The Gladiator's Prize (5 page)

Read The Gladiator's Prize Online

Authors: April Andrews

Tags: #scifi, #gay, #erotic romance, #gay erotica, #anal sex, #mm, #scifi erotica, #gay erotic romance, #april andrews

BOOK: The Gladiator's Prize
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Can’t a man get any sleep
around here,” he muttered, as the door fully opened.

Not in my

That voice… Matt snapped his eyes open
and let out a gasp. The huge alien from the arena.


It was actually him, and he was inside
the cell, just a few strides away!

Matt jumped up, adrenaline
shooting through his system, and locked eyes with the other male.
Gods, he was even bigger up close. He had to be seven foot at least
and so wide across the shoulders that Matt swallowed heavily. He
was dressed in a shirt and pants, but they were tight and outlined
every single muscle that the alien had, and he had a
of them. His arms
were huge, muscle upon muscle…and his thighs. Matt couldn’t help
but let his gaze travel downwards. He regretted it a moment later
because the alien was hard. Matt could see his long length bulging
through his pants.

What do you want?” Matt
demanded, his heart racing.

You are…” The alien shook
his head, a look of surprise stamped across his features. “You

Matt frowned and reached up to touch
his hair, then his stubble. Jarv had become ridiculously excited
when he saw it, asking how long it would grow and how quickly.
Matt, for obvious reasons, usually shaved himself bare, so he had
no idea whether his beard would be long enough for Jarv by the time
the arena master wanted him to fight. Not that it mattered. His
head and jaw were not the only places where Matt’s hair was

Logan, as if reading his mind, stepped
forward, his gaze on Matt’s crotch, and let out a low growl. “You
will be golden here also?” he asked and then to Matt’s horror he
took one large hand and cupped Matt’s cock.

Matt jumped back and moved
around the bed, shaking his head as he did so both because of how
quickly Logan had moved and how much the alien’s touch had unnerved
him. “Don’t fucking touch me, alien

I can’t
touch you,” Logan
breathed, ignoring the insult. “A human. A
human. I have dreamed about
this for so long. There are so few of you left. How did you come to
be here? Where are the rest of your people?”

Fuck you!”

Logan’s nostrils flared. “Gods, the
things I am going to do to you.”

You aren’t going to do
anything to me!” Matt snapped, adrenaline racing. “What the hell do
you want?”

The alien smiled and when
he did so it transformed his features. He looked less deadly and
! Matt
didn’t know how he looked, only that he didn’t like the effect it
was having on him. His cock was hard now too, jutting in his pants,
and the image of Logan pounding into his opponent in the arena was
chief in Matt’s mind. Only this time that opponent was

So blunt,” Logan said
softly. “I came to meet you. I always prefer to meet my opponents
before we battle.”

Matt sucked in a shocked breath and
took another step back. “I’m not here to battle,” he said

Logan’s smile widened. “Your hosts say

They can say what the
hell they want,” Matt grated. “I will not be entering that

Logan stepped forward so that there
was barely space between them. Matt clenched his fists and eyed the
door, but the bars were in place. However Logan had gotten in
didn’t matter now. The way out was sealed again.

The battle is set,” Logan
said. “It will be first thing in the morning.”

I don’t think

The alien shrugged. “It is

I don’t have time to
argue with you,” Matt snapped. “I don’t have time for this at all.
There is somewhere I need to be.”



Where?” Logan asked.
“Where do you need to be? What is more important than facing me
across the arena?”

That’s none of your
business,” Matt growled.

Oh, human,” Logan said.

you is going to be my business. I knew I would want you. You are
human, of course I would, but…” He shook his head. “I did not
realize how
I would want you. You have me rock hard. I cannot wait to
sink into you.”

Matt’s eyes widened and his breathing
became shallow. His dick was throbbing in his pants, aching to be
touched, and yet at the same time Matt was disgusted with himself.
These people were keeping him prisoner. How could he want one of

I do not want to fight in
the arena,” he said. “I do not want to.”

Logan frowned. “No one is forced into
the arena. It is an honor to compete.”

I am being forced!” Matt
snapped. “You think I
to be in this cell. Chose to be gawked at all

You are human,” Logan
said. “Your choices are limited, are they not?”

Limited?” Matt growled.
“This is kidnapping. Abduction. Jarv is using me to make money.
Pure and simple.”

That is unfortunate,”
Logan said. “But there is nothing I can do about it.”

You can let me go,” Matt
said quickly, and though it made his heart race he closed the
distance between them and looked up into the gladiator’s eyes.
“Just let me out and I will disappear. No one will ever know it was

Logan reached out and ran a hand
through Matt’s hair. His touch was lighter than Matt would have
expected, almost careful. The alien’s nostrils flared and his jaw
tensed as his hand moved to the back of Matt’s head and it made
Matt’s cock ache, because he knew exactly what the alien was
thinking. Wasn’t he half thinking the same thing?

It is taking everything I
have not to fuck you now,” Logan whispered. “I want you so fucking
bad. Touch me, human, feel how hard you have me.”

Matt was walking a fine line, the
wrong move could ruin everything, and so though it made him quiver
inside, he reached down and ran a finger along Logan’s length. The
alien was rock hard, his dick thick beneath the material of his

Ah, that’s right,” Logan

I’ll do more for you,”
Matt whispered. “If you help me escape.”

