The Deal (2 page)

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Authors: Helen Cooper

BOOK: The Deal
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“Oh, that’s great. Welcome to the company Louise.” David beamed at her.


Louise tried to keep her cool as she smiled at David. “Thanks, but we still have to work out the details.”


“Well, seeing as you already let Ben know you don’t want to work at the firm with him anymore.” Richard paused and wiggled two fingers in her face. “I think this is the best fit for you. I’m confident you will accept the deal I have ready for you.”


“We’ll see.” She smiled tightly.


“Okay, well awesome.” David jumped up. “I’ll meet you guys in the front in ten minutes. Louise, feel free to wear a skimpy bikini.” He grinned and walked into the house.


Louise waited until he was out of earshot. “How dare you?” Richard’s lips crushing down on hers interrupted her sentence. “You, you can’t kiss me here.” She broke away from him reluctantly. His lips had tasted sweet and her body was already attuned to his.


“Why not?”


“Because I’m here with your brother.” She sputtered.


“Not Ben. I’m sure he wants nothing to do with you. And I hope you aren’t thinking of trying to move on to David. I don’t think you are that much of a slut are you?”


She glared at him annoyed. “I’m not even going to answer that you asshole.”


“Go and put on your swimsuit Louise.” Richard changed the subject and grabbed her hand. “Did you bring one?”




“I have one for you to wear then.” He grinned at her. “Come, let’s go change.”


I am not coming anywhere with you Richard Beekman.” Louise ran back to the house and went to her room and sat on the bed. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do. She wasn’t surprised to see Richard enter her room a few minutes later with 2
in his hand.


“Thanks for knocking,” she spoke to him sarcastically. “It’s nice to have so much privacy in your home.”


“I didn’t want you to miss out on a day at the beach because you are so stubborn.” He dropped the
on the bed next to her. “Come out and have some fun.”


“I don’t want to.” She pouted at him. “You can leave the room now.”


“I don’t want to.” He stood there staring at her. “In fact, I want to do this.” He
sat down on the bed next to her and took her face in his hands and brought it towards him. She could see speckles of green in his eyes and before she could pull away he kissed her. She moaned as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and ran her hands through his hair. He ran his hands up and down her back and she felt his hand slip under her top and to her breast. He cupped her breast and
she arched into him. He pinched her nipples and she moaned into his mouth. Richard pulled back and lifted her top off and stared at her silky bra. He smiled and unclipped her bra and she sat there topless. She reached over and took his
off and stared at his chest. She sighed, he was just soo sexy.
It wasn’t fair. How could she resist him? She didn’t have time to think as he pushed her back on the bed and she felt her breasts crushed against his chest.


“You are one sexy woman Louise.” He growled in her ear before he kissed down her neck. She wrapped her
legs around him and felt his hardness through his jeans. “Oh Louise, what you do to me.” He grinded himself into her as he licked his way to her breasts. “I wish I had some whipped cream.” He looked up at her and grinned as he took her nipple in her mouth and sucked on it. She closed her eyes, caught up in the feelings of
pleasure coursing through her. Sh
e sighed as he released her nipple but felt her heart beating again rapidly as he took her over nipple in his mouth and suckled her.
She felt his hands clasping hers and she inched her pussy closer to his hardness so she could feel him closer to her. Her breathing stilled as Richard kissed down her stomach until he got to her navel. He grinned up at her and was about to push her skirt down when they heard the door open.


“What the fuck?” Ben’s voice was loud and Louise looked up at him in dismay.


“Ben, keep your voice down.” Richard stood up and sighed and passed Louise her shirt. She put it on quickly and remained where she was.


“Keep my voice down? I should scream and shout and let everyone know what is going on in here.” Ben’s voice sounded frantic.
“How dare you sleep with my girlfriend Richard?”


“Is that what bothers you Ben? That I slept with her and you didn’t?” Richard’s voice was low.


“What, how did you know?”
Ben looked upset. “Did you tell him we never slept together Louise?” Ben looked at her in anger.


Louise didn’t answer. She couldn’t believe she was in this nightmare situation.


“You better not think about coming back to the law firm Louise. I had come here today to let you know I had forgiven you for your transgression last night but I see that you had another lapse. I’m afraid that just won’t do.”


“I’m sorry Ben.” Louise’s voice was low. “But we didn’t really have a real relationship.” She paused not wanting to hurt him further.


“Louise, I think you will find what we had preferable to being Richard’s mistress.” Ben looked at her in disgust. “As for you Richard, I expect some extra money in my bank account next month.” And with that Ben walked out of the room.


Richard sighed. “I’m sorry about that Louise. I should have locked the door.”


“Or maybe you shouldn’t have come in here at all.” She glared at him. “I’m not your paid woman. Do I look like Julia Roberts to you?”


He laughed as he surveyed her. “No my dear, you are a lot hotter than Julia Roberts.”


