The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1) (4 page)

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Authors: Elle Raven,Aimie Jennison

BOOK: The Don: Sebastiano (Stud Mafia #1)
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I straightened my blouse back into place and sat back in my seat. My breasts weren’t even that large, so I didn’t know why he was looking in the first place. My shirt was very modest. I tried to wear conservative clothes because I certainly didn’t need to give him any more reasons or opportunities to try and touch me, even though he tended to find plenty of them.

“Hello, Sierra. I was wondering if you could swing past my office and take a look at my computer. I can’t seem to get my email to work.” He grinned at me. “Would you mind coming in to talk me through it again?” 

I was so fed up with the amount of times this idiot couldn’t get his email to work. It was ridiculous. He really needed to come up with a better excuse for wanting to get closer to me just so he could have my breasts hanging over his shoulder or my arse in his face, all depending on which position he has planned out for me to be standing in at that particular time. If I could have afforded to quit, I’d have given him a piece of my mind. But unfortunately, with Paulie’s latest incident and him not working, we only had my wages to live off. I plastered on a smile and tried not to shudder as I answered him. “Sure, I’ll be right there.” 

“You’re so good to me, Sierra,” he said, walking out the room and back to his office.

I placed the forms on the fax machine and sent them through to the suppliers. If I were to leave it until after I dealt with David’s
email account, I’d most likely forget. I watched as the first page went through and then I left the safety of my office to deal with David’s email.

The minute I walked through his office door, I knew it was my breasts he wanted to look at today or try to touch. He was seated in his chair, directly in front of his computer, making sure he’d rolled as close to his desk as possible. In that position, the only way I could help him was by leaning over his shoulder.
Great. Just freaking fantastic! 

I’d been leaning over him for a good ten minutes trying to get his email to work when I noticed what the tricky bastard had done. 

“Someone has turned the Wi-Fi off on your computer, Mr. Horsell,” I told him. “Here.” I moved and clicked the mouse over the icon and the Wi-Fi was back on. “It should work now.” I quickly moved away from him. 

“I don’t know how that happened, but thanks for fixing it.” He expelled a breath, eyeballing me.

I didn’t even bother responding. I just turned and left, deciding I needed a mega-coffee fix. Caffeine was exactly what I needed to ease my worries away, even if it was only temporary. Come to think of it, I could do with something a hell of a lot stronger than coffee.

While I stood in front of the coffee machine, enjoying the aroma of the freshly-blended beans, I felt something or
press against my backside. That was the first sign he was in the room. He’d entered quietly, closing the doors behind him with the stealth of a secret agent. He began by pushing his groin against my arse and I squirmed, trying to make a getaway, but his hold was just too tight.

interested, David,” I informed him for the umpteenth time.

He didn’t listen, continuing to grind his erection into my backside as he slid his hand up the hem of my black pencil skirt. “I don’t know why you insist on lying, Sierra, I know you wear these lacy G-strings for me.”

This guy was really unbelievable and giving me the shits to top it all off. He was pushing against me so hard I grew scared. I was sick of his constant inappropriate behaviour. I snapped and moved my elbow forward then forcefully backward, shoving the bony part into his chest as I yelled at him, “Get off me, you son of a bitch! I’ve had enough of you!”

He moved his body away from mine instantly, making me wonder if my words had finally gotten through to his pea-sized brain. I quickly turned so he didn’t have the chance to pin me again, but he lunged for me once more.

“I believe the lady said she wasn’t interested,” said a mysterious stranger who pulled David off me, holding him at arm’s length by the scruff of his shirt.

“Unhand me right now!” David bellowed.

“Are you going to leave the lady the fuck alone? Or do you want to also lose the skin on your head and not just the hair?” the stranger threatened.

Who is this guy?

David looked petrified and quickly responded, “Yes.” In fact, David looked like he was about ready to literally pee his pants. I’d probably feel the same as well if I was the one being held back in those sinewy, powerfully-thick arms. He looked exactly like what David had referred to him as, a
. He resembled a fierce warrior, with his shaved head and extra-muscular, ripped body. The man’s biceps alone told me he had more muscles than the eye could see, hiding under his clothes. It was his face, like thunder, which made him look so brutal, especially with his steely-blue eyes and full-tattooed neck, clearly visible above his shirt collar.

