The Convenient Wedding: a contemporary romance (The Rosa Legacy Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: The Convenient Wedding: a contemporary romance (The Rosa Legacy Book 3)
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She could no longer resist the urge to touch his flesh so she reached out and ran her hands lightly down the sides of his chest and then easily glided them over his flat stomach.

In one fluid movement, Anderson released his hands from behind his head and captured shoulders. He tugged her forward so she fell on top of him then turned her over so he was on top of her. The heat from their bare skin threatened to ignite them both.

“I’ve waited forever for this moment, bella.” He told her. Before she could respond, he tugged at the sheet between them and lowered his mouth to capture hers.


Lucia lay in the darkness listening to Anderson’s even breathing and reflected on their night together. His desire with her had been at the surface as he pushed her to the limits of her sexuality. She acknowledged to herself that while she immensely enjoyed their night together in a physical sense, she felt empty once it was over and he turned away from her.

Replaying all the details in head, she realized that Anderson had not said anything throughout their lovemaking. Even though she experienced intimacy on a physical level with him, she was waiting for words of forgiveness or his acknowledgement that she meant something to him.

Lucia got up so as not to wake him and after finding her robe on the floor, she went into the bathroom closing the door silently behind her and started the shower. She felt tainted by his quiet dominance and wanted to wash all traces of him from her body. She stepped into the shower, and hot water rushed over her body revitalizing her and after a few minutes she took a bar of soap and thoroughly lathered then rinsed herself.

Without preamble, castigating thoughts started invading her mind and she realized that she shouldn’t have trusted him. And the realization that she seduced him just added to her shame. Her mind came to grips with the fact that she had given her body and soul to a man that didn’t feel anything for her, tears rushed down her face and her body pulled into a tight core as she let the quiet sobs escape from deep inside. Lucia hadn’t known how upset she really was until her body finally calmed down. Almost as if she was observing someone else the thought struck her that she had never experienced loss as deep as this. She tried to calmly assure herself that nothing had changed, she was his wife with a role to play but somehow her feelings were betraying her. The water soothed away the tears and with a new purpose, Lucia got out of the shower and dried herself then she silently made up a bed on the couch and settled into a dreamless sleep.

When Anderson awoke her in the early hours of the morning, it took Lucia a moment to get her bearings as the night before washed over her. He was already dressed in a suit and tie and had brought her a cup of coffee.

“We should talk about last night.” Anderson said.

Horrified that she was about to listen to him explain how it shouldn’t have happened, she blurted out “No. I’d rather not.”

“Lucia, it is important that we clear the air.” He was sitting calmly beside her in the adjoining chair and Lucia had the distinct impression that she was his first appointment of the day.

Lucia pulled back the coverlet and sat up while saying, “We should just forget last night happened.”

She expected to see relief wash over his face but instead he seemed angry. His eyes narrowed and pierced hers with his intensity, his voice became raw silk as he said, “Really, why is that?”

“Because it was a mistake.” Lucia said.

She took a sip of the hot coffee that he brought her.

“Lucia, I think…”

“Please. I don’t want to talk about, it would be better if we just pretend it never happened.”

For a moment, he hesitated then he said, “As you wish.” before heading off to start his day.

Chapter 10


Lucia came down the stairs, dressed in her new uniform for success, a light blue button down shirt and a black skirt with pale stockings and black three inch heels.

Her staff began arriving and as she ushered them into the dining room. She caught sight of Anderson in the kitchen finishing breakfast. He silently gave her a look that asked what was happening and she called out, “I decided to have my staff meet with me here before going down to the campaign headquarters.”

“Fine,” was the only comment Anderson offered and after a polite greeting to Lisa and Mealy, Anderson left the loft leaving her feeling strangely rejected. She thought Anderson would ask to speak with her privately but he seemed rather remote.

After Will arrived, Lucia poured everyone coffee and handed out a document outlining their campaign strategy. She let them know that she spoke with Anderson’s team the night before and that she planned to see Arthur that afternoon.

After reviewing her schedule and upcoming events, Lucia outlined what the people on the front lines should know when setting up events for her and she gave Lisa a template that should be completed for each event. She wanted background information, biographies of the people she would meet and a description of the overall event including venue, number of people attending and time frames. The information then would be assembled each day into a packet that she would be able to review before the event.

After listening intently to her ideas, Lisa said “You expect a lot of written information; I don’t know if they will have the time to put all of this together.”

“What I am asking for already exists in their heads, what I am asking is that the knowledge is put down on paper so I can benefit from it. If I am walking in cold to an event and seem lost or out of touch then we will not get the maximum results from that event.”

“Yes, but getting people to change is not always easy.” Will said.

