The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life (14 page)

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Within a year, I’d lost 100 pounds and eradicated from my life heart disease, hypertension, prediabetes, chronic fatigue, brain fog, malaise, low back pain, cracked heels, and painful boils. But most importantly, the overwhelming cravings for fattening, processed junk foods that consumed my every waking moment gradually subsided and then completely went away. For the first time in my adult life I was free from the “dieting mentality” that failed me miserably.

Change the Mind and the Body Will Follow

Intrigued by the experiences of others, Emily began interviewing successful nutritarians for my blog and gleaned invaluable nuggets of truth from many other real-life success stories. With my guidance and from these experiences and observations, Emily compiled twelve vital tips for losing weight—and keeping it off—the nutritarian way

1. It Takes Commitment

Success has nothing to do with economic status, nationality, education, social standing, professional training, career choice, a stable upbringing, or even support from loved ones. Success is a direct result of thoroughly studying, understanding, and assimilating the science behind Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritional recommendations—and then making the decision to tenaciously earn your health back, no matter what. Success is having both feet in at all times, not “trying” to eat high-nutrient foods during the week and indulging on the weekends, or eating for health only when it’s convenient. Trying only leaves the door cracked open to indulging on a whim. All who have succeeded made the firm decision to commit 100 percent.

2. Perspective Determines Outcome

Those who succeed with the nutritarian approach view it as an opportunity to “earn” health back. This perspective enables a person to get past toxic cravings to thoroughly enjoy great-tasting foods, in their natural state. Conversely, those who repeatedly fail have the mind-set of dieting. They view the nutritarian approach as just another diet designed only to lose weight and subsequently focus on restriction and deprivation. This mentality invites self-pity and cheating, which doesn’t allow your taste buds to change or let you break free of the vicious cycle of toxic addiction.

3. Change a Mistaken Identity

People become what they believe to be true about themselves and what they repeatedly tell others. If people believe they are failures, they will fail. If they tell everyone that they are a compulsive overeater, they will compulsively overeat in times of stress. It’s vitally important to declare and believe in an identity congruent with who you want to be. If you want to be a nutritarian—someone who eats high-nutrient foods to meet the body’s biological needs for optimal nutrition—then declare it! Make it your identity. Where the mind goes, the body will follow.

4. Ditch the Wagon

The wagon mentality and dieting go hand in hand. “I fell off the wagon” basically translates into, “I blew it so I might as well eat anything I want now.” Eating for optimal health is a lifetime endeavor of making wise choices each and every day. Slipups do happen from time to time, but never allow a slipup to turn into an excuse to wallow in disappointment, self-pity, and false guilt that could potentially lead to a full-fledged binge.

5. Avoid the Moderation Myth

When it comes to toxic foods, there’s no such thing as eating in moderation. Taking just one bite of an addictive food can be just as dangerous as smoking one cigarette for a former nicotine addict. Don’t believe the moderation myth that you might hear from physicians, counselors, ministers, friends, co-workers, or relatives. The truth is that just one bite of an addictive food can do great harm. It’s much easier to keep addictive cravings extinguished than to be continually fighting obsessive compulsions, because it only takes a tiny spark to ignite them.

6. There Are No Shortcuts

Everyone has to cross the threshold of withdrawal from toxic foods, which, for most people, is no fun. Detoxification (or toxic hunger) can be unpleasant. You might experience headaches, nausea, weakness, fatigue, shakiness, and irritability that can last up to several days. But once the symptoms have resolved, and if you no longer consume toxic foods, the symptoms don’t return. Salt is a particularly tough habit to kick, but once the addiction to salt is gone, your taste buds change, and the subtle flavors of fruits and vegetables in their natural state become highly enjoyable.

7. Tomorrow Never Comes

Waiting until after the holidays or a special occasion to begin eating for health is a bad idea. Telling yourself you’ll “start tomorrow” is a lie. There’s always another celebration or family event. After Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas comes the Super Bowl, followed by Valentine’s Day, Passover, Easter, Mother’s Day, graduation parties, multiple birthday parties, a wedding or two, a Father’s Day cookout, summer barbecues and picnics, county fairs, fall festivals, Halloween, and then the year-end holidays all over again. You must make the firm decision to eat for health each day and hold fast to that commitment no matter what the calendar says.

8. The Refrigerator Is Never the Solution

Eating is never a solution to any problem. Ever. Emotional health is never achieved via the refrigerator, cupboard, or drive-thru window. Life is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains; that’s why our lives are interesting and, ultimately, fulfilling. Address emotional issues by talking to a professional counselor or a trusted family member or friend, or join a support group. Addictive foods and drugs are never the solution.

9. Abstinence Is Important

The purpose of an established boundary is to keep you safe. In that safe place you’ll find freedom from addiction and disease. Food addiction can be as serious as alcoholism and drug addiction. It destroys lives. A commitment to abstain from all processed foods and junk food is often needed. Abstinence is radical, but it produces the best results. That means if you are a food addict and have cravings and trigger foods that drive unhealthful eating, then you need to abstain from these known triggers. The most effective way to beat the addictive drive to overconsume alcohol, drugs, or sweets is abstinence for at least a few months. Many people are highly addicted to sweets and refined carbohydrates and need to abstain.

