The Fall of Paris: The Siege and the Commune 1870-71 (82 page)

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Authors: Alistair Horne

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The following notes list the principal source material utilized specifically in each chapter. Works to be found in the bibliography bear the author’s name only; where there is more than one by the same author, the appropriate number is given; where a work is not listed in the bibliography the title is given in full. With comments made by the various eyewitnesses, the source is generally self-evident; when this is not so, special mention has been made in the following notes but has otherwise been omitted. References below neither to be found in the bibliography nor entered in full relate to unpublished material, acknowledged in the Preface.


Chapter 1

Description of the Great Exhibition and its accompanying ceremonies is drawn from numerous sources, but principally: de la Gorce, von Klass (
Die Drei Ringe
), Guedalla, Allem, Fleury and Sonolet, Perruchot, Goncourt, Gautier, Child diaries, Guérard, Mérimée, Peat, Hoffman,
Illustrated London News.

Chapter 2

Second Empire morals: de la Gorce, Allem, Fleury, Peat, Burnand, Loliéc, Fleischmann, Guedalla, Thompson. Social and political conditions under the Second Empire: Guedalla, Duveau (2), de la Gorce, Burnand, Plamenatz, Allem, Goncourt, Elton, Guérard Maurois (1), Brogan, Chastenet, Newton.

Chapter 3

Causes and outbreak of Franco-Prussian War: de la Gorce,
Illustrated London News
, Howard, Newton, Brogan. State of the opposing Armies: Howard, Hooper, Pratt, Edwards, de la Gorce, Brogan, Guedalla (
The Two Marshals
), Fuller (
Decisive Battles of the Western World
, vol. iii). Opening phases of the war: Zola, de la Gorce, Hooper, Fuller, Cassell,
The Times, Illustrated London News
, Sheridan, Mérimée, Forbes. Appointment of Trochu: Trochu (2) and (3), Brunet-Moret. Revolution of September 4th: Duveau (1) de la Gorce, Kranzberg, Washburne (1), Rochefort, Trochu (3), Chastenet, Hoffman, Sheppard, d’Hérisson.

Chapter 4

Paris prepares for the Siege: Ducrot, Trochu (3), Duveau (1), Viollet-le-Duc, Brogan, Kranzberg, Cassell. Comparisons to Siege of Leningrad, here and elsewhere: Goure. Spy-mania: Péguret, Goncourt, Clarétie, Bowles, Washburne (1), O’Shea. Character of Trochu: Duveau (1), Brunet-Moret, d’Hérisson, Washburne (1), Hoffman, Trochu (1), (2) and (3), Rochefort.

Chapter 5

Prussian approach march: Forbes, Sheridan,
Daily News
, Müller (1), Busch (1), Blume (1), Russell, Frederick III. Battle of Châtillon: Ducrot, Trochu (3), Duveau (1), d’Hérisson, Grouard, O’Shea. Favre–Bismarck negotiations: Newton, Howard, Chastenet, Cassell, Busch (1), Frederick III. Gambetta flies to Tours: Bury, Brogan, Flaubert (1) and (2), Fonvielle, Grouard, Tissandier, Washburne (1), Trochu (3).

Chapter 6

Lack of news and rumours: Labouchere, Blount, Bowles, Goncourt, Whitehurst, Kranzberg. Introduction to ‘Reds’: Duveau (1), Jellinek, da Costa, Mason, Guillemin (2), Flourens, Chevalet, Bowles. The National Guard: Child diaries, Péguret, Duveau (1), Kranzberg, Nass, Labouchere, Flourens, Bowles.

Chapter 7

First Battle of Le Bourget: Adam, Washburne, Ducrot, Trochu (3), O’Shea, Labouchere, Forbes, Kunz, Grouard. Surrender of Metz:
Daily News
, Robinson, Cassell, Rochefort. Uprising of October 31st: Bowles, O’Shea, Labouchere, Ducrot, Trochu (3), Whitehurst, Adam, ‘Oxford Graduate’, Washburne (1), Flourens, Duveau (1),
d’Hérisson, Michell, Rochefort, Mason, Lissagaray, Sheppard, Clarétie, Goncourt, Hoffman, Mason.

