The Convenient Wedding: a contemporary romance (The Rosa Legacy Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: The Convenient Wedding: a contemporary romance (The Rosa Legacy Book 3)
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He said, “To my beautiful wife, thank you for inviting everyone here tonight.”

Everyone happily joined him and clinked their glasses together in a friendly acknowledgement of his toast.

Marissa was lost somewhere in the middle of the table, but it was impossible to temper her loud laugh and disparaging comments. It was clearly evident to all those around Marissa that she disapproved of such a casual affair.

When the meal was served, Lucia wondered if the grilled chicken, pasta and salad were too informal. But Adeline did a wonderful job of placing serving dishes throughout the long table and let everyone serve themselves. At first, the guests seemed surprised but started helping themselves and passing the serving dishes.

Lucia relaxed and enjoyed the meal. Even though the food was simple, the marinades and fresh herbs combined nicely to offer the guests a wonderful meal.

When the dishes were being cleared, Lucia joined Adeline in the kitchen to place candles on the birthday cake. She was nervous about the surprise and her hand shook slightly as she lit the candles.

Adeline said to her, “What a beautiful cake. Anderson is luckier than he knows.”

Lucia smiled at Adeline and carefully picked up the cake. Adeline dimmed the lights and the room became quiet as Lucia carried the large rectangular cake that was decorated as an American Flag from the kitchen to the dining table in front of Anderson. For a moment there was silence then Lucia began singing the traditional “Happy Birthday…”

Within seconds the entire table joined in and sang to Anderson. He stood and pulled Lucia into his arms.

Someone said, “Remember to make a wish.”

Anderson blew out the candles. Turning to draw Lucia into his embrace, he whispered “Do you think my wish will come true?” 

“Maybe,” was Lucia’s stilted reply.

She carried the cake back into the kitchen to be cut and served.

When the dessert and coffee were being served, the fireworks started. Lucia was relieved to see that the large windows in the loft displayed the fireworks brilliantly. Adeline turned down the lights and everyone enjoyed the show.

When the finale was reached, the guests cheered. Everyone stood and thanked Anderson and Lucia for an enjoyable evening.

Arthur was the first person to leave. He kissed Lucia on the cheek and waved to everyone. Instead of hanging about, the other guests began saying goodnight.

Almost everyone had left when Marissa asked Anderson if Jade had a pleasant trip to New York. Before Anderson had a chance to respond, Albert Morton suggested to Anderson that they have a nightcap.

But to Lucia’s surprise, he politely declined and said he had other plans. Albert Morton and Marissa seemed slighted and rather abruptly left the loft.

Anderson smiled as if nothing was wrong and said to Lucia, “It was a wonderful evening. Thank you.”

Lucia fully expected him to retreat to his office but instead he helped clear the table.

Lucia numbly went through the motions of cleaning up, but her mind kept turning over the fact that Jade had recently met Anderson in New York and Marissa had known about it. The only thought Lucia kept returning to was that she must be in shock because she felt nothing except a cool chill running down her back. Since their wedding, she had been so careful to present the right image for Anderson but then he openly meets his old girlfriend in New York.

Her hands were shaking and she tried to bring in a calming breath and remind herself that in less than six months she would be free.

Within an hour, the entire space was returned to normal and the dishwashers were quietly running.

Anderson thanked Adeline and Barbara and arranged for a car to take them home. Adeline simply smiled and murmured, “It was our pleasure”.

Francine surprised them by saying, “It is not that late actually so I think that I will go home myself instead of staying over.”

“You are welcome to stay,” Lucia assured her.

“I know, dear. But I have a busy day tomorrow so it would be good to get home tonight.” Francine explained.

Lucia hugged Francine goodbye and felt as if she was losing a needed safety net.

“I’ll see you soon.” Francine warmly hugged Anderson and slipped out the door.

“It is not even midnight.” Lucia exclaimed as she glanced at Anderson.

“I’m glad that you didn’t take my advice and have it catered.” Anderson said.

“So will my wish come true tonight?” Anderson asked her.

“What wish?” Lucia asked him but as she looked at the rigid stance of his body and the vulnerable air about him as he waited for her reaction, Lucia instinctively knew.

“That instead of playing a part, you will become my wife,” Anderson challenged her. The intensity of his words alarmed her. Lucia wanted to keep her protective barriers firmly in place so once the marriage was over, she wouldn’t be devastated. 

To give herself more time to think, she said “I don’t know you well enough yet.”

“What is it that you want to know?” Anderson asked guardedly.

“I want to know about your relationship with Jade.” Lucia surprised herself by saying the words out loud.

She faced him and reminded herself that all of his friends and family knew about the mystery surrounding his old girlfriend.

