The Dom Protects His Puma [Unchained Love 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: The Dom Protects His Puma [Unchained Love 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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All around the circle men said yes, nodded, showed agreement.

“Very well. I’ll speak to Larry and get the process started.”

“What’s your plan to stop the rogue panthers?” asked Frank.

Omar felt everyone’s gaze burning into him.

Chapter Five


Omar was kept behind in the barn for a long time, talking to some members of the pack as they congratulated him and asked him how he intended to deal with various issues. He knew by the time he returned to JB’s—their—house both Ramona and JB would already know his news. But that wasn’t what made him walk slowly. The reason he dawdled was that he wanted to tell them it was time to move ahead with their commitment ceremony.

He was the Dom. The decision was his. And yet it wasn’t. No mating was legal unless all those involved freely agreed to the union.

So although his mind told him simply to let them know he was planning the ceremony and it would be on a certain date, his heart reminded him he had to give both Ramona and JB time to talk about it, too.

He acknowledged he almost never thought of JB as a mere human now. He was a man, a person, a part of Omar’s family, and Omar recognized his valuable contribution to their lives. Ramona was his heart, his love, but JB was special and wanted as well. Not just because Ramona wanted him, but because Omar himself had come to appreciate and accept him. Somehow he’d become an integral part of their family unit.

Omar stopped walking and thought back to when he’d planned his life not so long ago. Get Ramona, get rid of JB, become Alpha of the pack, and get rid of the rogue panthers.

Well, he’d achieved two out of four. He had Ramona and the pack. Three out of four if he considered getting rid of JB as a problem already solved since he was no longer an issue. He was family. Now if he could just defeat the rogue panthers, he’d be a real success.

Shaking his head, Omar walked on to their house, opening the door and stepping through the living area to the kitchen.

“Congratulations on your new role,” said JB, looking up from a pile of papers he was working on.

Omar smiled. “I guessed you’d both know before I got a chance to tell you.”

“Well it was rather a foregone conclusion.”

As Omar sat down, Ramona came over and dropped a kiss on his cheek. “It’s good news though. The pack was floundering, needing better leadership.”

“I know I can pull them back together again, although it’ll mean I’ll be busier with less time to spend at home. That’s why we should—why I would like us to formally commit to each other. As a triad. A permanently bonded unit.”

Omar stared at them. Neither of them appeared surprised. Apparently they’d come to that conclusion, too, although he expected some questions from them.

“Apart from your new role as Alpha of the pack, and the responsibilities that come from it, what else will change?” asked JB.

“Nothing that we don’t mutually agree on. I’d like you both to trust me to direct more of our everyday family life and move into a fuller BDSM lifestyle, but I will hold to your original request not to interfere with your work for the community as a builder.”

“I will continue working, too?”

Omar wasn’t sure whether Ramona was asking a question or making a statement. Knowing her, likely it was a statement, but he chose to treat it as a question anyway. “While there is danger from the rogue panthers I will continue to protect you, whether that’s by having a panther accompany you to work, or when you go for a run if I’m not free to be with you, or by other means. But I will never lock you in your room for days on end as has happened to Leticia.”

“I’d climb out the window,” she replied, grinning at him.

Yeah, she would, too. Gods he loved her. She was so beautiful, so loving, yet smart and strong with it.

Ramona gave him a fierce look. “You swear Javier and I will be equal subs under you as our Dom?”

“I do.”

“In that case I agree,” said Ramona.

“I accept, too,” agreed JB.


* * * *


“Ramona, are you ready for this commitment ceremony to proceed? Will you trust me to be your Dom and your mate?” asked Omar.

There was still a slight thread of uncertainty running though Ramona’s brain, but she knew this was the next step to take. She loved Omar and she loved Javier. Both of them. Living with them these past weeks had only deepened her love for them. Omar had proven himself able to share her, and that had always been her biggest concern. She’d known instinctively that he’d be a fair and considerate Dom, and he was. He constantly pushed her boundaries, getting her to try new sex toys, harsher punishments, but the release was so amazing she loved every moment of her training.