Chapter 8

The Balloons of Paris: Smith, Tissandier, François, Gautier, Saint-Edmé, Fonvielle, Mallet, Brunel, Nass, Reitlinger, Robinson. Inventors and inventions: Saint-Edmé, Kranzberg, Nass, Labouchere Bowles, Sheppard, Maillard, Cassell, Ducrot, O’Shea,
Mid-week Pictorial

Chapter 9

Le Plan
’: Trochu (3), Ducrot, Grouard, Duveau (1), Brogan, Brunet-Moret. Gambetta’s campaign on the Loire: Bury, Grouard, Howard. Imperfections of French security: Goncourt, Frederick III, Forbes, Blumenthal, Blume (1). Flight of the
Ville d’Orléans
: Brunel, Mallet, François, Tissandier, Cassell.

Chapter 10

Mood in Paris before the Great Sortie: Whitehurst, O’Shea, Child letters, Washburne (1), Goncourt, Adam. The Great Sortie: Bowles, Labouchere, Adam, Clarétie, O’Shea, Goncourt, Grouard, Ducrot, Trochu (3), Forbes, Busch (1), Duveau (1), d’Hérisson, Cassell, Whitehurst, Blumenthal, Frederick III, Blume (1), Russell, Chevalet.

Chapter 11

British relations with the combatants: Collins and Abramsky (
Karl Marx and the British Labour Movement
), Roy Jenkins (
Sir Charles Dilke
), Fonvielle, Newton, Amberley, Harbord, Reitlinger,
Illustrated London News
, Kranzberg, Labouchere, Forbes, Frederick III, Pierce, Spears, Brown. The British and American communities in Paris: Falk, Washburne (1), Sheppard, Hoffman, Brown, Michell, Blount, Herbert, Burnley, Bowles, Thom, Whitehurst, Labouchere, O’Shea. Hospitals and ‘ambulances’: Adam, Sheppard, Evans (1), Gautier, Goncourt, Whitehurst, Bowles, Trailles, Labouchere, Ducrot, Ryan, Kranzberg, Hoffman, Sarcey, Forbes, Russell, O’Shea.

Chapter 12

Food supplies (sources used on this section are almost too numerous to list more than a few of the principal ones—the well-known correspondents whose names appear in the text are also omitted): ‘Oxford Graduate’, Maurois (2), Spears, Gautier, Nass, Washburne,
Hoffman, Verlaine, Adam, Saint-Edmé, Sheppard, Herbert letters, Pierce, Duveau (1), Howard, Michell, Kranzberg,
Illustrated London News
, Vizetelly, Lowndes, Burnand, Péguret, Carter, Sarcey, Blount, Brown, Jollivet, Child diaries and letters,
Daily News
, Goure. Morale in December: Labouchere, Duveau (1), Goncourt, Michell, d’Hérisson, d’Heylli, Spears, Bowles, Goncourt. The second Le Bourget: Ducrot, Trochu (3), Adam, Busch (1), Kunz, Blumenthal, Forbes O’Shea,
Daily News
, Duveau (1).

Chapter 13

The Prussian camp: Russell, Forbes, Viollet-le-Duc, Blumenthal, Busch (1) and (2), Carter, Frederick III, Ryan. Discussion on the bombardment of Paris: Blume (1), Muller (1) and (2), Forbes, Frederick III, Busch (1), Russell, Blumenthal, Howard. The war in the provinces: Brogan, Bury,
Daily News
, Howard, Cassell, Parris, Sheridan, Hoffman.

Chapter 14

The shelling of Avron: Viollet-le-Duc, Forbes, Labouchere, Müller (1), Frederick III, Blumenthal. Shelling of the southern forts; Gautereau, Brunon, Viollet-le-Duc, Moltke. Bombardment of Paris; Moltke, O’Shea, Bowles, ‘Oxford Graduate’,
Daily News
, Cassell, Lowndes, Whitehurst, Blount, Washburne (1), Goncourt, Kranzberg, Trochu (3), Müller (2), Forbes, Frederick III, Russell. Shortage of fuel in Paris: ‘Oxford Graduate’, O’Shea, Hoffman Adam, Goncourt, Kranzberg, Sheppard. Government of National Defence plans last sortie: Trochu (3), Brunet-Moret, Ducrot, Duveau (1).