David crumpled to the floor as the stranger released him. He quickly stood up, brushing at the creases left by the grip the bulky stranger had left on his shirt.

He dismissed David and turned his attention toward me. “Are you Sierra Winters?”

“Yes, that’s me,” I squeaked. I’d just witnessed this fierce barbarian intimidate my slime-ball boss and now his attention was on me. To make things worse,
he knew my name.

He reached out and grabbed me by the elbow. “Yeah? It’s you, is it? Let’s go then, black beauty. You need to come with me.” 

I tried to shake off his grip on my arm, but his hand wouldn’t budge. “Excuse me, but I don’t know me at all, yet you expect me to just leave with you.”

“Leave? She can’t leave.” David marched over and tried to pry the stranger’s hand off me.
being the operative word. The man grabbed David’s fingers before he could even touch him and snapped them back until I heard a crunch.

“Ahhh…shit…fuck! You broke my fingers, you bastard!”

“You’re lucky that’s all I broke, you piece of shit.” He threw David against the wall, his head slamming hard against it, knocking him out cold. He turned to me. “And you, my beauty, are coming with me. There is someone very important you need to see, and that meeting is going to start very soon. So, get a move on, sweet cheeks,” he spoke as he led me toward the door. 

I dug my heels in, forcing his progression to stop. “A what? Did you say I need to go to a meeting? I have no idea what you are talking about. And who would I be meeting with on such short notice?” There was no way I was going anywhere with this man.

“Sebastiano Morassi.”

He didn’t need to say anymore. I was going. I had actually been praying to have a meeting with that arsehole for days now. I relaxed my body and started for the door, but David started to regain consciousness and had other ideas.

“You are not leaving. Do you hear me, Sierra? This brute will probably rape and murder you as soon as he gets you out of here. That’s what his lot do,” David was ranting as he staggered and followed behind us. 

Once we reached the door, the stranger released my arm, opening it for us to exit the break room. David was still ranting and raving. “You want that, don’t you? You want him to fuck you. You fucking slut!”

Mr. Muscles spun on his heels and slammed his fist smack-bang into David’s already bloody face. David dropped to the floor. The man lowered to a crouch before David, and using David’s shirt, he wiped his knuckles clean of blood. “Never let me hear you speak about a lady like that again. If you do, you’ll have more than just a tooth missing when I’m finished with you,
mi capisci

He stood up and strode past me as he made his way to the exit. Tearing my eyes away from my boss, I quickly followed behind.

Soon, I was going to be face to face with the man who had placed the order for my brother’s pain. For all I knew, this stranger who was taking me to a so-called
could be the guy who followed through with those orders. I shuddered thinking about it.

At least, I would get to speak with Morassi. I was sure I could reason with him and make some sort of a deal.

He couldn’t be that unreasonable, could he?




The muscular stranger led me to an expensive-looking car, which sat running by the curb in front of my office building. Before we got to the door, the driver jumped out and dashed around the car to open it for us.

“Sorry, sir, I wasn’t expecting you to be so quick.”

Ignoring the driver, the stranger turned to me, gesturing for me to enter the car before him. I took a few seconds to ask myself if I was really going to go through with this and decided…y
. I had to do it. I really had no choice in the matter. I needed to have this meeting with Morassi. The driver pulled away from the curb. I watched as he pulled out his phone and put it to his ear.

“Hey, Boss. Yeah, I’ve got her. She’s a looker, too. Actually, she’s just your type: raven-haired, slim and dark, chocolate-brown eyes,” he said as he studied me up and down. “She’s perfect for you. You, ah… might get what you need out of her, if you get my drift. Her fucker of a boss was making a move on her when I got there.”

There was a long pause. I heard indiscernible shouting on the other side of the phone.

“Calm the fuck down! I’m a couple blocks away. What? You’re home already? I’ll be there soon and you can see her for yourself.” He paused. “Look, what you do with her once you get her is up to you. Her life and her brother’s are in your hands now. Once you see her, Boss, I know you’ll want to …”

He paused again.

“What the fuck? I’m doing you a fucking favour, giving you what you want. I’m no saint, but I ain’t doing that in front of a woman… yeah, fine. I’ll go back and finish him off. I’ll meet you at the house. We can talk more then.”

