The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) (26 page)

BOOK: The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)
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The West Texas sky was bluer than blue with white fluffy clouds floating like cotton candy on the breeze.

Tori sat back ready to enjoy the flight. Flying with Tyler had been one of her favorite activities when she'd been younger. "Hey, Ty. Thanks for taking us to Dallas to see Raenell and Joe. When they invited Sam and me for the weekend, I wasn't looking forward to the long drive. I can't be gone too long from the clinic, although it's nice to have Shelly settled over in Stone Creek. She can take up the slack, but even still, I shouldn't be gone more than a couple of days."

"Glad to do it, sis. Just sit back and relax. Caitlyn and I are going to enjoy a little R&R over the weekend, too. It's worked out great for all of us."

Sam took hold of Tori's hand and squeezed. "I'll be glad to have you all to myself for part of the weekend, at least."

Tyler laughed. "I bet you will, Garza. I just bet you will." Tori noticed a look pass between her brother and his wife, but shrugged it off. Tyler was always up to something. She'd given up trying to figure him out a long time ago.

"Anyway, it'll be good to see Raenell and Joe again," she said. "Raenell told me they had something to celebrate and insisted that Sam and I come for the weekend. I think she might finally be pregnant and wants to share the news with us in person. Ever since she married Joe, her dearest wish has been to have a little Salinas bambino."

"I wouldn't mind having a little Garza bambino myself." Sam leaned over and kissed Tori so hard, her toes curled inside her shoes.

"Me, too," she said, when Sam pulled back from the kiss. "And I promise to get with the program and plan our wedding as soon as we get back to Salt Fork."

Tyler snickered up front, turning it into a cough when Caitlyn shot him a fierce look. He was definitely up to something all right. A glance at Sam confirmed it. His dark brown eyes glimmered with secrets. A frisson of excitement shimmied down Tori's spine.

"Okay, what are y'all up to?" she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

Caitlyn smiled over her shoulder. "Don't mind them. They have some sort of conspiracy going on. I couldn't get anything out of Tyler, so I think we should sit back and take a wait-and-see attitude."

"Wait-and-see, huh?" Tori narrowed her eyes at Sam.

He reached out a hand and flicked her gently on the nose. "Don't worry, babe. You're going to like it. Someday, you'll even thank me for it."

"I will, will I?" Sam's touch made her stomach dip in that familiar yet still exciting way.

He put his arm around her shoulder and held her close. "I promise."


This is your captain speaking
." Tyler deliberately lowered his voice for the announcement, and it resounded over the headsets. "We're approaching the Dallas-Metro area and will start making our descent shortly. Estimated time of arrival, approximately seven minutes. Please bring your seats and trays to an upright position."

"Cut it out, Ty!" Tori said on a groan. "That joke is getting old fast."

"Ouch! Cut to the quick by my baby sister. I'm hurt, Tori. Hurt, I say."

"Yeah, yeah. Like I believe that. Give it a rest."

Caitlyn laughed. "How about both of y'all giving it a rest."

"Okay. All right," Tyler said. "No one appreciates me or my humor."

"I do, big guy." Caitlyn leaned over and kissed his cheek. "
appreciate every aspect of your delightful personality."

Before she could move away, Tyler hooked his hand behind Caitlyn's neck and pulled her close for a quick kiss. "Thanks, honey. I love you, too."

Tori smiled at the intimate banter going on between her brother and his new wife. She glanced at Sam and he winked. She'd be glad when they could finally get married and enjoy similar banter. For so long, their relationship had been kept under wraps. They'd both had to guard how they spoke to one another, how they looked at each other. Coming clean with family and friends had made things better, yet it still wasn't enough.

Tori gazed out the window at the landscape moving beneath them down below. She couldn't believe she was actually going to be spending the whole lazy weekend with Sam with no possibility of interruptions from anyone who needed her medical services. They wouldn't be alone during the daylight hours, but they'd have the entire nights together. No dragging herself from Sam's bed to return to sleep at the clinic. It sounded like heaven. Her body hummed with anticipation.