Chapter 15

State of the National Guard: Child diaries, O’Shea, Labouchere, ‘Oxford Graduate’. The Buzenval sortie: Goncourt, Ducrot, Adam, Bowles, Blumenthal, Frederick III, Trochu (3), Busch (1), Russell, Herbert, d’Hérisson. The replacement of Trochu: d’Hérisson, Blount, Labouchere, Maurois (2), Washburne, Hoffman. The shootings of January 22nd: Ducrot, Labouchere, O’Shea, Kranzberg, Duveau (1), Washburne (1) and (2), Clarétie, Moser, Mason. Favre’s negotiations with Bismarck for an armistice: Howard, d’Hérisson, Frederick III, Duveau (1), Busch (1), Newton, Chastenet, Child diaries and letters, Gautereau. The end of the war in the provinces: Chastenet, Bury, Brunel, Rochefort, Brogan.


Chapter 16

The revictualling of Paris: Child letters, Hoffman, Blount, Cassell,
Daily News
, Forbes, Sheppard, Lyon, Nass, Brown, Herbert. ‘Obsidional fever’: Nass, Saint-Edmé, Dansette, Duveau (1), Adam, Labouchere, Kranzberg. The exodus from Paris: Mason,
Daily News
, Plamenatz, Daudet (1), Chevalet, Perruchot. Elections and the new Government: Chastenet, Bourgin (1),
Daily News
, Cassell, Brogan, Bowles, Elton, Jellinek, Bourgin (2), Dansette, Mason. Thiers’s first legislation: Chastenet, Cassell, Maurois (1) and (2) Péguret, Plamenatz, Bourgin (2), da Costa, Brogan, Dansette, Washburne (2). The German triumphal march: Lyon, Nass, Labouchere, Adam, Washburne, Frederick III, Blount, Blumenthal, Forbes, du Camp.

Chapter 17

Deceptive return to normal of Paris: d’Hérisson, Gibson, Goncourt, Dansette, Brown. The lynching of Vincenzoni: Bourgin (2), Lyon, Jellinek, Lissagaray. Seizure of the National Guard cannon: Bourgin (2), Péguret, Lissagaray, Rihs, Mason, Hoffman, Cassell, Patry, Jellinek, Gibson, da Costa, Washburne (1), Thiers. Killing of Lecomte and Thomas: Chastenet, Bourgin (2), da Costa, Brogan, Jackson, Daudet (1), Rochefort, Thomas, Jellinek, Bourgin (1), Trochu (3), Maurois (2), Bruhat. The retreat of the Thiers Government to Versailles: Patry, Bourgin (1) and (2), Mason, Lissagaray, da Costa, Washburne (1) and (2).

Chapter 18

First discussions of the insurgents: da Costa, Russell, Newton, Lissagaray, Brogan, Bourgin (2), Moser, Michel, Chastenet, Plamenatz,
Journal Officiel
, Dansette, Mason, Gibson. Mediation of the Mayors: Jellinek, Plamenatz, Chastenet, Bourgin (1) and (2), Lissagaray, da Costa. Massacre in the Place Vendôme: Washburne (2), Jellinek, da Costa, Lindencrone, Gibson, Spears. The situation at Versailles: Hoffman, Washburne (1) and (2), Lindencrone, Thiers. Installation of the Commune. Bourgin (2), Gibson, Castelot, Jellinek, Mason.

Chapter 19

Definition of the Commune and Marx’s relationship with it: Rihs, Chastenet, Mason, Bourgin (2), Berlin, Jellinek, Brogan, Elton,
Carlyle (
The French Revolution
), Aulard (
The French Revolution
), Laronze. Political and social background to the Commune: Brogan, Jellinek, Rihs, Chastenet, Bruhat, Rossel, Bourgin (1), Elton, da Costa, Marx (1), Berlin, Mason, Plamenatz. Factions within the Commune: da Costa, Marx (1), Berlin, Michel, Thomas, Mason, Elton, Plamenatz, Maurois (2), Rihs, Bruhat, Duveau (1), Jellinek, Verlaine, Bourgin (2). First acts of the Commune: Rihs, Jellinek, Lissagaray, Mason, Gibson, Washburne (1), Castelot, da Costa,
Journal Officiel

Chapter 20

Life in Paris during first days of the Commune: Powell, Washburne (1), Cassell, Gibson, Bourgin (2). Thiers attacks: Bourgin (2), Bruhat, da Costa, Cassell, Gibson, Jellinek, Brogan, Child diaries, Mason, Lissagaray, Rochefort, Cole, Thiers. Reaction in Paris: Washburne (1) and (2), Child diaries and letters, Gibson, Strang,
Journal Officiel
, Bourgin (2). Thier’s plan: Bourgin (2), Cassell, Newton, Thiers, Tombs.

