The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion (4 page)

Read The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

BOOK: The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion
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you with anything?”

“Actually, yes. We need someone to show the new student, Alexis,

around. Would you mind terribly helping us out? You’ve shown such

understanding of other species that I know you’d be the perfect pick.”

Angel could have kicked himself for his smart-ass answer during

the class. “Me, Sir?” he tried to protest. “But surely, a school official would be more appropriate.”

“Oh, of course he’ll have our full support, being that he’s the first nonshifter here at the Academy. But he also needs someone his age, a friend, if you will, to help him adapt.” The teacher squeezed Angel’s shoulder. “Who could be better?”

Angel’s heart fell. He knew he couldn’t refuse, and so did the

teacher. Truth be told, Angel wasn’t 100 percent sure whether the

teacher truly believed Angel could help the new student or if this was the man’s way to put Angel in his place. Either way, Angel didn’t have much choice.

“I would love to help,” he said, suppressing a sigh.

“Excellent.” The teacher grinned. “Please, come this way. I’ll take

you to meet him.”

“Now?” And Angel had been looking forward to the hunt with

Clark so much. “I intended to go out with Clark.”

“I’m sure your brother can wait a bit, isn’t that right?” The teacher glanced at Clark as he spoke.

Clark didn’t answer, but Angel could feel the lion’s anger. Mr.

Ruiz took it as acquiescence. “There, you see? Now, come along. Your new friend is waiting.”

The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion


Angel found himself forced to obey. He gave his brother an

apologetic glance. In reply, Clark said, “There’s no reason why I can’t come with, right, Mr. Ruiz? After all, the more, the merrier.”

Mr. Ruiz didn’t look very pleased, but thankfully, didn’t argue. He

nodded and gestured them toward the building they’d just left.

At a brisk pace, they made their way through the Academy halls.

Even with Mr. Ruiz there, Clark’s presence still distracted Angel.

Angel tried to focus on the teacher and his words.

“Alexis comes from a very important family in the incubus

world,” Mr. Ruiz commented. “They are very influential, and if their son has a good experience here, others may come.”

It was Ruiz’s way to tell them not to fuck up. Well, Angel wasn’t

in the mood to play nice with anyone, let alone jump through hoops

for a new student. He still hadn’t been able to forget about Clark’s confession the other day, and now, with his hope of a hunt with Clark gone, God only knew when he could get time alone with his brother.

Mr. Ruiz led them to the principal’s office. Coincidentally, the

person chosen to watch over the school was Sara Huitzilin, the

hummingbird elder who’d helped secure the treaty with the President

of the United States. Angel knew her well, since Nicolas, another of his father’s friends, had belonged to her clan before mating Corbin

and Preston’s lynx father, Garth.

The teacher knocked at the door, and Sara’s voice bade them to

enter. Mr. Ruiz opened the door and gestured Angel and Clark inside.

Angel wordlessly followed the order and slipped into the room. Other than Sara, three people were there, a beautiful woman dressed in an

elegant suit and two men, one younger—undoubtedly Alexis—and the

other a bit older, perhaps a relative.

The moment she saw Angel and Clark, Sara beamed. “

please, come in.”

A few years back, Layton had described Sara as a cross between

Mrs. Claus and Xena, the Warrior Princess. Of course, Layton’s

metaphor might have seemed somewhat strange, but for the fact that


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the seahorse had a fondness for the television show. Still, Layton’s idea represented quite an accurate description. She had kind eyes and a warm smile always ready for all the students at the school, but she could also be hard-ass. After all, she came from a clan of warrior

hummingbirds. She’d changed little since Angel knew her, and her

presence always comforted him.

“I’d like you to meet someone.” She nodded toward her three

guests. “Boys, this is Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker and their son, Alexis.”

Turning toward the three, she said, “I’d like to introduce you to Clark and Angel Williams-Wade.”