Once they landed at the small airport just outside Dallas, they disembarked and headed toward the terminal. Tyler held the door open for Caitlyn, Tori and Sam to pass through.

" Raenell and Joe stood in the center of the small terminal with balloons and tootie horns.

Tori stopped short and stared. "What are y'all doing here? I thought Sam and I were supposed to be going to your house."

Raenell hurried over to hug her. "You don't
?" She looked at Sam and Tyler and Caitlyn. "You managed to keep it secret all this time? You are one sneaky hombre, Sam Garza."

"I couldn't have done it without Tyler and Caitlyn. And you and Joe. How're you doing, buddy?" Sam shook Joe's hand and made the introductions.

Tori stood with arms folded across her chest, feeling bewildered and undecided about this obvious surprise rendezvous. "Would someone care to explain what's going on?"

Sam glanced at the time. "Say goodbye to your brother and Caitlyn. We have another plane to catch."

"Another plane to catch? Look, mister! I'm not moving another inch until someone explains to me what's happening here."

Sam looked around the circle of friends and family. "Give us a minute, will you?"

Raenell stepped forward. "No, we will not." She took Tori's hands in hers. "Sam's kidnapping you. Isn't that romantic? And we're all helping you to elope. So just say thank you, and let's get moving before we miss our flight."

Joe laughed as he took his wife by the elbow to lead her away. "Sam chartered a private jet, sweetheart. It won't leave without him."

Raenell swatted his arm. "Oh, you know what I mean."

As the two couples moved away to give them a bit of privacy, Sam saw amazement then consternation pass across Tori's delicate features.

"You're kidnapping me?" she said, narrowing those blue eyes at him. "That's kind of Neanderthalic, don't you think?"

Ignoring the crowd of people hustling back and forth across the terminal, Sam took Tori in his arms. "I'd say it's more like an act of desperation. I want you so much, and I've waited for so long. Your schedule might never let up, and I'm okay with that. I'm
okay about keeping our relationship on hold for an indeterminate time."

He lifted one of her hands and held it close to his heart. "Marry me, Tori. Marry me today. I've booked rooms at a little bed and breakfast overlooking Lake Tahoe. The ceremony will be conducted in their chapel. Joe and Raenell have agreed to stand up with us, like we did for them when they got married. I know it's not a fancy church wedding, but your mom has promised to throw the biggest reception anyone in Salt Fork has ever seen."

Tori glanced across the terminal at her brother who smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "It seems you've gone to a lot of trouble on my behalf."

"No trouble, babe. I just want to officially begin our life together sooner rather than later. I love you so much, Tori. I want you to be my wife."

Sam Garza's wife.
She'd been hesitant for so long; the reasons seemed foolish and didn't really matter anymore. What was past was past. She was ready now.

Tori's smile nearly blindsided Sam with its intensity. "Oh, Sam. I love you, too. And I would be honored to be your wife. Thank you for planning this. Raenell's right. It
romantic." She kissed him, then grabbed his hand and pulled him toward their group of friends who were waiting near the check-in counter.

When she reached her brother, she punched him good-naturedly. "So why aren't you and Caitlyn coming with us to Lake Tahoe?"

Tyler rubbed his shoulder and gave a theatrical shudder. "Are you joking me? Caitlyn and I are going to be in enough hot water aiding and abetting your runaway marriage. Can you imagine Dallas, Cameron and Austin ever letting us live it down if we attended the wedding, and they didn't?" He gave Tori a big bear hug. "Congratulations, sis. I hope you're as happy with Sam as I am with Caitlyn."

"Aw, how sweet." Caitlyn clasped the crook of her husband's elbow and leaned against him. "Have fun, Tori. You too, Sam. I wish you both much happiness and joy."

Tyler shook Sam's hand. "You better treat her like a princess, Garza. If you don't, you'll have me to answer to."

Sam smiled and put his arm around Tori's shoulders. "Don't worry; I'll treat her right. Thanks for giving us a lift, man. We'll be back before you know it."