Louise felt a surge of warmth run through her and a thrill of happiness at his words. He thought she was hotter than Julia Roberts. Or at least he pretended he did.


“So Louise, you don’t have to worry that Ben is going to tell anyone about us. I can guarantee that he will not tell a soul.”


She looked at him doubtfully. “I don’t know. I still think I should leave.”


“Louise, I want you to stay for the weekend. I want you to come work for me on Monday. I will pay you $150,000 for the year and give you a company car.” Richard’s voice was serious.


“What would I be doing?” She looked at him incredulously. She had never made anywhere near to $150,000 before.


I need an assistant who is willing to travel with me. I’m going to London next week. I’ll want you to come with me.”


“So I’ll be your personal assistant?”


“Yeah. I need someone I can trust.”


“You don’t know if you can trust me. You barely know me.”


“I know you need this job and I know that you are salivating at the salary. You worked at a top law firm, I’m confident you have the skills I need.”


“I see. You aren’t expecting anything else from this arrangement are you?” She asked him suspiciously. “I’m not a whore you know. You can’t buy me.”


He laughed. “I don’t want you to do anything but your job Louise. In fact, after this weekend you can decide to never sleep with me again.”


“What do you mean after this weekend?” She narrowed her eyes at him.


“Because my dear,” He whispered in her ear. “There are many naughty things I want to do to you this weekend.” He drew her towards him and squeezed her ass.


“Oh.” She looked at him with round eyes.


“Put on one of the bikini’s and wear a skirt.” He ordered.


“Why?” She looked at him curiously.


“You’ll see.” He grinned at her. “We better hurry. David will be wondering where we are.”
  He picked up the red bikini and handed it to her. “I like this one the best.”

” She looked at him questiongly.


“And I’d like you to wear it.” He grinned. “Do we have a deal?”


“Deal about what?”


“The suit and the job.” He stared at her studying her face so intensely that she felt herself blush.


“Yes. I guess so.” She mumbled.


“Good.” And with that he walked out the door.

Chapter 3


Louise groaned as she slipped the bikini on. The top barely covered her nipples and the bottoms were a G-string. Her ass would be hanging out all over the beach.
She pulled on a flowery skirt and a tank top and went down the stairs. She definitely didn’t fit in with the grandeur of the decorations now.


“There you are.” David smiled at her as she came outside. His blond hair shimmered in the sun like gold and his blue eyes sparkled with fun. “I was about to come up and get you.” He reached over and gave her a hug. “I heard about you and Ben and just wanted to make sure you were okay?”


“What?” Her panicked voice was high and she tried to calm herself.


David frowned. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Ben told us you guys broke up. I hope you aren’t hurting.”


Louise looked into his concerned eyes and smiled. “Oh, ok. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” She breathed a sigh of relief and all of a sudden felt light and happy. “It’s for the best.”


“I agree. Now I can take you on a date.” He grinned at her and she felt butterflies in her stomach.


“Let’s go folks.” Ben looked at her coldly and she sighed. While he may have gotten over the relationship quickly, it seemed as if they were not going to be friends anytime soon.


“I’ll drive.” David volunteered and they walked over to a sporty little convertible.


“I want to sit in the front with David.” A blond girl ran to the car laughing. Louise hadn’t noticed her until that moment and she recognized the girl from the night before.


“That’s Gemma.” Richard came up behind her. “Her father owns the mansion next to ours. She has had a crush on David since we were children but he has never looked at her that way.”


“Oh.” Louise studied the girl, who was quite simply beautiful. Louise felt a
jab of jealousy run through her, this girl was everything she wasn’t.


“Louise, you’ll have to sit on my lap.” Richard grinned at her as they got to the car. The convertible was so small that only two people would be able to fit in the backseat.


“Great.” She sighed and looked at Ben who was ignoring them. Richard and Ben got into the car and Louise got in gingerly and sat on Richard’s lap.

“Is everyone comfortable?” David looked back and smiled. “Sorry Louise, I hope you don’t mind sitting on Richard’s lap.”


“I’m okay, thanks.” She beamed back at him.


“Yeah, I’m sure you are.” Ben commented and then coughed. She could have sworn she heard him say the words slut in there as well.


“Just let him be.” Richard whispered in her ear.


“Okay, off we go.” David pulled out of the driveway and sped off down the street.


“Gosh, it’s a little nippy back here. Pass the blanket from the bag please Gemma.” Richard spoke to the girl who was happily chatting to David and took the blanket from her and placed it over Louise’s lap.


Louise squirmed on his lap trying to get a comfortable position and was surprised to feel David’s cock pressed up against her ass as hard as can be. She settled back and enjoyed the ride and barely noticed Richard’
s hand stroking her leg until it creeped up her leg and stopped right at the top of her inner thigh.


“What are you doing?” She turned around and hissed at him.


“What are you talking about?” He smiled sweetly at her and placed his hand flat on her pussy.

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