The Culmination (22 page)

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Authors: Lauren Rowe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Contemporary, #fifty shades of grey, #series, #Romance, #trilogy, #erotic

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I nod again, but I move my hands to his pants again.

He grips my wrists. “

I nod.

“You’re gonna behave and let me
to you.”

I nod.

He releases my hands and I immediately reach for his face. “You’re so beautiful, Jonas.”

He pulls my hands off him again. He’s never touched me so roughly before. It’s turning me on. “Stop it, Sarah. This isn’t funny.”

But I won’t stop. All I want to do is touch, touch, touch him. I reach for his face again.

“Jesus Fucking Christ.” He rips my hands off his face and marches into the bathroom, returning a moment later with a waist-tie from one of the white fluffy bathrobes hanging by the bathroom door. He grabs me by the waist and throws me onto the bed with a loud grunt, making me squeal, and before I can say or do a damned thing, he pulls my hands over my head and ties my wrists to the headboard. “You’re gonna
to me, goddammit.”

My body is exploding with desire at the sensation of Jonas straddling me and tying me up. Oh, wow, I’m warping and fluttering from deep, deep inside. “Oh, Jonas,” I say, straining against the ties on my wrists. I moan and buck underneath Jonas’ hulking body on top of me and, out of nowhere, an orgasm slams into me. I close my eyes and moan loudly ’til the outrageous pleasure in my panties subsides, and when I open my eyes, his smoldering blue eyes are fixed on my face in shock.

“I just had a little orgasm,” I say, grinning. “Delicious.”

His breathing hitches. And just like that, I feel his hard-on awaken on top of me.

I raise my pelvis into the hard bulge behind his jeans. “Be mad at me tomorrow, baby. Don’t waste what I’m feeling right now. It’s too good. Fuck me now, before this stuff wears off. Come on.” I grind my pelvis into him, my wrists straining against their bindings again.

He’s got that Jonas is a Great White Shark look in his eyes and there’s no doubt in my mind he wants to fuck my brains out. Clearly, he’s pissed at me. Very, very pissed. But he’s also totally turned on.

“Do it, Jonas. Whatever you’re thinking right now.
Do it
.” I strain against the ties around my wrists again and gyrate on the bed.

He exhales and closes his eyes. “Fuck.” He leaps off the bed and grabs his laptop. After a few seconds, “Psycho” by Muse begins blaring in the room.

“That’s it,” I coax. “Let your crazy out, baby.” I writhe on the bed.

He rips his shirt off and throws it onto the floor. “He called you OAP, Sarah. In front of the whole fucking world.” His voice is as intense as I’ve ever heard it—and that’s saying a lot. “What the fuck did you tell him?”

I bite my lip. Holy Jealous Husband, Batman. That look on Jonas’ face right now is so effing hot, so freaking primal, all I want to do is unbutton his pants and take his hard-on into my mouth. I shake my head, trying to order my thoughts. “I told him I’m a spin-rapper. And that my name should be OAP Cruz.”

“That’s it?”

I nod.

“I saw the way he was looking at you from across the balcony, Sarah.”

He unbuttons his jeans and his hard-on springs out, its tip already glistening with wetness.

“Jonas, I’m fluttering at the sight of you. I’m so
right now. Baby, please.”

He removes his jeans and briefs. Oh good lord, he’s naked and glorious. His muscles are rippling. His dick is as hard as a rock.

But he doesn’t straddle me again. He just stands over me, naked, letting me whimper for him.

“I knew he was gonna walk across the room and sit down next to you. I
it. You were like a fucking flame to that motherfucking moth. I kept thinking, ‘What would a normal guy do right now?’ Well, hmm, he’d probably stand here, drinking his beer, acting like it was no big deal that some douchebag hip-hop-star just walked across the room to hit on his wife.” He unbuttons my jeans and yanks them down roughly over my hips.

I lift my pelvis to help him get them off. “Jonas,” I breathe. “I’m so turned on.”

He yanks my G-string off. “But guess what? It turns out I’m not actually a normal guy.” He looks like a lunatic right now. He slips a finger inside me and then brings it to his mouth.

I shudder.

His voice is low. “I wanted to fucking
him when he sat down next to you.” He crawls on top of me and rips open my shirt, popping several buttons. “I wanted to fucking
him when he ordered you a drink.”

