The Devil in the White City (57 page)

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Authors: Erik Larson

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“There was a red fluid

“I would ask
: Ibid., 124.

“It was an expression
Philadelphia Public Ledger,
October 31, 1895.

“I saw them at Toronto

“the most dangerous man
: Schechter, 315.

“That he fully intended
: Geyer, 317.

“I am convinced
Philadelphia Inquirer,
April 12, 1896.

“Here I left them
: Ibid.

“It will be understood
: Ibid.

His lawyers turned down
: Franke, 189.

The Wistar Institute
Philadelphia Inquirer,
May 10, 1896.

“The man was something
: Ibid.

“Take your time, old man
Philadelphia Inquirer,
May 8, 1896. The
Philadelphia Public Ledger
of the same date offers a slightly different version: “Don’t be in a hurry, Aleck. Take your time.”

“Holmes’ idea
Philadelphia Inquirer,
May 8, 1896.

Strange things
: I derived this account mainly from news clippings gathered as an appendix in Holmes’s memoir. See Mudgett, after page 256. Schechter offers a nice distillation of these strange events on 333–37.

No stone
: My observations.

In 1997
: Stewart, 70.

Aboard the

“But—I know
: Burnham to Millet, April 12, 1912, Moore Papers, Speech, Article and Book File, Burnham Correspondence, 1848–1927. Box 13, File 1.

Hon. F. D. Millet
: Envelope, April 11, 1912, ibid.

The builder of both ships
: Lynch, 159.

“I think it is nothing serious
: Whyte, 314.

“Frank Millet, whom I loved
: Hines, 359.

As he and his family traveled
: Hines, 360, 433.

Both are buried
: My observations. See also Hucke and Bielski, 13–30.


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