recovered sufficiently from their recent illness to be in attendance and Princess Amy and Duke Laughlin from Tarlique were also
present, along with King’s Colonel Borgulnay and King’s Captain Gilgarry, brother to Queen Elena. King’s Captain Borgulnay was entirely smitten with Queen Elena’s younger sister Immosey, who had no objections to his attention. 

‘What just happened down there Tappy,’ asked Kelian, gesturing towards the docks.

‘Something’s wrong,’ Tappy stated firmly. ‘Even though we’ve not had open war between Tatharlia and Alkira in years, the relationship has always been reserved.’

‘Sending us an entire ship of supplies isn’t exactly reserved,’ agreed Kelian. ‘So what do they want?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Tappy honestly, ‘but the Empress is willing to pay for your visit with a shipload of goods at the very time we need them so badly.’

‘And what if I’d said no? To the visit I mean.’

‘The gift would not have been offered, the Empress would have been insulted, and the Tatharlian ship would have left on very unfriendly terms with a wonderful picture of how vulnerable we are at this moment,’ said Tappy ominously.

‘They can see how vulnerable we are,’ Kelian pointed out. ‘They could still take advantage of our situation.’

‘Not since we accepted the Empress’ invitation and a stone of friendship was exchanged. The stone is not just a token of friendship,’ Tappy explained. ‘As you well know, to receive such a stone from the Empress of Tatharlia is to receive a promise of sincerity. From the moment you accepted that stone, the Tatharlians are honor bound to remain on friendly terms, providing we do the same. They will not take the opportunity to attack. The Tatharlians are strange people, but honor is important to them. When you visit, it is polite to take an item of similar meaning, to return the honor.’

‘But why would the Empress want us to visit now? If she knew enough to understand we can barely feed ourselves, why would she imagine I have time to drop everything to visit her.’

‘I don’t know Empress Cahndrech; I can’t even remember how old she is. She can’t be very old. I truly can’t remember, but her father Alem was one of the most intelligent rulers Tatharlia has ever seen. It is because of him that the fallen didn’t overrun their entire country. I never met the Empress’ mother, but I have heard that Sahbdah was as astute and cunning as Alem was. It was strange that they both became ill and died together. I believe Cahndrech would only have asked you to come if she needed you badly. Yes, I think that’s it. Perhaps she needs help she can’t get in Tatharlia. She needs you very badly for some reason. Reason enough to put herself in a position where she has pledged friendship with Alkira - the type of friendship only the King of Alkira can break by refusing her invitation.’

‘How anyone could need us right now is beyond my imagination. We’ll work out what we’re going to do about this visit later. In the meantime,’ Kelian’s eyes searched the room, ‘Guardian General Callian, did Lord Tiernan say if he was coming here?’ Kelian felt enormous gratitude towards the people they called the Daoine Maithe, and he felt sure without their help his fiancée Elena and her sisters Louisa and Immosey would be dead. The Daoine Maithe, who called themselves the
guardians, would have argued that it was their duty to protect his people, but Kelian had formed a firm friendship with Timbul and Araas, sons of Lord Tiernan, leader of the Daoine Maithe and he knew even were it not simply duty, the guardians would stand by him and by the people of Alkira.

‘He’ll be here tonight,’ said Callian, General of the
guardian forces.

‘Where’s Baron Dale?’ Kelian looked around for the young man who had recently done so much to help rescue his fiancé and her two sisters from the hands of the fallen, the warriors of Nyinaku.

‘Shh!’ said Eibhear, feigning annoyance and pointing dramatically to the sleeping figure of Dale lying across the long lounging chair. Eibhear, along with his brother Rudiger and his friends, Rezon and Ben, had come from Nyinaku, a strange land inhabited by those who had once been guardians, but had renounced their status as guardians in order to gain their freedom. There was little friendship between the warriors and the humans, or between the warriors and the guardians, but circumstances had caused a small band of warriors to stand alongside the humans and the guardians and unusual friendships had formed.

Kelian snorted sarcastically. ‘Get yourself over to the table Dale. I know you can hear me from there but I refuse to talk over your snoring.’ Dale rolled from the lounge to his feet, grinned at Kelian and seated himself at the table.

‘Sorry Majesty. What took you so long? Other than being gifted with an entire shipload of food and having Tappy confirm your vacation to Tatharlia?’

‘You don’t miss anything, do you Dale,’ said Kelian, referring to Dale’s strange gift of perfect recollection, regardless of whether or not the Baron was awake or sleeping. ‘I want you to take Lerise and Jade back home.’

‘What if there’s nothing left in Emerald?’ Dale was certain the warriors of Nyinaku, those they called the fallen, would have left very little standing after their attack on the town. He had been raised in the town of East Inlet until the fallen attacked the town and killed his parents, at which time he was taken to Emerald and placed in the care of Duke Li and Princess Elizabeth and their daughters Princess’ Lerise and Jade. Unfortunately the town of Emerald had recently been attacked by the fallen, and Dale had barely led the people to the safety of the Dwellings, the home of the Daoine Maithe, before its devastation.

‘We can only hope the city’s still standing,’ said Kelian. ‘In any case, the people of Emerald should at least be given the option of going home and starting again or beginning again elsewhere. They can’t stay at the Dwellings forever, though I was informed that some people have gone to East Inlet.’

This news didn’t surprise Dale. He knew the hardy folk of Emerald would be keen to rebuild their lives and that it was time the Princesses returned to wherever the townspeople of Emerald chose to make their homes. Lerise and Jade had decided to travel to Castle with Kelian before returning to Emerald. The two Princesses remained quite weak having both recovered from terrible illness when a traitor within the Emerald garrison attempted to poison them. Their parents, Duke Li and Princess Elizabeth were now dead. They Princesses were seated at the table, and both were extremely tired.

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