The Dragon Savior of Tone: World of Tone: Book 2 (2 page)

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Authors: A. D. Adams

Tags: #Dragon, #fantassy, #fansasy, #flying, #fanstasy, #fantasi, #magic, #Sea Nymp, #fantays, #fanttasy, #fnatasy, #fantasía, #fatnasy, #fantaisy, #fasntasy, #Nymph, #fantasy, #Land Nymph, #fantazy, #Nymphs

BOOK: The Dragon Savior of Tone: World of Tone: Book 2
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The pair grew up, becoming closer by the day, until it was time for Fienna to leave her mother’s cave. They had found a beautiful crevice with a crystal lined cave at one end and a small lake surrounded by lush vegetation at its base. The crevice was isolated and could only be reached through flight or underground water-filled caves. They were soon living in their new home together. As time passed, they grew to love one another.

One sunset as Terra and Fienna lay in front of their cave, the moon began to slowly rise over the lip of the crevice. Fienna began to feel odd, so she stood. Her great dragon body began to shimmer in the moonlight and slowly started to change. She became the same size as Terra; she was a human, no longer a dragon. Terra held her naked body with his powerful arms so she would not fall. She was a vision of beauty to him. Her hair was almost to the ground and was a bluish green. Her skin was the same multicolored array as her dragon body. They lay together naked and their love became physical for the first time. Fienna returned to her dragon form as the moon set and the sun rose.

Just before first light of the next no moon, Terra sat in front of their cave. He was without clothes and was simply staring in the direction of the sunrise. As the first rays of light came over the crest of the crevice's steep rock wall, he began to feel warm. Fienna awoke and saw her love outlined by the first light and felt his warmth through their mental connection. It felt much like the sunset she changed. As she watched, to her surprise, his body began to shimmer. He was now outlined by the yellow sun of the morning. His silhouette seemed to become bigger. His legs grew larger, his neck elongated, and nubs began to appear on his back that slowly grew out to become wings. He was becoming a dragon! As he grew larger, his body size surpassed that of Fienna’s. He was the largest dragon she had ever seen. As he tried to stand, he fell back, unable to balance his great body. Fienna jumped to his aid. As she approached, she saw he was completely white. No dragon she had ever seen was white. Terra had become by far the largest dragon on Tone. After a day of play and love he returned to his human form, as the sun set.

Several full moon risings later, Fienna was hunting and Terra was sleeping in the warm sand next to their lake. Averons flew into the crevice, awakening Terra; one of the great beasts grabbed him, piercing his back with two great talons. Fienna felt Terra’s pain and rushed back to the crevice to find Terra in the lake, with blood radiating from his body into the water. She killed several Averons and then carefully picked up Terra and took him to their cave. There, for several sun-risings, she and the nymphs tended to Terra as his magic healed the wounds that would have killed any other. The lake had turned red from his blood and would forever after heal those who swam in it.

As Terra was recovering, the crevice was suddenly attacked by numerous Averons and a black figure that rode on the back of one of the hideous creatures. Fienna took off and started toward the Averons
intent on killing them all for the harm they had done to Terra. The black figure hovered on the back of an Averon half way up the crevice wall. Suddenly, the figure threw a black bolt of energy toward Fienna. Terra had been helped out of the cave and sent a bolt of orange toward the oncoming streak of black lightning. When the two hit, Fienna was knocked back by the force of the explosion. Terra used his remaining power to gently set her down, causing him to fall into unconsciousness from the effort. The black figure and the Averon she sat upon were thrown out of the sky to the ground. Several of the other great Averons picked the figure up and flew off.

As time passed the two continued to change from dragon to human at the full and no moons. Fienna had changed to normal human form on the sunset of the full moon, but in the morning, she did not change back. Terra could find nothing wrong with her and his magic provided no help. They decided that Terra should go to a human village and bring back a healer to the crevice. The healer touched Fienna’s stomach and her magic felt another life within this unusual woman. The healer was young, new to using her power, so even though she thought Fienna was pregnant, she was not completely sure. The healer thought her mother should come and truly determine Fienna’s condition. Terra went back to the humans with the healer and found her mother being attacked by a man. Terra nearly killed the man and found out that the two women were his mother and sister. They returned to Fienna and found that she was pregnant, which explained why she had not returned to her dragon form. The full moons passed and Fienna grew large with child as Terra learned of his family.

One sun-rising, a female dragon with a small dragonette had been attacked and badly injured. Terra went to heal her and left Fienna behind because of her size and the nearness of their child’s birth. As Terra finished healing the injured dragon, Fienna called to him through their mental connection. The crevice was under attack by Averons. He returned to the crevice immediately. There he found a scene of destruction, and his mate and sister gone. His anger grew and he began to change into the great white dragon. He used his flames to heal the injured nymphs and dragons scattered about the crevice. Terra then flew to Fienna, locating her through their mental connection. Other dragons followed behind. He found her in a cave on the side of a dark and hideous mountain. There he landed on a ledge and went into the cave, finding his mate and sister tied together and a black figure standing in an alcove of rock. It was Obecka, the insane Solan, who wanted revenge for the death of her Averons and nearly herself. They battled and Terra’s magic powers finally overwhelmed the Solan. She dropped to the floor, dying. She thanked Terra for ridding her of the madness that controlled her mind, and joined the mist with the other departed Solans. The final living Solan’s image appeared, telling them that Terra was the one that would return the world to its previous balance and that his sister would start a new sisterhood of Solans.

