The Gladiator's Prize (2 page)

Read The Gladiator's Prize Online

Authors: April Andrews

Tags: #scifi, #gay, #erotic romance, #gay erotica, #anal sex, #mm, #scifi erotica, #gay erotic romance, #april andrews

BOOK: The Gladiator's Prize
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Logan loved it.

Loved the power he held over them

Directly in front of him two men were
fucking. One was bent over the barrier and he was being plumbed
just like A’rees. Behind them a female was straddling her lover’s
dick and Logan could see it thrusting in and out of her glistening
pussy. The sight only made him harder.

He slammed into A’rees and felt
pleasure tingle along his length and down to his balls. They were
heavy with cum, desperate to shoot their load, but he held on…he
wanted this to last.

It was then that Logan spotted the
lone male on the bottom row directly in front of him, lone because
he was not pleasuring himself or being pleasured by another.
Instead he simply sat, a blank look on his shadowed face, his arms

Logan slowed his pace slightly,
grinning as A’rees groaned and begged for more. Seemed his opponent
had no problem with Logan’s size now. They never did once he was
seated inside of them and they had their hands wrapped around their

He fucked A’rees slowly, leisurely,
making the other man groan and beg. Those in the crowd groaned
too…except the lone man. What was it about him that was different?
His skin, the little that Logan could see, was tanned, like many in
the arena, and his hair was covered in a s’heeba, the traditional
head-dress of many tribes on the planet. He also wore full robes so
that Logan could not tell his shape or his build. But there was

Fuck me harder, please!”
A’rees begged. “I’m so close.”

Logan did so without even thinking
about it. He pounded in and out of A’rees’ ass, but his gaze never
left the lone man. When A’rees came he did so with a hoarse groan
that made more than one man or woman in the crowd come too. Seed
shot out around them, women gasped as they drenched their lover’s
cocks or fingers, and yet the lone man sat unmoving, unaffected it

His silent stare, his blank look…it
was enough to both intrigue and excite Logan. He came in one quick
burst and filled A’rees’ quivering ass with his cum. Wave after
wave of it flooded the alien’s channel, making the other man groan
in pleasure. Perhaps this was why he won so often? Because deep
down the males wanted this. His cum was filled with a chemical that
sensitized their nerve endings. Not even the most resisting of
males could hold out against it.

Could the lone man?

That thought filled Logan as he eased
his still stiff cock from A’rees pucker and flipped the alien onto
his back. He palmed A’rees’ wilting cock until it hardened all over
again then positioned himself between his thighs. Cheers sounded,
his name was chanted over and over, but as he thrust back into
A’rees clenching hole, Logan felt a momentarily twinge of
disappointment. This was his last hurrah and the lone man was
already moving away through the crowd, so he would never get to
find out.

Chapter Two


Matt James could not believe what he
had just witnessed, and God knew he had seen some strange things
during his twenty-seven years. Animals that could shoot naked
flames through their mouths, alien females with four breasts and
tongues that could wrap the entire way around a man’s cock, but
this? He lowered his head as he made his way from the arena to the
tavern where he was renting a room for the next week, and played
back the ‘battle’ he’d seen fought.

It was…he shook his head…hell, he
didn’t know what the fuck it was. Words failed him and he quickened
his pace, wanting to put some distance between him and the arena
where that huge alien had practically raped his

Matt frowned and pulled his s’heeba a
little lower on his head. Raped was perhaps a strong word. In
truth, from what Matt could see, the other alien was a willing
participant once he had been subdued, or at least his cock had
suggested at much. Matt was used to the huge appendages the aliens
he’d met seemed to have. Several races were blessed with long,
thick cocks, and so he had not been surprised to see the subdued
alien’s dick practically scraping the floor as he waited on his
hands and knees.

Waited to be

Matt shuddered as he
jogged up the dusty steps of the tavern and pushed the main door
open. It was practically empty but for a few shady characters in
the alcoves and he was glad for that. Though his robes hid his
body, the paint he’d bought on
darkened his skin, and the s’heeba
covered his head well enough, Matt was still nervous. He could
easily imagine what would happen if the aliens around him realized
exactly what he was, and wasn’t that the very reason he’d attended
the arena in the first place? When his host had offered him a
ticket ‘at a very good price’ Matt had not wanted to buy it, but it
seemed that everyone else was in town for the battle and for him to
avoid it would only raise suspicions. So he had taken the ticket
and allowed his curiosity to guide him…and now…

Matt headed straight for his room. The
moment he was inside he pulled off the restricting s’heeba and let
out a sigh of relief. He hated the damn thing, didn’t like to be
hemmed in by all the material, but there was no other choice.
Matt’s golden hair was eye-catching in the extreme, more than that
it marked his species out as clear as day.


One of the last far from

A prize to behold.

He let out a slow exhale
and undid his robes. A moment later and they pooled around his bare
feet. It was far too hot on
to bother with shoes or sandals. In truth, it was
too hot to bother with clothes at all. Not that many of the males
and females had today.

Matt couldn’t help the
groan that left his lips as he thought about the people in the
arena and the things they had done to one another. Though he was
well used to how promiscuous the entire fucking galaxy was he’d
never seen it in such a concentrated way before. Apparently it was
perfectly normal on
for both the residents and the visitors to fuck
each other with complete abandon. Hell, they’d shared themselves
around freely. More than one hand had sought his cock. More than
one female had offered him a breast. But Matt had resisted, though
it had been difficult he had held firm, his dick flat under his
robes until…

Naked now Matt rested his head against
the cool tiles of the wall next to the door, the image of the huge,
tan-skinned alien pumping his enormous cock in and out of the
smaller alien filling his mind. His big, muscular body had
shuddered with every thrust, and he’d smirked at the crowd as he
pounded his way to climax.

