The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers (162 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #True Crime, #Murder, #General, #Serial Killers

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The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers

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Page numbers in

murders 73, 164, 184–185,

Aynesworth, Hugh 163–164

main entries; page numbers in italics

235, 237, 260–261

Aziga, Johnson 280

indicate illustrations.

Texarkana 73, 184–185

Armani, Frank 258

Armendariz Diaz, Sergio 45




“baby farming”
, 117,

Abel, Robert 122–123

Berkowitz, David 18


Abrahamson, David 18, 134

Heirens, William 115

“Babysitter” 74, 136

Adrade, Luis 45

Kurten, Peter 151–152

Baca, Melchor 48

Afghanistan 245

Lee, Bruce 156–157

Badal, James 168

Agron, Salvatore 189

Toole, Ottis 255–257

“bad seeds”
, 277

Ahmed, Zafar 126

artwork and memorabilia
, 6,

Bai Baoshan

AIDS 128, 164, 280


Bailey, F. Lee 26, 258


Aryan Brotherhood 175

Baker, Stanley 19, 259

Birmingham 146

Assassins cult 57, 116–117

Ball, Joe

insanity guidelines 125

Atkins, Susan 174, 174, 175

Barbieri, Giuseppina 280

Mobile 80

Atlanta “child murders”
, 74

Barbosa, Daniel 57

Montgomery 170

“Atteridgevile Mutilator” 292

Barfield, Velma 22, 287

murders 146, 170, 171, 172,

Aum Shinrikyo 57

Barker, “Ma” 189

193, 194, 276


Barnett, Joseph 134


Adelaide 178

Barr, Norman 213

Anchorage 110–111


Barrientos Vidales, Carlos 45

murders 36, 110–111

Australian Ripper 189

Barrios, Andres 7

Aldrete, Sara 53–54

Bunting, John 242–244

Bateson, Paul 119

Allan, John 276–277

Haydon, Mark 242–244

Báthory, Erzsebet
, 15, 95, Allen, Arthur 305–306

Milat, Ivan 178–179

117, 270

Allen, Howard

Vlassakis, James 242–244

Beausoleil, Robert 175

Allen, Wanda 287

Wagner, Robert 242–244

Beeler, Rodney 57, 275

Allison, Clay 118

murders 178–179, 189,

Beets, Betty 22, 287

Andrade, Marcelo de 270


Belarus 177

“Angel Makers of Nagrev”

New South Wales 285

Belge, Francis 258

Angelo, Richard 176, 177, 187

Queensland 179


“Angels of Death”
, 253

sex crimes 284, 285, 286

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