The Glass Cage: Automation and Us (39 page)

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Abbott, Kathy, 55


automotive, 7, 70, 91, 153, 154–55, 207, 208

plane, 43–45, 54, 55, 154, 169–70

accountants, accounting firms, 76–77

action, human, 85, 132, 147–51, 160, 210, 213–14, 215, 217, 218

hierarchy of, 65–66

Adams, Thomas, 191

adaptive automation, 165

Addiction by Design
(Schüll), 179

agriculture, 218, 222

Airbus A320 passenger jet, 50–52, 154

Airbus Industrie, 50–52, 168, 169–70

Air Force, U.S., 173

Air France Airbus A330, 45, 54, 169–70

airlines, 1, 43–46, 53–55, 59, 168–70, 172–73

air-traffic control, 170

Albaugh, James, 59

alert fatigue, 104

algorithms, 116–22

ethics and, 183–84, 186–87

predictive, 116–17, 123, 198

Amazon, 118, 195

American Health Information Community, 94

American Machinist
, 34, 174

Andreessen, Marc, 40

Android, 153, 199


body-object blending in, 150–51

killing of, 183–84, 185

animal studies, 87–92, 133, 219

antiaircraft guns, 35–36, 37, 41

anxiety, 14, 16, 19, 59, 220

Aporta, Claudio, 126–27

Apple, 41, 118, 136, 203

apprenticeship, 109, 113, 147

apps, 12, 13, 17, 33, 40, 91, 133, 202

gamification and, 179

see also specific apps

architects, architecture, 12, 69, 137–48, 167

“Are Human Beings Necessary?” (Russell), 39

Arendt, Hannah, 108, 227–28

Aristotle, 144, 224, 226

Army Air Forces, U.S., 49

Aronowitz, Stanley, 27–28

Arthur, W. Brian, 196–97

Arthur D. Little, 37

artificial intelligence, 111, 113, 118–20, 187

artistic skills, 10, 85

Asimov, Isaac, 184, 189, 257

Asimov’s Rules of Robotics, 184, 257

assembly lines, 34, 38, 39, 195

Associated Press, 29, 58

attention, 200, 219

attentional capacity, 90–91

attentional tunneling, 200–201, 202

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 220

automaticity, 81–85, 105–6

automatic transmission, 4, 5–6, 13–14

automation, 1–21, 30, 32–40, 59

attempts to rein in, 170–72

elements that characterize, 36

faith in, 65–66

fallacy about, 67

flight, 43–63, 100

in health care, 93–106

hierarchy of, 110–11

human- vs. technology-centered view of, 153–75

important and unsettling direction of, 193–99

invention and definition of word, 34–35, 237

limits of, 10–11

tool-user bond weakened by, 223

Yerkes-Dodson law and, 90–91

see also specific topics

Automation (Illingworth cartoon), 19, 33

Automation and Management
(Bright), 111–12

automation bias, 67–72, 122

automation complacency, 67–69, 71, 72, 74

Automation: Friend or Foe?
(Macmillan), 19–20

automation paradox, 91

Automation Specialties, 174

“Automation Surprises” (Sarter, Woods, and Billings), 162

automatization (proceduralization), 81–85

autonomy, 38, 61, 106, 108, 128, 131

autopilot, 43–63, 153, 154

Autor, David, 32

aviation, 43–63, 91, 100, 137–38, 215, 223

technology- vs. human-centered automation in, 165–66, 168–70, 172–73

see also

Bainbridge, Lisanne, 157, 160

banks, banking, 115, 170–71

Baxter, Gordon, 77

behavior, changes in, 67, 97–100

being, 131, 133

Berardi, Franco, 118

Bhana, Hemant, 53

Bhidé, Amar, 77

bicycles, 51, 61

big data, 114

Big Data
(Cukier and Myer-Schonberger), 122

Billings, Charles, 162

Bilton, Nick, 204

body, 11, 63, 132, 159, 162, 165, 213–14, 215–20, 222–23, 224

mind vs., 148–51, 215, 216

sketching and, 142–43

transport and, 132

Boeing, 27, 168–69, 170

Boeing 737, 56

Bombardier Q400 turboprop, 43–44

bombsight technology, 49

Bonin, Pierre-Cédric, 45, 168–70

boredom, 5, 14, 16

Boy’s Will, A
(Frost), 212, 221

brain, 9–12, 20, 79–84, 148–51, 165, 169, 219

computer compared with, 119, 151

concentration and, 200

knowledge and, 9–10

navigation and, 129–33

of pilot, 57

technological, 36, 237

Braverman, Harry, 109–10

Bright, James, 110–12, 115, 237

Brillhart, Jacob, 147

Brin, Sergey, 199–201

Brooks, David, 128, 132

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 28–29, 30

Buffalo crash, 43–45, 154

Bush, George W., 93–94

business, 18, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 76, 112, 117, 168, 174–75, 196, 228