Lucia rose to her feet and said, “Listen, we have three months left to win this election. Instead of worrying about their reaction, you need to go and energize them so I will get what I need to campaign effectively.”

They all agreed immediately and began gathering their belongings to head the few blocks to the campaign headquarters. In the elevator, Lucia said to Lisa “Can you arrange for me to have a few more sessions with Anderson’s voice coach?”

If her team was surprised then they carefully hide their reaction, Lucia noted. She walked into the campaign headquarters, she reminded herself that at some point in a crisis you need to decide whether you will sink or swim and from somewhere deep inside, she knew that she needed to swim.

After checking in with Anderson’s coordinator, Lucia went downstairs to the main lobby and for the first time entered the security office located behind the reception area. She was surprised by all of the monitors flashing images of practically every nook and cranny of the building including the loading docks, elevators and door ways. She spotted Anderson leaving the campaign headquarters with Brian and other members of his team.

She spoke directly with the security manager, an older man named Mike Johnson, and briefed him on the changes to her schedule. She began to realize that she was making his job more difficult and needed to include his input in the events.

At first he was rather abrasive and even suggested that she have Anderson’s staff inform him of any changes.

Lucia waited a few moments then quietly said, “So you are saying that you have no intention of improving security measures?” While waiting for his response, Lucia maintained direct eye contact but didn’t move a muscle.

“No, that is not what I am saying. But there are so many last minute changes that we don’t know what is going on until someone calls down for a limo.”

Lucia acknowledged the problems he was facing and pledged to help him in any way that she could. She asked Mike Johnson if he could have whoever was assigned to her that day, meet with her each morning to review the planned events and make any needed adjustments. She also told him that his office would have a packet of information a day ahead so last minute verbal instructions wouldn’t be an ongoing problem.

When she left the security office, she could tell that she made definite inroads with the security team. They seemed much happier that they would have advance notice and their input would be sought.

Lucia looked at her watch and realized it was almost eleven so she called Arthur to see if she could drop by for lunch. He graciously accepted her suggestion so instead of going back upstairs, she called Mealy to let her know then headed back in the security office to ask for a ride.

When Mike Johnson saw her walk in, he smiled instantly and said “Yes?”

Lucia returned his smile and said, “Actually I have a last minute request.”


Lucia felt a twinge of sadness as she walked towards Arthur’s beautiful house. At first, she couldn’t place the feeling then she began to realize it was because it was Anderson’s childhood home and he had no intention of sharing that part of his life with her. In fact he never talked about his emotions with her, preferring to keep her at arm’s length at all times.

Arthur answered the door himself, he looked concerned but kissed her on the cheek and welcomed her inside. Arthur escorted her to the formal dining room where Adeline served them an elegant lunch of broiled salmon with a dill sauce, roasted baby potatoes and artichoke hearts.

While enjoying the sumptuous meal that Adeline had prepared, Lucia and Arthur talked about the overall campaign and how voters were responding to Anderson’s message.

Arthur gently asked her, “Are you in love with someone else?”

Lucia was stunned and simply stared at him for a second in astonishment.

“I may be in the “golden years” of my life as the saying goes but I still recognize basic human flaws. I know that you were rushed into a quick marriage and it is not easy dealing with the pressures of the campaign. But I had hoped that you and Anderson would find common ground.”

“Arthur, I haven’t been unfaithful to Anderson. It was a chance meeting and no, I am not in love Paul. I don’t think that I ever was.” Lucia told him.

She had faced Anderson’s anger, the media’s dark questions and the campaign staff on this issue; she didn’t expect Arthur to doubt her as well.

“I can’t believe that you of all people, believed that report.” Lucia stood up and threw her napkin on the table.

Arthur was immediately at her side and said “I’m sorry. Of course I don’t believe that the story had any real basis.”

Lucia’s anger suddenly dissipated and she said “Anderson doesn’t believe me.”

“He is stubborn but he is good at finding the truth.” Arthur acknowledged and suggested that have coffee in the library.

Lucia went to the library and tried to gather her thoughts. She didn’t come to discuss her problems with Anderson, she wanted Arthur’s guidance in altering her role in the campaign. She sat in one of the wing back chairs and waited for Arthur. The library was a place of refuge during her pre-wedding stay, for some reason the staff stayed away from the dark, cluttered existence of the room. It was filled with not just books but photographs and mementos.

When Arthur came in carrying two cups of coffee, Lucia smiled at the ease of such a wealthy, important man. He wasn’t above remembering how she took her coffee and serving it himself.

“Arthur, I wanted to speak with you about my role in the campaign.”

Arthur simply said, “shoot.”

“I don’t want to do any more expensive lunches with wealthy socialites.”

“You have been marvelous at raising campaign contributions. The money has poured in.”

