The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated) (442 page)

BOOK: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare In Plain and Simple English (Translated)
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Very ready, sir.

It’s ready, sir.





How now, Abhorson? what's the news with you?

What now, Abhorson? What’s going on with you?



Truly, sir, I would desire you to clap into your

Honestly, sir, I want you to get on with your
prayers; for, look you, the warrant's come.

Prayers; because, look, your warrant has finally come.



You rogue, I have been drinking all night; I am not

You scoundrel, I’ve been drinking all night; I’m not
fitted for 't.

Ready for it.



O, the better, sir; for he that drinks all night,

Oh, all the better, sir; since he drank all night,
and is hanged betimes in the morning, may sleep the

And is to be hanged early in the morning, he may sleep
sounder all the next day.

Soundly all the next day.



Look you, sir; here comes your ghostly father: do

Look, sir; here comes your holy confessor: do
we jest now, think you?

You still think we’re joking?


Enter DUKE VINCENTIO disguised as before



Sir, induced by my charity, and hearing how hastily

Sir, encouraged by my kindness, and hearing how quickly
you are to depart, I am come to advise you, comfort

You are to leave for the grave, I have come to give you guidance and comfort
you and pray with you.

And to pray with you.



Friar, not I I have been drinking hard all night,

Friar, not me: I have been heavily drinking all night,
and I will have more time to prepare me, or they

And I will have more time to prepare myself for death, or they
shall beat out my brains with billets: I will not

Will come beat out my brains with wooden bats: I will not
consent to die this day, that's certain.

Agree to die today, that’s for sure.



O, sir, you must: and therefore I beseech you

Oh, sir, but you must: and so I beg you
Look forward on the journey you shall go.

To think about the journey you are about to go on.



I swear I will not die to-day for any man's

I swear to you I won’t die today no matter who

Tries to persuade me.



But hear you.

But listen.



Not a word: if you have any thing to say to me,

I won’t listen to a word: if you have anything to say to me,
come to my ward; for thence will not I to-day.

Come to my cell; because I won’t be leaving there today.





Unfit to live or die: O gravel heart!

He’s unfit to live or die: Oh hardened heart!
After him, fellows; bring him to the block.

Go after him, men; bring him to the executioners block.




Re-enter PROVOST



Now, sir, how do you find the prisoner?

Now, sir, what did you think of the prisoner?



A creature unprepared, unmeet for death;

A man unprepared, and unfit for death;
And to transport him in the mind he is

And to take him away in the state of mind he is in
Were damnable.

Is sinful.



Here in the prison, father,

Here in this prison, father,
There died this morning of a cruel fever

Someone died this morning of a cruel fever
One Ragozine, a most notorious pirate,

he was named Ragozine, a famous pirate
A man of Claudio's years; his beard and head

About Claudio’s age; his heard and hair are
Just of his colour. What if we do omit

The same color as Claudio’s.  What if we forget about
This reprobate till he were well inclined;

This drunk prisoner until he is better prepared;
And satisfy the deputy with the visage

And satisfy Angelo with the head
Of Ragozine, more like to Claudio?

Of Ragozine, which looks more like Claudio?



O, 'tis an accident that heaven provides!

Oh, this is a accidental coincidence given by heaven!
Dispatch it presently; the hour draws on

Sent it immediately; it is almost the time
Prefix'd by Angelo: see this be done,

That Angelo specified: make sure this is done,
And sent according to command; whiles I

And sent to him according to his command while I
Persuade this rude wretch willingly to die.

Convince this rude villain to die willingly.



This shall be done, good father, presently.

I will get this done immediately, good father.
But Barnardine must die this afternoon:

But Barnardine must die this afternoon:
And how shall we continue Claudio,

And how will we keep Claudio,
To save me from the danger that might come

To save me from the danger that might come
If he were known alive?

If it were found out that he is alive?



Let this be done.

