The Easter Egg Hunt (6 page)

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Authors: Joannie Kay

BOOK: The Easter Egg Hunt
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there any subjects that are off limits for discussion?” Meggie wanted to know.

did you worry about that the first time I was going to come to dinner?” Jeff

worries about everyone!” Julie Ann smiled.  “She didn’t want to scare you
off,” she added.

told us not to mention spinach at the table unless we wanted to see you barf,”
Jake supplied, his dark eyes full of humor.

we’ll get out all of Jake’s baby pictures,” Julie Ann suggested with a wicked

and I’ll make you sorry!” Jake promised.  “I’ll tell Jeff all about the
time I caught you…”

up, moron!”
Julie Ann tried to
smack Jake but he ducked, laughing his head off.

tell me it had nothing to do with speeding?” Jeff demanded.

Jacob answered immediately.  “Sis, you promised you would slow down.”

am driving slower.  Jeff insisted.”
Her face turned pink.

the flat of his hand on your butt, I hope.”
Jake wouldn’t let it go.

did you promise Jake you’d slow down, Jules?” Jeff was looking at his wife in

long time ago!” she snapped.  “I’m done with this conversation,” she

for now, but I guarantee I’ll bring it up later tonight.”

see what you’ve done, Jake?”
Ann glared at her brother.

oh… It wasn’t speeding, Jeff,” Jake said seriously.  “And Jules isn’t going
to tell… and neither am I.  You aren’t speeding, are you?” He turned on
his sister again.  “I don’t want you to end up my patient,” he said
without a trace of humor in his voice or in his eyes.

many eggs do we need to color, Mom?” Julie ignored her brother to ask.

lot, so please finish eating so we can get to it!”

all worked hard, and had a lot of fun coloring eggs.  They made several
trips to take everything to where Megan worked, and Noah knew they’d be out at
the site very early, hiding all the eggs and directing all the help as they sat
up tables, and the caterers who were hired to bring all the food for the
luncheon.  Meggie would want to decorate the tables and have everything
all done before the guests started arriving at 10 AM.  The owner of the
company always praised Megan’s efforts and said she ‘outdid’ herself each and
every year, but it wasn’t the praise that prompted Meg.  She truly loved
making the celebration special for children and adults alike.

enjoy tomorrow, Mom,” Jake said as he hugged her goodbye late that night.

welcome to come, Jacob,” Megan insisted as she returned his hug and kissed his

working a double shift tomorrow, Mom, but I’ll see you Sunday… with Carrie,” he
promised, and then leaned close to whisper, “You should see the huge chocolate
bunnies I bought for Rach and Nat!  Jules is going to flip out!”
He chuckled, and then gave his Dad a hug
with lots of back slapping before he got into his car and headed home.

not going to get much sleep before he has to go in,” Megan fretted.  Julie
Ann had taken the children home hours ago, and they’d sent Jeff home before the
last loads were brought.

are we, Meggie.”
Noah smiled. 
“Maybe three hours at the most if I know my wife.”

know your wife well,” she replied with a loving smile, and then stood on tiptoe
to kiss him.  “Thanks, honey.  I couldn’t do this without your help
every year.”

day started out bad; the alarm wasn’t set properly and went off a full thirty
minutes later than Megan wanted.  Her hair wouldn’t cooperate and Noah had
a bad headache from lack of sleep and was grumpy as sin.  He wanted a big
breakfast before they left, mainly because he was worried about her having a
major sugar drop if she didn’t eat right.  Megan wanted to stomp her feet
and scream at him there was no time, but knew he would just spank her if she
did that, and it was the last thing she needed so early in the morning. 
It would be quicker to make omelets and toast and pour some juice, which she
reluctantly did.  They left the house an hour behind schedule.

crew was late to start setting out the tables and chairs, and then they were
short-handed.  Jeff arrived to see if they needed any help, and Megan gave
him a big hug and put him to work.  Finally the tables and chairs were
arranged and covered with white paper and Megan was able to start decorating. 
A couple more volunteers arrived to help hide the plastic eggs for the
children, and the private lawn was soon covered with colorful eggs.  The
children were to bring their own empty baskets to fill during the hunt, but
Megan always had a few extras for those who forgot.  The last thing she
wanted was for a child to miss out on the Easter Egg Hunt and cry while other
children had all the fun. 

when Megan thought everything was going to go fairly smoothly, her cell phone
rang and she listened in horror as she heard the terrible news that Ralph Rider
was in the hospital and wouldn’t be able to come.  “I’m so sorry, Ellen,”
she told his upset wife.  “Please tell Ralph we’ll keep him in our
thoughts and prayers.”

doesn’t want to let you or the children down, Megan.  You know this means
everything to him!” she insisted.

know, Ellen, and he is the best.  I’m sorry he won’t be here today.” 
She said goodbye to the other woman, and then went to find Noah, who wasn’t
going to be happy!



knew immediately that something was wrong.  Megan was practically in
tears.  “What is it, honey?” He put an arm around her shoulders to comfort

just had a telephone call from Ellen Rider.  Ralph is in the hospital this
morning facing an emergency appendectomy.”

too bad,” Noah said.  “He’s the one who does the Easter Bunny, right?” he
asked, and when he saw her nod slowly and look at him hopefully, he shook he
head ‘no’.  “No, Megan.  You know I can’t stand doing that sort of
thing.  I hate costumes, and I hate making a fool of myself!”

please!  I don’t have anyone else who is built the same as you.  You’re
as tall as Ralph, and I really need for you to do this.”

