The Good Girl (16 page)

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Authors: Lily White,Dawn Robertson

BOOK: The Good Girl
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

~ Eleni ~

My body screamed and my stomach rolled. The whiskey did nothing but make me feel even sicker than I had all day. His touch was raw and violent, everything I’d come to expect from him during my time in captivity. I’d anticipated the attack every minute since I’d arrived here. But the biggest problem I had at that moment was the fact that I was enjoying every second of his violent fuck. I should have hated him for it – I should have fought; but the biting sting turned me on - the passion the dominion, the feel of him stretching me and leaving me empty once again.

Opposites. Pain vs. pleasure – anger vs. fear - good vs. evil. In some fucked up way, it was like we were built for this moment. It was a moment in which he broke me - mind, body and spirit. But it was also a moment where I allowed myself to be broken – giving in, not fighting because I had something to prove. What I didn’t know was that, as he himself gave up to whatever was torturing him; I, too, was giving up to the demons amongst us both. It was freedom. It was release. It was the self-abuse I’d always wanted to commit but was never brave enough to do openly.

The shackles bit hard at my wrists and ankles, but the pain felt so fucking good. I deserved this because of the type of trash I’d allowed myself to become. I lived for nothing in life. Only school, art, and a quick fuck; and now, I was finally getting something I deserved. I needed to feel him deep inside me, using me for the only thing I was good at.

What soothed me in that moment was the fact that I’d previously fought not to give up. I wasn’t as weak as he said. I’d tried to run, I’d screamed; but I couldn’t fight him off. I thought he was going to kill me. I thought he would strangle me. I thought I would look into his beautifully broken green eyes while he ended my life. Instead, I couldn’t help but hold onto the chains as his dick slid in and out of me. I shouldn’t have been turned on and any normal person would be completely disgusted. But I wasn’t.

He grunted with each trust as his eyes examined every inch of my body with the most peaceful and serene air about them. He wasn’t there at that moment. He was someplace far off while his body was piloted by whatever it was inside that drove this monster.

Gabriel’s hand grabbed my ass as he pushed his thick cock deeper inside and his free hand worked its way up to squeeze my breast. My nipples hardened at his contact and my body began to convulse as his dick rubbed repeatedly against my sweet spot, deep inside my cunt. Shit. I should hate him. I should hate every touch, every bit of pleasure I was getting while he beat and abused my body for his own personal healing. But I didn’t, and that was what made me just as fucked up as him. I wanted to be fucked. I wanted him.

His hand moved from the tight grip on my ass and pressed between my legs, rolling my clit as he entered and exited my pussy with each violent thrust. I tried to put off my pleasure. I tried to think of anything else but the pure ecstasy that was imminent. But I couldn’t. I was too wrapped up into him. I was in too deep.

His pace quickened and my body tightened around him. I tried to muffle my sounds of pleasure, hoping my crying out wouldn’t send him into another fit of rage. But, I Couldn’t. Hold. It. Back.

I cried out as an orgasm washed over my body.

“Oh, Shit!” The words flew from my mouth before I could stop them.

He ignored me; continuing to pound away as if he had no realization that I’d just climaxed. He wasn’t here with me. He wasn’t in that moment. It wasn’t him taking me because he was somewhere lost in his own violence and lost in his mind. In his eyes, I could see light and shadow battling over control. Something I knew better than most.

Gabriel let out a low moan and pulled his cock from my body, taking it into his hand and jerking it until his cum coated my stomach. He emptied himself in his own release, his face twisting in realization of everything that just happened. Like the lights were turned back on upstairs and he was finally coming home to his body.

With his cock still in his palm, he shook his head and looked down at me. He quickly turned and grabbed something and began to feverishly wipe his cum from my skin; meticulously wiping away the evidence of what he did, while I remain chained.