Awful images flashed through my mind, even worse than what could have happened with my arse of a boss today. Firstly, I thought he was taking me to his office, but he said he was meeting him
at the house
Secondly, was he going to go back and kill my boss? I know he was a sleaze but no one deserved to die. The hunky stranger was looking at me so intently it gave me the shivers.

He’d called the other person on the line
. That indicated he was talking to The Don. But I was really worried about what The Don said to him about
. Shit, what if he was going to prostitute me out? What then? I’d heard The Don had private brothels all over town.
Oh, God, what have I done by contacting him? Would I be passed around until I was all used up?
I did not want to become one of those women. My brother was right. Why the hell did I think I could reason with a crime boss?

I wrapped my arms more tightly around my body. The stranger beside me threw his phone down on the seat between us, his gaze raking over me, assessing me like his prey. I’d never felt so sexually exposed before. “I’ve got the feeling you’re going to be a lot more trouble than you’re worth. Your little brother is an ungrateful arse who—”

“My little brother,” I interrupted him, “was trying to protect me, and you and your
hurt him!” I instantly regretted my words when I saw the ferocious anger in his eyes.

“Oh, so you’ve got a bit of spunk, hey? Do you know who I am? Do you?” He pointed to his muscular chest with his hands.

I shook my head from side to side, whispering, “No,” biting my lip and hoping my nervousness didn’t show. Geez, I had to go and answer him back.

Shit. I’m so stupid.

“I’m Riccardo Rossi, The Don’s right-hand man, baby. So don’t speak unless I ask you to. Got it?”

I nodded.

“Fuck me, you’re lucky I didn’t bring my clippers with me or I’d clip you.”

Clippers - what the hell is he on about?
He wanted to
me. How? I didn’t get it. It didn’t matter. I wasn’t brave enough to ask him about it. We pulled up to a large cast-iron, electric gate. The car moved through the gates and continued on to a tree-lined gravel driveway. The house before me was magnificent. The huge, black double doors were adorned with large, circular, silver handles. It was exactly what I pictured a crime boss living in.

The driver opened my door. By the time I was out, Riccardo was beside me, latching onto my elbow. He pulled me through the entrance doors of the house and the most gorgeous-looking foyer. I managed to scan a quick glimpse of the grand staircase before he pulled me to a stop in front of a heavy wooden door.

He knocked and we entered without waiting to be welcomed. The sight we were greeted with made me blink numerous times. I couldn’t believe what was happening before me. Sebastiano Morassi was lounging in his office chair, head thrown back in ecstatic pleasure. One of his hands was wrapped in the naked brunette’s hair as he controlled her bobbing motion while she was greedily sucking on his cock. With his other hand, he was playing and toying with what looked like wooden beads; a necklace, perhaps?

He glanced in our direction, his eyes making direct contact with mine. I’d seen him in magazines before and thought he was mesmerising, and that had only been on paper. But in real life…in the flesh, he was totally hypnotic. That was the only word I could think of which would do him justice.

Oh, God.
I felt my heart thumping in my chest and was suddenly feeling light-headed. I stood there, my mouth agape, staring at the man while he stared back at me. As for the scar on his face, that by all means didn’t make him any less attractive. In fact, it had the opposite effect entirely. He was more rugged, more handsome than any other man I’d ever seen in my life. He had a physical beauty which not even his scar could mar. His imperfection brought the rest of his perfection into starker contrast. I was captivated by his stare.

He was by no means embarrassed at his predicament, not tearing his eyes away from mine. He held my gaze with his black eyes right up until he orgasmed. Oh, God…the sight of his eyes rolling back in his head turned me on, more than I could ever have imagined. The control he held over the girl was what was turning me on the most. I’d never liked being controlled by a man…but this man…this man… Fuck, I’d gladly surrender to him in a second. I was infatuated with him, with his looks, with his power, with the
. Luckily, I wasn’t required to speak because I was rendered completely speechless. Actually, I was pretty much motionless and I felt cemented to the floor, feeling useless in this situation.
The girl continued to suck and lick her way up his cock, letting it fall out of her mouth with a loud pop. She made a show of swallowing and moaned at the taste.

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