They returned to the crevice where Fienna gave birth to a daughter that had green coloration and magic that could control the vegetation of Tone.

Now that I have brought the readers and myself up to the point I left off, I can continue the history. All of the events in the following text are as close as I can come to the truth. I have talked to all that were involved and have combined all they know into one coherent story. From this point on, I will not mention myself.







Index of Important Historical Figures of Tone



Cardana - Terra and Fienna’s Daughter

Dawra - Fienna's Mother, a Great Green Dragon

Setilan - Sea Nymph, Daughter of the Sea Nymph King

Old Sinut - Sea Nymph, Master Wizard for the Sea Nymphs

Telsen - Last remaining Solan

Hectise - Fienna’s Father, a Great Blue Dragon

Lowlack - Terra and Fienna’s Dragon Friend, died protecting them

Reicka - Terra's Mother

Faray - Terra's Sister

Sifar - Young Survivor of Village massacre

Seana – Sea Nymph, Terra’s Teacher

Tepic - Dragon Friend

Suti - Terra’s Pet, Female Slese Cat

Nikit and Gopu - Dark Solans

Naron - Male Human, Leader of the Guards of Tone

Rammy - Female Human, Naron’s Daughter, Second in Command of Human Guards

Nolla- Female Human, Guards Commander for Village of Solana under Naron

Rubbo - Male Human, Guards Commander for Village of Southlake under Naron

Willick - King of Elves

Xillal - Land Nymph, Commander of Land Nymphs













Map of the Northern Coastal Valleys of Tone







Chapter 1 - The Age of the Draman

(The future is not always what one wishes it to be.)

- The beginning of the Time of the Draman -



Terra stood with his new child and his mate, Fienna. He looked out onto their home, a scene of shattered dreams. He had never wanted anything but peace and to be with his family. The world seemed to have chosen him for something much more. He looked down and knew he had to make this place, this world, safe for the ones he loved.

What shall we name her?
” Fienna thought to her mate.

A name came to his mind seemingly from nowhere. “
,” he said with conviction.

Fienna thought for a moment. “
That is a beautiful name. Where does it come from?

I’m not sure, it just came into my mind
,” Terra thought to his love.

Very well, it shall be Cardana.
” With that, Fienna's tiredness filled Terra’s mind.

It’s time to sleep,
” he thought to her as he led them back into the cave.

Their home was in a crevice, a crack in the world near the coastal cliffs. These coastal cliffs were where the dragons lived and where Terra and Fienna’s lives came together. The crevice was fifty dragon lengths wide, two hundred long, and at least a hundred deep. A small lake surrounded by woods sat at the bottom of the great crack. At one end of the lake was a clearing large enough for dragons to land. There was a dragon-sized hole in the wall of the crevice, which opened into a large cave. As the sun rose, light would filter into the cave, showing a beautiful and wondrous place of sparkling crystal fingers hanging from the ceiling. As the light struck the crystals, small shafts of light reflected throughout the large cave, creating a gentle glow. A small stream flowed through the floor of the cave with deep shelves on either side of the gently flowing water. The stream emerged from a smaller chamber in the rear of the cave and emptied out one side of the entrance. The water then flowed down to the small lake.

As they walked through the cave, Setilan, their sea nymph friend, handed Terra a basket of fresh waterweed for the newborn’s bed. He took it without saying a word and continued to their private place in the rear of the cave. The sparkling, multicolored crystal fingers hanging from the ceiling lit their path to the smaller rear cave. A waterfall flowed down the wall from the crystal ceiling and emptied into a clear pool at its base. He sat the basket in the corner and Fienna placed their newborn daughter into its soft warm interior. She lay next to the basket and Terra held them both with his great arms. Fienna and their daughter quickly fell asleep, but Terra could not. He lay awake, thinking of this day and all it held. He had saved his sister and mate from the Black Solan, killing her in the process. His first child had been born and a good friend had died protecting Fienna. As his mind swirled with everything, he noticed the crystals seemed to be glowing in a small cleft near the waterfall. Suddenly streaks of light seemed to branch out from the glowing rocks to form a small ball of multicolored light. The ball seemed to stretch and slowly formed the figure of an older woman, naked except for the flowing, crystal-like hair that reached her feet. Terra could see through her, to the crystal bound wall just behind the woman. He slowly got up, trying not to wake Fienna and walked toward the figure. When he was at the pool, directly opposite the woman, he began to hear multiple pitched hums. They seemed to be coming from the crystals. They slowly formed into a single gentle voice that matched the movements of the woman’s lips.

“I am Tone,” she said.

“You are the one who talked to me before?” Terra asked with his head tilted slightly and a wary look on his face.

“Yes, I talked through the stream last time,” she said.

Terra said nothing; he just stared at her.

“I can control the crystals much better than the water so I believe we can talk with greater ease.”

“What do you want from me?” Terra responded.

“Why do you think I want something?” Tone asked.

“All want something from me, except Fienna,” he answered.

“What I want is what you must provide, for without your help all will die,” she said in a grim voice.

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