The Deal (3 page)

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Authors: Helen Cooper

BOOK: The Deal
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“Move your hand,” She hissed and wriggled her body trying to get him to move his hand.
Unfortunately all that did was bring his hand in closer to her pussy and she felt his fingers flitter across her clit.


“Okay, I’ll move it.” He whispered into her ear and then he started rubbing her clit softly with his fingers. “I’m glad you wore the red suit.” His fingers easily slipped past the thin material and he buried his fingers in her pussy. He groaned as he felt her wetness on his fingers.


She felt him push her forward slightly and lift the back of her skirt up. All of a sudden she realized the real reason for his request for the blanket.
She stifled a moan as she felt him slip a finger in her and she tried to push down harder on his fingers so she could feel him deeper in her.


“Sit still,” he whispered in her ears and she felt his hand by her ass. Next thing she knew, he lifted her up slightly and brought her back down on his cock. She felt it big and hard between her legs and groaned.


“Everything okay Louise?” David looked back at her in concern.


“Yes, I’m fine thanks.” She smiled at him, trying to keep her face straight as Richard played with her clit while rubbing her pussy back and forth on his hard cock. She wanted to feel him inside of her but she knew that wouldn’t be a good idea in the packed car.
He winked at her as he turned back to drive and she smiled to herself.


“Oh.” Louise couldn’t stop the exclamation from her mouth as she felt Richard slide himself into her. She could feel her wetness on him and his pants.


“Move back and forth.” Richard growled in her ear and put his hands on her hips. “Pretend to dance.”




“Turn this song up David. It’s a favorite of mine.” Richard shouted and David turned up the
song that was playing. Louise started nodded her head and bouncing around to the song and she soon got into a rhythm where she was bouncing up and down on Richard’s cock.


“Who knew you liked to dance so much Louise.” Ben sneered at her and rolled his eyes. “I’m sure Monique will love finding out you had a girl on your lap Richard.”


Louise ignored Ben as she felt herself close to climax.
She bucked her hips back and forth and felt his hardness slipping in and out of her. He was rubbing her clit tenderly as she rode him and as soon as he started rubbing her a little harder, she felt herself coming hard on his lap.


“Don’t stop.” He whispered in her ear and she continued moving on him until she felt his hand still and his legs shaking beneath her. He grabbed her and held her still on his lap and she knew he was coming. She felt his hands go up her top and squeeze her breasts and she could feel herself getting wet again.


“We’re here folks.” David shouted out in joy and pulled into the parking lot. Ben jumped out of the car as soon as they stopped and David and Gemma stood there waiting on them.


“I need to talk to Louise about something for a bit. We’ll meet you on the beach.” Richard spoke
no one
would be able to tell he had just been fucking in the back seat of the car.


“Oh, okay. Well don’t be too long.” David and Gemma walked to the beach behind Ben. Louise slid off of David’s lap and he zipped himself up quickly. He leaned over and kissed her and pulled her top off.


“What are you doing?” She hissed.


“Helping you get ready for the beach.” He grinned and played with her nipples through her bathing suit. “Wow, this suit barely covers anything.”
He bent over and took a nipple in his mouth. “Shit, I want you again.” He groaned as he sucked and she moaned. There was something about this man that made her so horny.


“We have to go now Richard.” She pushed him away and got out of the car. She walked to the beach with a wet pussy and she wondered what the hell she was doing.

Chapter 4


David’s body captivated Louise as they got onto the sand. She had never seen someone with an 8-pack in real life before.
“There you guys are.” David ran up to them. “Did you figure everything out?”


“Yes. For now.” Richard looked at his brother. “Shouldn’t you be with Gemma?”


“Nah, she went in the water with Ben. I figured I would wait on Louise.” He grinned at her and she felt her heart melt. How could he be such a nice guy with the two brothers he had.


“How sweet, thanks David.” She smiled at him and took off her skirt. She blushed as David whistled at her.


“Wow, that is a pretty hot bikini Louise.” He stared at her breasts barely hidden by the material and then looked down at her bare ass. “Guess you didn’t want tan lines huh?”


“Get your chin off of the floor David.” Richard snapped at his brother and took his shirt off. Louise stared at his body mesmerized.
He was so tan and hairy. He reminded her of an ancient Gladiator. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him, something about him pulled at her primal urges.


“Let’s go in the ocean Louise.” David pulled on her arm and she went along with him laughing. She looked back and saw Richard glaring after them. Davi
d and Louise swan out until they were so far out that they could barely see the sand.


“I can’t believe you dated Ben.” David tread water and spoke to her. “He’s such a stick in the mud.”


“I’m not sure how to answer that, “ Louise laughed. “He is your brother after all.”


“So Louise are we going to have that date soon?” David swam up to her and stared into her eyes. She felt nervous and looked away. “Is that a no?” He teased. He put his arms around her and pulled her in close to him.