Chapter 21

Notes on Cluseret: Mason, Jellinek, Bruhat, Washburne (1), Rossel, Cluseret. Cluseret’s reform attempts: Lissagaray, Rossel, Bourgin (2), da Costa, Cluseret, Mason. The fighting at Neuilly: Cassell, Young, Powell, Moser, Stanley. Thiers’s bombardment of Paris: Goncourt, Child diaries, Strang, Spears, Washburne (1), Gibson. Evacuation and recovery of Fort Issy: Jellinek, Lissagaray, Bruhat, Cluseret.

Chapter 22

Notes on Rossel: Washburne (1) and (2), Bourgin (2), da Costa, Rossel, Cassell, Vuillaume, Mason. The Commune’s political decrees: Elton, Lenin, Bruhat, Mason, Stanley, Bourgin (2), Gibson, Rihs. Creation of the Committee of Public Safety: Gibson, Mason, Rochefort, Lissagaray. Notes on Rigault: Mason, da Costa, Jellinek, Washburne (1), Duveau (1), Lindencrone, de la Gorce, Renoir, Adam. Arrest of the hostages: Washburne (1), Mason, Lissagaray, Cassell, Nass, Bourgin (2), da Costa, Cole, Maillard, Thiers. The final struggle for Fort Issy: Michel, Lissagaray, Jellinek, Rossel, da Costa.

Chapter 23

Notes on Delescluze and his coming to power: Audebrand, Lissagaray, Rossel, Rihs,
Journal Officiel
, Bourgin (2). Destruction of
Thiers’s house: Washburne (2), Bourgin (2), Rochefort, da Costa. Felling of the Vendôme Column: Gibson, Cassell, Jellinek, Goncourt, Powell, Hoffman, Washburne (1), Stanley, Rihs. Explosion of Rapp arsenal: Child diaries, Spears, Stanley, Gibson. Negotiations over Archbishop:
Journal Officiel
, Washburne (1) and (2), Hoffman, Newton, Jellinek. Spies and spy-mania: Lissagaray, Bourgin (2). New exodus from Paris: Powell, Daudet (1), Child diaries and letters, Hoffman, Gibson, Spears, Goncourt, Daudet (2), Washburne (2). Parisian gaiety on eve of Versailles entry: Gibson, Goncourt, Castelot, Bourgin (2), Lissagaray, Thomas.

Chapter 24

Last attempts at mediation and the Versailles entry into Paris: Thiers, Jackson, Bourgin (2), Hoffman, Chastenet, Bruhat. Eyewitness accounts (such as those of Herbert, Stanley, and Child) of
La Semaine Sanglante
, both here and in succeeding chapters, are generally named and therefore source self-evident. Otherwise general sources used: Lissagaray, da Costa, Bruhat, Bourgin (2),
Journal Officiel
, Jellinek, Brogan, Cassell, Thiers, Goncourt, Cole, Chastenet, Moser, Michel, Thomas, Washburne (1) and (2), Jollivet.

Chapter 25

The burning of Paris and the
: Goncourt, Child letters, Stanley, Nass, Thomas, Jellinek, Marx (1), Cassell, Hoffman, Washburne (2), Michel. Death of the Archbishop: da Costa, Bourgin (2), Washburne (1) and (2), Brogan, Lissagaray, Cassell.

Chapter 26

Versailles atrocities: Chastenet, Verlaine, Bourgin (2), Jellinek, Lissagaray, Bruhat, Mason, Gibson, Hoffman, Denham, Cole, da Costa, Cassell, Nass, Powell, Goncourt, Stanley, Castelot, Daudet (2), Moser. Death of Delescluze: chiefly Lissagaray. The shootings of the remaining Communard hostages: Bruhat, Lissagary, Cassell, da Costa, Mason. The siege of La Roquette Prison: Cassell, Lamazou, Washburne (1), Bruhat, Lissagaray, Jellinek. Daudet’s passage on the end of the Commune comes from Daudet (1); the story of the execution of the sweep was told the author by M. Cécil Saint-Laurent. Other notes on ‘expiation’ following the end of the Commune: Mason, Bruhat, Péguret,
The Times
, Gibson, Cassell, Goncourt, Bourgin (2), Brogan, Elton, Gautier, Maurois (2), Thiers, Daudet (2), Chastenet, Castelot, Vuillaume, Tombs.

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