Buzsáki, György, 134–35

C-54 Skymaster transport plane, 49, 50

Cachin, Emil, 46–47, 232

California Polytechnic State University, 189

Campbell, Donald T., 122

cancer, 70–71

capital investments, 18, 28, 30, 31

capitalism, 21–22, 24, 28, 31, 109, 116, 160

Carlsen, Magnus, 82

cars and driving, 3–18, 34, 46

accidents, 7, 70, 91, 153, 154–55, 207, 208

author’s experience with, 3–6, 13–14, 80, 81

automation bias and, 69–70

GPS in, 128, 130, 136–37

luxury, 8

manual vs. automatic transmission in, 3–6

paper maps and, 130

self-driving, 6–8, 10, 12, 13, 120, 153–56, 183–87, 193, 204, 207, 208

while sleepy, 71–72

Cartesian dualism, 148–49

Cartlidge, John, 77

cartoons, 19, 33

Caruthers, Felix P., 174

cascading failures, 155

Centers for Disease Control, 220

Cerner Corporation, 96

Chabris, Christopher, 201

Chapanis, Alphonse, 158

Checklist Manifesto, The
(Gawande), 104

Cheng, Britte Haugan, 73

chess playing, 12, 121

China, 31, 167

Churchill, Winston, 139

CIA, 120

Cisco, 195

City University London, 70

Clark, Andy, 149–51

Clarke, Arthur C., 197–98

cloud computing, 195, 202, 209

cognition, cognitive skills, 11–12, 56–58, 71–74, 81, 120, 121, 148–51, 165

of doctors, 105

embodied, 149–51, 213

cognitive map, 129–30, 135

cognitive psychologists, 72–76, 81, 129–30

Colgan Air, 45

communication, 36, 163, 198

doctor-patient, 103–6

Communist Manifesto
(Marx and Engels), 225

computer-aided design (CAD), 138–42, 144, 145, 167, 219, 229–30

computer games, 75, 177–80, 219

computer programmers, 161, 162, 168

computers, 1, 2, 17, 33, 37, 38, 40, 159

architecture and design and, 138–47

automation and, 36, 43, 50–58, 62, 66–67, 69, 90, 91, 202–3

aviation and, 43, 46, 50–52, 54, 55, 57, 62, 153, 168, 170, 172–73

avocations and, 12

benefits of transferring work to, 17–18

boundary between humans and, 10–12

brain compared with, 119, 151

capabilities of, 8–9

in cars, 7, 8–9

costs of transferring work to, 18, 28, 30, 66–67

dependency on, 12–13

effects on workload of, 90, 91

ergonomics and, 164–68

expectation of aid of, 193–95

health care and, 93–106

human compared with, 153

as media devices, 219

memory experiment and, 79

mental processes and, 74

monitoring of, 17

oracle machine, 119–20

satellite-linked, 125–37

speed of, 118–22, 139, 156, 164, 173, 219

vocations and, 12

wearable, 12, 201

white-collar, 93–106

computer scientists, 156

computer simulation models, 93, 97

concentration, 200

Concours de la Sécurité en Aéroplane, 46

consciousness, 83, 119
, 121, 148–49, 150, 187

Continental Connection, 43–45, 54, 154

corporate auditors, 115

Cowen, Tyler, 31

craft workers, 23, 106, 109

Crawford, Kate, 122–23

Crawford, Matthew, 147–48

creativity, 10, 12, 14, 143, 144, 167, 206, 229

Cross, Nigel, 143–44

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi, 14–16, 18, 85, 228–29

Cukier, Kenneth, 122

culture, 124, 131, 196, 198, 217, 220, 226

Curtiss C-2 biplane, 46–47

cutting grass, 215–16

Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
(Wiener), 38–39

cyborgs, 2

dancing mice, 87–92

Dancing Mouse, The
(Yerkes), 85–86

DARPA (Department of Defense laboratory), 165

Dassault, 140

data, 113, 114, 117, 119–22, 136, 167, 248

data fundamentalism, 122–23

data processing, 17, 195

decision aids, automated, 113–15, 166

drawbacks to, 77

decision making, 160, 166, 168

decision trees, 113–14

declarative knowledge, 9, 10–11, 83

Deep Blue, 12

degeneration effect, 65–85

automation complacency and bias and, 67–72

