The Confession (5 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Muscella

Tags: #crisis of faith, #families in crisis, #fiction about relationships and families

BOOK: The Confession
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He knew his absence
bothered her, and he knew she understood why he worked so many
hours. Being a pediatric doctor in a large metropolitan hospital
has its drawbacks. Several times a week, Adam found himself in the
emergency room surrounded by sick children. So many parents did not
have adequate health
and used the hospital’s
emergency services as a substitute for preventive health care. The
past few months were especially tiresome, and he looked forward to
a relaxing weekend.

Lydia heard the shower door open and
turned to face her husband. She immediately looked down to his
straining erection. “Do my eyes deceive me? When was the last time
we had shower sex?”

“Why are you teasing me? I
don’t remember the last time I’ve had an erection.” Closing the
distance between
he said, “If I don’t come soon, I
will lose my mind. Wrap your legs around me baby.”

Adam lifted her effortlessly and her
legs went around his hips. “I’ve missed this Adam. I have missed
talking to you before falling asleep. I know it is not your fault,
but I wish you would cut back on the hours. We need time alone, and
the children miss their father.”

“Let’s not talk about this now. What I
want is to make love to my beautiful wife.” To emphasize the point,
he entered her with one swift thrust of the hips. “After all these
years, you still feel like heaven to me Lydia. God, I love you so

Reaching between them, Adam flicked his
thumb across her sensitive clit. He felt her muscles clench around
his cock, which only intensified the pleasure. “Do that again
honey, I’m so close.” With the warm water flowing around them, Adam
arched his back as he felt the sudden rush of semen shoot out from
the tip of his cock. “Wow, sorry honey that was quick. I can do
better next time.”

Laughing, she kissed him again. “I’m
going to hold you to that promise.”

Later that evening, as they
lay holding each other, Adam relayed his conversation with Bobby.
“I still don’t feel comfortable with him playing college football,
but I have to step back a little and let him spread his
while still living under our roof. That way, we can keep an
eye on him.”

“Our kids are growing up too fast.
Bobby already told me he wants the garage apartment once Gail
leaves for college. She can have his room when she comes home to

Adam laughed. “That boy is shrewd. I
never thought he would confiscate Gail’s little apartment. As long
as she’s ok with him moving in, I don’t see a problem.”

Reaching down to stroke him again,
Lydia whispered in his ear, “Do you realize we will finally have
the house all to ourselves. We can walk around naked, and make love
in every room of the house. I seem to remember a few hot sessions
on the kitchen table. Maybe we could do that again.”

Groaning, Adam said, “Only
if it doesn’t break my back. We are no longer limber
-something kids with raging hormones. But, I’m willing to see
if I still have what it takes to make you scream.”

“Oh, you still have what it
takes. If you want to practice, I’m wet and willing.”
Laughing, she said, “We had an
endless amount of energy and a healthy sex life.
all over our little apartment. I have
fond memories of that
ratty old
sofa. I do believe we
conceived Gail on that

“I was so ambitious. I
neglected you, and for that, I am sorry. I wanted to give you the
world. I wanted to give our children a secure future.” Adam stopped
talking as painful memories resurfaced. Lydia felt
tense against her body.

“What’s wrong Adam? I felt your entire
body tense against mine.”

“I’m sorry. I was thinking
about John. I know it pissed him off when you started dating me. We
had a few shoving
and I told him to back the fuck
off. He said he loved
and I was the reason you ended the
relationship. I told him he needed to accept this and find someone
else to love. I never felt comfortable having him hang around you
when I was working.”

“When did this happen?”

“Right after we came back
from our honeymoon. I went over to my parent’s house because we
brought back a few gifts for them from Jamaica.
John was sitting at the kitchen table
nursing a hangover and being a dick as usual. I swear Lydia, the
look on his face was so ugly.
He hated me
and let me know it at every opportunity. I told him that if he
couldn’t be civil
us, then I wanted him to stay away
from you.”

Lydia remembered more than a few
conversations with John. “I told John many times I could not return
his feelings for me. He knew I loved you, and nothing would change
my love for you. I thought he had accepted this long before our

“I thought so too. Do you
know what he said to me? He told me that I don’t deserve
and once you realized you made a mistake marrying me, you
would go back to him.” Adam gritted his teeth at the

Shocked and saddened, Lydia held onto
him tightly. “I don’t understand why he hated you so

“Neither do I honey, but I
will admit I was glad when he left home. I was reaching the end of
my rope with his attitude.
find it strange there are no
pictures of him anywhere in my parent’s house. It feels like he was
disowned or something. I always wondered what happened to

“Well, now we know what
happened to him. I still cannot believe it. It felt weird standing
outside the church. I cannot picture
as a priest. He was so
arrogant and hotheaded. Do you think we should visit him? Mom said
not spoken to her since that first

“No. If he wants to reconnect with his
family, he needs to make the first move.”

Chapter 4

“Ok kids, listen to granny and gramps.
Mom and I will be at the shore house until Sunday afternoon. We
will be home before you are asleep.”

