The Cold War: A MILITARY History (78 page)

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This is based on information contained in the Federal German government document
Militärische Planungen des Warschauer Paktes in Zentraleurope – Eine Studie (Warsaw Pact Military Plans in Central Europe: A Study)
, issued by the Federal Ministry of Defence Press Office, Bonn, Germany, in February 1992.


D. Ball,
Targeting for Strategic Defence
(International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, Adelphi Paper No. 185, summer 1983), p. 5.

Cochrane et al.,
Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I
, p. 6.

Cave Brown (ed.),
Operation World War III
, p. 24.

Targeting for Strategic Defence
, p. 8.

Ibid., p. 9.

Glasstone and Dolan,
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons

The JIGSAW reports are in PRO/DEFE 11/436.

‘The Consequences of “Limited” Nuclear Attacks on the United States’,
International Security
, vol. 10, no. 4 (spring 1986), pp. 3–45.

Levi et al., ‘Civilian Casualties from “Limited” Nuclear Attacks on the USSR’, pp. 168–89.


Herman Kahn,
On Escalation
(Pall Mall Press, London, 1965 (reprint of earlier US edn)), pp. 95, 97.

Nuclear Planning Group, Final Communiqué, Taormina, Italy, 17–18 October 1991, paragraph 6.

Hackett et al.,
The Third World War

President Jimmy Carter in a letter to Senator John C. Stennis dated 11 July 1977; quoted in van Cleave and Cohen,
Tactical Nuclear Weapons
, p. 8.

Sun Tzu,
The Art of War
, p. 76.


The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

A-4 rocket (German V-2), 82–4, 91, 96, 98, 102, 108, 110–11, 115, 351

Acheson, Dean, 19, 21

Afghanistan: invaded by USSR, 29, 256; Soviet withdrawal from, 31; Soviet helicopters in, 314

air forces: NATO, 295–301; command and control, 296–7; Warsaw Pact, 312–16;
see also
bomber aircraft; fighter and attack aircraft; Strategic Air Command

air reconnaissances, 338–9

air warning and control system (AWACS), 116, 296, 300, 355

air-defence missiles and guns, 286–91

air-to-air refuelling, 134

airborne troops: NATO, 241–2; Soviet, 254–6

airbursts (nuclear), 72–3

aircraft carriers, 163, 166, 168, 172, 180, 196–205; warfare against, 206–7

(US submarine), 185

Albania: as Soviet satellite, 4; Communist government, 6, 64; refuses to attend CSCE talks, 28; and Warsaw Pact, 54, 64–5, 400; breach with USSR, 65, 400; relations with China, 65, 182; Soviet naval base in, 65, 170, 181; navy, 181–2

Algeria: French generals mutiny in, 37

Allied Control Council, 3

Allied Tactical Air Forces (ATAFs; NATO), 295, 297

ammunition: and logistics, 247

amphibious warfare, 223–7

Angola, 174

Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (1972), 28

Antonescu, General Ion, 65

Antwerp: World War II missile attacks on, 82, 83

Arab–Israeli Wars: (1967), 178; (1973), 29, 319–20; tanks in, 258

Argentina: aircraft carrier, 205; in Falklands War, 214–15

armoured personnel carriers (APCs), 275–80

artillery: field, 282–6; fire-direction, 285–6; in air defence, 286–91; targets and range, 291; nuclear, 349, 350–1; NATO, 437; Warsaw Pact, 437

Assured Destruction concept, 365

Atlantic: and NATO naval command, 49, 51; and naval power, 163

Atlantic Alliance
North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Atlas missile, 97, 103–4, 106, 364

attack aircraft
fighter and attack aircraft

Attlee, Clement, 17, 48

Australia: aircraft carrier, 205; armoured personnel carrier, 277

Austria: peace treaty (1955), 26

air warning and control system

ballistic missiles: development, 83–4; warheads, 91–4; accuracy, 93; defences, 103; stand-off, 129–31; availability, 156–7; reliability, 157–8;
see also
intercontinental ballistic missiles; intermediate-range ballistic missiles