It wasn’t long before he freed me. Every muscle in my body ached and I crumbled to the floor. I couldn’t hold my own weight up any longer. I lay on the cold wood, completely spent from everything that had happened. Balling over myself, I wished he would just take me back to the room where he previously held me captive. I couldn’t bear to look at him or myself for that matter. I wanted to run and hide and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet to try and expel the poison from my body. The same thing he had been doing to me all morning; only to break down the same way I would have, if given the opportunity on my own.

His strong arms wrapped around my broken body and picked me up. We were moving, but I didn’t know which way we were going. It was too dark and from this angle, there was nothing illuminating his face. It frightened me because I was unsure why Gabriel held my body so close. The fear I once felt was back in full force.

Loosening his grip on me, he placed me onto a soft surface, which I could only assume was a bed. Weight shifted and he was gone. I was alone, terror flooding me again. If he wanted to, he could have killed me. He could have killed me so many fuckin’ times. But, he didn’t. I couldn’t figure out what he wanted from me, but I knew after this last episode that he was deeply disturbed. I’d seen people like this in my clinical rotations before and realizing that somehow helped calmed the fear coursing through my body.

Before that moment he was just a criminal. But after what I’d just seen, I realized he was someone who needed to be cared for on a deeper level than anyone in his life had probably ever realized.

A small bedside light illuminated and I could see his outline. The light was dim and I could barely see anything except for him as he neared me once again. I lay there naked, and that was when I noticed he still had no pants on. From the waist down, he was completely naked - flaccid cock and all. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands – which was when the unexpected happened.

“Eleni, I’ve never said this to a single soul,” he paused as if he was in pain; but only for a slight moment before he continued whatever he had to say. “I’m sorry.” His words were hurried, as if he needed to say them before he lost the strength to do so.

He wasn’t the same man that was here moments ago. He wasn’t the same person who had taunted me and abused me. Was this the real Gabriel outside of the control of his demons?

I didn’t speak, but I nodded in understanding. I wouldn’t tell him how much I truly understood what he was battling. I could never reveal that to him.

His body moved up until he is hovering over me again. I wasn’t afraid of him. I wasn’t worried about what he could do; because the truth was that I wanted him to touch me again. I wanted to feel him. I needed to feel him pound into me again just so I could keep my own fuckin’ sanity. So, my mind stayed quiet as the intoxication began to take me. Just like the laundry list of men in my past; once alcohol was involved, I needed sex to keep the pain of my life at bay.

Gabriel’s hands parted my legs and his fingers traced their way up my thighs until his mouth was only inches away from my wet cunt. I could feel his breath on my skin and it took everything in me not to grab him by the hair and push his face into my cunt. I wouldn’t touch him. I couldn’t touch him. I wouldn’t make that mistake again; even if I wanted to with everything I was.

A moan slipped from my lips; his heat caressing my wet and waiting pussy.

He didn’t ask permission and he didn’t need to. I realized the helplessness of my situation and I feared the pain that came with his anger. I fought back before and I was chained. I said nothing and he still took what he wanted, but he did so without abusing me. It was a quick realization and I wondered if it was one that would save my life.

My legs twitched as each movement of his tongue brought me even more pleasure than the last. He sucked on my clit and pressed his tongue into my vagina. It felt good and I lost myself in the sensation he was forcing through me. It mixed with the alcohol and I held my breath, allowing euphoria to wash over me and take me to a place where I was safe. Letting out a growl, he pulled his mouth away from my cunt, leaving me disappointed and waiting for another orgasm.

His body hovered over me and when I opened my eyes, I could see his rock hard cock in his hand again. He was watching me, stroking his dick, and glancing at my body like it was nothing more than a prized possession, incapable of anything but giving him what he demanded.

Slowly, his cock pushed inside me and I realized that after everything we’d been through thus far, there was one thing he’d never done. He’d never kissed me, and I didn’t think he ever would.


Chapter Twenty-Eight


I left her in the guest bedroom that night. She slept while I stood over her, a shadow that watched over a dreamer – a man that finally found the way to purge his own demons. My eyes were closed as I listened to her breathe deeply and a new plan developed in my mind that would forever chase away the pain and torment of the prison that held me.