“But I hate every moment of being on display and I have nothing in common with most of those women.” Lucia argued.

“Part of politics is meeting people from all walks of life.”

“Yes, but I want to meet that particular group when I have Anderson with me.”

“Why?” Arthur questioned her.

“Because I would rather focus on getting people to think about their choices instead of playing a superficial role.” Lucia explained.

Before Arthur had a chance to speak, Lucia said, “I have felt like an outsider and even though some people have been gracious, most of the women either ignore me or treat me as if I am an idiot. Not to mention that my public image is shaped by photographs of me going to country clubs, expensive restaurants and elegant dinners. I want to seem more ordinary.”

Arthur grinned, “You are the first woman that I have heard say the she wants to be ordinary.”

Lucia said “You know what I mean. If I’m going to help Anderson at all then I need to come off as an average American who understands the problems that our communities are facing.”

After much debate about her role in the campaign, Arthur asked “Have you discussed these changes with Anderson?”

“He has left my schedule and activities to my staff. The problem is that everyone is so new that I feel lost most of the time.” Lucia confessed.

Instead of looking surprised or upset, Arthur nodded his head in agreement and acknowledged “It is true. Anderson is facing the same dilemma. Some of his staffers have experience but in the end he owns the process and makes the decisions that will ultimately decide whether he wins or loses.”

He continued, “Figuring out the dynamics and establishing a comfortable rhythm is a challenge in any new environment but the polls look good. Anderson has a ten point lead and we still have almost 3 months to go so as along as we don’t make huge mistakes, Anderson will win.”

Arthur sipped his coffee reflectively while he waited for Lucia’s response.

Instead of prevaricating, Lucia looked at Arthur directly and said “You think I will continue to make mistakes?”

Arthur put his coffee down and reached out to hold her hand. Lucia took his hand but had to look away when suddenly her heart felt like it was being squeezed painfully.

“Lucia,” Arthur said but it was too late and Lucia pulled her hand away to wipe the tears that began to fall. She had the realization that it might be her mistakes not Anderson’s that would tip the scales. First it was the abrupt comments after a speech and then her trip to California.

“You have been great. And Lucia even though you have a significant role to play in the campaign, it is ultimately up to Anderson to win. He is the candidate and even though the media loves to personalize the process, voters will weigh in on his position on the major issues.”

Lucia wiped away her tears and said “I feel like everyone is judging me and waiting for me to fail.”

Arthur stood up and pulled Lucia into a soothing embrace, “Welcome to politics. The pressure can be unbearable at times. But I can tell you are already finding your stride. The changes we discussed earlier will help.”

After a little while, Lucia pulled away and said “I need to wash my face.”

“Take your time, dear. I will meet you out in the garden.” Arthur left her alone and he headed out the French doors into the backyard.

When Lucia emerged into the garden, the afternoon sun reflected in the large coy pond cheered her up considerably. Lucia enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her face and the flagrant display of roses as she slowly walked up the path to the grand water fountain. She smiled and took in the English garden in all of its’ glory. Arthur must have quite a talent or must hire a crew of landscape artists.

“Has this always been your passion?” Lucia asked Arthur when she found him in a small gazebo set majestically to one side. Lucia could tell from the moss between the stepping stones and the hearty vines clinging to the side that the garden had been in existence for a long time.

“No. This was Virginia’s masterpiece.” Arthur quietly said.

“I’m sorry. I should have realized.” Lucia said.

“Don’t be sorry.” Arthur was lost in thought so Lucia remained quiet for a few minutes.

“This was her oasis. A place where she would come when the pressure of the outside world became too great. She never hired any help. Everything you see, she created and nurtured.”

“This place is truly amazing,” Lucia said as she glanced around at the grandeur of the garden.

“It took years and years. Sometimes I resented the amount of time she spent here.” Lucia was surprised was his admission.

“But looking back, I realize that being a judge’s wife was at times too much for her.”

“You must miss her very much,” Lucia said.

“It is difficult but life continues. Virginia would have loved you. She was so worried that Anderson would never get married after the devastating break-up with Jade.

Lucia felt uncomfortable and wasn’t sure what to say to him. 

“Arthur, I don’t want to pry into the past. If Anderson wants me to know then he will tell me himself.”

“I know my son’s weaknesses. He is too private and guards his emotions too closely. That comes from Virginia. She didn’t want any outside stress to intrude on our family life so slowly a climate evolved where problems or concerns were not voiced and issues were avoided.” Arthur disclosed.

Just as Lucia was trying to absorb the implications of what Arthur said, he continued “While I miss her more than you can imagine, I intend to let more freedom into my private life. If that means conflict or disagreements then so be it.”

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