There was such relief in putting him in charge of her pleasure and giving over control of her life to him. It was so freeing. Inside, she was more alive now than she’d been since her mother had died and her original pack had dissolved. Ramona had never thought about it before, but those years of instability and uncertainty had tied her in knots. Knots that Omar was steadily unraveling by taking control of her life. Knots that Javier was smoothing out of her body by his gentle, sensitive, patient, adoring love for her.

As for those tiny wisps of fear, Ramona guessed every bride had moments of worry about the future. Nothing in life was guaranteed after all.

“Yes, Master. I accept you as my Dom and my mate,” she said, bowing her head submissively.

“Thank you, Ramona. Javier, are you ready for this commitment ceremony to proceed? Will you trust me to be your Dom and your mate?” asked Omar.

Omar called him Javier. He usually calls him JB. That’s a new step for him.

“Yes, Master,” said Javier in a firm, strong voice.

“Thank you, Javier. In return, I promise to always love and care for you both, putting your pleasure and needs ahead of my own. The ceremony needs to be conducted outside, under the stars and moon. I’ve prepared the deck out back. Everything we’ll need is out there. Go and get undressed then join me on the deck.”

“What if people walk past and see us?” asked Ramona. Cream was dripping onto her panties with excitement and anticipation, but there was also the worry of someone watching them.

“So what if they do? This is a BDSM community after all. In time we’ll join the events in the barn, where we’ll watch others perform and demonstrate a scene of our own.”

Ramona’s belly clenched, half in fear and half in excitement. People watching her? A lot of people? While they were doing a session? Accepting punishment and pleasure and fucking? Holy shit! The three of them walked into the bedroom and undressed, then she followed the men out to the deck. Omar had indeed prepared it for them. Thick rugs were spread in a pile, with some cushions and pillows as well, and on a side table were Omar’s favorite toys and other things wrapped in a towel.

“First, the handcuffs, so you aren’t tempted to touch anything. Hold your hands out in front of you,” Omar said.

That’s interesting. Cuffed in front, not behind.

“Ramona, you first. JB, you stand over to the left. You may watch.”

Ramona automatically took up the standard position, legs spread shoulder-width apart, head up, eyes down.

“Are you wet, Ramona?”

“Yes, Master.”

“That’s good, very good.”

Ramona watched out of the corners of her eyes as he unwrapped the towel and picked up a strand of translucent blue beads. She’d seen it before, but he’d never used it on her or JB. Obviously it was for insertion, but where? Front or back?

“JB, would you like to feel her? To feel if she truly is wet? If she’s lying, I’ll need to punish her.”

“Yes, Master. Please may I touch Ramona?”

“Press three fingers into her cunt. Now tell me, is she wet, or is she begging to be whipped?”

Every word in Omar’s rich, deep voice was making her wetter. She wouldn’t mind being whipped, but she was so wet it wasn’t going to happen.

Javier’s thick fingers slid into her pussy. She loved his slightly rough, callused hands. Gently, he wiggled his fingers around, teasing against her walls. She’d have liked him to stroke her, but he didn’t.

“She’s very wet, Master,” said Javier, his voice hoarse and needy. With her eyes lowered, Ramona could easily see his cock, which was huge, hard, and standing up against his belly. He was just as ready for action as she was. Maybe Omar would tell Javier to fuck her. Although with their hands cuffed in front, that would be difficult. Mentally she sighed. No, many more things would happen before they fucked.

Omar handed Javier the string of beads. “Push this deep inside her, starting with the smaller balls. Hold on to the end though. Don’t let go of the final ball.”