Whitehead’s views and, 65–67

dementia, 135–37

dependency, 130, 133, 136, 146, 203, 225

depression, 220

Descartes, René, 148, 216

design, designers, 137–47

computer-aided (CAD), 138–42, 144, 145, 167, 219, 229–30

human- vs. technology-centered automation and, 158–62, 164–65, 167–70, 172

parametric, 140–41

system, 155–57

video games as model for, 178–82

Designerly Ways of Knowing
(Cross), 143–44

desire, 15, 17, 20, 83, 161, 206–7, 210

to understand the world, 123–24

deskilling, 55, 100, 106–12, 115

Dewey, John, 148, 149, 220

diabetes, 245

diagnostic testing, 70–71, 99, 102

DiFazio, William, 27–28

Digital Apollo
(Mindell), 60, 61

disease, 70–71, 113, 135–37, 245

dislocation, 133

Do, Ellen Yi-Luen, 167

Doctor Algorithm, 154, 155

doctors, 12, 32, 70, 93–106, 114–15, 120, 123, 147, 155, 166, 173, 219

evidence-based medicine (EBM) and, 114, 123

patient’s relationship with, 103–6

primary-care, 100–104, 154

document discovery, 116

Dodson, John Dillingham, 88–89

Dorsey, Jack, 203

Dorsey, Julie, 167–68

Dostrovsky, Jonathan, 133

dot-com bubble, 117, 194, 195

drawing and sketching, 142–47

Dreyfus, Hubert, 82

cars and driving

drone strikes, 188

drugs, prescription, 220–21

Drum, Kevin, 225

Dyer-Witheford, Nick, 24

Dyson, Freeman, 175

Dyson, George, 20, 113

Eagle, Alan, 176

Ebbatson, Matthew, 55–56, 58

ebook, 29

economic growth, 22, 27, 30

economic stability, 20

, 225

economists, 9, 18, 22, 29, 30, 32–33, 109

economy, economics, 20, 25–33, 117

e-discovery, 116

education, 113, 120, 153

efficiency, 8, 17, 26, 58, 61, 114, 132, 139, 159, 173, 174, 176, 219

EMR and, 101, 102

factories and, 106–8

electric grid, 195–96

electronic medical records (EMR), 93–106, 114, 123, 245

embodied cognition, 149–51, 213

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 16, 232

End of Work, The
(Rifkin), 28

engagement, 14, 165

Engels, Friedrich, 225

Engineering a Safer World
(Leveson), 155–56

engineers, 34, 36–37, 46, 49, 50, 54, 59, 69, 119, 120, 139, 157–60, 162, 164, 168, 174, 175, 194, 196

Enlightenment, 159–60

entorhinal cortex, 134, 135

equilibrium, of aircraft, 61–62

ergonomics (human-factors engineering), 54, 158–60, 164–68

Ericsson, K. Anders, 84

essay-grading algorithms, 206

ethical choices, 18, 61, 183–93, 221–22

killer robots and, 187–93, 204

self-driving cars and, 183–87, 193, 204

top-down vs. bottom-up approach to, 189–91

Ethics and Emergency Science Group, 189

European Aviation Safety Agency, 58

evidence-based medicine (EBM), 114, 123

evolution, 137

experience, 1, 23, 121, 123, 124, 150, 190, 218, 219, 226

Experience Music Project, 140

“experience sampling” study, 14–15, 18

expert systems, 76–77

explicit knowledge, 9, 10–11, 83

eyeglasses, computerized, 199–202

eyes, 143, 148, 201, 216, 223

retina, 149–50

Facebook, 181–82, 201, 203, 205–6

factories, 22–26, 28, 106–8, 112, 118, 159, 174, 195, 222

Farrell, Simon, 74

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 1, 55, 170

feedback, 36–37, 84, 85, 105, 114, 160, 165, 169

negative, 71–72

from video games, 178–79

finance, 115–16, 120, 170–71, 173

financial meltdown (2008), 77

Fitts, Paul, 158

, 50, 59

flight automation, 1, 49–63

flight crews, 59

flight engineers, 59

flight simulators, 56, 200–201

flow, 84–85, 96, 179, 213

(Csikszentmihalyi), 14–15

fly-by-wire controls, 51–52, 55, 154, 168

Forces of Production
(Noble), 173–74

Ford Motor Company, 34, 35, 38, 39

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