Raenell stepped forward and waved her arms in the air. "For God's sakes, people! Let's get a move on. Sam wants to marry Tori today, not tomorrow, not next week. Move it! Move it!"

Caitlyn smiled and kissed Tori's cheek. "Your friend sounds a lot like Kelsey."

Tyler made a face, his eyes bugging out, his jaw dropping open. "Oh dear God! Talk about someone who's going to be angry when she finds out she wasn't in on the secret."

"That's why they call it a secret," Caitlyn said. "Not everyone gets to know the details. Anyway, Kelsey can help your mom plan the reception. That's right up her alley. And now she has her twin cousins to help her. She'll be in organizational mode for weeks."

Raenell harrumphed. "If nobody organized things, nothing would get done. Now, are we going to Lake Tahoe today or aren't we?"

Sam took Tori's hand in his and kissed her fingers. "Come on, babe. What do you say? Are you ready to get married and start our new life together?"

Tori stood on tiptoe and kissed him hard on the mouth. How had she gotten so lucky to love and be loved by such a man? "I'm ready, Sam. I'm
than ready to start our life together."

He held her by the shoulders and stared into her eyes, searching her core, her soul. He smiled that smile Tori loved so well. "Lead the way, babe. Lead the way."



"Daddy! Daddy! Kelsey wants you to come cut the ribbon with Mommy." Four-year old Mary Garza took her father's hand and tugged him toward the front door of the new annex of the Salt Fork Animal Clinic located on the Diamondback Ranch.

All eyes turned Sam's way as he scooped his daughter in his arms and carried her to where her mother and the crowd of people were gathered for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Kelsey's idea, of course. After the construction had been completed on the clinic, Kelsey had insisted they christen it as befitted any new structure built on the sixty-four hundred acre Diamondback Ranch. It had become a family tradition to officially christen all new houses and barns and now the animal clinic built on McCade land.

A couple of years ago, Sam had built Tori's dream house right in the spot on her portion of the ranch that she'd planned since she'd been a kid. The two-story house, sided in native stone and trimmed in cedar, stood in a small valley with a majestic view of the Double Mountains.

The Veterinary Annex had been built a quarter of a mile down the dirt road from their house, situated closer to the pavement, convenient to patients and clientele. And Tori, of course.

"Hurry up, Sam! We can't start without you." Kelsey motioned for him to join the gathering.

"I'm coming, Kels." Sam smiled and shook his head. His niece by marriage had always been a bossy little thing. Now in her first year of college, Kelsey was growing into a beautiful young woman. He was sure the boys at Texas Tech were standing up and taking notice. Sam didn't envy Austin McCade one bit in regards to Kelsey and dating. He knew he'd be in the same boat with his own sweet Mary sooner than he cared to think about.

When he finally reached the front porch, Sam held Mary in his arms and stood beside Tori, glad to share this auspicious occasion with his lovely wife. Every single day, he thanked his lucky stars she was part of his life.

Mary patted her daddy's cheek and smiled a radiant smile. Sam hugged his little girl, his chest tightening with a joy so fierce he ached with it.

Standing in front of the crowd, Sam looked out at all the friends and family. He felt a strong sense of contentment and belonging. He'd moved to Salt Fork not only to be near Tori during those years she'd been in school; he'd come seeking peace with the world and himself. He'd felt lost, but not for long. The people of Salt Fork had taken him to their hearts and he'd found his footing, his place in the community.

Damn! If he didn't watch out, he'd be sniveling and embarrassing himself in front of all these good people. And they were good people. Especially the McCade family. He'd always had a soft spot for Ruth. Look how she'd taken in her sister's girls and given them such a good home.

Molly and Maddie stood in the front row, each with a boyfriend in tow. The twins had gone through all the boys in Salt Fork and the surrounding towns during their junior and senior years of high school. Now, they were both on full scholarships at Texas Tech proving there were brains behind their beauty. Sam would bet the twins were probably giving all those young men in Lubbock a run for their money. They were also probably teaching Kelsey a thing or two. The three cousins were extremely close.

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