Turning to face his mother,
Adam kissed her cheek. “Thanks Mom for
with the kids
this weekend. Lydia and I desperately needed a weekend to

Margaret patted his cheek. “You look
tired sweetie. Have fun and do not worry about anything. Daddy and
I will take care of the kids. We already have an itinerary of
events planned for the weekend. Tomorrow, Dad is taking Bobby to
the Aquarium, and I am taking Gail to the Zoo. We will meet for
lunch and then see a movie. Sunday, we are having a cookout with
some of their friends. Don’t worry, we’ll have fun.”

Mom. I love the two of

“That’s nice to hear sweetheart, we
love you too. Now, get out of here before you hit rush hour

Like two little kids going
on an adventure, Adam and Lydia ran out of the house laughing and
holding hands. “I feel guilty,” Lydia said as they hit the Atlantic
. “I already miss the kids. I
don’t t know what I will do when Gail goes to college. If you think
I was emotional at the graduation, wait until the end of August. I
might need Valium to keep me calm. Gail hates it when I cry. Did
you see the eye roll at the graduation party?”

“She told me more than once
that while she desperately loves both her parents, it’s time to cut
the umbilical cord. I have to
agree with her
honey. Gail is
mature beyond her eighteen years. Although, I will admit I felt a
tear or two as I watched her accept her diploma. I will
the impact of her leaving when I see her car driving away from
the house. She will always be our little girl.”

Closing her eyes, Lydia
fought the urge to cry. She sniffled a few times and Adam quickly
glanced over to look at her. “Don’t cry honey. We are
parents, and it is time to let our little birds fly free and
experience life. Come on now, cheer up, and enjoy the weekend.
Mommy and Daddy are finally alone for forty-eight hours. Let’s
enjoy it.”

They drove in blissful
silence all the way to Cape May. Upon arriving, they sat in the car
for several minutes, just looking at the house. Lydia turned to her
husband and said, “We have
to schedule
a vacation before
the end of the summer with the kids. One last summer with the
entire family before Gail leaves.”

“That would be nice. I’ll schedule an
entire week off at the end of August.”

When they reached the front door, Adam
lifted his wife into his arms. “What are you doing? Put me

“Hell no little lady, I am
taking you right up to the bedroom. My balls are
and I only know of one way to make it better.”

“You have such a dirty
mouth, but I like it. I think you need a complete physical. Let
nurse Lydia make it all better.” Later that
sated and
content, Adam held his wife close to his warm body. “Nurse Lydia
deserves a raise.”

“My services are not
Dr. Brady. This one is free of charge.”

“We needed this weekend,”
Adam said with a contented sigh. “Can you believe we
are about to celebrate our
twentieth wedding anniversary?
Where did
the time go? It feels like yesterday we were pushing
and now our children are happy and healthy young

Lydia remembered those
first few years, and for her, they were happy memories. “You and
the children are my
to this earth. If I lost any
of you, it would destroy me. I love
Adam, with every fiber of
my being. I wish you would slow down and enjoy life more than you
do now.”

“I work hard to make a
better life for my family. My parents worked their entire adult
life to
make sure we
had everything we needed.
Dad made
sacrifices for us. I remember him stuffing newspaper into his shoes
when the soles wore out. Rather than buy new shoes, we had Birthday
or Christmas gifts. I’ll never forget his sacrifices, and it makes
me happy helping my parents now.”

“I never understood how
John could turn his back on the entire family. One day he was
there, and the next, he was gone. I asked Dad several times what
happened. Lydia, you should have seen the look on his face.
I have never seen my father so
angry, and we all know he has a short fuse.”

“Whatever happened, it was
John’s decision to avoid his family. It must be awkward for your
parents having him back home.” Sighing, she said, “That’s enough
talk of the past. I want to live in the present. I love
Adam. I always will.”

Those few words meant the
world to him. Rolling onto his side, he spooned Lydia and whispered
to her, “You are my
Lydia. I love you.”

Wiggling her ass against his erection,
she whispered, “Why don’t you show me how much you love me.” Adam
spent the next few hours doing just that.

Chapter 5

The nightmare had returned.
Her body pinned to the bed, forced to have sex against her will.
The images were always the same, the outcome always the same. She
could not see the face. She only felt the oppressive suffocation of
his body on top of hers. Her mind screamed no, and her body felt
frozen. Lydia opened her eyes and suppressed the scream that was
bubbling up from her throat. It had been several years since she
had this particular dream. Rolling over,
said a silent
prayer of thanks that Adam was still sleeping. She quietly got out
of bed and walked over to the patio doors that led out to the deck.
The trees blocked the view from the street and kept the room cool
at night. Every time she had the dream, it took a few hours for her
to calm down. Lost in thought, she did not hear Adam’s cell phone

Adam rolled over and fumbled for the
phone. “Who is this, and why are you calling in the middle of the

“Adam,” his mother cried into the
phone. The sound of her tear-filled voice had him on instant alert.
“Mom, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

“It’s Gail. We took the
kids to the movies, and as we were walking to the car, someone hit
her in the parking lot. Gail pushed Bobby out of the
and the car
her. We are at the
Pennsylvania Hospital. Hurry home

Looking over to see the other side of
the bed empty, he called out for his wife. “Lydia, where are

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