The Devil's Soldier (28 page)

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Authors: Rachel McClellan

BOOK: The Devil's Soldier
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Lucien peered down from the window of Henry's apartment across from the Deific. Eve was sitting on a bench by herself, her hands in her lap, watching people pass as they hurried on their way. Her hair was tied up, and she wore black slacks and a white blouse. A packed suitcase was at her feet. Every once in a while, someone would say hello to her in passing. She would smile and say hello back, but there was something about the smile that looked robotic.

"I'm telling you something is wrong with her," Lucien said. He had come to help Henry remove any signs of the Deific from Henry's apartment. Since Liane knew of its location and was now a registered agent for the DHRD, Henry's place wasn't safe anymore.

"It's just going to take time." Henry placed a thick envelope on top of an already filled box. "Don't you remember last time Eve was turned into Alarica? She shut herself off from the world for
years. She may need to do the same thing again."

"That's why I'm taking her far away from her."

"It might be better if she was alone."

"I won't leave her. Not after all she's been through."

Henry sighed. "I know you're tired of me saying it, but we need you here. The DHRD is hunting Supernaturals who aren't registering. I fear the President is up to something far more sinister than we could ever imagine."

"There will always be someone trying to destroy the fabric of our society. Sometimes you have to just walk away." He continued to watch Eve through a slit in the curtains, hoping to see a spark of emotion on her face.

Suddenly, the picture of Boaz and Eve in bed flashed in his mind. He shook his head and lowered his gaze to the floor. Ever since he had seen them together on the Jumbotron, the disturbing image would randomly appear and cause his heart to lurch. He knew it hadn't been Eve, but Alarica, and he also didn't blame Eve, but that stupid image wouldn't leave him alone.

"We still don't know what happened to Hunwald, either," Henry said. "The wolf should've been at the stadium with Boaz. He's a powerful Supernatural creature. We really should know his whereabouts, and with the Deific crippled as it is, we could really use your help. Even for a week."

"Ask Sable. It would do her some good to see what it feels like fighting for the other side."

"It's too soon for her, too." Henry lifted the box into his arms. "I think that's everything. Can you carry this other one?"

Lucien dropped his gaze from Eve and helped Henry with the last box.

"At least Rick's still around," Henry said as he walked out the door. "He hasn't been frightened off by the DHRD like the others yet."

"They are a powerful agency," Lucien said, following after him. He used magic to close the door behind him. "Growing more powerful every day."

"Even more reason for you to stick around."

"Enough!" Lucien said. "I have to leave. You're going to have to rely on others. Call Liam. He's worked with the Deific in the past, plus I hear he has an Aura that's a skilled fighter. Or check with the other Deific offices. I'm sure you can find help."

"You're right, of course." Henry stepped into the elevator and said nothing else while they descended to the first floor.

Lucien felt the weighted silence. He knew how difficult things were, but he had to leave with Eve. It was imperative for more than just Eve's recovering and their relationship; at least that's what Charlie's last words to him indicated.

The elevator opened. Henry walked to the exit, but stopped before going outside. He turned around. "Truth is, Lucien, I've grown rather fond of you and Eve. I haven't had many friends in my lifetime."

Lucien's expression softened. "We're not going away forever. And this isn't just about Eve's recovery. Charlie said something to me before he died…"


Lucien glanced over his shoulder and through the glass door to where Eve was sitting across the street. She still hadn't moved. "Charlie said, 'No matter what happens, you must bring Eve back. Don't lose her. The whole world depends upon it.' At the time, I thought he was talking about saving her from Alarica, but now I'm not so sure."

Henry followed Lucien's gaze toward Eve. After a moment of silence, he said, "Charlie was never wrong. Take her. Help her heal."

Henry opened the door and walked to a truck parked along the street. He placed the box in his arms into the back. Lucien did the same.

"Is this yours?" Lucien asked, patting the side of the truck. "I didn't think you ever drove."

"Only when I must."

"Do you want to come say goodbye to Eve?"

"I spoke with her this morning," Henry said. He tightened his lips as if he wanted to say more, but instead asked, "Where are you going?"

"Probably South America, a place that holds no memories for her. I'm hoping it will give her a fresh start."

Henry held out his hand. "Stay in touch."

Lucien shook it. "We will."

Lucien waited until Henry was inside his truck before he crossed the street to Eve. He sat down next to her. "Are you ready for an adventure?"

She looked at him and wrinkled her brow. For a fraction of a second, Lucien swore she didn't recognize him.


She smiled quickly, but averted her eyes. "Lucien. Yes, of course. A nice quiet adventure."

He didn't say anything for a minute, just enjoyed her close presence, her shoulder touching his. He hoped this would become a common occurrence between them—always side by side. Maybe his dream of marriage could actually come true, though he wouldn't mention it again to Eve for a very long time.

"The Devil's Soldier," Eve said, startling him from his thoughts.


"That's what Boaz called himself. I always thought it was just a phrase he used, but now I wonder if the devil is a real person. Maybe we're not as safe as we think." She inhaled quickly, her voice growing louder. "Maybe the real fight hasn't even begun. Maybe—"

Lucien took her hand. "It's over. Boaz is gone. If there is a real life devil out there, it's not our battle to fight anymore. You are safe."

She exhaled and rested her head against his shoulder. The fact that she initiated contact gave him hope.

"I'll always be here for you, Eve," he said.

Eve closed her eyes and let out a restful sigh.

Lucien lifted his arm and draped it around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. He didn't know what their future held, or what devils might come their way, but he did know that together they were strongest. For now, they would leave the city, but when the time was right and painful wounds had healed, they would return. There were still battles to be won.



















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