I’ll do most anything for you, babe, but I draw the line at being the Easter
Bunny!” he said passionately.

couple of hours later Noah was trying very hard to breathe through the small
holes in the heavy, hot costume.  How he’d let his pretty little wife talk
him into this, he didn’t know, but he was going to spank the daylights out of
her when he got her home!  Nothing else would do for putting him through

was proud of Noah as he started mingling and talking to the children. 
They squealed and wanted attention, or else they were shy and hid behind
parents.  She greeted Julie Ann and her grandchildren when they arrived,
and it didn’t take Jeff long to come to help her with the kids. 

is Grampa?” Rachel asked curiously.

had to leave for a while, honey, but he’ll be back in time to eat lunch with
us,” Megan promised her granddaughter while Jeff leaned down to whisper in
Julie’s ear. 

Ann’s eyes filled with laughter, “I wish Jake was here to see this!  Good
thing I have my camera!”

take a lot of pictures, Julie Ann!”
Megan giggled as she watched the Easter Bunny mingle with

Ann and Jeff took their children to see the Easter Bunny and get a picture with
him, and Noah watched Rachel’s eyes grow wide as he spoke to her.  She
didn’t say anything, however.  Soon it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt,
and the company’s owner/President stood in front of everyone and welcomed them. 
He thanked Megan for planning an enjoyable family gathering for everyone and
then asked the Easter Bunny to signal the start of the hunt. 

was fabulous in Megan’s opinion.  He hopped around, helping the little
ones find eggs, and within minutes the Easter Egg Hunt was all over, and the
children happy and exclaiming over their finds.  It was little Natalie who
found one of the special eggs, and Megan was excited for her, even though she
was busy making sure the caterers had everything they needed and once she was
positive they were ready, she let her boss know so he could get the line

rejoined her and they helped Jeff and Julie Ann with the little girls since
Julie Ann was carrying the baby.  They found a table for everyone to sit
and Rachel said in a whisper, “Grampa, why didn’t you tell me that you’re the
Easter Bunny?”  She looked at Megan and continued, “The other kids in my
class aren’t going to believe my Grampa is the Easter Bunny!”   She
was so excited she was about to burst.  “That must be why you love Easter
so much, right, Gramma?” she wanted to know.

couldn’t help giggling, and then Julie Ann and Jeff were laughing, too. 
Noah growled softly and said, “Someone is going to get a spanking!”

the dinner was over, her boss called Megan up front and she handed him the
Easter baskets for the families, and he passed each one out, and then praised
Megan once again for all her hard work.  Everyone was told they could stay
and visit as long as they wished, and it was a couple more hours before the
last of the guests could leave, and a couple more hours before everything was
cleaned up to Megan’s satisfaction. 

was surprised when Noah drove her to a restaurant and ushered her inside. 
“You sit down now and relax, Meggie.  I know it’s a bit early for dinner,
but we’re going to have an early night tonight.”

have baking to do for Easter Dinner tomorrow, Noah,” she protested, and then
confessed, “However, I am keeping it simple.”

is good to know.  Don’t forget you have a spanking coming to you,” he
lowered his voice to remind her.

you can’t be serious!” She looked at him in surprise.  “You had fun being
the Easter Bunny, and just think, Rachel is so pleased to know what you really
do for a living!”
She giggled.

keep it up, young lady.  I’m going to enjoy spanking you when I get you
home,” he promised.

meal was delicious, but even more delicious was the playful banter as she
teased and Noah threatened.  Megan knew he would probably make good on his
promise of a spanking, but she was also positive she would enjoy the spanking
very much.  After they got home, Noah firmly ordered her upstairs and she
ran ahead of him, ready to strip out of the dress she was wearing and put on
something comfy.  However, Noah had his own plans.  He grabbed her and
pulled her over to the bed, took a seat, and quickly turned her over his knee. 
His hand gave her a smart spank on her left cheek and then on her right cheek. 
“Owww!” she protested for effect.

do you have to say for yourself, young lady?” he growled in mock anger.

you make a very handsome Easter Bunny…?”
She giggled, earning a couple more swats before he slid his
right hand up her legs to push up her dress, and then that hand was lightly
rubbing and squeezing.

going to enjoy spanking you, Meggie,” Noah said, his voice husky with passion. 
He started spanking, but the spanks were gentle, more like caresses.  Of
course, he increased the sting, but then rubbed, his hand letting her know this
spanking was very sexual in nature.  No doubt she would be tender
tomorrow, but right now she was enjoying the spanking very much.

enjoyed spanking for pleasure, and nearly thirty years with Megan had taught
him exactly how hard to spank.  It didn’t take long to bring her to
orgasm, and he still continued to spank until she was writhing and in need once
again.  This time he wanted to feel the warmth of her body around him and
he carefully flipped her on her back so he could kneel above her.  Megan
opened her arms to him, eagerly begging him to come inside her.  The love
in her blue eyes was just for him and Noah felt an overwhelming rush of love
for his woman, the woman he would die for if need be.  He entered her
gently, slowly, savoring each moment as he claimed her. 

thrilled to Noah’s touch.  He made her feel as though she was beautiful
and precious and she wanted to give him every part of her, and she did. 
Afterwards, when they could breathe normally once again, she reached up to
touch his cheek.  “I love you with all my heart and soul, Noah Martson. 
I have no idea what I did to deserve you, but I am so lucky you love me.”

am the lucky one, Meggie,” he said sincerely.  “You make life worth

when I am a brat?” she asked guiltily, wondering if he would spank her soundly
tomorrow when she gave the girls their Easter Baskets.

you in trouble, precious?” he chuckled, already knowing she was up to some sort
of surprise for Easter.  It wasn’t like his Megan to obey their daughter’s
‘no candy’ rule.

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