“Oh God, baby, I’m so turned on.”

He grits his teeth as he reaches behind my back and unclasps my bra. “And I especially wanted to kill him when he looked at you like he wanted to


He lifts my bra off my breasts, but he can’t take it completely off due to my bound arms. “But I told myself, ‘It’s okay. Sarah isn’t encouraging him
Not My Magnificent Sarah. No fucking way. She’s just being her gorgeous, funny, flirty self. But she’s not actually

I’m moaning with my desire. I can’t help myself. Everything about this moment is turning me on.

He clenches his jaw again. “
And then that motherfucker called you OAP.”

My stomach drops into my toes even as my clit flutters in my panties.

The rage on his face is morphing into pain right before my eyes. “You told him something sacred, something that’s just for you and me.”

I exhale, panic suddenly flooding me. “We were picking my rapper name—because I’m a world-class spin-rapper.” I pause. That sounds even lamer than when I first said it to Will. “So I told him, hey, I have a tattoo that says ‘OAP’ and all I need is another one that says ‘Cruz,’ and then I’ll be, you know, totes gangsta.”

“You told him about your tattoo?”

Oh shit.

He looks even angrier than he did before I started talking.

He exhales a shaky breath. “That’s everything you told him? That you have an ‘OAP’ tattoo and ‘OAP Cruz’ should be your rapper name?”

“That’s it, baby,” I say. Whew. He actually seems to be calming down a smidge. “Now fuck me. I’m dripping, I’m so goddamned wet.”

He takes a long, shaky breath. “Just ‘OAP Cruz’? That’s all you said to him?”

“That’s all I said.
I’m so turned on.”

He slips his fingers inside me again and I shriek. “You didn’t tell him what OAP stands for?”

I stiffen.

” he booms. He leaps off me and lurches across the room, grabbing at his hair. “You told him that, too?”

I wince.

The Muse song is reaching a fever pitch. Jonas’ movement around the room is tortured and jagged. I feel like I’m watching a “Psycho” pop opera unfold before me, starring Jonas. And it’s turning me the fuck on.

“I’m sorry, Jonas. It just slipped out.”

“‘Orgasma the All-Powerful’ just
slipped out

“Because I was bragging about how amazing you are, what you’ve done for me, how you’ve unlocked me, and—”

?” he screams, his face exploding with a whole new level of rage I didn’t know existed. “You told him
you’re Orgasma the All-Powerful?”

Oh fuck. There’s a long beat. Oopsies. Why do I get the feeling I’m holding a giant shovel right now?

“You told that motherfucker the whole fucking backstory—the whole story of how I conquered my little Mount Everest?”

I exhale loudly and wince again. “Yeah.”

Well, that does it. He’s gone. So enraged, he’s convulsing. He springs around the room, pacing, his feet not even touching the floor. Maybe I’m just high, but it certainly seems like he’s
climbing the walls. “Why the
would you even
to tell another man about that?” His voice is ragged with emotion. His chest is heaving like he’s just run a freaking marathon. “Why the
would you do that?”

I don’t reply. I’m not sure how to explain how one thing led to another in my conversation with Will—but I’m positive it wasn’t nearly as bad as Jonas is imagining it. And Will promised not to tell anyone, after all. And I’m certain I repeatedly told Will how much I love my beautiful husband. Of course, I did. I know I did, because that’s all I ever think about. Because it’s the truth.

He squints. “Were you trying to get him off? Is that it?”

Oh, shit. He looks like an axe murderer. “No. Of course, not.”

He climbs back onto the bed, straddles me, and grabs my face roughly. His dick is spearing me—his wet tip is poking me in the belly and dripping its sticky fluid onto me. I’m out of my mind with arousal. “The way I’ve shown you what your body can do, when no other man could do it before me, the way I’ve
you and brought you to the light outside the cave, literally and figuratively, the way I’ve eaten you, licked you, tasted you, the way I literally
the taste of you, the way your eyes roll back into your head when you make The Sound, that’s all for me, and no one else.
No one else

My crotch is clanging wildly like someone’s hitting it with a freaking sledgehammer. Oh, God, my sweet Jonas is kinda scary right now. And I

“You’re my redemption. My religion. My
. I’m not gonna share you with another man.
Not even in his fucking fantasies

Oh my god, my clit is throbbing mercilessly. “Jonas, please. I’m your devoted wife. I’ve just got a big ol’ blabbermouth—but having a blabber
doesn’t mean I’ve got a blabber-
. My heart is all yours.”