10. Have a Plan and Stick to It

Getting out and staying out of food addiction isn’t that hard per se, but you must be vigilant and persistent at all times. When I finally committed to follow Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian approach, I typed out his Six-Week Plan, printed off several copies, and had them laminated. I put one in my purse and another in my car; I posted one on my bathroom mirror and another on the refrigerator. I even attached one to my ironing board! That tangible plan made all the decisions for me. Three months later I was 40 pounds lighter, and my blood pressure, fasting blood sugar levels, and lipid profile were all normal; and even more importantly, the overwhelming cravings for toxic foods were completely gone!

11. Be Prepared At All Times

Plan ahead and always have food prepared in advance. Your health destiny is your responsibility, so be prepared at all times. Unlike junk food dieting, no factory-prepared meals will be delivered to your doorstep. Keep your refrigerator well stocked with freshly cleaned vegetables, fruits, and cooked bean soups for quick meals. Never wait until the refrigerator is empty to plan and prepare more food. Once you establish a routine of preparation, it will become second nature—but in the beginning, you have to make this habit a top priority to develop it.

12. Never Give Up

Hard times happen. When life is turned upside down, it takes everything within yourself to muster the strength to keep going in the direction of health. But even when you have challenging days, stay committed to making wise food choices as best as you can. There is never a valid excuse to quit. As Dr. Fuhrman states: “It will take strength, it will take effort, but the pleasures and rewards that you’ll get from a healthy life will be priceless.”



The Power of Real Food

ou will be free from the overwhelming cravings of disease-promoting foods.

You will enjoy life without feeling miserably bloated, tired, and depressed.
You will wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and happy to be alive.
You will get to live your life free of unnecessary medical bills and pharmaceuticals.
You will be free from type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
You will save astronomical amounts of money that we might otherwise spend on unhealthy foods, medical bills, and medications.
You can live without fear of having a heart attack.
You can avoid bypass surgery and its complications.
You can sit in an airplane seat and not be encumbered by rolls of fat.
You can buckle that seat belt without the addition of an extension belt.

Embrace the opportunity to be a nutritarian by choosing high-nutrient foods and healthy habits. You’ll experience the most pleasure, satisfaction, and quality out of life knowing that you’re supporting, not destroying, your health as you enjoy eating!

The Healing Power Is Yours

Why doesn’t everyone know that they can reverse high blood pressure and coronary artery disease with the right food and diet style? Why don’t doctors tell their patients that they can eliminate the need for medications, angioplasty, and bypass surgery by changing the way
they eat? A nutritarian diet is so dramatically effective that every doctor should inform their patients of this option.

Superior nutrition is the most powerful medicine; pharmacological medicine is comparably close to worthless—especially because a drug prescription gives people tacit permission to continue the same disease-causing diet that caused their problems in the first place. Have diabetes but still want that donut? No problem. Take another injection of insulin or up your dose of oral medication and enjoy yourself. In the meantime, the diabetes continues to advance unabated and under the same general conditions that enabled its development.

Everyone deserves to know that he or she can choose
to succumb to heart attacks and strokes. Everyone deserves to know that cancer is
a product of bad luck, predominantly genetic, or triggered by some mysterious, unknown cause and that nutritional science can dramatically protect us from developing cancer. Advancements in nutritional science can enable everyone to enjoy longer, better, and more fulfilling lives—entirely free from medical dependence and physical and mental disability.

People deserve to know exactly what they need to do to protect against disease. Drugs can’t do this; only nutritional excellence can. Excellent nutrition is the best medicine. Who would want to be in a nursing home with half their body paralyzed if they could avoid it? Who would choose dementia over emotional and intellectual wellness through old age? Who would choose an early death over a long life? No one!

No one needs to worry about heart attack or stroke. Even common cancers would be rare in a society that followed a nutritarian diet. The standard American diet dramatically reduces the average lifespan and drastically diminishes quality of life and vigor for living. It also leads to premature aging and the onset of chronic disease, which need not happen when you eat for health.

Our body is composed of the substances we eat. We build tissue, repair tissue, maintain our health, and reach our human potential on
the basis of the quality of the foods we eat. How could this fact be denied? People do not sufficiently appreciate or even recognize the importance and magnificence of this simple concept. For example, studies determined that poor nutrition early in life predisposes people to antisocial and criminal behavior and lowers intelligence.

Violence, prison, and diminished intelligence are consequences that we don’t currently associate with an unhealthy diet. We have been conditioned to believe that the source of one’s calories doesn’t matter.

Then, as we get older, too many of us develop high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. These serious problems, we are told, are inevitable consequences of aging. And we blindly accept that fact. All we can do is take drugs and let doctors perform palliative procedures that make our “numbers” look better, while our health continues to deteriorate every year. When we require drugs to camouflage our medical problems, we are not well. Yet, these chronic conditions never need to happen and are reversible if we do something about them before we drop dead. What follows is what we all need to know exceedingly well: Nutrition 101.

Macronutrients and Micronutrients

Food supplies us with both calories (energy) and nutrients. The four macronutrients are fat, carbohydrate, protein, and water. Though free of calories, water is considered a macronutrient because the body requires such a relatively large quantity—a “macro” amount—of it for survival. All the foods we eat contain some combination of the three calorie-containing macronutrients. Macronutrients are how we get the calories we need for energy and growth. If you eat too many macronutrients, you’re abusing calories, which leads to weight gain, chronic medical conditions, and premature death. However, there remains a broad acceptable range in the proportion of macronutrients you consume, as long as you’re not eating too many calories. In other words, a
well-designed diet with 15 percent of calories from fat could be healthy as well as a diet with 30 percent of calories from fat.

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