Essen Works, Germany
Eulalia, Infanta of Spain
Evanston National Bank
Ferris, George W. G.
Ferris, Margaret
Ferris Company
Ferris Wheel
in construction
final days of
operation of
romance on
test runs of
Fidelity Mutual Life Association of Philadelphia
Field, Marshall
Field Museum, Chicago
Filene’s building, Boston
Finn, Mickey
Fire Queen,
First National Bank, Chicago
First Presbyterian Church, Chicago
Fitzpatrick, Capt. James
Flatiron Building, New York City
Fogg, Phileas (fict.)
Fort Worth, Texas, Holmes in
Fouse, L. G.
Francis Ferdinand, Archduke
Franke, David
Frazier, A. A.
French, Daniel Chester
Gage, Lyman
Garfield, James A.
Gary, W. E.
General Electric Company
George, Henry
Geraldine, Dion
Geyer, Esther
Geyer, Frank
Geyer, Martha
Gimbel’s department store, New York
Ginty, Flora
Gompers, Samuel
Gordon, Henry “Harry” (pseud.)
Gottlieb, Abraham
Graham, Ernest
Graham, George S.
Graves, Dexter
Great Fire (1871)
Greeman, Milton
Gronau, W. F.
Guiteau, Charles
Hall, Frank Haven
Hall Braille Writer
Hanson, Mary
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Carter Henry
and American Cities Day
and Annie
campaign for reelection of
and Chicago Day
death and funeral of
and Infanta Eulalia
and Midway ball
and Prendergast
on unemployment
and Waif’s Day
Harrison, Preston
Harrison, Sophie
“Hatch” (fict.)
Hawthorne, Julian
Hayden, Sophia
Hayes, A. C. (pseud.)
Hayes, Laura
Hays, D. S.
Hecht, Ben
Hercules Iron Works
Herrick, Robert
Highleyman, J. W.
Higinbotham, Harlow
Hill, Henrietta
Hollingsworth, Adelaide
Holmes, H. H.
arrival in Illinois
book about
building developed by
businesses of
chloroform purchased by
confession of
and Conner family,
Conner, Julia; Conner, Ned; Conner, Pearl
creditors of
death and burial of
and the devil
early years of,
Mudgett, Herman Webster
and Emeline
forgery by
and Georgiana
as Gordon
hotel of,
World’s Fair Hotel
and insurance fraud
memoir of
and missing women
modus operandi of
names used by
pharmacy of
physical appearance and personality of
and Pitezel children
in prison
and Silver Ash Institute
time to leave Chicago
trial of
and Williams sisters,
Williams, Anna; Williams, Minnie R.
wives of
Holmes, Lucy
Holmes, Myrta Z. Belknap
Holton, Mrs. E. S.
Horseshoe Curve
Houdini, Harry
Howard, Annie
Howard, Georgia (pseud.)
Howard, Henry Mansfield (pseud.)
Howe, Mr. and Mrs. G. (pseud.)
Hughes, W. C.
Hull House, Chicago
Humboldt Park, Chicago
Humphrey, B. D.
Humphrey, Cephas
Hunt, Richard M.
Hunt, Robert
If Christ Came to Chicago
Illinois Central Railroad
Illinois Trust and Savings Company
incandescent bulbs
grand jury in
search for children in
Ingalls, John
Iowa State Marching Band
Irvington, Indiana, search for children in
Ismay, J. Bruce
Jackson Park
architects’ visit to
entrances to
as fair site;
see also
World’s Columbian Exposition
permanent structures of
plans for transformation of
soil of
Jack the Ripper
Jefferey, Edward T.
Jenney, William
Johnson, Charlie
Joplin, Scott
Juicy Fruit gum
Kansas City, hotel collapse in
Keeley cure for alcoholism
Keller, Helen
Kelly, Mary
Kiler, Charles
King, John
Kingsbury, Fred
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirk’s Soap
Klausmann, Caroline
Koch, Robert
Kraus (city official)
Krupp, Fritz
Lafayette Collection Agency
Lake Michigan
Latimer, Robert
Laurean, L. G.
Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. M. B.
Lazarus Silverman bank, Chicago
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles
Leopold, Nathan
Lewis, Mrs. H. B.
Lincoln Memorial
Lindau, Paul
Lloyd, Henry Demarest
Loeb, Richard
Lola (South Sea Islander)
Loring & Jenney
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904)
Lovering, Clara A.
Lyman, Benton T. (pseud.)
McAllister, Ward
McArthur Brothers
McCarthy, Joseph
McClaughry, R. W.
McComber, J. B.
McElroy, J. E.
MacHarg, William S.
McKim, Charles
McKim, Mead and White
McKim, Sarah
McLean Asylum, Olmsted in
Magic Kingdom (Disney)
Manila, citywide plans for
Mann, Henry D.
Masonic Temple, Chicago
Masters, Edgar Lee
Maxwell, John
May, Chicago
Maynard, George W.
Mazhar, Farida
Mead, William R.
Medill, Joseph
Merchant & Co.
Middleton, Doc
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Miles, Gen. Nelson A.
Millet, Francis
as director of color
as director of functions
Monroe, Harriet
Montgomery Ward
Moore, Charles
Moore, Fannie
Moorman, Elvet
Morgan, G. F.
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Moses, Phoebe Anne (Annie Oakley)
Mount Wilson Observatory
Moyamensing Prison, Philadelphia
Mudgett, Herman Webster
birth and early years of
insurance frauds of
jobs taken by
name change of
wife of
see also
Holmes, H. H.