Alexis gave them both a look Angel could have best described as

calculating. “I’ve heard the Academy encourages interspecies matings, but I admit I didn’t expect this,” he said. “You make a wonderful


Angel froze in shock and horror, disbelief coursing to him. Clark

seemed so still by his side that he could have been a statue. The two Whitakers studied them with arrogant disinterest, while Mr. Ruiz

released a choked sound.

It was Sara who spoke first. She laughed lightly, managing to

sound completely smooth and unconcerned. “Angel and Clark are not

mates. They’re brothers.”

Alexis blinked. “Is that so?” He didn’t seem at all embarrassed

about his mistake. “My apologies then. I have to say that you don’t

look very much alike.”

“Alexis, that’s enough,” Mr. Whitaker said. “The family

relationships between other people are none of your business.

Remember your manners. Don’t embarrass me.”

A spark of anger flashed through Alexis’s eyes, before it quickly

disappeared. “Of course. You’re right, Father.” He offered Angel and Clark a charming smile. “Again, you have my apologies.”

In spite of the awful position Alexis had just put him in, Angel

couldn’t help but feel bad for the incubus. Simply one look at the

stern-looking couple told him they weren’t very warm parents.

The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion


Besides, Angel’s folks would never chastise him or Clark so brusquely in front of strangers. It was humiliating.

“It’s fine,” he said, smiling back. “We’re adoptive brothers, and

it’s not the first time new acquaintances make this mistake.”

That wasn’t exactly true, but in the circumstances, a little white lie couldn’t be helped.

“Oh, I see.” Alexis had that gleam in his eye again. “So, will I be

rooming with one of you?”

“I’m afraid not,” Sara replied in Angel’s stead. “Here at the

Academy, we keep all races separated dorm-wise, so as to prevent any incident. We have a new dorm built for you. You’ll be the first


Alexis gaped. “But…You can’t expect me to sleep all alone in an

empty dorm.” Alexis turned toward his parents, looking tense and

outraged. “Mother, Father, do something.”

The woman spoke for the first time. “Principal Huitzilin, as you

must understand, incubi have certain needs. We are not used to being isolated. While we appreciate you building a special dorm for our

kind, until others do not show up, it is useless to us.”

“Perhaps an exception can be made,” the man said. His voice was

like honey, and much to his dismay, Angel found his instincts rousing inside him. He became even more aware of Clark’s presence than

before. Sinful images flashed in his mind’s eye, things he’d only dared to think about when alone, in his bed.

He felt an echoing restlessness inside Clark and realized that

someone, Alexis’s father, was putting some sort of spell of them.

Thankfully, Sara intervened before things could escalate.

“Mr. Whitaker, please, you’ve made your point.” She narrowed

her eyes at the two incubi. “I do understand your situation, and we can indeed make arrangements if the original ones are uncomfortable for

your son. However, as we previously discussed, it would be preferable if you kept your magic in check.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Of course.” The man didn’t seem terribly bothered by Sara’s

words. “We are just concerned for Alexis, that’s all.”

“Perhaps Angel could room with me for the moment?” Alexis


Angel was speechless. It was one thing to be asked to show

someone around, quite another to move in with that person in a new

dorm. He wasn’t particular fond of his current roommate, but

still…Alexis made him a bit nervous.

Before he could even say anything, Clark replied in his stead.


All eyes turned on Clark. “Why?” Alexis’s father asked.

“It’s better for Angel to be among his own kind,” Clark said

steadily. As always, he seemed so calm that anyone who didn’t know

him would have sworn this was a chat among long-time friends. “He’s

an antelope, after all.”

“Is it such a big problem?” Alexis sighed. “At this rate, no one

will want to room with an incubus.”

Unfortunately, it was true. If Alexis made
uncomfortable, other shifters were even less likely to accept the young demon. And

Mr. Ruiz was right about one thing. Making Alexis happy would be

very important for the future of the university.