“My past relationship has no bearing on us,” his words were spoken harshly and gone was any trace of vulnerability.

“How can you say that? Everyone that was in this room tonight knows about her.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Anderson evaded her question.

“All of your friends that came tonight know you very well. What you like to do in your free time, where you go on vacation, all about your past relationship, your connection to your mother…”

“Lucia, this doesn’t make any sense. They are friends. That is all. They don’t possess some secret knowledge. Why does this bother you so much?” Anderson said as he stood facing her.

“I know almost nothing about you. Only what you let the world see yet you expect me to be this perfect wife.” Lucia explained.

“It takes time, bella. We have been married for barely six weeks.” 

“It’s very hard to live up to everyone’s expectations.” Lucia said.

He met her gaze. “At times it seems as if you are holding your breath and waiting for our marriage to be over.”

“Can you blame me? We are under so much pressure and everyone is expecting our marriage to fail.” Lucia said.

“You are over thinking this. I think people may be curious but I don’t think anyone is waiting for our marriage to fail.” Anderson said to her.

“Marissa is.” Lucia responded.

“Maybe you are right,” Anderson said in a flat tone as he turned away.

“Don’t walk away,” Lucia said.

“I’m not interested in fighting with you,” Anderson told her as he went up the stairs.

Lucia seethed with anger as she realized that he was walking away from her in disinterest.

The anger over being forced into the role of perfect wife was spilling out her. When she climbed the stairs, she began to realize that she longer cared about respecting the lines that she had carefully constructed to make her marriage safe. Lucia walked into the bedroom as Anderson was removing his t-shirt.

“Did you see Jade in New York?”

Anderson stood watching her. His body had become very still.

“I have not been unfaithful to you nor do I plan to be,” he replied. Lucia could tell the admission was forced from him.

“Marissa asked you tonight if Jade had a pleasant trip to New York. So are you saying that you didn’t see her?” Lucia questioned him.

“I don’t intend to discuss my relationship with Jade except to say that it was over a long time ago. I’m sure you have had similar relationships in your past.” Anderson said dismissively.

Lucia was at a loss. Anderson wasn’t attempting to dispute or reassure her but simply wanted her to leave the past alone.

They stood there in silence, her earlier anger turned to despondency when she realized that Anderson wasn’t interested in a strong emotional connection to her but rather continuing a superficial relationship. By not discussing his meeting with Jade, it gave her a clear indication that he wasn’t willing to share his life with her.

He began to unbutton his jeans and Lucia turned away and went into the bathroom.

Instead of challenging him, Lucia decided to retreat back into a safe existence. She had never had the type of relationship that he had with Jade. For her love was always about safety or friendship never about passion or desire. She closed the bathroom door and it hit her that she was more than just attracted to him. She wanted all of him, his mind, his emotions and his future. Lucia wondered if this overwhelming need was indeed love or was it just an infatuation. As the pain grew inside of her, she knew it was love. But she also knew he was incapable of returning her feelings and that she would have to plan her escape.




Chapter 8

Lucia thought about traveling home for a few days. Instead of having to play the part of adoring wife, she would be able to escape the media frenzy for a few days. The unexpected trip had come about when she had gone into the campaign headquarters that morning and found that her schedule for the next three days was somewhat open. With Brian’s encouragement, she booked a last minute ticket to California.

Anderson was out at a campaign event so she left a note on his desk. She felt slightly guilty about abandoning him but she reasoned that he came and went as he pleased without consulting her. Maybe a few days apart would ease some of the tension that had crept into their relationship.

She made it to the airport and through security in record time. In the rush to make her last minute flight, she didn’t even pack a bag. At the gate, she purchased a baseball cap and wore sun glasses with her hair up. Without any make-up or an entourage, she was able to blend into the crowd.

When she settled down into her first class seat, she decided to turn off her cell phone and truly leave her life in Connecticut behind for a few days.

The plane landed in San Diego late in the evening. Lucia stood up and stretched her legs and flexed her shoulder muscles. The six hour flight had left her tired and listless. When she walked into the terminal, the feeling of being home hit her. She made her way outside into the warm night air and flagged the first available taxi.

After giving the address to the driver, Lucia hoped that her parents would be awake. She leaned back into the seat and thought that the interior of the taxi seemed to have a thin layer of grime on every surface.

After paying the driver, she got out and admired her parent’s home for a moment before walking towards the front door. The contemporary home was spacious and inviting and seemed to blend beautifully into the natural landscape.

The front door opened and her mother welcomed her in before she had a chance to ring the doorbell. “Is everything alright?” her mother asked.

“Yes, fine. I just need a break.” Lucia said.