Muirhead, James Fullerton
death sentence for
motives for
Murphy, Edward W.
Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago
“My Country ’Tis of Thee”
National Cordage Company
Nebraska Savings Bank
New York Central Railroad
New York City:
architects in
Burnham’s buildings in
Burnham’s travel to
Central Park in
Columbus celebration in
as cultural center
dinner to honor Burnham in
Flatiron Building in
Madison Square Garden in
Metropolitan Opera House in
population of
as proposed fair site
Northern Pacific Railroad
Oakley, Annie
offensive feet, advice to overcome
Oker, John and Lora
Olmsted, Frederick Law
on boats
and Burnham
death of
European trip of
and fair’s closing
and fair’s construction
and fair’s landscaping
and fair’s plans
ill health of
on landscape architecture
in McLean Asylum
personal traits of
reputation of
and site
as supervising architect
Olmsted, John
Olmsted, Mary
Onderdonk, Andrew
O’Rourke, John J.
Otis, Della
Otis, Elisha Graves
Owens, Henry
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
Padereweski, Ignace Jan
Palace of Fine Arts, Chicago
Palmer, Bertha Honore
Palmer, Potter
Pangalos, George
Panic of 1873
Panic of 1893
Panic of 1907
competition with
Eiffel Tower in
Exposition Universelle in
Pasteur, Louis
Patti, Adelina
Peabody, Robert
Peck, Ferdinand W.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Centennial Fair in
grand jury in
Holmes in
Holmes’s trial in
Moyamensing Prison in
population of
Pickett, M. B.
Pinchot, Gifford
Pinkerton National Detective Agency
Pitezel, Alice
Pitezel, Benjamin
and building construction
children of
death of
in Fort Worth
and insurance fraud
at Keeley Institute
names used by
physical appearance of
Pitezel, Carrie Canning
Pitezel, Dessie
Pitezel, Howard
Pitezel, Nellie
Pitezel, Wharton
plate glass, development of
Pledge of Allegiance
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poet’s Life, A
Post, George B.
Postal Telegraph Company
Pound, Ezra
Prendergast, Patrick Eugene Joseph
Pretyman, William
Prospect Park, Brooklyn
psychopath, use of term
Pullman, George
Putnam, Frederick
Quinlan, Patrick
Rain-in-the-Face, Chief
“Rattlesnake” Pete
Reading Railroad
Rice, Col. Edmund
Rice, Luther V.
Richards, David
Riis, Jacob
Ritchel, C. F.
Rodney, Lucille
Roebling, John Augustus
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Charles T.
Root, Dora Monroe
Root, Elihu
Root, John Wellborn
as architect
artistic nature of
birth and early years of
as bon vivant
death of
as fair’s chief architect
health problems of
partnership of Burnham and,
Burnham & Root
soil problem solved by
travel of
wives of
Root, Mary Walker
Ross, Alexander
Russell, Lillian
Ryves, Thomas
Sabbatarian movement
St. Gaudens, Augustus
St. Louis:
bridge over the Mississippi at
Holmes in
as proposed fair site
St. Louis Republic,
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York
S. A. Kean & Co.
San Francisco, citywide plans for
Satt, Hilda
Saturday Afternoon Club
Schnooks, John
Schufeldt, Lt. Mason A.
Schuyler, Montgomery
Scott, William
Shankland, Edward
Sherman (bull)
Sherman, John B.
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Shredded Wheat
Silver Ash Institute
Sinclair, Upton
Sister Carrie
Sitting Bull, Chief
Smythe, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Soldier Field, Chicago
Standing Bear, Chief
Stanley, Henry
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Starrett, Paul
“Star-Spangled Banner, The”
Statue of the Republic (“Big Mary”)
Stead, F. Herbert
Stead, William
Steffens, Lincoln
Stewart, Evelyn
Strowers, Mrs.
suffragist movement
Sullivan, John L.
Sullivan, Louis
and Adler
and Auditorium
autobiography of
competition of Burnham and
ego of
fading career of
Golden Door of
Transportation Building by
and World’s Fair
and Wright
Swango, Michael
Talmadge, Thomas
Taylor, Mrs. D. C.
Tesla, Nikola
Thomas, J. C.
Thomas, Theodore
Thompson, Jennie
children’s bodies found in
grand jury in
Holmes in
Torture Doctor, The
Train, George Francis “Citizen”
Trude, Alfred S.
Tucker, Horace
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Twain, Mark
Ulrich, Rudolf
Union League, Chicago
Union Station, Washington, D.C.
Union Stock Yards, Chicago
Bridge of Sighs of
passenger depot of
stench of
Stone Gate of
tours of
Union Trust Company Bank, Chicago
United German Singing Societies
United Nations, charter of
United States, pride in
University Club, Chicago
Uzanne, Octave
Van Brunt, Henry
Vanderbilt, George Washington
Vaux, Calvert
Veragua, duke of (last living descendent of Columbus)
vertical file, invention of
Villard, Henry
Waldorf-Astoria, New York
Walker, John
Wall Street, panic on
Ward, Aaron Montgomery
Warner Glass Bending Company
Washburne, Hempstead
Washington, D.C.:
citywide plans for
as proposed fair site
Washington Park, Chicago
Wathen, W. H.
Watson, Carrie
Watterson, Henry
Waukesha spring water
Weber, Max
Web of Life, The