Now that it was right in front of her, Ramona could tell one end of the string had five smaller balls, and the other end had five larger balls. Javier kneeled in front of her and gently pushed the smallest ball inside her. Eagerly her cunt gripped it, and she loved the feeling as Javier gradually inserted more and more of the balls into her cunt. Finally, all but the last ball was inside her. It felt weird. Not filling like a cock or a dildo but interesting, as the beads seemed to move around independently inside her, even though she was standing still. She knew if she walked around they’d be enormously arousing.

“Well done. Now stand over there. You may continue to watch.” Omar waved Javier to the side, and obediently he moved away then stood as she was, body straight, legs spread shoulder-width apart, head up. But his gaze was glued to her. He had permission to watch, and she knew that would be keeping him aroused.

Omar stood behind her now. He had something in his hand, but she didn’t know what it was. Would he beat her now? She was ready to be beaten. But no, his fingers were prodding her ass, pushing into her rear entry. He smoothed some cool gel inside her, then two fingers twisted and turned in her entryway, loosening her muscles. His other hand dropped between her legs and played with her pussy lips.
She was so aroused cream was dripping from her onto the rug, because her legs were too far apart to catch it.

Then Omar began pulling the beads out of her.
He teased them around, this way and that, but steadily pulled the strand out of her. Now he began pushing it into her ass. Oh! It was more difficult to insert in her ass than it had been to place in her pussy, but slowly and steadily Omar pressed, and it gradually slid into her until her ass muscles grabbed the beads tight and held them. They felt different in her ass, bigger, harder, more arousing than they had in her cunt. Which was amazing, because it was exactly the same toy.

“You like that, don’t you?” Omar’s words were the merest warm breath against her ear.

Ramona shivered with excitement. “Yes, Master,” she whispered.

Omar walked across to the table and pulled something from under the towel. He held it against his far side, so she couldn’t see what it was. From where Javier was standing he wouldn’t be able to see it yet, either. Omar was so good at that, increasing their excitement and anticipation with every move he made. He really was the perfect Dom. Bossy, proud, determined, but always seeing to their pleasure.

Omar stood directly in front of JB then kneeled down. He turned the other man at an angle of forty-five degrees, so Ramona could see what was about to happen. Omar had something shiny and metal in his hands, but Ramona didn’t know what it was until he fed first one testicle then the other through it then clasped it around the base of Javier’s cock. A cock ring. Ramona had never seen one in use before. Omar was still doing something, tightening it, she assumed. JB’s shoulders were rigid, so she knew he was highly aroused.

“Turn around, JB,” ordered Omar.

The builder did so, and Ramona was left to wonder what would happen next. Did Omar simply not want JB watching? But no. Omar walked back to the table, returning with the lube in his hands again. Oh. Was he going to insert some beads in his butt, too?

“Come here, Ramona.”

She walked the few paces across the deck, and the beads in her ass rolled around, knocking against each other and stroking her walls. Instantly, her belly clenched and fire raced through her. She needed to come. Really, really needed to come, right now.

Omar looked at her and nodded then handed her the lube. “Prepare his ass.”

Dammit, he knew how aroused she was yet had chosen to say and do nothing to help her!

Ramona had never thought about it before, but it was actually quite hard to lube someone’s ass with her hands cuffed, even though they were cuffed in front of her. Either her body or one hand always seemed to be in the way. She didn’t want to hurt Javier or make it unpleasant for him so ended up almost tying herself in a tangle of limbs while trying to have her hand and fingers pointing in the right direction. By the time he was stretched and ready, sweat was pouring off her and cream was dripping from her pussy with the movement of the beads in her ass every time she twisted and turned.

“You may look,” Omar told her. She stepped back and to the side, watching as Omar reached between JB’s legs and seemed to clip something. He pulled a curved metal bar backward and up then pushed the egg-shaped metal butt plug attached to it at JB’s entry. The narrow end of the egg broached the opening, and Omar pressed on the toy, which slid inside until the metal bar was pressed tight against JB’s skin.

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