Baltic Sea: NATO defence of, 167, 169; Soviet fleet in, 177–80, 182; in Warsaw Pact attack plans, 359

Baltic states: independence (1990–1), 67

Barents Sea, 198

battleships and battlecruisers, 217–18, 225

Belarus: independence (1991), 67

Belgium: in Benelux, 10–11; in Brussels Treaty, 11; navy, 167; army, 232; airborne troops, 242–3; mobilization, 244; logistical problems, 246; and refugee problem, 246; deployment of forces, 248; armoured infantry fighting vehicles, 277; air force and aircraft, 298–9, 308–9

Benelux (Belgium–Netherlands–Luxembourg group): formed, 10–11

Beneš, Edward, 6–7

Berlin: occupied and divided, 9, 328–9; Soviet blockade and Allied airlift (1948), 9, 332, 338; 1971 agreement (‘Berlin Accord’), 28, 344; demonstrations and opening of Wall (1989), 31, 67, 345; French occupation zone, 33, 35, 329, 332, 346–7; uprisings (Eastern), 57, 67, 336, 340; responsibilities for defence, 323, 358; status and administration, 328–31, 344, 346–7; access, 329–30, 341; Air Safety Centre (BASC), 329; military strengths and organization (Western), 333–5, 339; contingency plans, 336–7; Wall built (1961), 337, 342; land reconnaissances (‘probes’), 338–9; incidents and confrontations, 339–44, 347; reunification, 345–6; life and conditions in (1945–89), 346–8

Bessarabia, 9

Bevin, Ernest, 16–18, 21

Bikini Atoll, 72

Black Sea: naval forces in, 169–70, 178, 181

blast (nuclear), 73–4

bomber aircraft: types and performance, 124–30; defence and countermeasures against, 130–3; deployment, 133; targets, 133–4, 139; air tankers, 134, 415; strategic, 413–17

Bornholm (Baltic island), 13, 359

Brandt, Willy, 28

Braun, Werner von, 96, 351

Brazil: aircraft carrier, 205

Bremerhaven, 231

Brezhnev, Leonid: visits Berlin and Washington, 29; ‘Socialist Commonwealth’ doctrine, 59; and Polish crisis, 64; and submarine missile systems, 120; and strategic bombers, 129

Brunssum, 35, 51, 238, 296–7

Brussels: NATO HQ in, 27n, 52

Brussels Treaty
Western Union

Budapest, 58–9

Bukovina, 9

Bulganin, Nikolai, 62

Bulgaria: as Soviet satellite, 4; Communist government, 6; in Warsaw Pact, 54; navy, 181–2; airborne troops, 256

Bush, George, 384

Canada: and founding of NATO, 17–18; navy, 167; submarine programme, 189; aircraft carrier, 205; army, 232; airborne troops, 242; air force and aircraft, 298, 306, 308, 311; financial difficulties, 380

Carter, Jimmy, 84, 127, 366, 385–6

casualties: from nuclear attacks, 373–5, 442n

escu, Nikolae, 66–7, 181, 183

Central Group of Forces (Soviet; CGF), 253

(UK ship), 123

Chernenko, Konstantin, 43

Chevaline submarine missile system, 141

China, People’s Republic of (PRC): Communist supremacy in, 9, 47; nuclear weapons, 27, 144–8; relations with Albania, 65, 182; nuclear testing, 80–1, 145, 405; as nuclear-target reserve, 91; bombers, 145; land-based missiles, 145–8, 421; submarines, 147, 157, 418; targeting strategy, 147–8; supplies naval ships to Romania, 183; in Korean War, 257; in US nuclear strategy, 366

Churchill, Sir Winston S.: on ‘iron curtain’, 4, 231; on post-war bewilderment, 5; and naval command, 48

civil defence: cost and effectiveness, 149–50, 154; in USA, 149, 151; in USSR, 149–51; in UK, 152–3

civilian population: reaction to attacks, 81–2; casualties, 373–5, 442n;
see also
civil defence

Clay, General Lucius, 336

Closely Based Spacing (or ‘Dense Pack’), 107

Communist parties: in eastern Europe, 4, 6–8; in western Europe, 8–9; in Asia, 9–10, 47