Her father appeared and gave her a warm hug. He said, “We are delighted to see you but Anderson called earlier and seemed concerned by your sudden trip.”

“Well I just decided this morning and he was busy so I left him a note.” Lucia explained.

“A note?” Her mother echoed and looked at her father.

“Maybe you should call him and let him know that you arrived safely,” her father suggested.

“I’ll call him in the morning, it is almost midnight in Connecticut.” Lucia hedged.

They went into the kitchen for a snack. Lucia filled them in on the campaign and July 4th. Even though they looked concerned, she could tell they didn’t want to pry.

“We should probably get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning.” her mother said.

“I’m going to go for a quick swim before bed.” Lucia said.

She gave both her parents a kiss goodnight and headed out the back door. Instead of going into the pool house to search for a swimsuit, Lucia pushed the button to uncover the pool and simply undressed.

She stood in the darkness, and completely relaxed. She dove into the pool and let the cool water claim her body. She slowly surfaced and started methodically swimming laps. After twenty minutes, she pulled herself out of the pool and sat on the edge enjoying the night air. It crossed her mind that this experience wouldn’t be possible in Connecticut. She had to worry about reporters anytime she went out in public. Lucia could see the neighbor’s houses on both sides in the distance but the terrain and landscaping gave the pool privacy.

Lucia started to feel a chill and went in search of a towel.

One of the guest bedrooms in her parent’s house was for her use. The walk-in closet contained her clothing and personal items she didn’t take to Connecticut, there was a spacious desk and a terrace. After college, her mother had tried to persuade her to move into the newly decorated suite but Lucia had resisted. She had found an entry level job in Corporate Communications in Sacramento, nearly four hours north of San Diego. Even though she had missed her family and friends at first, it allowed her to escape the protective embrace of her parents and strike out on her own.

She thought about her life in Sacramento, and her relationship with Paul came to mind. They dated through college then for nearly five years afterward. But Lucia always thought of him as more of a friend then a romantic partner. She was happy that they hadn’t married. Their relationship didn’t have that spark of attraction or chemistry that was needed. A mutual friend had told her that Paul moved back to San Diego a month ago.

She should make her visit brief and get back to her life with Anderson. Instead of going to bed, Lucia logged onto the web and checked her email. After considering various requests and invitations, she sent an email to Anderson that read ‘I made it safely. I’ll see you Thursday’. Lucia decided not to include any salutation. She then sent an email to her cousin, Emilia, suggesting that they meet for lunch the next day.

At breakfast, her father told her that he hadn’t sold her car yet so it was still in the garage. Her mother suggested that they all meet downtown for dinner at a new restaurant about seven o’clock.

Just as her parents were leaving, the house phone rang and she answered it expecting Emilia.

She instinctively tightened her grip on the phone when she heard Anderson’s say “Lucia.”

There was a moment of silence before Lucia said “Hi.” She didn’t want to face Anderson’s wrath with her parents standing close by.

She asked Anderson to wait a moment and told her parents that she would meet them later then went to her bedroom for privacy.

“Did you get my email?” Lucia asked him.

“You should have spoken with me.” 

“It was spontaneous but I checked with Brian before deciding to take a couple of days off,” Lucia calmly explained.

“I expect you to discuss your schedule directly with me. Do you understand?” Anderson said.

“I don’t need your permission to visit my parents,” Lucia argued.

“You do need to think about your personal safety. The trip should have been planned carefully.” Anderson said.

“I wasn’t recognized at the airport and I will be careful.” Lucia modulated.

They spoke for a few more minutes about upcoming events and then to end the conversation Anderson said. “Hurry back.”

Lucia said “Ciao, Anderson.” 

Instead of dwelling on the conversation, Lucia gathered her bag and keys and went out. She called Emilia from her cell and arranged a lunch date then climbed into her car.

While driving along the highway, she realized she missed the freedom of having a car. She decided to take a drive along the coast before lunch. 

She was early for her lunch date, so she spent a little while window shopping.

“You look amazing,” Emilia greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. The two chatted for a while before ordering lunch. Emilia knew the real reason that she married Anderson but she stubbornly clung to her romantic fantasy that Lucia would fall madly in love with him.

Trying to downplay her feelings for Anderson, Emilia immediately saw through her. Lucia tried to explain that Anderson didn’t return her feelings and that it would end in heartbreak. Emilia didn’t give up, telling Lucia that she had seen them together and that Anderson was crazy about her. Lucia tried to dispel that illusion by explaining that his attentiveness was for the media.

Emilia surprised her by coming right out and asking her if she had made love with Anderson. Emilia sized up the situation and said “Lucia, if you care about Anderson then you will need to let him know how you feel.”