He was feted, adored, everyone Matt
had listened to as he walked to the arena raved about the man they
called Logan. He was native to a planet three systems over, and he
had never lost a battle in the arena. Some said he’d fucked a
hundred men into submission, while others insisted it was more.
Matt wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it was. As he’d looked
into Logan’s eyes he’d felt his dick harden and throb, unable to
stop himself imagining how it would feel to be on his hands and
knees being fucked into submission.

And that will never

Matt gritted his teeth and took his
hard cock in hand. There was no choice. He’d been rock hard from
the moment he’d left the arena, his balls screaming at him for

He pumped himself up and
down, luxuriating in the feel of pressure around his length. It had
been so fucking long! So long in fact that Matt could barely recall
the sensation of being fucked or fucking anyone else. But was that
any wonder? Matt had to be so careful. He could not risk anyone
finding out exactly who he was, or more importantly
he was from. There
were few humans left out in the stars. Just a few thousand and
those that remained were highly valued as submissives and sex
slaves. Smaller and smoother than the majority of the alien species
that also lived in the galaxy, they had been bartered and traded
from the moment they’d struck out of their system. Matt had been
born off world. He had no idea where Earth even was or if anyone
remained on it. The very reason he was on

He scrunched his eyes shut and
masturbated his cock, the pleasure he’d just felt fading slightly
as he thought about his mission. A moment later and Logan came to
mind and the pleasure returned. How big was that alien’s cock? Ten
inches? Twelve? Matt both quivered and winced at the idea of it
being buried in his ass.

He lifted his hand away from his cock
and licked the palm, before returning to grip the base of his
shaft. Matt hand fucked himself hard, so that when he came he did
so on a harsh exhale. His cum shot against the tiled wall in thick
rivulets, wave after wave, reminding him all over again how
desperate he had been for release.

The last time now…for a
long while…

As those words echoed in
his mind, Matt sighed and stepped away from the wall. He was still
hard despite the orgasm. Hell, he suspected he was going to be left
in that state for some time, because pleasure was going to be
something far on the horizon, at least while he was on
. It would do him
good to remember that.

Chapter Three

Logan was fast becoming
obsessed. From his home on one of the seven hills of
he paced back and
forth, mind wrapped around one problem and one problem

The lone man.

It had been three days
since he’d seen him. Three days since his last fuck in the arena.
His last battle. And yet, Logan couldn’t get the stranger out of
his mind. It had to be because of how he behaved. So silent. So
disapproving. So
to anyone else in the arena.

Logan liked different.

He liked his interest to be stirred
and it so rarely had been of late. It was one of the main reasons
that, despite the pleasure he took in the whole thing, he had
decided to retire from the arena. Winning constantly, whilst good
for his ego, had become…dare he say, dull? There was little
challenge left anymore and Logan had even begun to suspect that
some men purposefully lost so they could be fucked by him. He could
understand that, who wouldn’t want his cock in their ass? But from
his perspective it just meant he was bored.

Logan hated to be bored.

He slowed his pacing and eyed the
screen above his desk. Somewhere on the hard drive of that ledger
was a list of every battle he’d ever fought, every title he’d ever
won, and every man he’d screwed into submission.

There were hundreds.

Almost half a decade’s

Not for the first time
Logan felt a twinge of worry as he considered his life without the
arena. He’d gotten used to his end of the month adrenaline shot,
the screaming and adoration of the crowd, not to mention a
different male and a new challenge. Hell, he’d probably fucked
every species there was! He frowned, no, not
species, there was one species
he had never managed to meet.

The humans.

Logan’s frown transformed
into a smirk as he considered those small, smooth
, he would give anything to bury himself inside one of them,
but there were very few left and those that were still around had
already been claimed or were so expensive even someone as rich as
he would have no chance. No, a human, just like the arena, was not
going to be in his future. Logan had other things to look forward

The next challenge,” he
muttered to himself, turning from the ledger and towards his huge
bed. Sat on it was an open hold-all. Logan had, over the last few
weeks, packed an item here and an item there. He needed to add the
final few things, take care of some details, and then he could make
his way to his ship. It was docked at the
port, fuelled and ready to
go. Logan had bought the ship almost two years ago. He’d taken it
out to some of the nearby systems since then, but it had never
really been broken in. This was to be his first real trip since
he’d entered the arena all those years ago. His first taste of
proper freedom.

Logan had planned it out over the last
couple of months. He’d pulled up star charts and worked out routes,
picked planets and moons he wanted to see. Part of him was even
looking forward to spending that time alone. Or at least he had
been until the lone male.

The lone fucking

Logan had no idea who he was or where
he might be, but after so many hours of torture he was almost ready
to start searching. It wouldn’t be hard. Logan had won every battle
he had ever fought in the arena and that had made him a very rich
man. He had more than enough money to send out searchers, and more
than enough contacts to ensure they looked in all the right

And then what will you do
with him?

Logan’s nostrils flared and he tore
his gaze away from his bed before stalking from his bedroom into
the wide space of his living area. A’rees was sat on one of the
plush couches, reading a book, and he shot Logan a grin as he

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