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE; Helsinki, 1972), 28, 30, 42

(UK submarine), 188

conscription, 232

Conventional Armed Forces in Europe talks (CFE; Vienna, 1989), 31

counter-military potential (CMP), 156, 160

cruise missiles, 30, 42–4, 84n, 95 & n, 111, 113, 131, 191, 198

Cuba: Missile Crisis (1962), 27, 40, 65–6, 176; as Soviet ally, 174

Cyprus: Turkey invades, 37

Czechoslovakia: as Soviet satellite, 4, 7; Communist government in, 6–7, 11, 17, 59; ethnic Germans in, 6; invaded by Warsaw Pact forces (1968), 28, 38–40, 59–61, 253, 322, 325; and East Germans’ escapes to West, 31, 345; in Warsaw Pact, 55; armaments, 56; Soviet troops withdraw from (1990), 67; military forces, 253; airborne troops, 256; armoured personnel carriers, 279; artillery, 284, 437; aircraft industry, 313n; air force in, 315; in Warsaw Pact attack plans, 361–2

Denmark: and Nordic pact, 13–15; membership of NATO, 19, 22; relations with Iceland, 20; opposes missile deployment, 42; sea supplies to, 163; navy, 167; army, 232–3; in NATO defence strategy, 238; air force and aircraft, 298, 308

deterrence strategy, 84–6, 366–7, 387

DF weapons (China), 146–8

Dien Bien Phu, 34, 282

Dimitrov, Georgi, 6

Doolittle, Lieutenant-Colonel James, 199n

Douglas, William Sholto, 1st Baron, 338

(UK submarine), 188

Dresden: bombed (1945), 74, 372–4

ek, Alexander, 59

Dulles, John Foster, 355

Dunkirk Treaty (1947), 10–11, 21

East Berlin

East Germany (German Democratic Republic): admitted to UN, 29; recognized by West, 29; escapees to West, 31, 341–2, 345; in Warsaw Pact, 55; troops in 1968 Czechoslovak invasion, 60–1; and 1980 Polish crisis, 64; navy, 181–2; amphibious capability, 227; Soviet forces in, 250–2; military forces, 253; airborne troops, 256; air force and aircraft, 312n, 316; set up, 330; Soviet attitude to, 333; unrest in, 336; and status of West Berlin, 340; US food aid to, 340; 1989 demonstrations, 345; responsibility for taking Berlin, 348,
; in Warsaw Pact attack plans, 358, 361–2;
see also

Easton, Admiral Sir Ian, 140

Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, 89

Egypt: 1973 attack on Israel, 28, 319–20; as Soviet ally, 174;
see also
Suez crisis

(Israeli destroyer), 178

Eisenhower, Dwight D.: and ‘tripwire’ strategy, 27n; and US spy plane (1960), 27; as Supreme Allied Commander, 47; offers food aid to East Germany, 340; accepts Berlin air-ceiling limit, 341; and battlefield nuclear weapons, 355

electromagnetic pulse (EMP), 76–7,105

electronic countermeasures (ECM), 130

electronics: effects of nuclear explosions on, 72, 76–7

Emergency Rocket Communications System (ERCS), 98

enhanced-radiation warhead, 75, 77, 350, 385–6

equivalent megatonnage (EMT; nuclear weapons), 155–6

Estonia: independence (1991), 67
Ethan Allen
(US submarine), 158

Europe: post-war division and disorder, 3–5; peace settlement (1946–7), 9; NATO Central Region ground forces in, 231–2; NATO defensive strategy and forces in, 237–49, 375–6; deployment of Warsaw Pact forces in, 250–6; Warsaw Pact attack threat in, 358–62, 375–6

European Advisory Commission (EAC), 328–9

European Defence Community: formed, 26

Falklands War (1982), 172, 204, 210, 214

residual nuclear radiation Federal Republic of Germany
West Germany

fighter and attack aircraft: NATO, 302–11; international co-operation on, 308–11;
see also
air forces

