The Confession (34 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Muscella

Tags: #crisis of faith, #families in crisis, #fiction about relationships and families

BOOK: The Confession
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“If you take away anything from my
sermon today, it is that no one in this room is perfect. Perfection
is unattainable. God loves us just as we are, and the church is a
place for healing, where people are not judged for past sins. This
holy place is a sanctuary, a place to meditate, repent, and
forgive. We are all sinners, and it is a true testament of our
faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive the sinner. I stand
before you today as your Pastor, but I also stand before you today
as one of the forgiven. Go with God, and I hope to see all of you
next Sunday.”


All eyes were on John as he sat in the
patient waiting room. He had a death grip on Jennifer’s hand.
“Honey, why are you so nervous?”

He leaned in and whispered, “Everyone
is staring at me. I feel really uncomfortable.”

Jennifer tried not to laugh. “Well,
maybe it’s because they’ve never seen a Pastor sitting in an
obstetrician’s office. Relax honey, and let go of my hand. I can’t
feel my fingers.”

“I’m sorry darling,” John said as he
raised her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips. Everyone in
the waiting room once again stared at him. He felt heat creep up
his neck, and nervously pulled at his collar. He thanked the
heavens when the nurse approached them.

“Pastor and Mrs. Brady,
please follow me.” The nurse escorted them to one of the
examination rooms. “Mrs. Brady, please disrobe and put on this
gown. The
will be with you shortly. Pastor Brady, please
take a seat on the other side of the room.”

When the nurse closed the door, John
took his seat and watched his wife disrobe. His eyes devoured his
wife. Jennifer looked over at him and raised her eyebrows. “Why are
you looking at me that way? You should see the look on your

“How do I look?” John whispered as he
walked over to her and gathered her in his arms.

“You look like you want to devour me,”
she whispered in his ear.

“You look beautiful
standing before me,
with my babies. I have never seen
you more beautiful.”

“You sure do know how to
make a pregnant woman feel beautiful. Wait until I’m eight months
pregnant and waddling all over the house. I won’t feel

“Nonsense, you will always
look beautiful to me.” John lowered his hand to caress his babies.
“I love touching you like this Jenny darling. Words cannot express
the joy I feel when I touch our babies. I love

The abrupt appearance of
the doctor interrupted them. Dr. Cassidy laughed as she entered the
room. “Please, don’t let me interrupt the two of you. I love seeing
moments between expectant parents. Pastor Brady,
please take a seat on the other side of the partition. I’d like to
begin the examination.”

John took his seat and several minutes
later, the lights went off. It was time for the ultrasound. John
stared at the monitor with wide eyes. The babies were animated and
it was easy for the doctor to determine the sex of the

“Well, would you like to know the sex
of the babies?”

John’s rather loud yes drew
laughs from both the doctor and his wife. He sheepishly apologized
for the outburst. “Sorry, I guess I’m a little excited seeing my
babies for the first time.
Doctor, the suspense is
giving me a migraine.”

The doctor pointed to each
baby. “This is your son, and this,” she pointed to the other baby,
“is your second son. Two boys, Jennifer, you have two

Four months later

I have witnessed the most
incredible gift God has bestowed upon me. My beautiful sons Gabriel
and Ian came into this world at
yesterday morning.
My life has come full circle, and as I watch my children sleep, I
am hopeful for the future. My
will know their father
loves them. I will support them, encourage them to live their
dreams, and love them all the days of my life.

When I look back
events in my life, I am amazed to have finally found peace and

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