A week has passed since the initial night that I took her mind and her body. I’d done horrible things to her. I’d made her feel …less.

I had a cage fashioned long before I captured her, one that took up a quarter of the basement. I can’t say I didn’t see this eventuality, and I’d even prepared. I’d just never made the decisions to actually do it. Before I held her, it was all a big fantasy.

A fantasy that became real.

I was glad I had the foresight to see to every detail. But I wasn’t always as proud of myself as I was at this moment.

After grabbing her, and after bringing her to my home where I could hide her away for no other man to see, I’d panicked initially. I’d felt immoral and cruel, made up some bullshit excuse that  I would help ‘cure’ her when all I wanted to do was hurt her. It was all a ruse and it was one that not only fooled her, but me as well.

It was my fight against myself that caused that momentary weakness, but I let go and let them rule me –that weakness would never happen again. I was free, I was floating, and I wouldn’t go back to the torture of controlling myself. I didn’t have to because I could control her.

* * *

“Stand up, Eleni. I’ve come to see you.”

Her blue eyes fluttered open, the dark fan of her lashes battering like the wings of a butterfly. For a second, she smiled; but it quickly faded once her gaze focused on me. The haze of sleep lifted and fear took over. She pushed the blanket away from her naked body and stood up on the mattress that was the floor of her cage.

“I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that. I haven’t hurt you since you’ve learned to behave.”

She didn’t respond – she wouldn’t. Ever since I’d given into my urges, she’d only spoken when directly questioned. She fell into place so quickly. I was shocked and disappointed to see the fight leave her as easily as it had.

“Are you afraid of me, Eleni?”


So weak, her voice was barely a whisper. I nodded my head in response not wanting to speak and hint to the fact that I enjoyed her response by the sound of my voice.

I allowed silence to lay over us like a thick blanket – watched the perspiration shimmer over her body as her muscles quivered with her fear. It was enticing and my blood pounded through my veins, awakening parts of me that would soon be in her.

“Walk behind me. I’m going to let you choose the restraints today. I can never figure out which you like more; to be standing, suspended … the bench maybe?” I gripped her chin between my finger and thumb and tilted her wide eyes up to me. “It actually doesn’t matter because it’s up to my preference anyway, but today I’m feeling … generous.”

I smiled at her and her eyes moved to look at the room over my shoulder. She closed them momentarily, but a small grin appeared over her full lips when she opened them again.

“The bench.”

My smile brightened.


“Because it’s a deeper fuck. It pleases you more.”

My eyes widened at her words, but I knew she was playing a game. I didn’t mind – her rebellion always lit a fire that the violence helped contain.

She was the perfect drug. With her beneath me, I could perform the demented acts that were whispered to me daily. I could release my anger on her. I could keep my head clear for at least several fucking hours of the day. I felt like I could function again; and she was the one who gave that to me.

“The bench it is.”

I turned to walk to the black leather bench to which I’d often tied her. Stepping off to the side, I allowed her to kneel down on the lower knee rest and bend her body over the long padded rectangular surface. She gripped onto the wooden handles at the bottom of the bench and I set to work securing her in place.

“Mouth or Cunt, Eleni?”

I saw her body shake as if she was crying. But I knew she wasn’t fully upset. She cried because her mind told her to fight while she knew she was powerless against me. But, her body – that was a different story altogether.

She was responsive – so fucking responsive. My hands against her skin, my cock inside her body – my tongue across her mouth; it didn’t matter. She would push against me, invite the touch – then she would beg me or more. It was unreal. She was the perfect vehicle for my abuse because the harder I rode her; the more it turned her on.

Running my hand down her spine, I watched as her skin prickled from the touch of my fingers. Finding the crack of her ass, I slowed down, putting pressure on that small opening for a moment before finally slipping down into the wet skin, ready and waiting for my cock.

“You’re so wet, my beautiful girl.” I slowly slipped a finger inside her. “Have you been missing me?”

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