“I don’t know.” She mumbled. “It might not be smart to work for your brother and to date you.”


“It’ll be fine.” David laughed and she felt his hands on her ass. “I hope you don’t mind. I’ve been wanting to do that since you took your skirt off.”


“Oh.” She stared at him and instinctively she brought her legs around him as his hands kneaded her butt cheeks. She felt his hardness pressed against her in the water.


“Yeah, I wanted to do this as well.” She felt her bikini top pushed to the side and his hands cupping her breasts.


“Oh David. I don’t think this is a good idea.” Louise spoke frantically as she felt her nipples rub against his chest.


“Why not.” He bent his head and kissed her.


She kept her mouth shut and was surprised that his kiss didn’t do much for her. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” She attempted to break away from him but she felt his fingers brushing against her nipples.


“I know you want to fuck Louise. There’s no need to play hard to get.” He laughed and slipped his fingers between her legs. “I’ve never had sex in the ocean before.”


She groaned as he rubbed her clit. “I don’t think this is a good idea David.”


swam back to the sand and tied her top back up. Richard was standing there waiting at the shore and he was frowning. “What went on out there?”


“Nothing.” She snapped at him, infuriated that he would question her.


“I hope you didn’t fuck my brother Louise.” He snarled.


“What’s it to you?” She turned away from him.


I don’t hire sluts as my assistant’s Louise.”


“Whatever. You mean unless they are your slut.”


“David’s not a good guy for you Louise. Trust me.” His voice was low.


“And you are?” She turned around to face him. “Are you a good guy for me Richard?”


He took her hands and brought her to him. “I don’t do love Louise.” His eyes looked pain.


“Who mentioned love?” She turned away from him pained and confused. She just wanted to go home and think. She didn’t understand what she was thinking or feeling. She spent the rest of the time on the beach with her eyes closed pretending to be sleeping and getting a tan.
No one
bothered her until they were ready to go and then Gemma sat on Ben’s lap on the drive back. Richard sat in the front seat and she sat at the back pretending to sleep again.


She jumped out of the car quickly and was about to run into the house when David called after her. “Hey Louise, can I have a quick chat with you.” She looked back at him feeling annoyed inside but waited for him.


“Look I wanted to apologize for earlier. I was out of hand and I wanted to say sorry.” He grinned, his boyish smile again. “I’d love it if you would let me take you out to dinner next week, let me get to know you better.”


She smiled at him reluctantly, not wanting to forgive him but easily succumbing to his baby
. “Okay, we can go next week.” She walked into the house and Richard was waiting for her by the doorway. She sighed as he grabbed her arm.


“Wait a second Louise I need to talk to you.” He growled. David looked at him and rolled his eyes.


“I guess my brother has work stuff to discuss again. I’ll see you later Louise.”


“What do you want now?” Louise’s voice was low and mean.


“I want to amend our deal.” He moved in closer to her.


“How so?” She looked at him with narrowed eyes.


“I want to sleep with you past this weekend.” He stared into her eyes. “I think you would like that too.”


She stared at him in shock, not quite sure she was hearing him correctly. “Let me get this straight, you stopped me so you could tell me you want to continue fucking me?” He pushed her up against the wall and
crushed her breasts against his chest. His fingers played with the hair next to her ear.


“I want to ravish you and make sweet love to you yes. I want to take you on rides so high, you will never want to get off.” He licked down her neck as he slipped his fingers between her legs. Louise’s heart started pounding and she did nothing to stop him. “I want to make you mine in every sense of the word until you are screaming my name in ecstasy.” He slipped a finger into her. “I want you to masturbate to thoughts of me.” He whispered in her ear and Louise closed her eyes. His voice was liquid sensuality and his fingers were bringing her to the brink of another orgasm. “What do you say Louise, will you amend the deal?”


She opened her eyes as she came on his fingers and nodded her head. The doorbell interrupted them and Richard stepped back away from her.


“There you are darling. I’ve been missing you. Didn’t you get my calls?” A tall slinky redhead waltzed through the foyer and headed straight to Richard. She flung her arms around him and gave him a big kiss. She turned to Louise and frowned. “Hello, who are you?”


Louise frowned back at her, heart pounding. “Louise, you?”


The lady laughed, a fake common laugh. “I’m Monique, Richard’s girlfriend.”


Louise stood there frozen, trying to smile. She tried to make eye contact with Richard but he was immediately escorted away by the redhead.


“Excuse us dear, but we have a lot to talk about.” Monique looked back at her haughtily and dragged Richard to the living room.


Louise walked up the stairs slowly and felt a headache coming on and tears in her eyes. She felt well and truly used and she knew all she wanted to do was ha
ve a hot bath and a good cry.

Thank you for reading ‘The Deal’- the second book in ‘The Millionaire’s Games’ series. The final book ‘The Choice’
can be
purchased HERE


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All Books Available By Helen Cooper

A Baby For The Millionaire

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