Lucia said, “No, we have been placed in an impossible situation. Given the media coverage and the campaign schedule, we can’t possible have a normal courtship.”

Emilia said to her, “Lucia, you are married to him. Forget about courtship, let him know how you are feeling.”

“He doesn’t want some admission of love from me. He is still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Jade.”

“I think you may be wrong about Jade. If he loved her then he wouldn’t have married you.”

They finally had a chance to place their order. The conversation changed to the campaign for a while then after a hurried lunch Emilia raced off to get back to work.

Lucia wandered out to the busy street and was absorbed in the flow of activity. A feeling of happiness fell over Lucia as she enjoyed the warm sunshine and the freedom of wandering around the busy shops.

She spent most of the afternoon just relishing the feeling of being invisible. She slowly meandered through the small boutiques and specialty shops. At the entrance of an Art Gallery, she paused to admire an elaborate display of bronze sculptures. While deciding whether to inquire about a particular piece, someone lightly touched her back.

Lucia turned in surprise and was greeted with her ex-boyfriend’s lop-sided grin and welcoming embrace. “Paul” Lucia said in surprise.

After a brief hug, Paul said. “I thought you were living in Connecticut these days.”

“Well, yes. Actually I’m just home for a brief visit.” Lucia explained.

“Are you by yourself?” Paul asked her.

Lucia nodded her head in acknowledgement and Paul smoothly said, “How about a cup of coffee?”

For some reason Lucia felt apprehensive but pushed the feeling aside and said “sure.”

They went in search of a cafe and when they had to cross a busy intersection; Paul reached for her hand to pull her close. Lucia tightened her hand in his and smiled up at him.

When they were seated at an outside café, Paul said, “I was a little surprised to hear that you were already married.”

Lucia acknowledged his comment by saying “Yes, I met Anderson and it was love at first sight.”

“I’m happy for you, Luce.” Paul said.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone else?” Lucia said.

Paul looked down. “I don’t know. We had been dating a long time and I guess I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

Lucia took a sip of her coffee and thought about Anderson. She couldn’t wait to return home.

“You left me on the day we were supposed to marry. The worst part was not being able to speak with you. I thought we were friends.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you to deal with it on your own.” Paul revealed.

“We were good friends, Paul. But friendship alone isn’t enough for marriage. It has worked out for the best.”

Paul placed his hands around his cup of coffee. “I’ve missed you.”

“I should be going.”

Paul glanced at her. “I’m happy for you, Luce. You deserve the best.” Lucia smiled back at him.

Lucia glanced at her phone, and said “I’m meeting my parents for dinner so I really should go.”

After taking a last sip of her creamy coffee, she stood up and gathered her shopping bags.

Paul reached forward and gently placed his hands on her shoulders as he placed a brief kiss on her lips. Lucia thought to herself that even though it was nice to know that Paul was doing well, she desperately missed Anderson.

“Take care of yourself.” She left Paul standing at the table.

Lucia made her way back to the art gallery and found herself mesmerized by the bronze statue of a young boy building a structure. She hesitated but then pushed away her reluctance and purchased the statue, choosing to have it shipped home.

Later at dinner, while she was describing the statue to her parents, she noticed them exchange knowing glances. Instead of questioning them, she allowed the conversation to switch to politics, the economy and finally a trip they were planning to Europe.

Almost as an aside, she remembered unexpectedly meeting Paul and mentioned it to her parents. They seemed surprised that he was in San Diego but Lucia told them he moved back shortly after their break-up. Her parents seemed to like Paul at the time but they now confided that they had reservations about Lucia’s future with him.

Lucia glanced out at the view of the night skyline and decided that she would head back to Connecticut in the morning. Instead of feeling trapped by her life, she missed Anderson and the life she was building.

Back at her parent’s home, she called the airline and switched her ticket to a six a.m. flight.

Her father gave her a hug and said, “I wish your visit was longer but they must need you back at the campaign.”


As the plane descended, Lucia put the novel that she was reading into her bag.

Lucia was reviewing her schedule for the week and deciding what to focus on.

She emerged from the terminal, and heard someone call her name. She turned toward a slew of reporters shouting questions and crews of videographers angling for a clear shot.

Recovering her poise, she forced a smile. The media swooped in but her sense of self-protection forced her to remain perfectly still and exude calmness. Lucia knew that the media needed to be courted or appeased not rebuffed if Anderson wanted to remain a strong contender for Congress.

Out of the chaos, Lucia heard someone ask if she went to California to meet her boyfriend. Her gaze focused on a local newspaper being help up that had a picture of her with Paul. 

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