So much effort had gone into setting up the Academy. Angel could

put a little from his part. Besides, a new friend never hurt, and he didn’t exactly dislike Alexis. Once they got to know each other a little better, the awkwardness was bound to disappear.

“You’re right. I mean, it’s not such a big problem. I can move

from the H dorm to be your roommate.”

Alexis looked surprised for a few seconds, and then, just like with

the anger, the true emotion disappeared under his usual mask.

“Excellent. Then, with you as my roomie, I won’t get bored here.”

Sara chose this moment to intervene. “Well, it will only be for a

couple of days. We have a new student coming in, Isaac Wade. We

arranged for him to stay in the C dorm, but the situation is a bit

The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion


complicated due to overcrowding in the werewolf area. I’ll talk to him and see if he agrees to stay with you in Angel’s stead.”

Clark didn’t make any further comment, but after so many years at

the lion’s side, Angel could tell his brother was pissed. Arrangements were made for Angel to move in with Alexis until Isaac got here, and then Angel found himself forced to promise to show the incubus


Throughout all this, Clark said nothing. Finally, the discussion

ended and everyone got to work. Mr. Ruiz, who had apparently been

designated as liaison with nonshifter races, led them to the empty M

dorm. They left Alexis and his parents there to take the incubus’s bags to his room and returned to the herbivore-assigned building. As soon as they were out of earshot, Clark pulled Angel into the shade of a nearby tree.

“What were you thinking? Why did you agree to be his


“Someone had to,” Angel replied defensively, “and I had problems

with the sable jerk anyway.”

“I could deal with whatever problems you had,” Clark shot back.

“Didn’t you see how he looked at you? And those comments…Christ,


“He’s an incubus. I suppose he’s going to make sexual innuendos

all the time,” Angel argued. “Besides, it’s only for a couple of days until Isaac gets here.”

“I love Isaac as much as you do, but you know how he is. It’s not

his fault, but he’s always delayed. Case in point, this week. Mel, Jace, and Derek were supposed to be back with him already, but they’re not, are they? At this rate, he’ll get here next month, and by that time, God only knows what the incubus will do to you.”

Angel glowered at his brother. It wasn’t like Clark to be so

judgmental, especially since they knew how difficult things were for Isaac. “Clark, you’re being unfair. We don’t know Alexis well enough to make such assessments of his character, and anyway, Isaac is not

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unreliable like you make him seem. I can’t believe you’d say

something like that.”

Clark sighed and rubbed his eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m

just worried about you, all right? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I’m not a baby, Clark,” Angel replied. “I can take care of myself.

Besides, shouldn’t you be focusing on your own roommate, rather

than on mine?”

Angel didn’t know what made him say that. His emotions were

simmering under his skin, and he was angry, hurt, and feeling

betrayed, disappointed, and yes, jealous.

“What does Tate have anything to do with this?”

Clark actually had the gall to look confused, and Angel exploded.

“You know exactly what I mean. And don’t think I forgot about that

secret love you keep from me because I haven’t.”

Clark’s nostrils flared. “Who I love is none of your business.”

There was nothing Clark could have said to hurt Angel more. He

tensed and had to struggle not to crumble right then and there. And

he’d actually dared to think Clark might feel the same for him. What a fool he’d been.

“Fine,” he answered coolly. “Then it’s none of your business if I

choose to sleep with Alexis or not.”

Clark went slack jawed. For the first time in their lives, the lion seemed completely gobsmacked. Angel was surprised at his own

words, but he didn’t take them back. Instead, he turned away from his brother and fled to his dorm. He had things to pack. Keeping busy

would help him get over the pain.

The Gazelle Who Caught a Lion


Chapter Three

A few days later

“So I hear Angel is rooming with the new guy,” Layton said as

they sat together at lunch. “What’s he like?”

“Just a guy,” Clark replied morosely. “Nothing special.”

Except Alexis Whitaker was anything but “just a guy.” He was

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