He slides his fingers inside me—or is that his entire fist?—and I moan loudly. “You’re not allowed to utter the word ‘orgasm’ in the presence of another man, ever again. You understand?
Never again.

His fingers, or fist, or his entire arm, leg, head, whatever the hell he’s shoving into me down there, is giving me intense pleasure. Oh, God, it’s almost unbearable. I nod, gasping for air.

“I’m the only man who’s seen the look on your face when you climax.” He grits his teeth. “I’m the only one who’s ever heard The Sound. Those things are for
and only
Forever. Because I gave Orgasma the All-Powerful life.”

I try to nod again, but I can’t. I cry out as an orgasm from deep inside me overtakes me for what seems like a very long time. I’m leaping out of my skin with pleasure. “Oh my God,” I gasp. “

“You were stranded in the dark and I brought you to the light.” His fingers find my clit and I cry out. “It was
who delivered you unto pure ecstasy for the first time—and I didn’t need some fucking pill to do it.” He bears his teeth.

I let out a tortured sound as another orgasm wracks through me.

“I’m your fucking god, do you understand me? I’m the one who made you. I
you. And I did it with nothing but my bare hands—my body and my soul—not some fucking
” He practically spits at the ground. “Motherfucker. I ought to fucking
him.” A shadow crosses his face, and I’m suddenly not sure if that’s a figure of speech or not.

I nod profusely. But then I shake my head emphatically. No killing. Killing bad. Oh my God.
Fingers good. Fucking good.

“You gave that motherfucker a piece of yourself tonight, Sarah—you might have thought it was a small piece, a piece you could spare—but it wasn’t yours to give


“It was mine, Sarah.
And now I’m taking it the fuck back.

He’s scaring me just a little bit, to be perfectly honest. I pull on my wrists, aching to touch him, to soothe him, but my bindings are too tight. His fingers are working me roughly. I’m whimpering with my pleasure.

“Tonight, I’m your god, Sarah. And, trust me, I’m not a merciful god.” His eyes blaze. “
I’m a fucking vengeful one

My entire body stiffens and then begins convulsing so hard, I feel like my bound arms are going to pull out of their sockets. Oh God, I feel like someone’s twisting a machete inside me. And yet it feels so fucking good.

Jonas begins massaging my G-spot and clit at the same time. He’s done this before, of course, but it’s never felt quite this good. This is outrageous. I’m delirious. This feels like pain. I want to pull back, to take a break. My body can’t continue this way—this pleasure is too intense. I need to stop. “I can’t,” I cry.

But Jonas gives me no relief. After a few minutes, he crawls between my legs and adds his tongue and teeth to the already-sublime mix of sensations he’s creating for me—holy shit, he’s never eaten me out like this before. He’s not doing this for me, he’s eating me like he’s quite literally starving—and it feels so fucking good, I begin to whimper. Almost instantly, a strange pressure overtakes me, like nothing I’ve felt before.

“I’m gonna pee,” I say. “Stop, Jonas. Oh God, I’m gonna pee.” My entire body is convulsing. Oh God, something’s wrong. He’s pushing me too far. I’m going to lose control of my bladder and piss all over his face. “I have to stop,” I whimper.

His entire face lights up. “Push through it, baby. Let it go.” His excitement is palpable as he continues devouring me like a demon. “Push out as hard as you can.”

I shake my head and clench, afraid to let go of my bladder.

“Baby, push out, don’t suck in. This is it. You’re gonna ejaculate.”


“Oh my God, baby, yes. You’re gonna squirt. Let it go.” His voice is straining. “Let it go and I’ll lick it up. Do it now. Don’t think. Do as I say.”

I shake my head. Hell no.

“Close your eyes and push out as hard as you can. Right fucking now.”

I shake my head and continue holding on. “I can’t,” I gasp.

He ignores me and keeps up the stimulation with renewed vigor. But I’m fighting him. There’s no way I’m gonna let myself pee all over his face, or whatever else he thinks I’m gonna do, no matter how high I am. No freaking way. I clench with all my might.

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