Do this:
Put them in secret holds, both Barnardine and Claudio:

Put them in secret cell, both Barnardine and Caludio:
Ere twice the sun hath made his journal greeting

Before the sun shines for two days over
To the under generation, you shall find

The people outside the prison, your safety
Your safety manifested.

Will become obvious.



I am your free dependant.

I am your willing servant.



Quick, dispatch, and send the head to Angelo.

Quick, leave, and send the head to Angelo.




Now will I write letters to Angelo,--

Now I will write letters to Angelo,--
The provost, he shall bear them, whose contents

The provost will take them to him, the letters will
Shall witness to him I am near at home,

Make him aware that I am close to home
And that, by great injunctions, I am bound

And that, due to strict commands, I am ordered
To enter publicly: him I'll desire

To enter publicly: I’ll want him
To meet me at the consecrated fount

To meet me at the holy springs
A league below the city; and from thence,

Three miles away from the city; and from there,
By cold gradation and well-balanced form,

With deliberate steps and careful procedures,
We shall proceed with Angelo.

I will move along with Angelo.


Re-enter PROVOST



Here is the head; I'll carry it myself.

Here is the head; I’ll bring it to him myself.



Convenient is it. Make a swift return;

That’s convenient.  Return quickly;
For I would commune with you of such things

Because I would like to discuss with you about things
That want no ear but yours.

That I need to speak about only to you.



I'll make all speed.

I’ll hurry.





[Within] Peace, ho, be here!

[Inside] Peace and hello to whoever is here!



The tongue of Isabel. She's come to know

That’s Isabel’s voice. She’s come to know
If yet her brother's pardon be come hither:

If her brother’s pardon is here yet:
But I will keep her ignorant of her good,

But I won’t tell her of the good news,
To make her heavenly comforts of despair,

In order to bring her heavenly reassurance out of despair
When it is least expected.

When she least expects it.





Ho, by your leave!

Hello, if you’ll allow me in!



Good morning to you, fair and gracious daughter.

Good morning to you, fair and gracious daughter.



The better, given me by so holy a man.

It’s better now that I have been greeted like so by a holy man.
Hath yet the deputy sent my brother's pardon?

Has the governor sent my brother’s pardon yet?



He hath released him, Isabel, from the world:

He has sent him away from this world, Isabel:
His head is off and sent to Angelo.

His head was cut off and sent to Angelo.



Nay, but it is not so.

No, but this can’t be.



It is no other: show your wisdom, daughter,

That’s how it is: that you are wise, daughter,
In your close patience.

By displaying your deep patience.



O, I will to him and pluck out his eyes!

Oh, I will got to him and stab out his eyes!



You shall not be admitted to his sight.

He will not let you see him.



Unhappy Claudio! wretched Isabel!

Unhappy Claudio! Miserable Isabel!
Injurious world! most damned Angelo!

Unfair world! And most of all damn you Angelo!



This nor hurts him nor profits you a jot;

This neither hurts him nor benefits you at all;
Forbear it therefore; give your cause to heaven.

So restrain yourself; give up your reaction.
Mark what I say, which you shall find

Listen to what I say, as you will find
By every syllable a faithful verity:

Every syllable to be very true:
The duke comes home to-morrow; nay, dry your eyes;

The duke comes home tomorrow; no, don’t cry;
One of our convent, and his confessor,

Someone from out holy order, and his confessor,
Gives me this instance: already he hath carried

Told me of this: he has already sent
Notice to Escalus and Angelo,

Notes to Escalus and Angelo,
Who do prepare to meet him at the gates,

Who are preparing to meet him at the gates,
There to give up their power. If you can, pace your wisdom

And to give up their authority. If you can, control your thoughts
In that good path that I would wish it go,

In the right way that I want,
And you shall have your bosom on this wretch,

And you shall have your heart’s desire inflicted on this scoundrel
Grace of the duke, revenges to your heart,

By the honor of the duke, revenge to your heart’s content,
And general honour.

And general honor.

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