Will you?”

Matt nodded and palmed Logan’s cock.
“Much more.”

Human…” Logan sighed.
“You have not yet learned to lie properly.”

Before he could say another word Matt
was pushed up against the wall and Logan was grinding his cock
against him. “Do you think I am a fool?” he hissed. “I help you
escape and then you disappear. Never to be seen again. You are no
boy and yet you have managed to stay hidden for so long. You must
be crafty. Sly. Smart.”

I have to be!” Matt
gasped. “You bastards make us so.”

And yet you want ‘this
bastard’,” Logan said. “I can feel your cock against me. Feel it
thickening. You want this, human, you want me.”

Fuck you!” Matt roared
and Logan laughed.

No one fucks me, human.
No male ever has.”

He took Matt’s hands and pushed them
above his head, covering the human’s smaller body with his big one.
Matt struggled and bucked, but Logan simply laughed again and
closed one of his hands around Matt’s wrists. His other ran down
Matt’s chest, exploring every single inch. His eyes were
glittering, his breathing heavy and the moment he found Matt’s cock
he let out a growl of approval.

You may not be long by
our standards,” he breathed. “But you are nice and

What do you care?” Matt
snapped, trying desperately not to groan as Logan cupped his heavy
balls. “Since no one fucks you.”

You like that,” Logan
whispered, ignoring his question. “You like my touch. Gods, you are
going to like it more come tomorrow.”

I am not entering that

Logan gripped him around the jaw and
lifted his head. Before Matt could stop him the alien took his
mouth and kissed him hard. His lips were everywhere, covering
Matt’s, his tongue plunging in, a blatant example of what he wanted
to be doing with his cock. Matt tried to resist, tried to tell
himself that this was all wrong, but it had been so long since he’d
felt the lips of another, so long since anyone had taken him in
such a forceful way, that he felt himself sagging against the wall,
Logan’s rock iron grip the only thing keeping him

By the time they pulled apart Logan
was panting and Matt was both aching with need and drowning in

You need not fear,” Logan
whispered against his lips. “I will not hurt you.”

Hurt me?” Matt dropped
his gaze. “You’re going to try to fuck me.”

fuck you,” Logan


I long for the moment
when I can bury myself in your sweet little ass,” he added. “Since
the moment I heard of you I have thought of it over and over, and
now it is worse, because I
just how sweet your lips are and just how hard I
can make you.”

This means nothing!” Matt
hissed. “It was just—”

A prelude,” Logan said,
relaxing his grip on Matt’s wrists.

Matt pulled his arms free and lifted
his head. That was a mistake. The desire and blatant need on the
alien’s face was enough to make Matt tremble.

I am going to bend you
over in front of the whole arena and fuck you until you beg me
never to stop,” he said. “I will make you come so hard you will
ever came before you met me.”

I will never allow it,”
Matt said, with far more confidence than he felt.

Logan laughed and took a step back,
and though he would never say so Matt was grateful to the alien for
putting some distance between them. He could still smell whatever
scent it was the alien wore, still feel his warmth, but he wasn’t
surrounded by his big body, wasn’t being grinded against and kissed
so hard that the blood had pounded through his veins.

You cannot stop it,”
Logan said. “I have never been beaten.”

You’ve never fought a
human before.”

You are challenging me?
Oh, human,” Logan breathed. “How are you to win when you want it as
much as I do? You will spend this night imagining me buried in your
ass. You’ll touch yourself and all the while your pucker will be
clenching to be filled.”

You bastard!”

The bastard who will fill
it,” Logan promised. “Resist all you want. Your submission will be
all the sweeter for it.”

He stepped forward and pulled Matt
into his arms. Matt didn’t even try to fight him off this time. He
was too tense. Too edgy. His cock was aching. His head spinning and
he had no idea what the fuck he was going to do.

I promise you this,”
Logan said. “When I win you will be glad of it. You will beg me for

Matt glared. “When
win, I will be leaving
this planet as fast as fucking possible.”

Logan released him so quickly Matt
staggered. “Then the battle is on. I will see you



Chapter Seven


It was nighttime on
and Logan was
preparing in his dojo. Dressed in a pair of loose fitting pants,
his chest and feet bare, he went through the familiar moves of
battle prep, his body doing them automatically even as his mind
drifted off to another subject.

Arms stretched above his

Matt James.

Legs lifted to his chest.

The human.

His whipping hand rotating left and

That golden

If Logan had been obsessed about the
lone man it was nothing to how he felt about Matt. In fact, the
lone man was now nothing more than a fleeting thought in his mind,
almost like Matt had taken all that obsession and channeled it in
his direction.

Logan turned on the spot
and rotated his head, an odd, almost sub-conscious thought filling
him. Was it possible that Matt was the lone man? No one knew how
long he’d been on planet for, or what he was even doing. If a human
wanted to hide out,
was one of the last places he should have thought
to visit. There were other planets that someone could hide far more
effectively on.

The lone

Yes, the more Logan thought about it
the more it made sense. He had wanted the lone man, hadn’t he?
Without any real reason for such swift desire. And Matt had seemed
to know who he was, hadn’t even asked his name. Could that be that
he had recognized him from the arena?

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