Finland: post-war settlement, 9; under Soviet domination, 14, 17

firestorms, 74, 373

flash (nuclear), 73

‘flexible response’ strategy, 237, 365

Follow-On Forces Attack, 30

Fontainebleau (France), 12–13, 47, 335

Ford, Gerald, 120

(US carrier), 197–8

Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS), 89, 100

France: Communist Party in, 8; war in Indo-China, 9, 34, 168; signs Dunkirk Treaty, 10–11, 21; in Brussels Treaty, 11, 21; membership of NATO, 21; opposes European Defence Community, 26; in Suez War (1956), 26, 34, 37, 58, 223; withdraws from NATO integrated military command structure, 27, 33–6, 50, 168, 236; Berlin occupation zone, 33, 35, 329, 332, 346–7; nuclear programme and weapons, 33–4, 36, 141–4, 405, 419–20; post-war weakness, 33–4; air force and aircraft, 34, 300–1, 307–9; NATO bases moved from, 34–5, 50; First French Army, 36–7; and NATO telecommunications system, 52n; nuclear testing, 80–1, 405; wartime experience, 86; as nuclear-target reserve, 91; bomber aircraft, 141–2; land-based missiles, 141–2; submarines, 142–3, 157, 189, 194, 418; targeting strategy, 144; navy, 168–9; aircraft carrier, 205, 215; surface warships, 215–17; battleships, 217; and central-European strategy, 231; army in Europe, 236–7; airborne troops, 242; battle tanks, 265, 270, 435; armoured personnel carriers, 280; field artillery, 283, 437; air-defence missiles, 287; battlefield nuclear weapons, 349, 354, 357; and Warsaw Pact attack plans, 362; equipment, 381; contingency strike plan, 386

Franco, General Francisco, 81n

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 326

Fylingdales, Yorkshire, England, 152

Gaulle, Charles De: opposes Marshall Plan and NATO, 8; post-war position, 33; and NATO, 34, 50; return to power (1958), 34, 168; on nuclear deterrence, 144; and French navy, 168

sk, 62–3

General Belgrano
(Argentine cruiser), 188

Germany: 1945 defeat, 3; reparations, 3; refugees, 5–7; reunification (1990), 67; World War II missiles, 83, 406; recovery from wars, 86; submarines (U-boats), 110, 164, 169, 184, 190, 192–4; and outbreak of 1914 war, 326–7; bombed in World War II, 378;
see also
East Germany; West Germany

Gero, Erno, 58

Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe, 8, 65

Gierek, Edward, 62–3

Giuseppe Garibaldi
(Italian cruiser), 116, 170

Glasstone, S., and P. J. Dolan:
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons
, 367

ka, W
aw, 58, 62

Gorbachev, Mikhail: as Soviet leader, 30, 43; and collapse of Warsaw Pact, 67; and East German freedom, 345; and Warsaw Pact defence plans, 359; announces destruction of nuclear weapons, 384

Gorshkov, Admiral Sergei Georgiyevich, 176 & n, 204

Gottwald, Klement, 7

Great War (1914–18)
World War I

Greece: post-war government in, 9; USA supports, 16; membership of NATO, 22, 25, 49; hostility to Turkey, 26, 37; 1967 coup, 37; navy, 169; submarines, 191, 195; airborne troops, 242; aircraft, 308; battlefield nuclear weapons in, 350

Green, Hughie, 343

Greenland, 19, 22

Group of Soviet Forces Germany (GSFG;
Western Group of Forces), 250–2

Guernica, Spain, 81 & n

Gulf War, 247, 289n


Gunston, Bill, 135

H-bombs: miniaturized, 87

Hackett General Sir John (and others):
The Third World War
, 89n, 385

Hamburg: firestorm, 74

Harmel Report (1967), 27–8

Healey, Denis, 257n

Hegel, G. W. F., 88n

Heidelberg, Germany, 240

Heihachiro, Admiral Togo, 175n

Heinemann, Dr Gustav, 344

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe

Hiroshima, 72, 75, 80–1, 124, 136, 363, 373–4

Honecker, Erich, 64, 345

(US carrier), 199n

Hoxha, Enver, 6, 64–5

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